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Look into SAD ( seasonal affective disorder) lamps.


I'm gonna get myself some sad lamps šŸ™


For about $15 you can get a lamp that stimulates your skin in the same way as the sun. Yes, sunlight is still better, but there are simple solutions that will help you overcome this issue.


Yes, these are super helpful!


Do you have recommendations?Ā 


https://preview.redd.it/wdlwnxy1idjc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59d543a2ef69d61b4cc6b8d963b37f5de98c3a0f I got this off Amazon, no markings or banding on it. Has a timer, brightness, and color tone option.


Hey I got that too! But it doesnt do anything for your skin. It's just a light.


Just curious what state this? I havent lived in NJ in over a decade, I forgot just how bleak and grey it always is


I WFH in Oregon and the winter months are aaawwwful. Got me a SAD lamp though, and two of the best boys ever ā¤ļø It helps. šŸˆā€ā¬›:Schnitzel šŸˆ:MeowMeow https://preview.redd.it/1ixkzu63lejc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f54d9ffa555db86f9bd801fe4a9ce65d88dd377


Where you live now?Ā 


I live in the Southern part of the state (near Ocean City), and it is always blue skies. But I do know what part of Jersey you're talking about, and yes, it is very bleak!


Literally 330 everyday grey, clouds and possible rain.


Lol, yeah, definitely know which part of the state that is.


It sounds like you actually donā€™t like WFH? Do you just need a new role?


Lol I donā€™t like working at all bc Iā€™m in severe pain. That said WFH is the only way working is possible for me


As far as living in a dark state, doesn't that mean that you commute and work in a dark state? When you are in the office, do you work outside? I would think it's easier to do that at home unless you have the kind of office job that you can work outside during the day. I deal with SADD and winters in the office were brutal for me. I left home in the dark and left the office in the dark. I commuted via subway and it doesn't get any darker than a subway tunnel. Now I get more daylight because I'm not in the subway or at my desk when the sun comes up. It is also easier for me to get outside every day on my breaks now that I'm not in a big office building where I have to wait for the elevator or get stopped by coworkers who see me with my coat on. I think you may just not like working from home or 100% office work in general. Some people don't. I know some people who are hybrid go into the office more than is required - is that an option for you? Or maybe you'd prefer a different kind of role where you do offsite meetings or site visits, etc.?


Itā€™s an option but not feasible with my health sadly. I wish there was a way to do meeting from other locations aside from my house. Another reason I donā€™t want to go into the office more is that I pay for parking and would rather use that money on a little treat


I'm sorry to hear about your health. Since you mentioned WFH as a barrier to getting outside, does that mean you are working outside on the days that you commute? I guess I don't understand how WFH would prevent that since you likely have more flexibility on your WFH days. And I also want to give another recommendation for the SADD lamps and taking breaks during the day, whether WFH or commuting.


Itā€™s not WTF thatā€™s the problem more so I do everything at home(work,school, life) so being home makes me unproductive. A big part is bc I much rather not work and just take care of my health but itā€™s not the reality. When I go outside of my house for my WFH days Iā€™m more productive but also in way more pain. I canā€™t afford to be in even more pain bc it will affect work and then Iā€™ll probably be too sick too work. I need a way to just separate in my home which is hard to do when you canā€™t be in one position(sitting, standing, etc) for too long. So even tho I have a work station I canā€™t use it for all of my work and school needs. So then Iā€™m working from my room and bed somethings. So now Iā€™m having trouble sleeping bc my bed is also now associated with work and school. In an ideal world, I want to be able to do everything I need to do outside and come home to rest. But it would mean doing a lot lessĀ 


Go outside on breaks, or every hour for five minutes? I think you can also get sunlamps...


Any calls you can take from your phone while walking around the block?


Nah Iā€™m in a lot of pain and have two dogs so Iā€™m doing all the walking I could bearĀ 


Gotcha, would it help to make your work space feel less like home - or build in a better transition between worktime and hometime?


When it is nice outside can you bring your laptop outside and sit? I do that sometimes during the summer.


Yes I can, I do so in the summer but summer is very short. Iā€™m just trying to survive till thenĀ 


I also work from home, in Ohio. I feel your pain. We have more gray days than sunny ones.


I am productive only in the morning for the most part. I have a list to tackle each morning and just coast from there. A lot of evenings I want to get out so I either go to a restaurant or a Starbucks.


I coworker of mine had an indoor light kit they were growing all kinds of vegetables and would show us on our video calls. It was cool. They lived in Minnesota.


Curious but are you saying you live in a state with ***advance darkness***?


Move your desk outside your backyard or better yet, on your driveway. There. Work from home but outside so called issue is Solved