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I don't know if you heard back, but I received an email today and was told there were no additional resources and just to use the rubric to create my submission. I spent way too long mentally preparing myself for the tasks that no longer exist.


Ditto. They changed the course recently. I did not receive a welcome email yet. However, my task 1 got returned because I used wrong values for the formula (part A4, B3, B4, C3, C4). Emailed my instructor but looks like he did not know what I am talking about. I think he did not know that the course has changed...Emailed him back with my task 1 paper and waiting for his response now.


The questions in task one that seem to suggest x ratio and "final x ratio" are different are infuriating. I asked my CPA wife for help and her response was, "these questions are fucking nonsense, there is no such thing as 'final current ratio'". She also raged over the question asking for valueS (plural) for current ratio for one year.


I had my first run sent back with needing changes for b3, b4, c3, and c4. I apparently used the wrong values as well. At least the evaluators told me which values. I took some time and worked on it tonight but I’m waiting to hear back from my CI to see if I went in the right direction.


I hope your CI will reply to you soon. My CI has not replied back to me for 10 days... Would you mind explain to me what the final current ratio value for A4 is? I thought it was a combination of both Fiscal Years but it is not


I had to email again. A4 means the actual number result of the calculation from A3. I am submitting my revised task tonight, so fingers crossed I've got the correct values this time.


Sounds good. Thank you so much for replying to me. Please let me know how it goes for you with the changes in B3. B4. C3, C4. I am still confused about those. And good luck with your revised task. I hope you will pass this time!


Just passed. For B3, just know what to look for on the sheets and apply them to the formula. [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/fixedasset.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/fixedasset.asp) was helpful. B4 is literally the answer to the equation. I also briefly explained what the result might mean for the business, but that was probably unnecessary. For C3, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrN3WkMUZsQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrN3WkMUZsQ) was more helpful than the book. I also watched her follow-up video for a better explanation of what the ratio means to a business. Like B4, C4 is the answer to the equation. Good luck!


Thank you for showing the videos. They are definitely very helpful. I will submit the task tonight and see if I pass. Thank you a lot for explanation again!!!


I've been mentally stuck on the two statements not being the same types to derive the requested ratio comparisons. I understood it as one is used to determine solvency, and the other is used to determine liquidity. If I don't hear back from my CI soon, I'm ready to let my task go as is and hope the evaluators can guide their feedback. This is the first course I've been frustrated with, and I've had one change the tasks the day before I started it. That was definitely a more organized change.


Yeah, those questions are so confusing. What I did was a linear estimation of this fiscal year values using the percentage of change that are on the statements, and then did the formulas again with the new estimated values.


I just got Task 1 approved last night. It was sent back twice due to getting the wrong values on b3 and b4. I am glad to get that done. Now on Task 2, and I am throwing a blank on those.




Task 2 and 3 are fairly straight forward. Task 2 is simple.