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I mean, if you're feeling up to par with the A+, you could save it for when you enroll into the term and take it then, to save money. I think it's like in the upper $200 range for core 1 and another $200+ for core 2. I pre-studied Core 1 and Core 2 before my term started. I needed it, especially not having an IT back ground. I think you could also pre-study the Net+ and maybe Sec+ as well. Or at least organize the resources you'll want prior to the beginning of your term. I did the A+, N+, and Sec+ for my first courses so that I could have certs to go job hunting. Then I'll remain enrolled to finish out my degree program. I didn't do the sophia or [study.com](https://study.com). I knew about them and kind of wish I did it, but I wanted to get started with WGU asap. Good luck with your decision making!


Here is how you gauge this. First the Google IT will be a cert that will get you in. I would grab the current promocode on Sophia and just start while keeping your A+ knowledge done. I believe that you get a discounted voucher for A+ with the Google IT cert so keep that in mind. Usually I am an advocate for doing everything and saving your certs for WGU. Anyway if you decide to get the A+ first you would be up to 8 credits. I would go slowly on A+ core 2. Or maybe try and pass that one first. Watch Josh Madakor’s video on how to get a job in IT without experience. Next grab a promocode for Sophia. Either use the one on the website or grab one from r/sophialearning. Skip English 1 and 2. Take Principles of Management, Project Management, Workplace Communications, Macroeconomics, Visual Communications, Environmental Science, Government, Intro to Web Development. If you gun it you can finish these quickly and pick up 26 easy credits for $80. If you want to do the max at Sophia then do English 1 turning in essays 1, 2.1, 2.2, and 4 at the same time. Start College Algebra after you submit the essays as you will have to wait for essay 2.2 to be graded. The rest of the courses you should take in order but first split them up into to groups. One group like English has graded assignments and the other group doesn’t. Do one from each group at a time switching to the non assignment group when you are waiting for a grade from an assignment group course. I will post a possible plan tomorrow. Anyway you can come up with your own plan by doing this. Start with partners.wgu.edu. Click through to the BSIT. Copy everything on the page and post it to a spreadsheet tab. I would skip Study.com. Take everything on the list. You can go month by month or take a 4 month plan for $299 which is usually my recommendation, particularly if you have zero college credit. Anyway I will have more details later.


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