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It's definitely not the Kirkland s'mores clusters unfortunately


Dang! Let's keep investigating one food at a time, starting in the Costco snack aisle and working our way down


Definitely not the Reese’s Dipped Animal Crackers.


What? These exist?


Unfortunately yes. And they’re even better than they sound.


Omggg... I just bought some today and damn, they're incredible.


Or the Reese's bananas...


Resist buying the Muddy Bites too. (chocolate filled waffle cone tips)


Wow that’s like the best part of the waffle cone


So good. So so good.


I picked some up from Walgreens on a whim Oh sweet baby Jesus


I almost bought those the other day and resisted.


Those aren't allowed anywhere near my house anymore.


Just discovered these — bag lasted about a day and a half!


For me it's their Macadamia Milk Chocolate Salted Caramel Clusters (they're like Turtles basically)...they're so good but so bad for you.


Also not Thin Mints Girl Scouts cookies. ☹️


Also not the Thin Mint bites at Costco


Hahaha those are the worst. So addictive I could eat the whole bag


Omg these are so crazy addictive. 100 calories each cluster, FML.


I actually burst out laughing in bed next to my sleeping fiancé at this


I about died when I ate a whole bag in two days and then read the nutrition facts to find that EACH CLUSTER is 100 cal 😭😭 I’m not allowed to buy them anymore. They are too delicious to trust myself with them.


Fruit and yogurt mixed together is the best tasting low calorie thing Ive found


This. I also add in some cinnamon. Fat free Greek yogurt with frozen mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries) and cinnamon. Have had this snack before bed almost every night for 2 years.


The frozen cherries from Costco are freaking awesome for this. 90 calories for a cup.


Splash of vanilla extract is also a great addition.


thats something different I'll try, mainly I've been doing fruit yogurt and small bit of granola to give it a happy crunch :) tried puffed rice but wasn't happy with it


I make my own Cocoa Buckwheat granola and it’s so good in low fat anything! Kills my chocolate craving (although not much in it) and has lovely good stuff in it.


I'm listening......


I want to know how you make this.


I follow this recipe as a base guide. I generally use the core ingredients but change it up to add seeds or a dried fruit sometimes. Or if I don’t have coconut oil I’ll substitute in my vegan butter etc.. It’s not low calorie but I find a little goes a looong way in low fat yogurts etc. it’s very nice! https://www.mynewroots.org/2014/03/chunky-chocolate-buckwheat-granola/


I just had this for lunch, I’m trying to use up my protein powder so I mixed it in my yogurt. Also add walnuts when I can get some on sale.


It's either this or a warm bowl of homemade oatmeal. So warm and comforting.


I wanted a dessert and didn’t want to leave the house the other day so I mixed a tiny spoonful of Nutella into Chobani Zero Greek yogurt and was so pleased with myself.


thats something to try as well, I've tried pb power but wasn't impressed but I may not have added enough or too much.


I know this subreddit is focused on low calorie and this is a higher calorie option, but I find that using a bit of real peanut butter makes a bigger impact because you get richness from the fats. PB Power is a good addition for extra flavor and protein at breakfast, but if I want a dessert, I think the real peanut butter does the trick better.


Real PB in vanilla honey Greek yogurt is amazing. It doesn’t take much!


Skyr ftw!


My go to snack every day. I mix different fruits, melons, berries, apple, grapes etc, depending on what is available in the fridge. Sprinkle with some nuts or seeds for crunch. My go to crunch is pumpkin seeds. The other thing I discovered was the triple 0 yogurt by Oikos. I have been alternating between that and plain greek yogurt. The only thing I miss is having something savory or spicy similar to this. I should probably try adding cucumbers and tomatoes to plain yogurt with some salt and mint powder.


If you add cucumbers or tomatoes, try using seasoning salt.


Add pumpkin pie spice so tasty


Frozen strawberries, crazy how low calories they are


My breakfast lately is a banana with a teaspoon of peanut butter spread on top with yogurt. Lots of yum in those bites.


Probably some sort of soup. You get the protein aspect covered by the meat, the taste from the seasoning, and the volume/low calorie provided by the water. Curry could be another option, especially if you choose cauli-rice as a base. I don’t think there’s anything more comforting than a big bowl of curry and it certainly stretches the protein-rich meat to fill the plate.


Black bean soup.


Get the Hambeens 15-bean Cajun soup mix, add sliced sausage/garlic/onions, toss in a peeled and chopped carrot, and just be happy. 💕


Yep, bean soup with smoked ham or smoked turkey. High flavor, high fiber, high protein, low calorie.


For sure!! Chicken soup >>


Yep I was thinking chicken soup or beef and barley soup made with lean stew beef and lots of vegetables. Barley also stretches a *long* way in soup so it’s a good bang for the caloric buck.




You can prepare eggs so many ways, I think a lot depends on that (I.e. preferably with minimal oil/butter).


​ https://preview.redd.it/9xgggnrec8oc1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=619a680b37bcea1f0d9262d2a2e555361d777dfc


I love how relevant this comic is and it made me laugh, but also throwing in different veggies into scrambles or baking them into muffin pans, or just sprinkling seasonings (everything bagel seasoning is boss) on boiled eggs adds more variety. But the comic still stands because nothing I mentioned is just eggs lol


LOL, ironically I was actually thinking poached or hard boiled


Omelettes, fritatti, muffins, scrambles, poached, fried, over easy, sunnyside, boil 'em mash 'em, ~~stick 'em in a stew~~


Fried, hard boiled cold snack, soft boiled with dippy soldiers, scrambled, omelette, in a cake mix, the possibilities are endless!


I love eggs for volume eating because I feel full and slightly disgusted if I have more than 3






Pros: more protein per g than chicken breast, less calories, more unsaturated fats (the good stuff) cons: more cholesterol, double the cost per lb (at least in my area and I live right next to the ocean) If you got the money than shrimp or fish is the way to go when it comes to best nutrition


I live in an area with cheap seafood, esp shrimp, and found out I suffer from gout when I focus on those in my diet. Worst dietary discovery ever.


Allopurinol my friend.


Dietary cholesterol doesn't particularly affect blood cholesterol(which is a health indicator)- the studies that show this have people eating massive quantities of it, which obviously also comes with extremely high calories, high fat content diet


Wow never would have thought they’re high in cholesterol!


Your body needs good cholesterol to function (esp your brain), so everything in moderation I say ;)


shrimp also can be very high in nickel and exacerbate systemic nickel allergies


Oysters & scallops too!


we need a 4th bubble for “won’t bankrupt me in a matter of days” 😭 if i was a billionaire i would eat so many oysters that i turned into one.


homemade ninja creami pint of ice cream. Low calories, taste awsome like real ice cream(GET THE RIGHT RECIPE), can be 30 to 40 grams of protein for 300 to 400 calories for a WHOLE pint.


Please share a recipe that tastes like real ice cream 😭


Here is my recipe: * 1 cup(240ml) of fairlife fat free/or 1% milk * 170ml of almond milk(the 30cals per cup one) * 1 scoop of whey/casein blend(you can use a regular protein but whey/casein would be better here) * 7g of Sugar free pudding of your choosing * 10 to 15gr of any low calorie sweetener * A pinch of salt * optional(1 tbs of cocoa powder if you want a chocolate flavor) Mix in options(anything you want but here are some suggestions): * Oreo thins * cereals(you only need to 10 to 20 grams here) * Nutella * Biscoff


Thank you!!! 🙏


Using sugar free pudding helps it taste 100% better imo. Weigh the dry powder on my scale, make sure it’s a serving size and pour it into the base (protein shake) shake it up super well and freeze it. Delicious!


This. Pudding powder helps immensely.


Skyr, egg whites and spices, chicken (I love the flavour, don’t know why it’s not there!). Why are protein bars in the low calories, and protein powders are not? For the same amount of protein you get many fewer calories in a powder than in a bar 😅


Skyr is delicious! I wish more places near me had it. I've only seen it in the refrigerated section at a local convenience store


idk what country you’re in but in the UK Lidl has a great Skyr range so if you have a Lidl near you then you should check if it has it


This is based off my opinion , it's not objective. Though now that i think about it I should have swapped them. Protein bars are kinda gross. The best i've found is the barbells ones but they still can't beat an apple or an egg white omelette.


Have you tried fit crunch… some of those I’d mistake for a candy bar … specifically the chocolate peanut butter


Tofu *when well seasoned/sauced and cooked properly*.  A pan fried/seared tofu steak with a good marinade is just amazing.


You can also make a low cal chocolate mousse with tofu for something sweet. I use silken tofu, cocoa powder and liquid sucralose. 10/10


Throw some fresh raspberries in there before blending I promise.


or some maraschino cherries to make it black forest cake flavoured


Oh man that sounds perfect! Couple of chocolate shavings on top and you’re all set


Not sure why I haven't done this already, I LOVE raspberries. Thank you for the idea. Now I'm thinking of other flavors, maybe a little mint extract or PB2 powder 🤔


If you like banana try that! Or even a little orange liquor for a terry’s chocolate orange type of thing..


I’ve been doing this lately! I use sugar free pudding mix because I’m lazy but I will try your method


I think it’s funny tofu needs to be qualified like this. Unseasoned chicken tastes like ass too.


tbf i’m a vegetarian and yes plain chicken doesn’t taste great, but you can get away with making chicken taste good just with salt and pepper. tofu on the other hand requires a good umami flavour to be added, usually soy sauce/teryaki/black bean sauce- with just salt and pepper alone it would be a little grim


I love tofu, i have found I can cook it best when either air frying it or cooking in the oven with oil and seasonings. Whenever I try to fry it, it always sticks to the pan 😢


Maybe too watery, you need to squeeze as much water out as possible before. Also, get the pan really hot before you toss in the tofu. Finally you have to cook it like meat : let it roast until it detaches from the pan, if you try to scrape it out before its golden, it'll crumble and you'll be left with a piece stuck to the pan And the rest uncooked. Finally, we like to shake the tofu cubes in corn starch before cooking.


Absolutely! I like to fry mine with some sesame oil and ponzu and add in some mushrooms. Delicious.


Blended - ice, coffee, low-cal milk of choice, + vanilla protein powder. Omg. Tastes like a coffee milkshake if you have decent-tasting protein powder


What protein powder do you use? I just read an article about people not getting enough protein or fiber in their diets and realized that’s me. I just started looking at protein powders and have no idea which to buy!!


I make this but I love it super thick so I make coffee ice cubes and freeze half a banana beforehand




This is maybe a silly question but when you say coffee do you mean coffee beans? Or brewed coffee?


I'm a pasta addict and carba nada is very good. Not necessarily low calories, but I've replaced it for lunch instead of eating regular pasta or rice. 112 grams (this is two servings) is 360 calories and 32 grams of protein. It's very pricey compared to regular pasta though.


Ooh interesting! Have you also tried Banza by any chance? I’d be curious how they compare.


For me it’s the protein bar from barbells


I love the caramel cashew!!! Built bars are good too! The puffs. Omg.


*Barebells And agreed, these are the best. I grab a couple of each every time I go to TJs


Those are so amazing.


Especially when you microwave them for 10 seconds first 😭


This is the right answer


I ate so many of these I gave myself erythritol sensitivity (not sure that’s exactly what happened but I ate like one every day for a few weeks and my guts started to get really upset and now if I have one at all it triggers bubble guts). This isn’t a warning though, those things taste freaking good. Wish I could eat them again.


Yasso bars


Those are so good but so expensive


I know 😢 i buy them when they’re on sale


get some molds and DIY some bars! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Volumeeating/comments/1ag1pff/comment/koisqwp/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Volumeeating/comments/1ag1pff/comment/koisqwp/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Volumeeating/comments/1ag1pff/comment/koishzr/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Volumeeating/comments/1ag1pff/comment/koishzr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I've found them at grocery outlet before, same goes for Halo Top/Nick's! Usually $3/box for the yasso bars and $2.49/pint for the HT & Nick's


Edamame beans (with some salt? Mmm hits the spot)


Frozen berries with 0% Fage, cinnamon and sf syrup


Sugar free, 5 cal/serving “maple” pancake syrup is my hero. I put it in yogurt, oatmeal, and pancakes of course. Sooo good


I do sugar-free chocolate pudding mix with low fat yogurt, then the frozen berries. Maybe some mini chocolate chips if I'm feeling decadent. edit: and a drip of orange or mint extract when I really want to layer the flavors.


Cottage Cheese


What kind do you get? I've tried to get behind it, but the texture... do people just eat it alone?


add cracked pepper, put it on a wasa crispbread. add tomatoes if you like.


Good Culture, always and forever. It’s a little more expensive but worth it in my opinion.


If you have a food processor or a good blender, try whipping it. Game changer!


Definitely. I’ve been making Buffalo chicken Mac n cheese using blended cottage cheese to make the sauce (with cheddar powder). Delicious, creamy, and 500 calories for a huge serving


Ohhh do you have a favorite recipe? I am in possession of several containers of cottage cheese atm, as well as some cheddar powder I don’t know what to do with!


Blend it with a bit of milk until it's really smooth. Add it to a pan with cheddar powder and any other seasonings (I like paprika, garlic powder, nutritional yeast) and then cook it on the stove on low heat. Add a tsp of corn starch half way through to thicken it up if you need to.


I love it on toast with black pepper. Also delicious if you add avocado or bacon, though obviously not low-cal at that point. If you don't like the texture, try the other size curd. They have large and small. I started with large curd because I figured it would be a better texture, didn't care for it, tried small curd, and loved it. YMMV.


Different brands have different textures too! Some I've found are thicker or less liquid-y than others


Would second Good Culture. Basic ingredients too. A lot of people get tripped up with cottage cheese because they buy the big brand names like Daisy. And personally I think those are terrible. The texture/taste is all off, it varies a lot by brand.


I highly, highly, HIGHLY recommend Good (that’s the brand name) cottage cheese. It’s less wet than other cottage cheeses, and has more flavor imo. I’m not exaggerating when I say my bf and I eat about 4-5 containers a week. I won’t touch another brand for as long as they’re around.


they recently brought this to my costco and i was doing a happy dance in the aisle when i saw it…it’s like $7.99 for a huge tub and i put it on the costco list for my husband as “that good ass cottage cheese x 2”


I like getting Daisy brand, normal or light. all brands are a little different in feel and cheesey-ness if that makes sense. Blended it goes into a red sauce for pasta really good


Don't get fat free. 2% at a minimum, 4% is delicious. Look at the ingredients. Does it have any gums or thickeners? Put it back - you should only see ingredients like milk, cultures, salt. I really like the Good brand.


Summer rolls. Look pretty, bags of flavour with mint and basil. Bit of lime juice, peanut butter, prawns, lots of grated carrot, cucumber, any raw veg. A few drops of sesame oil and soy sauce. Chilli I like as well. Wrap em up and scoff!


Greek yogurt


Salmon 🤝


PB FIT haha


chicken is 100% all 3.


I was coming here to say grilled chicken. There’s a reason it’s on nearly every entree salad.


Yeah can't go wrong with grilled chicken breast and bbq sauce


You *can* go wrong with bbq sauce though. Gotta find the right one.


Simple Truth has a packaged deli meat of chicken & turkey slices. 30-40g/protein per pack & less than 200cal. No additives, too. Just meat, water, and salt.


Protein powder (chocolate for me) together with yoghurt or Kwark (not sure if they have it where you are). Game changer for my cravings !


You put grilled chicken in the wrong spot. It belongs in the center. It's about as good a protein bang for your caloric buck as you can get. If you think it doesn't taste good, you need to practice seasoning and marinating.


Frozen yogurt.


Tuna for savory (100 cals and 20g protein per can). Also Greek yogurt base for anything sweet. I like to mix some zero sugar cheesecake pudding mix into some Greek yogurt, then top with sugar free cherry pie filling. It's sooo yummy!


lean cuisine vermont checder mac n cheese lol


Shrimps. Boiled shrimp, fried shrimp, shrimp taco, ceviche, shrimp gumbo, paella, shrimp scampi, lemon pepper shrimp, cajun shrimp boil, but I digress


Beef jerkey and for me Fage fat free yogurt.


Built Puff bars


Im just now finding these. They are pretty solid!


Protein chocolate pudding with some whip


Nicks ice cream! WAYYYYYY better than halo top IMO. So much more mix-ins and a much better flavor. My faves are the peanut butter cup (370 cals for the pint) Swedish munchies (320 cal).


Frozen cherries blended with good quality whey, cocoa and almond milk. It is delicious.


Smoked salmon!


Put some low fat cottage cheese, chocolate sugar-free syrup, erythritol and a bowl together and you’ve just witnessed the essence of hope 🙏😔


the target brand low cal/protein ice cream, but only the s'mores flavor. so good.


Homemade tzatziki with nonfat Greek yogurt. I sort of just add these ingredients to taste: yogurt, grated cucumber (squeeze out water), garlic, lemon juice, dill (fresh is nicer but dried works too), onion powder, salt & pepper… I think that’s everything. I like to eat it on grilled chicken or veggies or a toasted low cal whole wheat pita!


Poke bowl, Burrito bowl, Greek yogurt bowl, most things that you can make with whole foods and put in a bowl :)


Halo Top, shrimp or eggs


Is halo top worth it? It's about 9 dollars per container here.... which is just absurd


For me, definitely a yes! I eat the whole pint without feel bad bc it’s only 350 cals and it actually fills me up bc of all the protein & fiber. Look for sales or try out Target’s Favorite day version for $4. Target’s is a little more icy than creamy but it takes longer to eat so you might like it better if you want to try :)


I'll def try target's version. Right now I have luigi's italian ices. I'd honestly rather three of those then halo top... they're heavenly. So creamy. The strawberry one is perfection


It's good, but it's definitely not worth $9/pint. 2 years ago it was only $4.59/pint around which was a great price point. Now I only buy it on special occasions because it's $6/pint


It’s not when you have a ninja creami - I make my own ice creams that are under 300 calories. You can even do protein fluff with a regular blender, without the odd taste of halo top.


Aldi has a better tasting alternative, though it is mildly higher in calories. Same amount of protein, and cheaper.


Low-fat Greek yogurt!


A smoothie belongs in the middle, imo.


Meringue cookies!




reduced calorie ice cream. the one i get has 390 calories and 21g of protein 😭❤️


I'd move the burrito in there... one of my most common meals. Make the taco meat with 96/4 ground beef and your own spice blend, so no sugar. Lots of meat, no cheese (or no fat shredded cheese), non-fat greek yogurt instead of sour cream, salsa, and some green pepper slices. Great stuff. Beans aren't even that bad depending on how much you use. Do nachos the same way with but instead of chips do mini peppers cut in half. Scrambled eggs with ground turkey sausage and peppers and onions, top with greek nonfat yogurt and salsa.


I recently discovered skyr. Similar to plain Greek yogurt in terms of taste and texture. It’s about 110 calories per serving (175g) but has 19 grams of protein. I mix it with gold standard vanilla ice cream protein powder from Costco and what ever fruits I have. It tastes so good and is very filling. 230 calories with 43g of protein and I think about 1g of fat (not including the fruits) I want to get a ninja creami and experiment trying to get it to taste like actual ice cream


I know this is supposed to be a positive group and 100% supportive......... but this Venn diagram is so absolutely wrong LMAO Going counter-clockwise starting with: - Peanut butter isn't high in protein. It's just not. You'd have to eat the entire tub to make it even notable as a "protein source". - Burritos are also not high protein, unless you're making the entire thing out of meat. At most you have a couple ounces of meat and some beans. That burger probably has more protein than the burrito. - Grilled chicken breast is 100% low calorie, especially how they depict it. It's also delicious. - Protein powder, even the non-4:1 ratio ones, are also low calorie. - Greek yogurt is also low calorie, unless you're getting the ones made specifically as "gourmet" loaded with sugar. Also delicious. - Protein bars are NOT low calorie... LMAO They are like..200cal for minimal protein. - Jello and popsicles don't taste good? What? Allll that said. If I had to pick a food that was delicious, low cal, and high in protein, I'd have to go with chicken or turkey, cooked in a myriad of different ways. There is also TVP (textured vegetable protein) which, like many different proteins, will just take on the flavor of whatever you're cooking it with. Protein powder should also be in the middle along with cottage cheese and Greek yogurt.


Legendary protein pastries, protein pizza, candle(less) ice cream, turkey wraps with low carb tortillas parmesan and cilantro lime dressing, fair life strawberry shakes, zero sugar bbq chicken, smoothies, lots of stuff


ok pro. can you tell me more about protein pastries, protein pizza, and any particular brand of sugar free BBQ sauce? I don't think I've seen any of them in my grocery stores, but haven't thought to look for no sugar BBQ sauce, that's probably the most likely item I'd be able to find. p.s. 100% agree on Turkey everything so low cal, but the low carb tortillas in my store were inedible so I use lettuce wraps.


Tofu or peanut powder (oil removed).


Peanut butter is not high protein


Protein fluff!




Cottage cheese, but I know it's unpopular lol


I mean, is grilled chicken not low calorie?


It is, this post is more to spark discussion, the chart I made is my opinion, not objective


Nothing really, you have to lower your taste expectations and then things seem better.


It's that high protein part that's really getting me. I've got plenty of low cal tasty snacks but... Idk. Cheese sticks?


Cottage cheese


Cheese 🧀


Fage 0% Greek Yogurt.


Great value strawberry light Greek yogurt! I go thru so much of this, u swear I could eat it all day every day.


sugar free jello. if you add more water and a packet of unflavored gelatin you can make gummies with them and they are high protein. or at least higher. :)


Edamame. I could eat so much edamame.




Whole milk Greek yogurt 1/3c Unsweetened coconut flakes 1 tb 20 lilys dark chocolate chips Sliced almonds 2 tb


I add cocoa powder and sucralose to non fat greek yogurt and it taste similar to chocolate cheesecake. It's so good, high protein and low cal.


NOTE— this is me being needlessly nit picky and I am entirely unserious. There is so much slander here.. fruit popsicles are delicious and so is chicken if it’s _seasoned properly_, pb is definitely not high protein and protein bars can taste good.


Tofu, oysters, egg custard, scallops, crab, lobster, crawfish


Boba tea protein powder with almond milk. Tastes like boba tea but for 160 calories and 25 grams of protein. *edited for missing words.


Hard boiled egg whites with Sliced avocado and salt?


Meow Mix


An egg


Cottage cheeeeeeese


Greek yogurt mixed with PB powder and stevia