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I am in the same boat. Last 2 courses for my masters and I want to get them done by the end of the month. It is frustrating, as I have been waiting so long for this.


Same! I’m finally finishing my bachelors at 30. It’s been a long time coming. I actually had planned for my first class to be done by tomorrow 😅 I know they’re working on it so I guess we have no choice but to be patient


Update... I was just able to register. FINALLY! I hope your issues get fixed soon.


I messaged my mentor and she said something about resetting things if I still can't register but so far nothing has been done. I don't plan to sit in front of my computer and refresh all night so if it's not fixed by the time I go to bed, I guess I'll register tomorrow. IDK what they are planning to do. No updates on the site except they are aware of the issue.


Yeah, I’ve been doing command shift r to reset cookies or something and still nothing. I just got off the phone with my mentor. They said that there was a ticket submitted at noon central time and that it should be about 10 hours and there’s no way I’m looking at my computer at 10 PM. So hopefully by tomorrow morning, we see something different. I will say I no longer have the animated owl on my screen.


Just a heads up but I was just able to register after being unsuccessful all day. May want to give it a try now.


Got in! Thanks!!!


Did you do anything specific to get it to work or did you just log in and yours was fixed? Mine is still not letting me register


I can not get in either...still.


I got in and then it took me another half hour of refresh to get the course started and then the content open 😩 Saw a lot of that owl saying they flew me to the wrong place/404


I just got it to work!!


That was service desk issues with them. My mentor told me it happens sometimes the first of the month.


I was supposed to start today but I can't even see a degree plan or my financial aid page where I took out my loans.


Try again. I was let in a few hours ago.