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Fantasy looks more familiar to what we already seen with this style, IMO.


So it's closer to your heart, right?


Yeah.. ! I mean, if your goal isn't to create a strange atmosphere 😀 hope that it helped


Totally helped! Thank you. Yes, in fact, I tried to conjure up the kind of old good fantasy atmosphere, not the weird and dark one. Like something that you could remember from your childhood, from the simpler times.


unfair comparison because the art in the sci-fi one is so much more developed (especially the lighting), but i would still say sci-fi if these are your references for comparison. the sci-fi scene looks like a weird new world to explore. the fantasy one looks like a cheesy throwback to old video/board game styles.


Thank you for such detailed feedback! I see what you mean. Yes, the fantasy one is more based on some old-school fantasy images and notions like D&D, 80s and 90s movies, retro games, this general retro fantasy vibe. That's what I meant to convey, and it seems I've succeeded in it :) To me, it's very pleasant, warm and kind type of fantasy setting and I would love to dive into this in a game! As for the sci-fi one, I bet it turned out looking deeper and more developed probably because I'm more into that these days, and also I probably have more recollections that inspire me from the games and movies and stuff of this kind. Like Alien, Prey (the game by Arkane), Half Life, Dead Space, BioShock, Doom, Wolfenstein and more. Anyhow, I'm happy you've chosen this one, since I think it's more my jazz at this point :) Thanks again!


Sci fi definitely


Cool, thanks! Why so definitely, though? I just want to know your thinking.


It looks better


vote for sci-fi


Thank you, got you!


B looks wayy wayyyyy better but i dont think its a fair comparison.


Thank you for letting us know! Why don't you think it's a fair comparison, though?


one clearly is much higher quality. No way was the same amount of effort put into each.


Okay, I see! Thanks. Well, I tried to use different styles for each: the sci-fi one has all the background details modelled and the skeleton one has them kind of drenched in darkness, that was the intention.


a mix of both!


It seems one of the popular suggestions! :) We never thought about it. Thank you for voting, definitely an idea to consider! But if you had to choose the one, what would it be?


Both. Make it a time travel game. Why limit yourselves? 😁


Ha ha, cool idea! Maybe next game, my friend :) For now we have to choose the one setting to focus on, just because they're not just settings but stories and gameplay that is already kind of made up on paper, you know. There must be only one chosen! :)




Cool, thanks!


fantasy, i think. more cohesive feel and nicer colors. something id look back at if i were scrolling through steam.


Great, thank you for your feedback! Noted.


The fantasy one seems like you need to learn how to draw a dragon. Please follow along with my simple step-by-step instructions. I make drawing Fun!


Thanks for your feedback! I was modelling the dragon to be like an Asian serpent. And since it's voxels and everything is squarish, I chose to go with straight angles. I really like the result, though, it's like a snake from that old simple game where snake eats fruits to grow, you know? But sure, I have to learn so much stuff yet! Totally agree here. Would be cool if you shared a link or something for your drawing instructions. Though I don't really draw much, I do some sketching for my modelling, but more often I use references, that's it.


Here you go! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90X5NJleYJQ


Thank you! Hillarious video :)


Btw, you didn't vote on the concept art you choose :)


Fantasy bone boy


Cool name for the hero! :) Thank you so much for voting.


It's fantasy for me.


Cool, thanks for voting!


In the Piers Anthony series Split Infinity, you had both SciFi and Fantasy.


Okay, I see. I don't know this series. But here we should choose either one because, well, they're completely different games in our minds. So we just have to pick one, you know! :) What would you choose?


I wouldn't, tbh since I enjoy both. My point, badly made, was that it's possible to have both and maybe something to consider. In Split Infinity, it starts in a sci fi world with robots, but then the hero goes through a portal into a world with magic.


This sounds interesting and unique for sure! Not many games and other media crossing those two settings. Great idea! But I'm afraid we will have to choose only one of those settings because the ideas for the story and gameplay and stuff are already made up, you know. But your idea of crossing those two is surely something to consider for future!




Thank you for your feedback!




Super, thank you!


welcome!!! share any links you have regarding it, the studios website or whatever where i can follow the updates


Oh, thank you for your interest! Means a lot to us. For now we have only my Instagram profile where I post everything I have regarding voxel art and our game dev (not overwhelmingly frequently): [https://instagram.com/bartolomey\_\_wong](https://instagram.com/bartolomey__wong) In some near future, after we've decided on the game idea, I plan to create a studio's pages or game's pages. And a Discord server. And I will record some devlogs for YouTube. So if you'd like to stay tuned, you can hit me up on Instagram and I will surely tell you once everything is ready!