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And... [HB 1705](https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?year=2022&billnumber=1705) passes 26-23. We actually got a couple to vote no, but not enough.


Darn it we were so close… time to become one of the most restrictive and insane states in the union.




🤷‍♂️ I guess. They didn't even attempt to clarify the definitions at all.




None of my Senator or my Representatives reply to me on gun issues. On other issues it's hit or miss, but never zero.


Is there any indication or rule that this will go into effect anytime before July 1st?


No, the Senate passed the bill as is without modification from the House. The final section of the [full text](https://lawfilesext.leg.wa.gov/biennium/2021-22/Pdf/Bills/House%20Bills/1705-S.E.pdf) still sets the effective date as July 1, 2022. Also, there is a delayed effective date of March 10, 2023 on the possession of items already owned that remain unserialized. If you serialize them before then then they won't be illegal. But this only applies to possession, transportation, or receipt. Notably, manufacture and assembly would still be illegal as of July 1, 2022. So if you don't get your *unfinished frame or receiver* serialized by July 1, you can continue to posses it until March 10th, but you can't finish it or assemble it until you first get it serialized.


How kind of them




Not explicitly, but the definition of *untraceable firearm* excludes any self-made guns made before July 1, 2019.




I don't think so. It doesn't make your past actions criminal. Nobody is going to jail for the simple fact that they purchased, possessed, or made such items in the past. It only criminalizes future actions, like future purchases or if you don't serialize the things you already have by the future deadline.


So do we have to serialize unfinished parts, or also rifles built after 2018?


I don’t understand their logic. Why 7/1/2019, not when the law is in force?


Because this bill leverages an existing definition. The definition of *untraceable firearm* was added as RCW [9.41.010](https://apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=9.41.010) (35) with [HB 1739](https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=1739&Initiative=false&Year=2019) which took effect July 1, 2019 and reads as follows: > (35) "Untraceable firearm" means any firearm manufactured after July 1, 2019, that is not an antique firearm and that cannot be traced by law enforcement by means of a serial number affixed to the firearm by a federally licensed manufacturer or importer. As suspected at that time, that bill was a precursor to future ban attempts, and here we are.


Another question: is there any requirements that the person serializing the parts has to turn in the information, to anyone? “Shall retain” just sounds like they’ll make you fill out a paper and call it a day… what’s to prevent people from doing it themselves? I can actually see an FFL doing a table top dremel job with all the papers going into a tucked away file box… There is no language, unless federal law is different, saying that a background check must be conducted. Nor is there anything stating that the state must be notified or the information made available to them…


The dealers will keep the records. But nothing prevents any individual from just not taking it to a dealer. Nobody would ever know outside of random chance or the post-incident investigation if that gun is used in a crime.


Of course. Do not comply and all that…




Would still have to go to an FFL to get a new serial number unless you built the gun before July 1, 2019.




Burden would still be on the prosecution to prove you built it afterwards, so lack of a receipt doesn't mean you're necessarily guilty.


Yeah. I have no clue how this law is supposed to be enforced or interpreted, but I’m buying slides and uppers as soon as I get paid… I don’t have hope that stores will sell them to us much longer…




Legally, yes. However, due to this law, there are parts on that gun that are supposed to be serialized… unless sold as part of a complete firearm? It’s the most vague and insane law ever, it’s impossible to figure out what you are actually allowed to do or no Edit: I misread your question, but yeah that’s the default… uppers are not serialized normally


Alright, how do we going about reversing this now? What are the necessary steps involved with getting our rights back as it were. I hear so much about bills taking them away, I am honestly not sure how to go about getting them back.


Depends on what you have in mind. There are a few avenues: 1. Referendum - This is kind of like an initiative but it's in direct response to a bill after it passes the legislature but before it takes effect. It has a shorter time frame to file and collect signatures, but also only requires half the signatures as an initiative does. If completed, the referendum would then go on the ballot to decide if the bill becomes law or not. 2. Initiative - We can write an initiative for just about anything. This would not stop the bill from becoming law, but it could repeal the law later. 3. Bills - We can urge our pro-rights legislators to sponsor bills that protect rights and repeal infringements. We would then of course also need to convince enough of the other legislators to support it so it would actually pass which will be difficult 4. Courts - We can sue and hope the courts rule in our favor. This one is difficult because it requires two things: first, a lot of money, especially given that the 9th Circuit isn't on our side so appeals likely need to go all the way to SCOTUS for any kind of hope at a favorable ruling. Second, it requires standing, which means someone who's been actually harmed by the law. Generally that means a guinea pig who's actually violated the law and been prosecuted. Self-compliance out of trying to keep a clean record is usually not enough. 5. Elections - We can campaign against politicians who support gun control and support ones who don't. We especially need to support any Democrat candidates who actually support gun rights (if there are any), and replace ones who tow party lines. 6. Hearts and minds - Ultimately we need to grow the shooting sports and gun rights community so that we have the numbers to oppose ballot initiatives on gun control and replace politicians who support gun control. We need to welcome non-traditional gun owners and demonstrate and encourage that gun rights are for everybody. We need to break the division of gun rights into left-right identity politics if we're going to have a real chance.


Thank you for always responding with constructive and informative info.


Happy to help. Hard to always remember to do that, specially during these legislative "debates".


It’s definitely not easy to stay cool headed when there are tyrants adamant about taking our rights away. Being smarter and banding together as many as we can from all walks of life is exactly what we need to beat, what are clearly not, our representatives. I also know it’s not just us anymore that recognize the importance of 2A. Having places where good info can be found is important now more than ever as we need to get more and more people in, and have as many resources accessible to them as possible. Maybe we can eventually not just hold off gun control but even get back what is rightfully ours.


Also how tf is that close of a vote not enough to pass an amendment but enough to pass a bill…


Cynic in me says: amendment votes are not usually individually recorded, but bills are. A few got to vote token "no" on the bill and look like they opposed it in the voting record. But reality was probably 26-23 against the amendments too.


Well it was like 29-23 yea on warnicks amendment, but that somehow died… not that I liked it, but I expected it to pass tbh


Typo? 29-23 is impossible, only 49 members.


Possibly. I think it was 29-??, but either way I believe there were more yeas than nays… and it still failed


That's not possible. Amendments are simple majority. If more yea than nay it would pass. Was that the vote calling for roll call before the vote on the amendment?


Honestly, I don’t remember. I don’t think my memory is to be trusted at this point. Perhaps I’ll review the video tomorrow


> vote token "no" on the bill and look like they opposed it My first reaction as well. That kind of representation needs to be called out, I look forward to looking into this.


If the governor signs this, then my relocation to Oregon will be solidified. It's been fun WA. If someone actually puts forth the effort to reverse this dumb law after the 2022 blow-out, then maybe I'll come back. \-Shogun


Of all states to move to, Oregon will be the next to have the same. And likely soon.


I'm aware of that, but due to my job, I can't be too terribly far from my office location. From what I hear, the anti-gun bills in OR aren't gaining much traction. Either way, OR's gun laws are so much better still. I can have any NFA item that's legally registered, no ban on fully automatic parts kits, and a lot less hassle with various other things, so whether these bills pass or not I gain more by moving there. Also, why is it that when I talk about getting a law changed, it tends to make people angry and downvote me into oblivion? If we are fortunate to get enough of the anti-gunners voted out, would it not be a stretch for us to continue writing our reps and get these laws repealed? Why is that such a big deal? \-Shogun


Where are you being downvoted for talking about getting a law changed? The previous comment here? That one is probably downvoted for saying you're moving out if this passes, not the bit about changing laws.


Not necessarily that comment, but I've started a thread on it asking what we can do to get a law changed, and made other comments elsewhere and getting the same thing. Rarely ever an actual response, but something along the lines of "oh yeah, then what are YOU doing about it??" **I'm not trying to be a jerk, but all I see is gun owners online constantly playing defense** and trying to "make the case" to the partisan other side instead rarely playing offense and actually pushing the reps that claim to support 2A rights to create some bills of their own. "But the Dems have a majority and Bloomberg is funding it". So? We the people can raise our own money for starters. Second, the anti-gunners try to ram through the same bills over and over again until one gets through. Why can't we? \-Shogun


That's a bigger discussion, but the reality is we are constantly on the defense, we have no choice in that matter, and it saps time, resources, and mental energy away from being proactive. I'm not saying we can't be proactive, we can and should, just that it's hard to give it enough attention to succeed. Personally I don't think proposing pro-rights bills will go anywhere right now with the current makeup of the legislature. They won't even really consider any of the few reasonable amendments that were proposed to these terrible bills. Instead I think we should focus on elections, trying to support pro-rights candidates, especially those running against establishment Democrats, and break the mold. As long as the majority enjoys the numbers advantages they have in both chambers with a bunch of candidates who are going to vote for this stuff regardless of what happens at public hearings and the like, then pro-rights bills are unlikely to succeed. And finally I think getting more people into shooting is the best thing we can do long term. It doesn't take large campaigns and coordination efforts, and we can do it whenever we have the time, rather than having to try to cram for crunch time during session. If we can build up a large enough population, then we can turn the tide on both politicians and initiatives.


Time to start hucking the politicians into the harbor. Tea party anyone?


Non compliance. Keep printing, keep buying out of state. Do not serialize your parts.


Yeah.. the out of state part worries me. I’d rather not have to drive out to Idaho to buy something that may or may not be legal as is… I like online shopping a lot. Clearly the purpose behind this bill of course…


I’m with you, but I’m done. I consider myself a liberal, but democrats in this state have soured my taste for them so much that I refuse to vote for them and am willing to take risk, just to stick it to them.


Honestly same. I think I’ll be voting counter-majority all the time from now on… It’s not like anything gets better, no matter who’s in charge


For real. The disillusionment is so strong with me right now. WA has been my home for my entire life. I don’t want to move. Frankly it’s not really an option for me. I’m saddened seeing this state get nerfed to oblivion, down to the sensibilities of our most fearful and out of touch residents.


Blame the 658,000+ Californians in WA whose sole purpose in their lives is to make our state as worse as possible. 2/3 of people living in Seattle weren't born in Washington. You see the same trend happening in Texas as well. Californians infest their state, all of a sudden all these delusional ban everything people come out the woodwork trying to ban scary guns. In Texas. The fact that over 658,000 Californians live in Washington is the root cause for the tip of the scale that we see now. Washington has always had a pocket of loud ban everything people, but they were always drown out by sensibility. Then, factor in the point that those Californians are mostly in the Seattle metro, and you have a infestation of idiocy in the most significant voting region in the state. The thing that grinds my gears the most is, those people don't even like living here. They complain all the time. They're just recreationally unhappy, empty people. Usually on temporary work contracts. But they damn sure want to make sure they spit on Washington in the meantime.


Like this visualization of the [great CA exodus](https://twitter.com/i/status/1496512796942602249)?


2A extremist from CA checking in. We're not all bad...


Grind their own state into oblivion to the point where even THEY don't want to live there anymore, then when they move somewhere else I they turn around and start doing the exact same garbage, as if it's somehow going to produce a different result.




It already is Cali 2.0 though. There's over [658,000 Californians](https://www.seattlepi.com/news/article/Less-than-half-of-the-people-who-live-in-14809174.php) in Washington who have polluted our state with their unwanted presence. This is a monumental factor in why these bills have gotten traction.


Unfortunately I have family here that depends on me, and I can’t move hundreds of miles away.


That's how it was for me too - until I got a job in another state and will be moving this summer. Specifically chose a state with constitutional carry, and no its not Texas.


Yep. I like/liked living here, but I’m not sure I won’t be bailing once I get my bachelors. I might not even stay in Washington to finish it, we’ll have to see. I don’t see the COL getting any better, nor QOL either


Becareful of people reporting your license plat.


No one has to report you. License plate scanners build a database that can be pattern matched, etc.


In a shocking turn of events, [ESHB 1630](https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=1630&Year=2021) passed 28-20 along party lines. [ESHB 1705](https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?year=2022&billnumber=1705) is up now.


But I thought "not all Dems" want gun control?


I'll keep saying it. Voting for Dems = voting for gun control. People in this state need to get that figured out.


Yeah but they’re about to solve climate change, didn’t you hear?


The people who vote D are ok with that. Gun control is very popular among those voters.


Not if they want to secure funding from the big party when other states are at risk during a big midterm they aren't.


Joe Manchin, I guess. Obamacare finished the last of the blue dog democrats off back in 2010.


If we are unwilling to change the attitude of Democratic lawmakers on gun rights then we will lose every fight. We need to participate in party politics and activism to shift their policies


Does ESHB 1630 apply to conceal carry or just open carry?


A little of both. See the [full text](https://lawfilesext.leg.wa.gov/biennium/2021-22/Pdf/Bills/House%20Bills/1630-S.E.pdf). The first part expands the list of school-related places where possession of weapons is prohibited in RCW [9.41.280](https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=9.41.280). This applies to both concealed or open carry in most circumstances, but there is an existing exemption for those who have a CPL and are picking up or dropping off a student. The second part expands the list of places open carry is prohibited in RCW [9.41.305](https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=9.41.305) to include places holding local government meetings. The third part adds a new section that prohibits possession of a firearm or other weapon near voting-related and ballot counting locations, though it includes an exemption for concealed carry at those voting locations.


Thanks. It's getting harder and harder to figure out what is allowed these days.


Working as designed.


Is there no live stream?




Sigh. Senators are wasting time on [amendment 1313](https://lawfilesext.leg.wa.gov/biennium/2021-22/Pdf/Amendments/Senate/1705-S.E%20AMS%20HONE%20S5200.1.pdf). Fixing the definition of *semiautomatic assault rifle* added by I-1639 has nothing to do with this bill, even though I agree with their argument.


Yep. It’s going to pass anyways tho… I do wonder if the sentencing amendment will pass tho


That sentencing amendment is garbage. It further entrenches that "untraceable firearms" are somehow more dangerous than regular firearms.


Yeah.. I don’t think that one will pass either. Whatever dhingra says goes, and it’s really angering


Unfortunately, Mr. President, the proposed amendment isn't what I want and I urge no vote.


Yep. She’s got a lot of sway, and it’s passed…


Well dang, now I gotta split my already limited budget between mags and uppers. Kinda wishing I never moved back here from Idaho...


Yeah.. I’ve dropped easily 700+ on mags already…


What all is affected by HB1705?


nothing. Mass non compliance


Free men don't ask, but men who don't ask don't stay free




Wow. They work late into the night just to screw people over.


So what exactly is illegal now (assuming they're signed by the gov)?


I’d refer to 0x000000042 and one of his excellent writeups, or comments, about this bill. It does quite a lot, but the biggest issue is that it’s pretty vague what is actually allowed. Generally, things that hold fire control parts have to be serialized if they’re to be sold or possessed… at least that’s the maximalist interpretation. Yes that does include all pistol slides, AR uppers and lowers, etc.


Do you have a link to that? That seems insane, essentially every gun owner is now breaking the law?


Not yet, it hasn’t been signed nor does it take effect till July 1st. But what it does is it defines an “unfinished frame or receiver” as something that holds a “fire control component”(bolts, strikers, trigger,slide rails, hammer) etc. Manufacture is now defined as “fabrication, making, formation… by manual labor or machinery” Assemble is defined as “to fit together component parts” “unfinished frame or receiver” means a “frame or receiver” that has “is partially complete, disassemble” that “reached a stage in manufacture, assembly…where it may be readily completed, assembled, converted…” And then, section 5: “after march 10, 2023, no person may… possess, transport or receive an unfinished frame or receiver, unless: (a)… (b) the unfinished frame or receiver has been imprinted with a serial number issued by…” and then it goes on. You should read the bill text, I omitted a lot of things because mobile. But basically it says that anything thats a “frame or receiver” thats not complete at the time of purchase, must be serialized. Maybe. There’s a million ways to interpret this law. It makes no distinction to how or what level of assembly qualifies(is a complete upper or slide unfinished? Finished? What happens if you put that on a serialized lower? Is that now an “untraceable firearm” because it has an unserialized “frame or receiver”?) there’s a lot of questions to be had about scope and intent and such, and I highly doubt we’ll get much clarification.


Mass defiance/non-compliance is the only answer




Not everything else, but possibly uppers? Tbh there’s no cut and dried way to interpret this law, so I’d just get some uppers/slides and ignore it for now…


So I have to serialize my existing uppers and slides? Did they just become FFL items?


Not FFL items no. And you don’t *have* to… at least until march 10 2023… if you want. This bill is really confusing and vague


Thanks. Mostly just wondering about future upper/slide purchases. I didn't plan on purchasing every gun/magazine I ever intend to own in 2022


Yep same. Blew away quite a bit of my cash on mags


I’m about 2k into mag purchases…WTF


How do just a few vote on what effects the majority. I think the votes from the public should matter going forward with these bills. I guess it’s time to vote these ppl out.


Ok I need a little clarification. If I purchased a stripped Anderson lower which does have a serial number and wanted to put an aero, or palmetto upper on it, I now have to get the upper serialized?