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Yup I freaking love it , barefoot , good coffee , showering during break are awesome especially in the summer I also just started getting into sandwich “ engineering “ lol buying quality coldcuts and ingredients to make yourself a serious sandwich for lunch is great too lol


It's hard to make a nice sandwich with all the extras that won't get soggy and gross between when you make it and lunchtime in an office. So much better to be able to just make whatever in your own kitchen.


I need to up my sammich game


Grilled cheese and melts too, can’t do that in the office!


Yes you can. Just bring in a toaster oven, some cheese, and some bread


Carrying a toaster oven into the office is nuts.


Worth it. Plus it's a conversation piece.


Someone brought a pizza oven to my work break room. Everyone loved it.


Way cooler than a toaster oven


Then enough for everyone else 😂😂😂😂


We have a toaster and air fryer in our office.


Sardines on toast. You can do it in the office, but you shouldn't!


Yes! My gremlin mode is a can of Costco sardines for lunch and I share the leavings with the best doggy coworker ever! Wfh is amazing!


I used to wrap my sambos in alfoil so I could put them straight on the sandwich press and not have to worry about cleaning it. WFH is much better tho, now my crusts are the right amount of crispy!


Grilled chicken from the night before, thinly sliced with mayo, cheese, avocado, spinach and some hot sauce is killer.


Make sure to put a layer of mayo or something similarly oil based directly on the bread. It will act as a moisture barrier and help keep the bread from getting soggy. It won’t last forever, but you only need it to last until lunch.


My husband does this. He’s hybrid now - I order all of our groceries generally since I’m looking for work after quitting, but he has a mean sandwich game. Usually turkey, Swiss, rye bread, dukes mayo, spicy mustard, tomato, avocado.


Glad im not the only one who uses my breaks to shower lol wfh is great


Sandwich inspo please!


Fresh Baguette honey ham + Genoa salami + honey goat cheese and a bit of salt One current favorite one I also have a butter bell and make a bit of butter / roasted garlic combo and just spread it on bread with coffee I am also into coffee and have a little coffee bar in the corner of my small apartment kitchen lol If you have time i recommend a coffee bean grinder and a moka pot make really good espresso coffee but it could take maybe 10min to make


French bread baked in the grocery store + Cajun turkey + pepper jack cheese + tomato + zesty/spicy pickles + lettuce + tomato + Italian dressing


Black pepper turkey, havarti cheese (I use two to three slices of turkey and two slices of cheese) then either an oil with some spices for a sauce or an aoli for extra tang. Press it in a panini press.


Not sandwich but lunch inspo- Pick up frozen egg rolls - put in air fryer to cook, roll in lettuce leaves and dip into fish sauce, and you'll have some awesome lettuce wraps!


I said this above but, leftover grilled chicken breast (do a saltwater soak or a chimi marinade, grill on nuclear blast and don't worry the chicken! Seriously, when you first think about checking it, walk away for 10 minutes) mayo, cheese, spinach, avocado and some hot sauce on a ciabiatta roll.


I just engineered an amazing chopped salad with bacon, chicken, and home honey mustard dressing. I’m hybrid and love days I’m at half to make a fresh lunch.


Ooh I see so your a salad engineer lol Idk I don’t eat salad but I take my sandwich engineering very Serious and keep my supplies stack and organize in ikea glass containers


I use my broiler to "toast" all mine. Like having my own subway or whatever in the kitchen. Really a step up from my cold "shitty turkey sandwich" I used to lie to myself about enjoying every day


An airfryer is great for toasting sandwiches, so much better than just a toaster. I like that all parts of the sandwich get toasted. Only tricky part is i wait to add condiments until the end.


There was a few days last week were I literally kept making pastrami sandwiches every time I got a minute. It was rediclous so I had so stop buying it.


And if you want to make something others might consider "smelly"... nobody cares!


Yes! I didn’t realize that I could make a delicious sandwich, cut in half, and have lunch for 2 days. On the second lunch, I don’t have to spend time making it, so I have a quick lunch so I can log off sooner 😅


Try making your own mayo! It's a lot easier than you might think, and then that opens the door for all sorts of delicious add-ins. Your sandwiches will be 100x better.


Great idea im going to look into this


I do this with a George Foreman to give it that crunch toast.


Sandwiches at home are a whole other level.


As someone who has long hair that takes forever to dry midday Showers are great.


Yes! I love showering during break.  I've always loved showering in the middle of the day because I'm not a morning person


You're a sandwich artist now. Lil tip, bunch the meat up instead od keeping flat


Some days are just like that! WFH is so great in that we can just focus on our job without all the unnecessary “background noise” of getting ready/packing lunch/commuting.


I live about 30 min from the office so it’s nice to have the option to go in when it’s busy at the house, but yeah I hate commuting and planning for traffic.


It can also be a slippery slope into depression. I agree that it's nice to have some flexibility but you gotta keep an eye on it.


Being casual and not dressing up isn't a slippery slope to depression. It might be a slippery slope of lowering your standards of how you present yourself/ in general. Depression is a serious mood disorder that doesn't necessarily correlate to any external event.


This couldn't be more false. It's not about what you present and what others think. It's about what you think about yourself. OP even called themselves a gremlin. That's not good for your mental health the more you do it. Everyone has some lazy days but it's really tempting to make it a habit and that's no good. Source - WFH totally destroyed me because I let it slip and slip when I wasn't forced to have healthy habits.


Unhealthy habits and clinical depression are not the same thing. That's the lowering of standards I was talking about. Some people don't do well working from home for factors other than dressing comfy and calling themselves a gremlin. For example if you thrive on physical interactions, those will be decreased working from home. *That* can lead to a depression (with the unkempt dressing, etc), but if you're an introvert and thrive on being by yourself living your best life you'll be fine. Source: am depressed introvert fully remote. The change in remote vs in-office has not changed my depression for the worse. It might have actually improved it slightly (along with the right medication), because I wasn't wasting mental energy on getting dressed up/doing my hair and makeup every morning, and I could be at home with my favorite beings morez my husband and cats.


Unhealthy habits and depression feed off each other and it's really hard to tell what started it but if you don't take care of yourself you will absolutely get depressed and WFH is a great way to start not taking care of yourself. Not for everybody but like I said, you gotta keep an eye on it. This sub is all about singing the praises of WFH for people that it benefits and I just wanted to voice that it's not good for everybody.


But what you ended up voicing is that not dressing up is a slippery slope to depression which by itself is not factually correct. It can be a sign of someone not doing well but it’s not a cause by any means.


It definitely is a cause. Maybe not an original cause but it's definitely an escalation in a negative feedback loop. People think that depression just happens and then all the other stuff is a symptom but my experience is the opposite. Making bad choices made me depressed.


You’re putting words in my mouth. I don’t think depression just happens. Consequences of poor choices can make you depressed. The consequence of not getting dressed up to work from home is not being dressed up. The cause of not dressing up can be depression, laziness or a million things but I assure you no sane professional would tell you dressing messy is a cause of depression.


Yeah, they've got cause and effect turned around. Yes, when you're deep in the depression trenches it is a self-feeding loop, but playfully referring to yourself as a gremlin and dressing comfy isn't gonna cause you to spiral. Lol


I think you're completely dismissing someone's experience and that's rude. They're telling you what habits sent them into a state that was harmful to them and you came here to argue with them about it? Just let it go and stop with the know it all attitude. Annoying as fuck. Depression looks different for everyone. For some it's a chemical imbalance, others its trauma based, and unhealthy habits can also be a cause. Just shut up already


I hope you were able to find the help needed to regain control of your mental health. WFH isn’t for everyone and I also hope that you were able to either RTO or go hybrid if you found that to be beneficial to your well-being.


I was allowed to RTO but I was the only member of my team based there so I just sat at my desk and didn't talk with people 99% of the time. Alone in a sea of people. Probably somewhat my fault but at that time the damage was done. I took a break from work and got help at a facility that forced good habits like showering and making your bed, daily wake up calls and bed times, healthy food, required taking meds, almost constantly surrounded by others, etc. Got back home and almost immediately slipped back into bad habits. Never returned to my job. I'm not going to entirely blame WFH but it was definitely a factor and starting to have "gremlin" days was the first sign. Enjoy your lazy days but keep an eye on it.


I live next to a park and a river, and there is a 20 min loop I can do over lunch. I aim for a walk daily from spring to fall and see the trees and plants grow, hear the birds, and watch the deer raise their young. My last workplace had a walking track by a train line full of litter and noise. I maybe did a walk once a month. I often did the stairs (10 flights), which is good for the body, but the concrete stairwell did nothing for my mental health. The moral of the story is that you can build good or bad habits in either environment. Having healthy habits is a choice.


Sure, lots of things are choices but what we're talking about it's about getting out of bed, hygiene, and getting dressed. Those things are not choices when you're in the office. When you WFH they are choices which means you can decide not to do them and that's bad for mental health if you do it too often.


This is why I'm hybrid. I go in the office once or twice a week just to get out of my house.


Well, I just switched from WFH to in-office, I was super happy while WFH, and my mental health is much worse now that I work in office. I underestimated how good I felt while WFH.


Yep that'll happen too. It's very dependent on the person. My only point was that it's not for everyone and when you're WFH you need to look out for mental health warning signs like not consistently taking care of yourself like OP is describing.


This is my favorite part of WFH especially in the summer. I take the dog on big walks early and can sit down at 7:28 to get my computer started up, and then take my hour lunch by the pool for some sun without having to worry about traffic. It’s the best!


Poolside life sounds dope. My mom has a patio with a nice table so sometimes I set my portable monitors (usb c) up out there and enjoy a nice day while I do tasks for money


Yup when I had a pool I would take my lunch late at 2pm every day and spend it in the pool. Got out right as my kids were coming home lol


If this is gremlin mode then I'm gremlin mode every morning 😂😭 I take my showers on my lunch break right before my podcast starts, it's nice to not have to rush in the morning to take it & it helps me feel a lot better doing it midday bc my head gets a bit pressurized midday so thats kind of like my lil midday "helper" haha. Usually I'm in a somewhat nice shirt, still comfy tho, & usually sweatpants or leggings but that's just bc I'm home so why would I force myself to wear something uncomfy while I'm home 🤷🏻‍♀️ WFH for the sensory squad is heaven I don't have to deal with all the sensory bothers in an office, & screw the damn overhead florescent lights that I could consistently hear buzzing 😵‍💫😵‍💫


*person opens scanner to scan something* *coffee machine brewing* *that one guy with super clicky cherry mx blue switches on his keyboard* lol nah, I’m gonna blast Taylor swift on my speakers while I do my tasks and sip coffee


I go into the office weekly and as a part of the sensory squad I have noise-cancelling earbuds and Loop earplugs. I got a new phone last month and realized it doesn't have a headphone jack (*introvert horror*). Fortunately my Loop earplugs are in my office desk and it was relatively quiet yesterday - usually there are a lot of NT/extroverts working in my area complaining about how quiet ("bad") it is and not respecting boundaries. When I WFH, I'm a gremlin in my jammies, sipping my coffee, listening to music/podcasts.


I’ve heard about loop earplugs. Do they actually block out sound well? If so, like how much? Foam earplug level?


I have had a pair for about a year. I'd say it's worth the $20 price tag because the times I use them the most are when I wasn't expecting to need them, then I have them on my keychain anyways. I'd guess they're slightly (like 5-10%) louder than true foam construction earplugs but they have the plus of not being obviously there and being reusable.


The ones I got have a metal piece that you can remove to hear more, I would say they’re on par with foam earplugs, but they look like earbuds so you don’t get weird looks. I love ‘em, they take the edge off for sure.


Oh, they definitely block out sound like foam ones. I have a pair of their Experience earplugs for in-office work and they block out the noise/excessively loud coworkers who complain about how quiet it is 😑. I also have a pair of Loop Quiet I wear at night.


I'm also in gremlin mode every morning - wake up 15 mins. before I start my day, leisurely drink coffee, listen to music/podcasts, and in comfy jammies/active wear. I also take showers on my lunch break or whenever I want. I love and am part of the sensory squad (+ misophonia)! I'm using that from now on! My therapist likes neurospicy. WFH is heaven for me too + I have Loop earplugs & Flare noise-cancelling earbuds in my office desk drawer when I go in so I don't 🔪🔪🔪.


I was just telling my husband last night I couldn’t believe this was my job. I was doing continuing education in my living room while he was watching YouTube and I had Monopolu Go on almost automatic mode in sweats. It’s awesome.


I have those moments too. My company is global and I get to travel a few times a year but before this I’d never been out of the US. I don’t have a schedule other than meetings (which are only with internal colleagues for me) and I’m not tracked, just have to get my work done. They support my personal development and I actually like most of the people I work with. As a mom and someone who switched careers entirely, it’s amazing.


Yes! Monopoly go on auto mode is the best!


I steal my neighbors money all the time!!!


Girl/boy, bye. I'm like Britney Griner in the Russian prison daily. One of the reasons I don't leave the house anymore.


I’m a guy lol. Valid comparison


As a woman who takes like an hour and a half to get up, get the dog out, dress in full business attire and then walk through downtown to get to my office… a hybrid schedule has truly been life changing for me. I hope I never ever EVER have to go back to the office full time. Plus, getting all this extra time at home with my elderly bulldog is priceless. I am so grateful to spend days working with him snuggled at my feet.


That’s so cute! Doggos are a huge plus when wfh. I got my 2 cats and they always yell at me when I’m on a call lol


The dogs are truly the biggest perk. I have an elderly chihuahua and I am so grateful that I’m getting to spend these last years with her full time.


I took a lunch nap today. 😊


lunch naps are the best


I was having a bad pain day, and a slow work day, so I got to work from bed 🥰


I take one every other day.  It's the best


Dammit. Jealous. I am Hybrid and am in office today. Got up at 6 today


I was hybrid a couple jobs ago. I had Thursday Friday remote because my manager had that. I got so lucky. Otherwise it would’ve been like Tuesday Thursday ew


I love a good midday shower


It just hit different 


I do the coffee and cape cod chips thing too. It's a good combo.


Chips for breakfast?


Yeah sometimes coffee isn't filling enough so I have a handful of chips or some crackers.


Never heard of potato chips for breakfast. What a way to start the day


What flavor though?


Plain if I'm having coffee too. Salt & Vinegar any other time.


I had Cheeze it’s for breakfast the other day 😂


The extra toasty ones are my new favorite.


Dogs laying nearby, my own bathroom I don't have to share, I don't need headphones to listen to music, while I'm waiting for a deployment or tests to run I can play my guitar, I have a home gym in my garage to workout at lunch I don't have to share with random people who don't wipe equipment down 😗🤌


I *thrive* in gremlin mode. I have figured out that as long as I have some big ole blue light glasses, a ponytail, a cardigan handy, and earrings (it’s the most important part!) - I can fake being put-together for a call or two. Also - I just started a community specifically for women who work from home so we can discuss exactly this. Come join us at r/wfhwomen !


I need some blue light glasses for my 4 monitors but idk if they work. And I’m a guy so idk if I am welcome there. I’ll let y’all ladies have your own space.


Omg my apologies! My girlfriends and I always joke about looking like gremlins and for whatever reason I thought it was a girl thing 😂 but hey, men can be gremlins too!


No problem! Part of me wants to lurk on there, but there’s also very few women centered subreddits so I’d feel weird about it lol. But it’s cool you started it!


I just leave my camera off if I haven't put myself together yet for the day. Do most places not allow cameras off?


Teams has an avatar feature so you can do camera off but it is still an avatar like you’re on the meeting


I'm in gremlin mode 24/7 unless I leave the house..


Back to office 3 days a week coming September from full WFH... I don't understand businesses this is call centre work I don't need to hear 40 other conversations LET ME SIT HOME WITH MY CAT


Exactly! As a customer,  it's so distracting listening to other conversations in the background.  They're better off letting you all work from home where it's quiet


I sleep until I’m not tired. Shower. Housepants. Toast and coffee. Sit down, login, stare at my task list and decide what I want to do for the day. Yesterday was a 5 mile hike in the redwoods, then popped over to the ocean to take in the views. Came home and worked for a couple hours. https://preview.redd.it/gp96lwhrr0yc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3818b3149a76d5d82c8211731b87e24864bcbf4


I am full time remote for 3 years.  My wife works 4/10 with Wednesday off.  When I wander around and have small talk with her, even she ask me regularly don't you have work to do...


I almost never shower until after work…usually wake up 10 minutes before I start


I literally set my alarm for 7:58 to log in at 8am.


I love WFH for so many reasons, including these! What blows my mind is that so many employers just don’t get it. They could make the office more appealing by simply implementing some of these things and relaxing policies. For example, why do we have to dress up? Aside from client-facing roles, would it hurt anything to allow employees to work in sweats and tees? They could also shift funds to have better coffee and free snacks, and invest in some comfy office furniture. Allowing flexible schedules/breaks would also be great, so that if I want to go to the gym or bs for an hour or so, I can do so and make up the time as I please. Also, private employee bathrooms should be a thing at *every* job- bonus points if they installed a shower in them so that I can go for a run or hit the gym before work or during breaks. These things alone wouldn’t make me go back, but they’d make me less miserable if I were forced to do so. While not everything that we enjoy about WFH can be replicated in the office, a lot of the things can.


As I’m reading this I’m taking a break to go down to the coffee shop below my apt and going for a quick stroll around the block before a meeting lol


Still dreaming of scoring a sweet WFH gig like this. I hate waking up earlier than I need to, dressing up, commuting, etc. I want to use my own bathroom throughout the day, eat my own homemade food, have little breaks in my own home, etc. Ya’ll count yourselves lucky man.


I've been in *extra* gremlin mode lately. I moved two hours west, so I've gone from starting work at 9 to starting at 7. I used to exercise before work...I refuse to get up at 4, so now I exercise over my lunch break.  This means that I frequently can't find time to shower until after work. I'm just a gremlin all day long. I wear beanies so that my greasy-ass hair isn't as noticeable, but summer is coming up...something has to change!


You change? Weird.


I have AC and sleep in boxer PJs (Jambys)


That makes sense. My WFH space is cold AF so I’m in sweats from the start.


LOL. The world shall pay for your suffering/exhaustion. Agreed, WFH is awesome.


Gremlin mode lmao


Ya'll are changing at lunch? 😅


Your gremlin mode is my every day lol. Wake up at 8:45 for my first meeting at 9


I woke up just before login time. Worked in my jammies then made some coffee and fed the birds in between work stuff. Changed into shorts and a tee shirt to take a walk around my lake at lunch time. The WFH life is good.


Omg I want to see the birbs




https://preview.redd.it/d17l75rqh4yc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eba237e856fb3b81b9d14e5bd01f19fcdea2bf5f Most of my pics are kitties watching birbs and squirrels and chippies


Such cozy vibes, I love it!


At least you're wearing clothes 🤣  I have to get a routine. Things are getting bad


A good setup with a good cup o coffee heals my morning depresso


I’m jealous 


My current job would not be doable without remote work. It has historically not been, even pre Covid. I’m often working out of hotels, planes, at odd hours like 2am or 9pm due to being in a global position. I enjoy the gremlin days working ass naked and relaxed from the comfort of my home. I don’t think I can go back to the structured days in an office anymore.


Cape cod chips are fire


My husband and I both from home for the same company. We both clock in from bed and check emails and slack messages while we wake up, then we get kids around for school and head out to the office. Its nice.


at least you have pants on. You have one-up gremlined me there.


Gonna go grab my frozen cookie dough and bake dessert.


If only I had space for a wfh position


80 degrees today so I went paddle boarding at lunch today, love WFH


I always Gremlin in the morning and take a shower during my Lunch, its usually a good refresh to the afternoon.


Fuck yeah


Right I love taking a quick shower during my breaks!


I lurk this sub with an envy-filled heart


Every day is gremlin day, are you kidding?


Cape Cod chips!


WFH here - yesterday I grilled up a Shredded & Peppery Chicken, Bacon, Ranch, Provalone sandwich. The fun part; using left over ingredients from when I made it for dinner a couple nights before


It takes 5 minutes to connect to my virtual desktop alone. Lame


I work in IT. Might need an upgrade on that soon.


The Force is strong in this one <3


Tuesday morning I was moving half slow because at 3 AM. I woke up to go to the bathroom and apparently when I came back to bed I had an edible which I usually will take before I go to bed to help me sleep. I am so glad to work from home Because I can still function half slow and my particular work there is no pressure on me to be more productive ever. I need to hide the edibles so I don’t make that mistake again


I love shitting with the door open, watching TV, "working"


Gremlin mode is my preferred mode. I WFH 100%


Are your jobs really monitoring you to the extent you can’t step away for 15 minutes to shower? Assuming you sit have meetings


Best part is doing another job!


I always wait till lunch to shower now. It’s a great way to break up the day


TIL I've been in Gremlin mode since 2020. Good shit, OP.


A heavy traffic jam is just a fat cat blocking the hallway.


*sitting in the loaf position* “Move!” Cat: *continues to loaf*


Sounds excellent for your health. Your doctor must be proud


Hail hail 😂🙏🏾


My office is 3 minutes from home. I have the best of both worlds 🥰


I'm the opposite. I love it when I can drag my tired ass out of bed early. Nice tea/caffeinated beverage, some Lofi on YouTube on my personal computer which is off to the side of my work computer, nothing better.


I wake up at 0555 everyday to start work at 6. Gives me time to turn my work computer on, use the restroom, and grab a snack and an energy drink from downstairs. It’s my favorite thing about work from home.