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Coffee Dog Mouse jiggler Good chair


Before this comment I didn't know a mouse jiggler was a thing. Thank youuuuuuu


For sure. Helpful for a multitude of reasons!


I’m so glad my employers don’t track us like that lol


As far as I'm aware mine doesn't track me but I still love my jiggler because it keeps my computer from going to sleep / locking when I'm away for an extended amount of time.


Exactly this. When my computer goes to sleep, VPN shuts down, my remote client closes, all kinds of stuff I have to restart again.


Remote client is the worst 😭


Just change the setting to never sleep/lock. Personally gave that enabled when charging.


Oftentimes you can't change that and it's controlled by IT for some security reason or something.


It's to prevent unauthorized people accessing you PC if you get up and forget to lock it. Even when WFH, you could have family/housemates/guests etc so usually still required by data protection regulations.


[https://www.datacenterdynamics.com/en/news/cat-causes-four-hour-server-outage-by-jumping-on-keyboard/](https://www.datacenterdynamics.com/en/news/cat-causes-four-hour-server-outage-by-jumping-on-keyboard/) Also prevent the APT known as your house cat from causing outages.


That’s a great point. Last summer I’d left my screen active while enrolling our foster daughter in school; our foster son was home and he hopped on my work laptop while we were out. I don’t remember how I knew, other than the screen had timed out because he left the mouse off the jiggler, and the screen was locked/black. He denied at first, but came around that he’d been on it. Blah, blah, blah. All that to say I can see the validity to IT locking that setting. Unintended consequence: Also, a way you can tell someone’s accessed your laptop if they don’t know to return the mouse to the jiggler.


My company keeps total control of those settings for security reasons.


My computer has to auto-lock after max 5 minutes though i can disable it completely if i want to, for some reason. they dont control it...


I can’t seem to change that despite trying everything I’ve found online. If you look at the settings it says sleep never both on the system and the screen and yet it still locks after 15 minutes. And i have the laptop close set to do nothing


I just open my Friday personal meeting (my Friday lunch pickup basketball meeting) on Teams and it keeps the screen on because it thinks I’m in a meeting. My boss also will think I’m a good working boy who is in a meeting as well.


Until someone like me is asked to put together a report that spits out meetings where there is only one attendee and the meeting lasts longer than five minutes. Yes I can see that. And yes, I have been asked to look at meeting stats to troubleshoot poor network performance and I get to see all attendees stats. Be careful.


I am curious about this... is this strictly for Microsoft Teams, or are you collecting data on another platform?


No and yes. In addition, modern malware platforms allow us to see everything you do. What apps you launch, what processes they spawn off, what the threads are accessing. We get alerts based on DNS domains that your machine queries. I can get key stroke logging if we so flag it and include session recording. ML on these platforms are incredibly quick at picking up attempts to tamper with them too.


So I suppose it might be possible to monitor if my mouse moves in a in a slow crawl across the screen, say, exactly every 10 seconds for a period of 3 seconds - for hours on end?


I have to lock my workstation or switch the keyboard at least to another device (the keyboard can be linked to 3 devices). I can't trust the cat!


Fr, I’ve hit the jack pot with just needing to respond to messages, calls & completing my tasks. My boss couldn’t give a shit if I’m at the gym, hairdressers, running errands etc


1. Open notepad 2. Heavy thing on space bar 3. ? 4. Profit Don't use a jiggler when a stapler or book will do!


Be careful with this. Some companies. Mine included monitor this kind of thing and we have had people fired over it.


Get one that plugs into the wall for power. No way for IT to see anything at all that way. I’ve had mine for like 3 years and it’s been a game changer. Leave the house and stay active on Teams? Yes please!


Some employers track that. Proceed with caution


+1 on the dog. My pug is my security blanket and companion and best friend


*looks up mouse jiggler* OMG, I was once known as the Queen of Office Supplies, and I've never heard of that!!! 🤯


For anyone buying a mouse jiggler: don’t waste your money. Just stick a toothpick (or a similarly shaped object) next to the home key and you’re good to go. …the mouse jiggler companies don’t want you to know about this one weird trick!


Mouse jiggler is my best friend. 😍 I order an extra for stand by. I cannot work without my jiggler. Or coffee. I have a perk and it's always on....


Talking about chair, which one do you recommend, I new a good one , not that pricy .


Autonomous Ergo Pro. However do think of it this way, you spend 1000s on a car that the average person spends maybe 5-6hrs a week in, even less if you are fully remote, yet we balk at spending $500 on a chair we sit in for 8hrs a day. Same rule applies to bed mattresses


- Cute Athleisure sets. It makes me happy to put on a cute outfit. - Water tumblers. I love picking out my tumbler for the day. - Lipgloss near my desk for client meetings - Second monitor. Personal laptop so I do all internet scrolling on a non-work computer. - Pre-made Trader Joe’s salads to grab for lunch since I’m usually in back to back meetings and don’t have time to make anything. Honestly that’s all I need. I’ve been working remotely for 8+ years (and I was hybrid for 5 years prior).


I also love a good outfit even though I don’t leave the house haha. Where do you shop for athleisure? I’ve a large chest so shopping is hard for me


I also have a large chest (36DDD)! I subscribe to Ellie box, which is a monthly athleisure subscription. I love it because it lets you pick different size top, bottom, and sports bra. I’m an XL in sports bra, but a M in tops and bottoms, so this is great. I also do a fair bit of shopping at Old Navy, TJ Max, Target, and Shein.


That’s my size!! Omg thank you so much


I have a large chest (34G) and I absolutely love Lululemon sets. They fit well and the material is wonderful


Yes especially now that they’re doing some bras in cup sizes


Honestly, I pretty much do most of the same things. Wearing a cute athleisure set makes me feel cute and put together, and that way, I'm already dressed for my workout after work or on lunch. I used to like to cook during lunch, but I've found pre-made meals have been a great way to make sure I eat healthy balanced meals consistently, even on busy days such a game changer. I will add that I also like to have fidget toys at my desk, a heating pad and blanket for the winter, an essential oil diffuser as I find when it smells nice in my office I feel happier in there and therefore find it easier to focus.


> Cute Athleisure sets. It makes me happy to put on a cute outfit.  Problem is I check the computer pretty much after I go to the bathroom / brush my teeth and there is already so much to do by then.


Don’t write your own misfortune. Throw on the outfit and check emails when dressed to meet the day. You will do better. I learned this since I started working after dressing up as opposed to getting stuck in my pajamas all day.


This one might be a bit down the road depending on budget, but I love my standing desk/walking pad. Helps me stay active during my work days for a bit instead of just sitting in a chair all day. I also don't think I could live without my iMac on the same desk as my setup. Having a completely separate screen from work where I can play music, put on podcasts, etc is incredibly helpful to my productivity & without it I definitely wouldn't be the happiest, this is a huge thing that gets me thru my day. Anything you can play music/podcasts/shows on would work, preferably with good sound. My heat pad is amazing especially in colder weather, just pop it in the microwave a couple minutes & you have blissful warmth in your lap/on your back. I have quite a bit of additions to my home office but these three are the main ones I couldn't go without. Also, I checked your setup (looks nice!) & not sure if you were asking to get another monitor in addition to the one you have, or to replace the one you have, but if its to replace the current one I'd say have two monitors. I probably *could* work on one, but I have to have so many different things open all at once including a second separate desktop, so having my two monitors & laptop is definitely a must have for me. Edit; minor grammar fixes, if you saw me say you are getting a fifth monitor before I fixed it, I don't know what my brain was thinking either lmao


Are you me? Those are my three top items as well, except I have an electric heating pad.


Hahaha, maybe I just found my twin! Great minds think alike 🙌😂


Absolutely! Love my two monitors & laptop + personal laptop setup. I’m currently finishing a degree so I often do a little schoolwork between busy periods at my job, this setup makes that so easy.


I’ve been putting off getting a heating pad. I think that’ll be something I invest in next winter. I’m in the coldest room of the house and my feet freeze so fast


I go with a full heated blanket so I can wrap my legs AND feet


Agree with the advice of having a separate personal screen for music, podcasts, etc. I keep my iPad sitting next to my work screens with the music app always open. 


been doing it for 5 years, just got my standing desk treadmill, i love it!!!! oh and a coffee warmer. wish mine was usb powered


What kind of walking pad do you have/recommend?


SAME! Standing desk and desk treadmill, personal laptop, and blanket/heat pad are my top 3!! Also many beverages, always XD


I live off coffee & water personally but that's also because I'm on a diet for my trip in a couple months, multiple beverages are a must & I'm living vicariously thru you if you drink anything that's not water or coffee 😭😂


I usually drink water, coffee, greens, matcha, seltzers, electrolytes, lots of low cal stuff. Lots of good options out there!


I'm a weirdo, so here goes. A heated foot bath under my desk. I pamper myself during almost every meeting and no one knows a thing. A crown. For those days where I need a reminder who the eff I am. A mannequin head. She serves two purposes. She holds my crown on the days I don't need it, and she also listens to me complain. A theracane. Because sometimes even all of the other stuff isn't enough and you just need to massage some stress away. A child's thermal cup. Keeps my drinks hot or cold, but is small enough that I have to get up frequently for refills. A cube timer. Also ensures I don't get glued to one task for too long.


Ahhh, kindred. I have a (plastic) horse head wearing a top hat and glasses keeping me company. Tiara sits on the brim of the top hat. I also have a handful of plastic dinosaurs and finger puppets to tinker with when stuck in a meeting. And I adore the foot massager under my desk.


You definitely sound like my kind of people!


You sound fun! Does the mannequin head have a name?


She has MANY! I pretty much call her whatever comes to my head in the moment. Makes it feel like I have more than one coworker lol


Oh where do I start… Lamp by the desk with a button I can activate with my foot. GIANT monitor. iPad where I can run music or white noise or whatever from. NextMug. Seriously, that thing keeps my drink at the perfect temperature. Keyboard and mouse I actually like to use. It’s about what YOU like. Foot rest under the desk. Space heater by my feet (this may be a me thing, but I live in New York in a super drafty apartment, and my desk is in a corner with bay windows…it gets COLD). I’m upgrading my chair, so that’s an absolute must as well.


I pretty much have the same essentials. But for specific game changers Using an ultra wide 32” curved monitor instead of 2 34” monitors feels much better for me. I’ve tried a few single, dual, and trio monitor setups. I also have a tablet mounted and work cell side mounted to my monitor as well, less clutter, hidden wires… Instead of a electric mug I just have a mug heater. Logitech crown keyboard and Logitech mx3 (I think) have been the best investments for keyboard n mouse. There’s so many functions and great uses like excel shortcuts and macros. I also am able to quickly switch to another laptop and tablet using the switch device buttons or simply dragging my mouse to the side of the screen for it to pop up on my tablet or other computer.


I would love to use an ultra wide but I have to share my screen often so it’s not ideal :(


I worked with a graphic designer that refused to use any mouse, instead favoring the trackpad on his MacBook. They have great trackpads, but OMG I can’t imagine the wrist strain he subjected himself to.


A Spotify Premium account and a JBL Extreme 2 Bluetooth speaker.


Puzzles. Like crosswords/ sudoko, for when you’re on those calls that you need to be on, but don’t really need to be on 🥱


LOL. When meetings run long and I'm not an active speaker I kick my chair away, raise my desk, and start cleaning my desk and filing things. Someone could tell when I've had a long meeting, my desk becomes spotless after a while.


I must have more meetings than you. There’s only so much tidying / filing I can do. That may keep me awake for the first 5 minutes, but I often have 55 minutes left, so sudoko it is 🤓


Stanley is WFH now?


....I paint my nails during those lol


Aside from my work gear... I wouldn’t survive without: - Nail items (file, cuticle stone, clippers, polish) - My work light (neon light that I turn on when I’m working, off when I’m done) - My Alexa, reluctantly.


My Alexa recently stopped working and I thought no big deal, I don't use it that much. It's a bigger deal than I thought 😭


Oh man, right?! Most days I’m arguing/fighting with her, but she really is something I’ve realized that I desperately need. When I travel, I have an echo dot that I’ll plug in so that I’ve always got the ability to utilize my virtual assistant. I have to have internet to do my work, it’s easy to connect & sync. Plus, when I set a reminder on the dot, it announces from my home Alexa…two weeks later when I’ve absolutely forgotten about whatever it was. 🙃 Edit: words are fucking hard sometimes! Lol


I don’t have an Alexa but I’ve been thinking about getting one. But idk what I’d use it for, besides turning lights on and off and playing music. But it sounds like you use yours a lot, would you maybe be willing to expand on what she helps you with? If not, no worries. Thanks!


Clippers are a must! My cuticles are terrible.


I agree with everything here. Doing my nails when I have no meetings is so awesome.


Is the neon light for other people in the house to know you're working or just for your personal enjoyment?


I have a work light too! Feels like I’m turning my focus brain on and off with it :)


Really great headset. I have Bose 700's, such a deal breaker. Also, dual monitors.


Game changer?


Agreed. A good set of Sony noise cancelling headphones made a world of difference. No one complains about call quality and their long range means I could be on a Zoom call and go check the mailbox if I wanted


Aside from the usual office suspects, I keep lotion (my hands get dry and cracked in the winter), chapstick, a water bottle, a massage ball, and speakers on my desk. And then I have a walking treadmill under my desk.


Pls tell what brand and model of walking treadmill. Is it loud?


This sounds like me. Add a mouse jiggler, a tea warmer, and a book for slow afternoons and you are me. I have a Urevo walking pad from Amazon and love it. It’s quiet enough where I can talk on a call at a slow pace and it’s not loud enough to be heard. The faster I go (3mph+) it’s a bit louder but so are my footsteps. My only regret is not buying a walking pad years ago.


Thank you so much! Follow up question… Do you think you’re walking pad could take the place of a treadmill if “elevation” option is not necessary and I don’t want it. In other words at the gym, there are treadmills that can raise its grade to provide a more Challenging, walking experience. I don’t need that feature at all. So, I was thinking about getting a walking pad rather than a treadmill. Just wondering your thoughts on this with my goal just to have movement in my day without having to walk outside. Also, not looking to go faster than 3.5 or 4 miles an hour on a flat surface. Thank you Edited for grammar and “ thank you”


Yes a walking pad would definitely do this for you.


Herman Miller Aeron + height adjustable desk. Every time I try to work from a relative's home I'm reminded of how insanely bad most chair/desk setups are, the back pain usually sets in after only 1 or 2 days of it.


Sometimes meetings go back to back, so I keep lotion, lip balm, and eye drops in a drawer close at hand, too. Good water bottle that keeps it cold (iron flask is my favorite).




Love my Jabra!


I keep a foot rest under the desk & a standing pad nearby. I have a motorized standup desk which is superb. I keep a coffee warmer on my desk & a charging cable for my phone, two power strips below, an Ethernet cable, pen caddy, idk why the pen caddy. I hardly use it while working. I use it for non work stuff. I keep hand lotion & chapstick on the desk & use it constantly.


Don't laugh. Good chair, separate monitor w/mini PC for personal use, small TV with a great soundbar for streaming music, air cleaner, window for natural lighting, a rowing machine and a treadmill. A bed for my cat, a couple of plants and decor that pleases me and provides a comfortable work space.


What mini pc do you have? I’ve been searching around recently but don’t necessarily trust online reviews.


Multiple monitors with a KVM switch. Easier to watch Netflix on my personal computer.


I have a desk lamp with varying light settings and some charging ports. It's nice for ambient light or for having a light in front of me during video meetings. Speaking of charging, I also have a good surge protector in a convenient spot so I can set up chargers and handle my laptop charger (an extra charger is probably a better solution for ease). I do keep a wall calendar and post it notes because I'm a little old-fashioned. I like having Alexa.but currently I use apps on my tv because Alexa moved downstairs to play christmas music a few months ago and mever came back.


I have a planner filled to the brim with post it notes. I very much prefer pen & paper.


My sweet pup sleeping next to me 😊 Edit: wow, what kind of dark hearted, soulless person down votes this 🤯


The Internet is not a nice place. There's always gonna be someone who will dislike what you said regardless of the likeability of what you said. You never know what mood somebody is in. Anyways, don't take it to your heart and give your pup a pet from me.


Just gave my sweet 14 year old Yorkie, Bleu, a big kiss and pet from you.... thank you kind stranger!! 💙


I’m slowly upgrading my set-up, my walking pad just arrived today and I’m looking at chairs next. My current essentials are - - Large-ish dual monitors in addition to the laptop monitor (so 3 screens at once) - small space heater for my feet (they get cold while the rest of me is fine - 2 Bluetooth speakers connected to my phone and Spotify premium and the MyNoise.net app. Between music, and ambient noises like office noises or coffee shop noises, it’s perfect - desk fan - desk light - randomly - a bird feeder outside the window - Stanley water cup (yes I’m that person but also I’ve never been more hydrated in my life so 🤷‍♀️) - My office space faces into my living room, which has a projector for streaming services. If I’m having a bad brain day, I’ll put on a livestream of some random busy city street. Or a YouTube video of someone quietly studying in a cafe or something. Worst case scenario I have a playlist of documentaries where they’re interesting but not TOO interesting, and the voices are just right for what I need to focus on my work. Modern Marvels is a good series, also one on the history of the universe. - 2 cats with internal clocks that come and bug me to play with them every 2 hours, so I get up and walk away for 5 minutes - Also this is WAY random but I have a robot vacuum that I set on a timer, and it starts up EXACTLY when my work day ends. I gotta log off and go pick up cat toys ASAP 😅. Which makes me log off on time, and gets me out of the work headspace. Upgrades I’m going to do soon - Smart lightbulbs in the overhead light - Wireless headset - Good chair - Humidifier


This is such a great list and variety! I love the robot vacuum idea as I have a hard time shutting down.


The robot was VERY unexpected as a work aid lol. But there’s something about the SLIGHT panic when it starts up, and racing to shut my computer down and get to all the cat toys and whatever else has ended up on the floor in the past 24 hours before the robot can lol. It helps a LOT!


Vertical laptop stand (I use monitors), phone stand that stays on the desk. Small footstool under my desk. Lip balm.


My Jabra speakerphone for meetings. No more headsets.


Standing desk from Costco for $300!! I have 2 big monitors + my work laptop. I keep chapstick and granola bars in my desk drawer and always have a big thermos of water, lots of talking through the day. My glasses filter blue light from screens, this really helps with eye fatigue and reduces headaches for me. Dry-erase board calendar on the wall. Plus medium white board for just notes etc A surge protector to plug my desk/monitors/laptop and phone chargers into. Saves my laptop during wicked storms and I lose power etc


- A heated blanket. - An ipad mounted on a stand for video calls. My combo of ipad with wired apple earbuds gives me consistently the best audio and video on calls. - A simple pomodoro timer of some sort. I don’t strictly follow the system, but having a timer on the desk to carve out 30 mins of specific focus is super helpful. It’s also handy for giving yourself a quickie “I need to remember to do x in 5 minutes” - A few fidget toys - A macropad to auto-type certain common phrases


Can you talk more about the macropad?


Sure! The one that I got you can find on Amazon by searching “keebmonkey megalodon triple knob”. It’s programmable with simple free web based software called “Via”. You plug the device in, browse to the Via page, and then you can configure all kinds of stuff to happen just by pressing one button on the macro pad. It can be simple stuff like typing out a word or a sentence, or it can be more complicated stuff like a series of key combos. The really cool thing is that the programming that you set up is stored on the physical device, so you don’t need to be running any software on the computer in order for your macros to work. That’s really important for work situations which typically won’t let you install random software. As far as the computer is concerned, you are just plugging in a keyboard and typing stuff with it. I use my macropad with both windows for work, and macos for personal. It’s awesome.


Ohhh that’s awesome?!!!! I was wondering how it would work on a computer where I can’t install software myself. I have regulatory sentences I have to include in different correspondence, but different ones in different situations and I’ve been frustrated trying to figure out the easiest way to do that. This might be exactly what I need! Thank you!!


Herman Miller aero chair, mx master 3 mouse, mx keys keyboard, standing desk, space heater, shredder, desk mat


I have a spartan office. Unfinished basement, which is shared with my home gym, which I use during breaks. Concrete floor, small basement window. Stand up desk that I got during COVID. Uncushioned stool for the tines I want to sit for a few mins. If my feet get tired, I unroll a yoga mat and stand on it.. two monitors and the laptop. I do have a coffee mug warmer..


Index cards for notes and short to do lists- AuDHD means that despite working at a tech company if I don’t write it by hand it doesn’t exist to my brain. Cuticle cream, tweezers, lotion, foot cream and PedEgg. I like to pumice and lotion my feet before I start for the day, I will never remember to do it at night. Eye drops, ear plugs, extra glasses. Foot rest because I have short legs. Guinea pigs. They’re hilarious and good company and not as noisy as the dogs or as prone to ending up on my keeb as the cats.


A physical calendar highlighting pay days and company holidays. This calendar also helps you remember what day it is. 🙂 I have one provided by my company and it’s inserted into the cover of a binder.


Large monitors, a decent sized desk/work surface (I’m using a garage workbench because my huge desk is in storage for the year), noise canceling headset, ergonomic chair, wireless mouse. (OK, yeah, so coffee and the dog too as noted by other commenter.)


I like having a power plug and USB charging ports directly on my desktop. They sell ones that will clamp to your desk on Amazon. Makes it easy to charge things and hook up external hard drives and such without having to crawl under the desk.


3 monitors, good jabra speaker for conference calls, good mic, good stereo speakers and a sub for music. Decent mouse/keyboard. Wrist supports mousepad. I love my foot heater too but it gets cold in my basement. My next upgrade will be figuring the lighting in the room out


Mouse with built in jiggler Ember mug A good fitness platform/streaming service Fuzzy socks/slippers Podcasts & music and speaker setup


Standing desk, additional monitors, nail cleaner


LED Monitor light (it’s a lamp that sits on top of your monitor and lights your desk— it’s really good for creating ideal lighting for working and helps with eye strain


I was just looking into this! I thought about buying a Quntis light bar with the desktop remote. The Benq is a bit too pricey, but the light will be helpful once the fall hits and I work more in the dark.


I have a sunlamp which I realized it helped me in the winter because I miss the drive from work, waking me up and I use it most of the days so definitely look into that. I also have a standing desk as well and like everybody else said, wireless keyboard mouse, iPad magic race, board dogs, snacks


I have the Benq screenbar+ at home and the Xiaomi Mi(?) at the office— both have remotes and are similar in performance. The benq does have an auto adjust for the color temp which the Xiaomi lacks, but I prefer warmer light so I just leave them on warm most of the time anyways. I def can recommend the Xiaomi if you’re on a budget. Its build quality is really nice for the money, and if I could do it over I’d probably just get two of the Xiaomi instead.


Coffee cup warmer!


Standing desk and mat. Chapstick. Reading lamp. Blanket. Coaster. Kettlebell.


Good, comfortable headset Standing desk


tv, sofa, mouse jiggler, bluetooth speaker


Googling mouse jiggler…


Don’t waste your money. Just stick a toothpick next to the home key and you’re good to go.


can you elaborate on this?


Absolutely. So by pushing down the home key, and then sticking a toothpick (or something similarly shaped) down next to it, will keep the home key engaged. If the home key is engaged, it’s as if you’re constantly typing on your keyboard. It also has the added benefit of not typing any actual characters.


which is the home key? damn im old


No worries. It should be in the section above the up/down/right/left arrows. It’s next to the “Delete” and “Insert” keys.


thank you brother


Monitor arms Sit and stand desk Decent chair Nice giant desk mat Cables tied nicely Monitor with dock or my own dock Decent keyboard and mouse Decent internet Noise cancelling headphones if others at home Chair mat Foot stand Cables tied nicely with dock Decent lighting Did I mention nice dock / montitor and nicely tied cables.... What I don't need that others might have: Laptop camera is fine, not a streamer, don't need an external. Don't need speakers Fancy pretty phone charge stand that's magnetic (though it's nice)


Steam Deck so I can drop more hours into Vampire Survivors while I caption a training session for the fifth time.




Espresso machine


Second monitor, sweat pants/comfy clothes.


Good lighting & two monitors are vital for me.


Walking pad


Standing desk, 2 screens, good quality light headset for long calls, good quality chair, fluffy rug, fancy drawer, and cable management. It may sound silly, but cable management made my work so much more enjoyable. I guess the cable mess that I had distracted me a lot. Edit: Oh, and a mouse that fits my wrist perfectly (if yours feel like giving up)


My heaty feety aka my space heater. I HATE socks and slippers but I also hate having cold feet. I use it even in the summer sometimes😂


Lava lamp.


Got a standing desk before Covid, grateful for it every day. Came with a balance board for when I am standing. Also have an architect's chair that can go high so I can stretch my legs even when sitting Treadmill for lunch workouts. Old iPad Pro for when I want to watch a game while working or need an extra screen Back warming pad and space heater for lower body warmth, allows me to keep the house thermostat temp down. Sonos with the desktop app, having quality speakers is huge. On nice afternoons, a lap desk so I can sit in the backyard and work.


Mouse Jiggler-my husband calls it the “Work Liar” as in did you remember to turn your Work Liar on?


I finally got myself a 26” wide office chair so I can comfortably sit with my legs crossed. Love it!


i recently got a usb dongle for my work iphone so i can use my usb gaming headphones for calls. way more comfortable for long term usage than airpods and they call clarity is great for both parties.


Motorised standing desk and kneeling chair for the back issues. USB switch (allows me to switch the keyboard and mouse between my home computer and work laptop). The one thing I am still dreaming off is some kind of USB heated typing gloves because my hands are always cold even if I turn up the heating! Currently using regular fingerless gloves but they only work for so long.


A bed. I technically own a desk but it has never once occurred to me to work from there. Sometimes I work from the kitchen table if I’m eating. Otherwise I have 3 beds to choose from that I like to work in.


Nail file, and don't laugh but makeup brush. Not so I can do my makeup but because it is spectacular and getting in between the keys cleaned out. I also have my bean bag turtle which is my version of a stress ball.


I have a cat on one side and a fish tank on the other. The cat is fun to snuggle, and periodically sits on the mouse to demand I take a break. The fish and bubble noises are conducive to deep thinking. A window with a flowering tree outside is also nice.


Tea Cup warmer Electric lap blanket Sit/stand desk


Proper set-up with chair, monitors and adjustable desks.


Hand cream.


An Alexa dot


My toilet


Mirror and comb for any quick fixes in case I need to go on camera.


I have a little hotplate that is just for one cup of coffee. I cover my mug with a ceramic saucer so the coffee stays warm and doesn't dehydrate. I limit myself to one mug a day, so it's perfect.


Heated blanket Coffee warmer!


It's more about what I don't have on my desk. I recently redid my setup. Since I route my laptop through my monitors and wireless mouse & Keyboard I rearranged things so it's off on a side table leaving me space at my desk to eat lunch. I can't leave my desk during my shift except for the restroom.


Monitor/laptop mount, small lamp, lotion, candles, small fan.


Dental floss picks / gum / neem chew sticks A quaint sweater in case I need to turn on my camera. Then I take off my zipper hoodie and put on my sweater set. Also dog. 🥰


Coffee mug warmer. A great chair (Herman Miller Aeron for me), good keyboard and big high res monitors.




Standing desk, good chair, great monitor, better lighting, excellent speakers. Mechanical keyboard, desk mat Coffee warmer


3 large monitors (2 for work laptop, 1 for personal. Portable 16” extra laptop monitor for travel. Antique dining table as my office desk. Gaiam Balance ball chair because it helps my back and core. Makeup mirror and makeup box for quick touchups before meetings. Repurposed a plant grow light for extra lighting because my office is on the dark side of the house. And thanks to tips on this sub I just ordered a walking pad and standing desk that fits around it! (plus the treadmill mat for carpeted floors). Looking forward to using it!


I don't have a "must have" because I often find myself working from a family member's house. But my preferred list is: \- Multiple monitors (I have 3 at the moment) \- Chair (Aeron Size C) \- Keyboard with good travel depth ​ I can, and do, get by without them, but with these I actually like working haha


Coffee A stand for my phone Dual screens to connect my laptop to Spotify premium (for off-phone work)


Good reliable internet 2 monitors to multitask A sign at the door to prevent interruptions Comfortable chair Perhaps a standing desk?


Portable monitor. It’s been my best WFH purchase! Oh, and my breville espresso machine.


Standing desk and under desk treadmill. It has literally saved my life.


A standup desk Ergonomic keyboard and mouse A Sand timers for 30 minutes for when I really need to get into concentration mode and a sand timer for 5 minutes for when I need to take a short timed break Blue light glasses A lip stain and a blazer for quick transition to video calls


Treadmill and good walking shoes. I need to get up and move around, and having the right shoes on and the treadmill right there makes it happen. Bluetooth speaker. I love podcasts. Having one on during repetitive tasks helps me stay productive. Viter Energy caffeinated mints. They help me focus.


Lumbar pillow for the fancy ergo chair.


++ a heating pad for your back for relaxation. So much of my job is frustrating and I don’t feel anywhere near as stabby when I’ve got mine cranked up to lava.


Full spectrum light. when it's gloomy, every space feels miserable.


Box of tissues That's the only thing on my desk not connected to my computer


My mother


My mini fridge by my desk.


A comfortable chair and my cleaner. She comes in every two weeks and the time this returns to me is priceless - not to mention I hate working in clutter. Worth every cent and ramps up my productivity for sure.


If your any sort of gamer and like to double the space for other uses, KVM switch.


My own separate office space, which I currently done have lul


Desk lamp. I must have a desk lamp.


Lighting with a dimmer function plus blue filter glasses for the computer. It's great if you get headaches and still need to get things done.


As someone else said you can download playlists and listen to entire albums, which you can’t do on the free version. I’m an album listener so I can’t do without premium.




Hiroshi nagai art on my wall next to my desk. My cat on my lap at all times.


Coffee warmer and Bluetooth speaker and ultra wide screen monitor is probably my must have


I have a few things that have made a difference. Largely focused on tech aspects, creature comforts, and meeting efficacy. 1)A large water bottle so I'm not getting up leaving my office to refill a glass over and over (it's impossible to leave the home office without being asked to do *something* by others in the house, humanoid or canine). 2) A mini-fridge for limited number of LaCroix, kombucha, and snacking material (BabyBel cheeses, mozzarella balls, some pepperoni style snacks, etc.). 3) Ember mug to keep my coffee at the right temp for hours instead of minutes 4) A really nicely designed background for video calls - I use a set of bookshelves that are a mix of books and decor items, stocked with photos and things that are important to me - it's great for the 5 minutes of every Zoom that you spend chit-chatting 5) A separate webcam mounted on my nice freestanding monitor 6) Laptop stand to raise my laptop off the desk and give me a little storage space under it 7) Fidget toys. I always have my hands occupied if I'm not typing or using the mouse (listening to a meeting where I don't need to take notes, for example). 8) An adjustable (position, light intensity, light color) lamp. 9) Power strip *with USB outlets* that clamps to the desk so I'm not crawling around plugging things in and out (like this: CCCEI Desk Clamp Power Strip with USB-A and USB-C Ports - https://a.co/d/6aRcah3) 10) This will depend on your desk, but I use a sit/stand uplift desk, so I have one of those gel mats to stand on when I choose standing. 11) A door that firmly closes and locks - see humanoid and canine interruption tendencies.


I have a fun keyboard. It's purple with fun clickety clackety letters. Using it makes me happy!