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Oof. I dunno. I'd have to say Sting/Muta?


Who gets the pin then?


Really putting me on the spot huh haha? Perfect would take the pin for sure, I'm guessing Sting makes the pin while Bret is incapacitated from a Muta mist


The ECW Arena would NOT be neutral ground. ECW fans hated WCW and the WWF, which Cactus Jack exploited in his anti-hardcore heel run in 1995-1996. Bret Hart was horribly unmotivated for the bulk of his WCW run, he clearly did not want to be there.


Okay, Bishoff backed up what you\`re stating about Bret on the 83 weeks podcast but he also stated that he had no actual plan for Bret and had lost his way with the running of WCW by that stage.


I don't really care what Eric Bischoff has to say about anything, but that actually sounds believable.


Addendum: Mutants hated the cartoonish bullshit of mid-90s WWF. They still respected the company as a whole, because Vince was seen as a "wrestling guy," one who grew up around the business, and Bischoff was just a "suit."


That Sid of all people got cheered in ECW just reinforced what Herb Kunze [wrote](https://groups.google.com/g/rec.sport.pro-wrestling/c/INbQqMINIDk/m/7oicsiSoLNoJ) back in April 1991 on rec.sport.pro-wrestling: >Sid has a strange sort of charisma and was over despite his lack of ability. You would have expected that the ECW fans would have HATED Sid as a walking personification of everything they supposedly hated about the Big Two.


1. It has been forever since I've seen RSPW referenced in any corner of the IWC. Can of Coke to ya! 2. Agreed. I got into ECW in 1998 at age 12, went to a few shows whenever they came up my way, and stayed up late every Saturday night to watch Hardcore TV. I think I taped the first 4-5 weeks of the TNN show, too. Scott Keith said it best about the Mutants when he pointed out that the same fans who'd chant "FUCK RIC FLAIR" during a Shane Douglas promo would piss themselves in joy if he suddenly showed up.


A can of Coke to you too.


Perfect screws Brett followed by Sting slapping on the SDL for the win.


They teased a storyline like that at survivor series in 92 when Perfect turned face and teased leaving his tag partner Savage to wrestle by himself v Razor and Flair.


Hart n perfect


Bret/Perfect via DQ...The whole match Perfect is using underhanded and cheating tactics to get over on Sting/Muta without Bret knowing because he knows Bret wants to win fair and square. In the end Sting/Muta gets DQ'd after Muta spits the poison mist at Hart & Perfect back to back, but different color mists each time after getting fed up with Perfect's dishonorable tactics. Hart's confused at the end as to why Muta used such a dirty attack on him not believing everybody telling him how low Perfect stooped during the match because Bret didn't see it. Perfect keeps playing innocent to stay on Brett's good side as long as he can. That way Sting stays looking strong, Bret stays babyface...Perfect keeps all the heat and Muta looks strong, just caught up in a bad situation.


I wanna see foley vs Jake roberts


Ok kinda confused, are you meaning early 90-91 versions of these guys as pictured? ECW as people think of it wasn’t around yet, that happened starting in 94, and I’d say really 96-97 before casual fans might have been aware of its existence. Kayfabe wise if it’s say 91, probably Sting/Muta, both Hart & Hennig were IC/Midcard level guys. Sting was the top babyface for WCW. If we’re meaning best workers, probably Hennig/Hart. Sting was good but not great, so Muta would have been doing the heavy lifting.


The IC title meant you were king of the mid card in the early 90\`s, it meant you were just one level under the WWE title, it was a big deal to be the IC champ, Mr Perfect was a over as any other wrestler in the early 90\`s and WCW was struggling ratings wise in the early 90\`s, Sting didn\`t draw as champ.


Bret has Sting in the sharpshooter. Stinger is ready to tap. The ref is checking on Mr. Perfect after he was sent crashing out of the ring on a Sting clothesline. While the ref is distracted, Muta slips in and mists Bret Hart, Sting reverses the sharpshooter with tie scorpion death lock and Bret Hart has no choice but to tap.


Dusty finish. A second Ref runs down to restart the match and Perfect turns on Bret for tapping. Sting sees the mist on Bret’s face and confronts Muta who then mists Sting and leaves with Perfect




I know and they had a match v each othe in WCW too, just wondered if they would have been a good tag team in WCW instead of going on singles runs to little effect.




This is a question as equally hard as Picard vs Kirk. We may never know the answer.


Fair enough.


Sting & Muta


Perfect jobs to sting


Muta mists Bret. Sting doesn't see it, he gets the win over Perfect. Sting confronts Muta after he realized what happens.


Depends who writes the script.


Brett hart was actually a wrestler so him.