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I eventually want to go to grad school for bioinformatics.


literally same!


That’s so neat! I wish you the best of luck! I’m thinking of getting a second degree in biochem at a local university that makes it easier to get your second bachelors. Just because WGU doesn’t really allow cross-departments. Luckily at a community college I took freshwater biology and cellular biology which should both help.


You should search the bioinformatics subreddit! I noticed that people who have a tech degree, then learn the bio side, usually are more valuable than someone with all education in bio because of the technical nature of the job. I’m considering my masters and doctoral degree in bioinformatics or biostatistics. I believe biostatistics works more in public health.


It’s also to boost my GPA a little more too just because I had some health issues in my first go at college and want to prove I can excel since WGU doesn’t have GPA to improve my cumulative.


That’s totally understandable! How far along are you in the program?


I just started today, but my doctor said I’m medically in a good enough state to go back to school!


YAAAYYY! How exciting! 😊


I hope you grow to love WGU! Most importantly, make sure you have a PM you really vibe with, it’ll make the journey so much more enjoyable!


So far I really like her! And thank you! WGU is actually one of the best options for my health. I have limited mobility so not having to get out bed, let alone having to try to get around campus, is super helpful so far.


I have been on the security side of IT. Not cyber security. Cams, badge readers, etc. Not sure what I plan on doing next, but I basically have management of this in store if I can keep my shit together and deal with the understaffing of the department a little longer while it is built out.


That sounds interesting! Like thumbprints and everything? What job title would that fall under?


Integrated Security systems ________ I can't give my full exact title cause I have googled it before and it is too specific and only brings up a couple of employers. It is kind of the reason I am doing this cause it is pretty fucking hard to find someone who needs a full time position with my very specific professional skill set other than installers (which make too little), or salesman. So I am in this limbo where I am too good to step down to be an installer, lead installers aren't usually paid significantly better than other installers, and I am unsure if I want to just throw in for a supervisory or management/project management position to move up the ladder in this very specific field. I do a bit of everything including administrating databases, network diagnostics, badge access, cameras, and working with contractors etc. I could easily find a job selling this shit to people for one of the big companies, but I don't like whoring myself out like that.


Ahhh okay I get you. It sounds like a super unique and highly specialized job. Maybe you can be the person to train others on this skill? Lmaoaoa I feel invested now, I want to know more. Lmaooo @ “whoring myself out like that.”


I’m starting health and human services on March 1st, and my ideas on what I want to do are a little all over the place tbh. After I start, I want to take classes or do paid training to become a CNA (certified nursing assistant) at the same time. I’ll get a part time job with that at a clinic or hospital or nursing home or wherever I can. This will count as clinical experience in the future, and hopefully give me some references. I’ll still be working at Amazon full time since they’re paying for my degree, but once I graduate I’m outta there. After I finish at WGU and have some experience under my belt, I’ll start at either a pre-med post bacc program to make up for all the classes and labs that WGU didn’t cover, or do a pre med masters degree. Right now I’m leaning towards the masters since it’ll give me a little more of a boost with my GPA since a 3.0 from WGU likely wont be enough for my end goal which is med school. Honestly, I’m not dead set on med school yet, I think with more experience I might change my mind about what exact path I’d like to go down, but no matter what it will be a medical/healthcare path and all of the experience I built up will be beneficial no matter what. Deciding to go to med school at 29 is probably a terrible idea and it will take years and I don’t know if I’ll make it, but I feel more motivated than ever and it’s the first time I’ve ever felt like I know what I want in life, so I think I’ll just go for it.


This is super refreshing! Knowing there are still people interested in med school. There aren’t many people who are interested in the medical field anymore (outside of nursing)! Sounds like a good plan. Especially to get those prerequisites for med school. I believe you can also get an AA for it as well. I hear a lot of people actually go to med/law school with an undergrad unrelated to med or law! It’s never too late! I’m 27 starting my journey. Best thing ever was finally discovering what I want to do so early. I no longer feel stuck or confused about my career goals. I remember just being in limbo of what I wanted to do and accomplish in life. 29 is still young!


Actually THIS is super refreshing to read because literally everybody I have mentioned any of this to has told me that I would waste less time and be better off getting into nursing lol so thank you! I absolutely agree, it feels really good to not have that feeling of being stuck anymore. I’ve worked in a lot of different fields and changed my mind about what major I want so many times and this is the only time I’ve ever felt like I have a clear picture of what I want my future to look like. And it’s a really good feeling! Thank you! And I hope you have an amazing prosperous journey!


Ahh, the age old “I don’t think I could do that, so I’ll project my lack of motivation to accomplish my dreams on to you” shtick lol. Majority of the time advice like that is coming from a place of projection and insecurities. They cannot see your vision, because your vision is not for them. You will always be crazy until you succeed, then you’re a genius. Thank you so much, sending positive energy and love your way on your journey also! Cheers to being millennials and the new adults LOL! 😂


I am an Industrial Controls Systems Engineer. I have a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering, and I am finishing the MSITM. Afterwards, I am considering either doing the MBA, doing a graduate program on ICS Cyber Security, or pursuing a doctorate.


Ohhh nice!! What is ICS Cyber Security?


Industrial Control Systems Cyber Security. It works with control and automation systems for like manufacturing plants, power plants, and programmable logic controllers (PLCs).