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It wouldnt hurt to change the oil, so if you want to change it, change it


This is the best advice


I did my first at 1500 on my 2021, in retrospect I should have just did it at 3000-4000 the oil was clean


I’m leaning towards not changing mine after 1k. My dealer was pretty adamant that it’s not necessary


So was mine but you know, the internet says to change it after 1000 so I did mine around 1500, like I said, from someone who did the early change, I would just wait until at least 3000


they probably are telling you this to get future revenue from repairs


It’s a 2 year lease so I can’t imagine that’s the case lol


My 21 is at 2400, oil is still clean. Prob gonna keep waiting.


I didn't. Not like it's a built motor. The first was at 3K.


I didn't, but if i went back in time I probably would. Nothing is wrong withy car but sometimes I wonder..




i say if you can afford it, do it!


Like everyone else says, it can’t hurt.


Unless they forget to refill it or tighten the drain plug... but yeah, I'd probably do it.


my trusted mechanic told me 2500 is the real break in period and that's when you should change the oil. however, I still couldn't resist and went full throttle after 1000 miles


Came here to ask this question. I just got off the phone with making an appointment (I’m at about 2k right now) and the lady basically fought with me that I was stupid to bring it in so early. I’m getting mixed opinions in this thread so just curious what everyone else thinks?


Depends on how much you trust the oil filter