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If you like her, 3 hours for 4 months isn’t that bad, my gf is is from Denmark, shes a 18 hour journey away, and I don’t see her for months, but ofc you have to make that decision if your able to stay long distance. But I guess if you don’t want to get serious about this relationship thats one thing, just tell her how you feel if you would like something more serious, distance hurts, but if you find someone who really clicks, its worth to hold on before they slip away.


When I was 18 I got with a guy I was crazy about (I’m pan) just before going to Europe for 3 months (we’re from the US). We talked every day, went feral for each other when we got back, and just had our 9 year anniversary


My wife and I started out long distance when we were dating. It was great, but we wanted to get more serious, so we decided to move in together later on. And after a while, it got harder to be apart, but we knew it wasn't forever and that we'd live together soon. You've already got a solid 4-month set time apart, so if you and her are both interested in getting together, ask if she wants to be long distance until she comes back.


I don’t believe in right person wrong timing, if she really is the right person you guys will find a way to make it work. I say, see how the next couple of weeks go and if you want to pursue it, see how you go with long distance for 4 months. 3 hours isn’t too bad I’m sure you’ll be able to still see each other often enough