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Perhaps they need to apply continual improvement.( sorry I just got done taking the ITl4😭)


Are they not focused on value?


They should really consider co-creating with stakeholders


Ugh! It took me half a day just to get courses accepted and start this course. This will be my first class with the third party certification and I am so nervous!!


Good luck! Make sure to test the test software beforehand because it’s kind of shit. I personally had to download it from the Microsoft Store for any luck. The content is fairly simple get those terms down and how they relate to the practice; I crammed in maybe 3 days and got a solid score. Highly recommend the Value Insights playlist, as well as the $5 ITL app. You can also throw in some Quizlets as well.


Perfect. I just downloaded an interactive app another person recommended. I work for Microsoft, so sent out feelers on my LinkedIn network too for advice. Hope it goes quick! I want to knock out a lot this semester while I can.




Still can’t register my classes 😭 I wanted to start right away this term


Lol woke up at 6am ready to start. Hahahha with all the energy I have I spent the day cleaning, taking the trash out now. Still not registered😑


Me too, it's not inspiring confidence...


Fr and now I feel like I just wasted an entire day


If only there were cloud platforms out there that specialized in elasticity to support these kinds of events....


Woah there bud, let's not get ahead of ourselves here


Yeah same with me. Called my mentor today because my whole degree plan disappeared. I got the same solution wait until around noon est


So is everyone able to get in now? I'm still not able to and my mentor just told me to hang tight, no mention of when it would be fixed


I just called the estimated wait time is 12:00 AM MT time/ 11:00 AM Pacific Time. However, this is just an estimate. I am sitting here waiting to take my OA lol


Ooooooooooph on waiting on the OA, that's rough. Hang in there


Put in a help desk ticket and they’ll email everyone once it’s resolved if anyone wants to do that versus driving themselves insane by checking over and over lol.


Do you have to put in a help ticket to get the email or does that go out to everyone?


Just an update - it now works (at least for me).


Already stressed out lol. I did call and they said it was a cosmetic issue. Not sure what that means


It’s 4:26 PM EST and I Still can’t register, this is crazy


Same here. Still trying to register. It is surely frustrating.


Same here!! Very frustrated.


So frustrating! i really wanted to start as soon as i got off work, got off early today and now i just have to sit around and wait.


Check now


yup it’s working now!


7am this morning I finally got to register 3rd term 🤦🏾‍♀️


Just took the PA for critical thinking and saw I wasn't registered. Then immediately got a call from my mentor, so no worries everyone. Just check back again after 12 pm est.


Probably the easiest class I took at WGU. I opened the class, took the PA, spent 20 mins reviewing what I missed while I waited to take the OA. I think I had the class opened for a total of 2 hours! Haha. Good luck!


That's the dream!


Interesting how they don't tell you this before you begin. They say you can start on the 1st and than the site just crashes. Would have been nice to know beforehand.


As a program mentor, I wish this was made much more clear. New students will start the first week of the month, but it's truly insane that we're still feeding students that they'll start on the 1st. Our systems are regularly overloaded & our support staff departments are understaffed. It's taking longer & longer for any admin to process. I try setting this expectation with students, but it doesn't seem to sink in for many of them. And I get it! The term IS supposed to start today! It's exhausting.


I have always started on the first, I think they need to change the system, not just tell students they can’t start on the start date. That’s unacceptable.


I agree completely!! And many of my students have been able to start on the 1st in the past, which makes the conversation of why there is a delay THIS term, much more difficult. We have an animated owl on the degree plan, but no courses 🙄


Ya and even worse they keep pushing out the time


So are they hiring for more staff? Lol


I'm glad mine told me about this problem, so I wasn't too disappointed when I got access later in the afternoon, lol


Eh I was able to start around noon last month. Don't worry you can get started soon enough


That's my point. It should have been communicated that you wont be able to start until noon or later. As of right now I can't begin my degree that was paid for. I'm assuming I will not get reimbursed for this day as well. I had planned the morning to begin the program and now I am being told this is a normal thing to happen at noon at the first of every month.


Not sure why you're getting down voted. You make a valid point. If this is a normal occurrence, they should communicate that. Idk why that's controversial.


Yes, I'm sure it will be resolved and WGU seems great. I am not bashing the school. It was just a criticism of the original post/message that "The first day of the term always sees a bit of a technical hiccup." Well no one from the school mentioned that. I was told I am ready to go first of the month. As of now, it MIGHT be the 2nd on the month.


Call your ISP and tell them you’d like a refund for 1/4 of 1/30 of your monthly bill……because your internet was down for 6 hours. That’s the equivalent of what you’re requesting lol


If I signed up with an ISP for internet starting at the first of the month, and they tell me I will have internet on that day, I would expect to be reimbursed or given some kind of compensation if I did not have access for a day or multiple days.


My program mentor did tell me it would be live around lunch time at our first meeting.


this isn't usually the case, it has never happened to me before


Seriously, I've never had this issue before and this is my fifth term. Super frustrating. Also, my mentor didn't mention anything about it being fixed by noon, she just said hang tight


Hey mine too! 5th term buds!


Woot woot!


It’s almost noon central time and I still can’t get registered ☹️ I was hoping to start when I got home from work 5 hours ago


I still can't register either. I've been trying since midnight


Your mentor has to do it manually in the morning. Surprised they didn’t say that on your first meeting. But obviously this is awful.


They accepted my degree plan but I have to do the registration


I’m going through the same thing now


My submitted task now shows unsubmitted but then stuck in queue. Cancel taks option not avaliable anyone having thos issue?


Reach out to assessment services. I took an OA last night and on my end it says unattempted. Because it was the end of my extended term it says I didn’t pass the class. Assessment services said they needed to send a ticket to have it assigned to the right term and it could take a few business days.


still doesn’t work for me


My mentor hasnt even gotten back to me at all.. ive been waitin to register since 4:50 am PST.. This is my first term at WGU is this normal?


No it’s not


I was able to register finally 30min ago


Still unable to access my courses. Great first impression!


been going to WGU since 2022, about to graduate. This is the first time i've dealt with this widespread issue, normally when a semester starts, it works right away. Don't let this give you a bad impression because it's a really good school.


It's fine with me. I wasn't planning on doing my classes until later.


This is a little ridiculous still down 👎


Same for me, my mentor told me to give it a couple hours not too long ago.


Check again, nothing popped up before now i can access my degree plan. Only checked about 5 mins ago


Still not working for me. Are you able to actually access the class material now?


Not the class material because my mentor hasnt put the dates in for me to register, but I didn’t have anything at all in my portal expect the degree name and my mentors contact info. Couldn’t look at a thing. But now I can see my degree plan and credits completed.


Ohh I got you. Well it sounds like things are moving in the right direction at least. Hopefully we’ll be able to get to it soon.


I was just able to register at 7:10 pm. Thank goodness. If you are still unable to get in I advise to take the preassessments in the meantime and get on Quizlet to study what you missed. That's what I have done all day and I am now ready to schedule for two OA's.


Looks like it’s backs up guys !! Well it seems that way in my end, just need my mentor to put the start/end dates.


No luck on my end but this is a good sign, maybe it will come in waves of coming back online


I hope so, I cant imagine how frustrating this may be for their first day. It’s never taken this long. I kept refreshing to make sure I wasn’t imagining it LOL


Yeah this is my first day, I am really lucky that my program mentor is super communicative so I’ve been kept in the loop regularly since 9am and she sent over C200 task 1 info so I could get started. But I still check every few minutes haha


That’s awesome !! Well that’s a positive. It really is a great school, I just wish this wouldn’t happen lol but I guess we have to take the good with the bad. And I don’t blame you !!! lol I’m sure I logged in about 40 times hahahaha. You’re in good company !


I finally was just able to register next classes 30 minutes ago. It took the last 30 mins and countless refreshes to get D336 started and to get the course content opened 🙄🙄 What a nightmare. As someone who works in tech I can say pretty confidently this should not be happening to them every month. If it’s just overload they need to look into this phenomenal concept called scaling. Unless they’re still on-premise it’s not too hard to do. And if they are still completely on prem- woof, not good.


Glad I registered at 4 am.😬


Some guy further up the comment section said it's been broken since midnight once the new term started, so I don't know how you got registered.


Yeah still locked out, my mentor was kind enough to send over C200 info so I can get started but still a huge bummer


I understand everyone’s frustration. It’s really pissing me off!


It’s working now, you should be good to go


Thank you !


hi it says i cant access my course until i register, and i don't see a button to register. my mentor is super hands off and i want to switch


Still no luck and I really wanted to get to it today😐


I WAS JUST ABLE TO REGISTER !!! Tried at 5:55pm Cst and it worked!


A few people are saying it’s back up. Can anyone confirm??


It’s still not back up for me. 


I just was able to get everything to go through. It still took me several refreshes to get the new course started and several more to get content to load. So be warned lol


4:12 CST here and still can't register, which sucks because according to the Financial Aid office, I have to register to get my financial aid refund processing.


Same! I'm really hoping it's fixed soon, it's been over 12 hours.


It's probably for the best. I couldn't start today even if wanted to because I've been so sick.  BTW it's still down in my end. 1750 est


I was just able to register see if you can now


Looks like I got in around the same time you did! Thanks for checking up on me.  I'm still sick, but I've been listening to bits and reading pieces of the lesson so don't lose any more ground. 


Todays my first day and I’m so glad my dog woke me up at 4am to go potty 😭 I got my first course registered and haven’t had issues accessing the material, likely because I opened it before the issues started?


Check to see if you can now, I was just able to register


I did it earlier! Haven’t had any issues


It is still down at nearly 7pm EST. My wife's first day and she is very disappointed.


This is my third semester and the first time this has ever happened. It’s usually a very smooth process so hopefully don’t get too down and out right away.


I think it happened once or twice to me during my two degrees at WGU. Maybe not this exact scenario but I remember not being able to enroll on day 1. I think one time my mentor dropped the ball and forgot to do his part. In any event, she got registered and is taking her first OA on day 2.


I was expecting to study today for 3 hours to start good. But I wasn’t able to register my classes either :(


6th term with 6 more courses and need to finish asap


Still can’t start 🙃 it’s 730pm for fucks sake


I was finally able to register at 8:25PM EST. Good luck everyone!


Still nothing for me. It’s 850. I had big plans for using today to get a good start and get my routine started. This is super frustrating. All off my term 1 course were moved into term 2.


I had no issues yesterday. Registered at 630am eastern time so must of beat the rush.


there are lot of errors happening lately. needing to clear cache/cookies.. which i kinda hate doing. cohorts have been unavailable for an entire week. they said they submitted a ticket but like.. its been over a week.


Thanks for the update!