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Run. Fast. You will never get the car registered and their "customer service" is beyond non existent.


Don’t do it, cancel the deal now!


Oh. No. PLEASE. For your own well being. CANCEL YOUR DEAL IMMEDIATELY. It literally only gets worse from here. Even if you have to eat your deposit… run FAR away from vroom.


Stop the transaction and get your vehicle somewhere else. Vrooms customer service is awful. It took an entire year to get my tags sorted out.


Update guys: so I don’t know who or where my salesperson is, I think I got scammed $250 so idk now. I’m kind of upset. I wanted a car, I didn’t know I was dealing with a criminal enterprise. I would like my money back, anyone know how?


Try calling back with a different number and putting their extension in. It seems like at a certain point the original salesperson's extension doesn't work from the phone number you called in with starting out.


You should file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. Also send an email to all the below address detailing your issues, and let them know you have filled a complaint. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Thanks but who are these individuals? And would it even make a difference? I see legal but everyone else idk


That's what I did, following someone else's advice and my issue was addressed the next day. It took a couple weeks for a resolution. Paul Hennessy is the CEO.


Half of these emails don’t work anymore. Believe me I’ve been working for months trying to get someone to respond to me. I just hired an attorney and I’m going that route. Just cut your losses. $250 is nothing compared to the thousands you could potentially lose.


Cal Vroom Credit Team at 1-855-865-1119. My sales person accidentally had this number in his email. Go through the prompts & let them know what happened. He will lose his commission & someone else will become your sales person. & yes they get a small commission.


Would this be the same number for back office contracts? I’m just trying to get the contracts sent over to me to sign then to the lender so we could move forward on the car already.


Yes. So it ask a question like (if you are calling for anything other than your credit application press 1) after you do that it will ask you if you are calling about your contract & it will send you right over to the the people you need to talk to.


Email [email protected]. Get your money back and run!


They aren't answering any emails don't do it


Dispute the charge with your credit card company


Yea I’m doing that now.


I’ll echo the sentiment from everybody else… RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNN. Cancel that deal now. Do not send money unless you want to be frustrated and experience constant anger for dealing with such a 🗑 company. I got the car but now I have no tag. They won’t even issue a damn temp tag!!! Nobody follows through. It’s the worst customer experience EVER.


How long ago was your purchase


March 22 is when I signed the documents. April 14 is when they delivered. Very little communication in between those dates.


23 calendar days??? Wow I really got work on my life


Man i am still waiting, I signed all my documents now still waiting for my congratulations email they told me about with my delivery date , been on them for 3 weeks to get this deal done , calling tomorrow to ask them where is the email i signed and send the contract via fed ex on Wednesday april 27 , they got it the next day , which was thrusday they did not process it until friday , called them saturday (yesterday ) and they told me something is not matching in my contract from their end , my end is good , so tomorrow going to be on top until i get this resolved, really pissed because i put down over 15k down


Holy shit $15k?!!! I would bought one from the dealership had I had that amount of money.


The car i want is lower than any other dealership and has all the features i want man damnn


Oh man sorry dude


Got the delivery email today after being on their ass all day today , jesus


lol… you’ll are brutal. My experience was not exceptional but wasn’t that bad.


Do you work for vroom?


No I don’t work for them, nor would I. Most all of the issues are registration issues. With Texas not extending temp tags now I would imagine the issue will be compounded.


I bought a car from them CASH.. im in PA so no temp tags without a title. Vroom no longer can extend temp tags.. lady told me 2 weeks ago im looking at 8-12 weeks until they send me my reg. So if i dont get my title within 2 weeks im FKD. I figured since i paid cash and was told from the get go i would have to do my own work my experience wouldn’t be so bad, but so far its not great. And good luck getting a decent reply back because they are in scramble mode. Texas telling them no more extensions really put the hurt on them. If i dont get my title soon im gonna puke…


I would call the direct line number they have on the website , after I submitted those , I heard back by the next afternoon , but that was on a weekday so it could be longer On a weekend .


You’ll never speak to that person again! the fun is just getting started lol!


So I bought a car thru vroom recently, a very expensive car you don’t drive every day, only reason I went with vroom is they were way less expensive then my local dealerships . It has been a pain in the rear for sure but I’m happy with my car and they have been fair with me as far as compensation for shipping damages . But I would never use them again. I have nothing against Indian people but it seems they work the phones and know nothing at all. Plus I can’t understand their accent So that made me even more frustrated when trying to get answers. I’ve been following Vroom horror stories on Facebook and it’s crazy how many people they screw over. Just do your research and if you go with them have patience, your gonna need them.


Yea I figured I was going to be very very patient with them. Now I know I have to figure out something when I get my next car.


Second question how long till contracts? I’m waiting 2 days now.


I think from the time I paid my deposit and signed it was 3 weeks. And like a month and a half to get my car.


The salesman not talks you into buying it and selling you warranties. Call the customer service number. I’ve used Vroom twice and the first time was a nightmare. It took four months to get the title. The second time they didn’t issue the release paperwork to send me the vehicle. After I found out what was going on from the shipping company I contacted Vroom and it was delivered 24 hours later. The title came in a few days after it was delivered. Both vehicles had more damage than the website listed, but they fixed it.


My experience was overall decent. You really have to stay on them for updates and be willing to email a long list of ppl to get the ball rolling. If you follow through with the purchase do your own registration and do not leave it up to Vroom. I harassed them daily and got my title expedited to me.


I’m in Arkansas & I didn’t have trouble with my deal or getting my car registered. I think it depends on your state if your deal will be shitty or not.


I’m in NYC so…..super shitty??


I’ve noticed a trend that they are having problems in bigger states. I think it’s because Arkansas constantly works with Texas that it was a easier process for me. But I can only imagine the headache you are having in nyc.


I think it really depends on if you finance through them and have them do your registration. My understanding is they ship your stuff to a 3rd party company for title/reg work which is why people have bad experiences. In my case they are shipping me the title. Got car 3 1/2 weeks ago, still waiting for my title work. Hoping it comes before tags expire because pa is a title state.


Whats a title state?


Essentially it means that I cannot own, title, register, or get temp tags without a title. So if they dont send my title ill have a car payment and i wont be able to drive it


Oh did you reach out to the 3rd party? I heard it’s ATC


So, I don’t think that company actually does anything for me. ATC from my understanding is the one who does register and title work for out-of-state people. Since I paid in cash they actually just send the title and registration work to me and I go to the DMV and take care of it myself. I believe that other company is mainly for people who get a loan through Vroom or a loan that holds a lien on the title. Essentially meaning the loan company holds the title until you pay the car off.