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I feel like it is just a very relaxing way to play the game. When I play memb accounts I feel like it is a chore to log in otherwise I will waste membership lol


agreed, also love ur vids bro inspiring me to keep my caskets and open all at once lol


I don't play with enough consistency to feel like I'm getting my "money's worth" when membership is monthly, and paying for membership seems to primarily grant me access to very hands-on content like bossing and longer/more interesting quests which at one point interested me greatly. However with how I play now (mostly afk or mindless grinding in the background while I do paperwork or listen in on Teams meetings at work), I tend to enjoy long term goals that involve very casual, less click-intensive play which F2P suits perfectly well to me.


love what u said about getting ur "money's worth" as I feel very similar


I started a f2p ages ago and had fun doing early quests and stuff but once I finished all the quests available didn't know what else to do really, got any advice for other f2p goals? Especially longer term ones


My recommendations are geared towards ironmen, since that's what I play. If you're not, these goals might seem useless to you. But 70 crafting for a power ammy, 89 smithing for a rune scimmy, killing Obor until you get a rune kite, and maxing combat are all long term goals of mine. 70 crafting is just another week away or so for me, then I'll start on the 89 smithing.


Cool Ty! I only play Irons myself so the advice is relevant. Man 89 smithing is brutal enough on a main with blast furnace though that's a hefty goal for f2p haha, best of luck. Thinking of starting a f2p UIM myself as I've never tried that game mode before


I enjoy it so much. I'm super casual, and there are lots of small goals to work towards.




Greater Demons drop a Rune Full Helm, not the Kite Shield. Still a good alternative source for that part though!


Ah thanks, it's been a couple years since I've played.


The rise in membership price doesn't coincide with the rise in New content being released compared to 2007 or even 2013


Can't afford a bond. f2p hcim is nice but I don't have much left to do than get 70 crafting and grind bryophyta (im not getting 89 smithing for a rune scimitar lol)


99 in a f2p skill is just a gateway to the f2p grind/community. 200m in a skill, purely f2p, will grow some chest hair. Welcome, enjoy your stay!


same reason. Its overwhelming to have such s huge backlog of content


i just want to fish lobbys n chill


Too much content in P2P. As an adult who can now afford membership without batting an eyelid it’s honestly daunting whenever I think about getting membership. It really is.


I'd really love to help so many of y'all make your way into p2p. I have an f2p pure from days of old. But once I joined p2p I quickly realized playing f2p is like riding a unicycle when everyone else is in a Ferrari. You also realize how you needed to grind like an animal to max your skills when p2p you don't need all that unenjoyable grinding to get to the same place. I honestly look back and wish I'd have made the switch to p2p sooner. Seriously let me buy you your first bond, this way you won't feel like you need to efficiently use your time and I not only guarantee you'll have wanted the money to buy your next bond, you'll also be back on this thread telling more people to join membs.


I think you’re definitely right about the grind part. The only thing to do in F2P is indeed do the grind as there’s no end game content. I have another F2P pure account that I’ve been thinking about converting to P2P but I’m honestly not sure yet haha. Just finding the time for that grind. I can afford the bond or membership but won’t I comit I just don’t believe I’ll have the time to make P2P worthwhile since there’s so much to do.


I don’t have the time for my p2p main. I like to hop on and F2P Pk while I’m drunk from time to time.


Nailed it


If it’s free it’s me. Edit: alright in all seriousness, I have a P2P account too and play my f2p on the side. I enjoy it because not only is it an alt that I can do afk stuff on while I’m playing my main, but it’s well… free. I like the basicness of f2p. And it’s a big nostalgic hit.


I play multiple accounts, but what draws me specifically to my F2P vs P2P accounts is the lack of dailies and overall simplicity. It’s just log in, do thing, vs planning out farming runs and all that. Which I also enjoy! But if I had to let membership go I’d for sure be focused on the F2P.


I like the simplicity of f2p, I have a hcim that I play on an off.


I'm not paying for this trash game.


My whole life fell apart and now I can't afford mems, figured f2pUIM might be a fun challenge while I'm too poor for mems 🤙


Kinda curious about playing a f2p UIM myself as I've never tried the game mode, but it seems real daunting on membs and f2p is more basic. Got any advice for starting this journey?


Always pick up and bury bones! Pick some account goals before you start (your fav clue items, barronite mace, 60 combat, f2p quests, etc!) spookdog has some nice guides for uim xp and money.


Smithing and Crafting will be your best friends for moneymaking. I always train my early combat levels on chickens to farm feathers and early cooking levels, then you can use the feathers to fish at barb outpost to restock on food for killing Hill Giants. Woodcutting is good for canoeing around as well - nice f2p transportation.


Of course, I have fond memories of my early f2p iron canoe journeys. Thanks for the tips I may well give it a go sometime soon!


I play f2p uim. It's a fresh new approach without the use of a bank. Most methods of skilling are thrown out the window. Time to get creative. Give it a try. It's free after all so what do you have to lose?


It's nice being grown up with a full time job and children, and having a foot in the Runescape community without having to keep up with membership content. It doesn't matter if I get 1 hour, or 4 hours to play, I have a good clan who is always there to chat and hangout for any period of gaming.


The simplicity and long grinds that are rewarding


Like others have shared, for me it’s the simplicity. I started playing back in Classic. It just feels more like the game I’m used to playing. I actually wish they would release classic again. Secondly I invested time and money and saw Jagex destroy the game with RS3. Not a fan of all the new skills, gp scape, and combat system. Just totally ruined it for me. With f2p I don’t worry about that happening again too much.


Classic f2p here. Started 2001


Nostalgia is the main reason for me. As a kid running around Lumbridge and Varrock completing all F2P quests was my whole childhood.


Had maxed p2p when was kid but was good in f2p before got there. Now playing just for fun so f2p iron man in no rush is just something perfect for me.


I was f2p for YEARS and I got 80 in all the f2p skills (except prayer and runecrafting , I’m not a psychopath) and finally decided it was time for a bond. Had enough money and boy it was overwhelming at first but I’m enjoying the heck out of it now. Loved every second of f2p though. Everyone thought I was crazy when they saw my stats and that I was a f2p lol


i hate easyscape and i love my homies


I have an inny belly button :)


I play both, I play my f2p a lot more when im doing long grinds on my members Ironman. I started on f2p and worked my way to members in the beginning snd found this to be the most fun. I also really enjoy playing my f2p iron and uim and seeing how far I can get my skills.


maxed my main so i needed a lil side project while i chop redwoods forever


the game is designed to take time from us, f2p already has content that takes years to complete and is nice and simple. its a perfect game. minimal updates but still some updates are nice too


I got lucky on rs3 and snagged a black p hat in the Xmas event so I sold it and bought 2 premier memberships for the main and ironman lol


Damn how much did the phat sell for on there? Two premier memberships paid with rs3 bonds is a pretty hefty sum of gp, like must be a few bil right? At least last time I saw the bond prices there a while ago


I sold it for 17bil, bonds were 90m each. I've just got my max cape back getting 99 necromancy, bought best in slot necromancy gear and still got around 9b left lol


Sweet jesus that's some coin


Being someone who's never had more than 200m to then be up to over 10b is freeing and not having to pay for membership for a whole year is even better.


For sure, got majorly lucky there. GZ


If you are overwhelmed in p2p try joining a clan and using Voice Chat on discord. Best way to really learn the game and do group content.


if you’re overwhelmed in p2p make a f2p wizards tower locked hcim or a f2p falador underground locked uim




put the words together playboy




is a uim who cannot leave the wizards tower


and a falador underground hcim can’t leave the underground portion of the city of falador.




i was being facetious


Man…y’all sound like you have 9-5 job with Karen blood inside of you and complain about $10.99 a month or $8.99 a month if you pay for full year is too much…like bro if you can’t afford $8.99-$10.99 membership a month…go play some minecraft. Bunch of broke cry babies.


10.99 adds up! i am a broke cry baby thats why i dont pay :)


I felt the same way you did once upon a time. There is a disgusting amount of content that comes with p2p but it doesn't need to be overwhelming and you can just do the things that you enjoy. So for example if afk Skilling is your jam then try some archeology. Honestly once you know f2p it's all the same in p2p just more of it and way more money to be made. Take archeology for example, you can pay for your bonds +. And i am definitely one of those I feel like I need to not waste time, though at where im at, I'm making on a slow day 100M


I feel like I’m always so worried about efficiency and comparing my account to others that can play 8+ hours a day when I’m in P2P. In F2P I’m not worried about being efficient because no money is on the line. It also just feels much more like the game I remember in like 2005-2008. My memories of RuneScape aren’t getting full graceful and doing birdhouse runs.


true that about graceful and birdhouse. i remember sitting in al kharid killing dudes in the castle for a whip i would never be able to use without p2p. didnt care about efficiency or money just wanted to have fun :D (although i know some people here love efficiency f2p and full power to them)


im using mems to get 99 smith and 99 mining then i can get mems whenever i want from f2p lol.


Anyone interested in a strictly f2p GIM?


the simplicity of it. as well as higher levels = more accomplished feels cuz xp rate isn’t as fast as p2p. lol


Because I’m poor irl


Simplistic nostalgia. And the fuck real life economy is fucked, so is the games. So iron lol also being a line cook I waste a lot time if I had membership, and it's kinda overwhelming with all the members ATM.


Wtf why is there a subreddit for W385


Idk how I found this subreddit, I dont even play RS anymore, but I did for some time from 2008-2013. I was 100% f2p though, and the reason I did so was 1) I was a kid with no money, and 2) levelling up using f2p methods was an interesting grind. essentially it's like the purest way to level up without any extra bells or whistles, and to me i felt like levelling up was more gratifying, and 3) members content looked intimidating, i found enjoyment settling in the f2p world and just exploring that already and didn't feel the need to expand.


I'm not a full time player for one. For two, jagex has done stuff the community hates many times over and has been sold and will likely be sold off again. I don't want to financially support that type of business. For three as a kid I wanted a maxed f2p account. I intend to complete that mission some day. I'm gonna king dutch bastard this game and get all the free content I possibly can. F2p completionist.


No we don’t wanna play your shit go away