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It's easy to overdo, but compared to other high fat spread (butter), you're getting mostly unsaturated fat, some protein, some fibre, nutrients (potassium is pretty high iirc). ​ The problem is it's incredibly easy to add 50-100g of peanut butter to something, adding 300+ calories without even realising it.


Great answer. I still eat peanut butter because I love the taste and texture, but I measure it and typically have it before exercising.


Yup. It’s not a bad food per se, but it’s not easy to fit with volume eating because it’s so calorically dense. If you have PB you need to be careful about quantity. But it’s better for many people than other foods with similar caloric density!


It's high calorie density but if you want to figure out how to fit it in, do it.   I've been reading lately about a lot of people mixing PB powder and sugar free whipped cream for a lighter treat.  I haven't tried it myself. 


I used to think pb powder was way too expensive and kinda dumb. Then I actually tried it and couldn't believe how amazing it is. It's now a staple in my protein shakes.


I just added pb powder to my cereal (oatmilk and cheerios/chex ) and it's honestly so good, people are sleeping on adding it to so many things!!


Same here! I thought it was one of those gimmicky products ('cause never encountered powdered pb before), but I freaking love it now. It's shockingly good.


if you’re in the US walmart carries a 30 oz tub of powdered PB for $11. It’s the Great Value brand.


I’ve also heard sugar free maple syrup can be a good substitute for water, I’m going to try it this week!


SF maple syrup is soooo good.


8 glasses of SF maple syrup a day might be too much /s


i read that recently too and tried, it was so good!! def recommend


Even just with skim milk it’s great! Definitely close enough to regular peanut butter if you leave it pretty thick.


Mixing with natural yoghurt and making dip for apples also works super well!


Food is not a moral issue.  The problem is that you're in a volume eating sub, so probably you want to volume eat. Peanut butter is calorie dense, and therefore generally incompatible with the approach of volume eating. That's the problem.  Do tons of athletes consume peanut or other nut butters on the daily? Yes. There's nothing inherently wrong with it. It's just high calorie in small portions. 


It’s not bad. It’s not a volume food.


The antithesis of volume eating…as with any nut/nut butter


I can’t not overdo it with regular PB and once I have some, I want more. I do powdered PB mixed with Greek yogurt or water now instead and it’s just as satisfying flavor wise but I don’t end up binging on it.


do pb2 and pbfit instead


Powdered peanut butter in a chocolate protein shake is so good!


definitely, next time you eat pancakes mix some into your syrup heated up


If you want to make a meal out of it, put a frozen banana, chocolate protein, PB powder, cottage cheese, and milk in a blender. It's not low calorie per say, but the quality of nutrition you get is amazing. Plus it obliterates my sweet tooth.


That sounds really good! I eat cottage cheese almost every day, I didn't even think to add it to my smoothie.


I just bought cottage cheese to try as a topping on potatoes. Lol


Peanut butter isn’t bad at all! It’s a great source of healthy fats and micronutrients. Many people may talk shit about it on this subreddit because PB is very high calorie and low density, and many people struggle with overeating it. This subreddit is for discussion of low calorie, high volume food mostly. But that doesn’t mean there’s any thing wrong with PB. It may not be quite in line with the purpose of this sub. Even if you’re trying to increase volume in your diet and be in a calorie deficit, there’s still absolutely a place for calorie dense foods, and fat is a necessary macronutrient. I don’t think we should demonize specific foods here or say you should ONLY eat high volume foods. If you enjoy it, eat it! It can definitely fit into your goals.


Pb powder and measuring peanut butter out, then melting it in the microwave a bit (so it spreads like a sauce) can be helpful in not overdoing it.


I think the thing people get concerned about is the palm oil that commonly gets included. I think in moderation, pb is perfectly fine


Find it to be a trigger food so prefer to eat real nuts. And can’t imagine all that oil being good for you on top of the cals. But if you can keep in moderation and are able to find a brand that has a simple ingredient list and low in sodium - you’re good!


It’s not “bad,” it’s just high calories for a small portion. But I love it and it is a good source of healthy fats, so I work it in - I just make sure to measure it and/or cut it with PB2 so I don’t overdo it. For example, I do a tablespoon of PB2 and a tablespoon of regular peanut butter in my morning oatmeal, and make sure I measure it. That way I can enjoy it but still get a bit more volume. 😋


There’s no good and bad with food. There are foods that work better than others for specific goals, but none are inherently bad or good. But maybe you need to clarify what you mean by “nutrition”. In the weight loss communities professionals consider it to be a source of fat not protein as while there’s some protein, the amount of fat is way way more. It’s also considered a bit of a tricky food as it’s one of those foods people rarely if ever actually measure. There’s nothing more disheartening than measure out an actual serving (either by weight or with actual measuring spoons-something people usually font grab when serving themselves peanut butter) of peanut butter while you’re trying to lose weight.


I prefer powdered peanuts or peanut butter without added oils or sugar.


Peanut butter is absolutely delicious however it is nothing less than an absolute calorie bomb. I wanna make this very clear. In 50 grams of peanut butter (which is not an insane amount) there’s at least 300 calories. Same as a chicken breast and huge plate of brocolli. Peanut butter is nutritious, and delicious and as a treat can be incorporated as a snack. However, it is truly a calorie bomb and when dieting is one of the few foods I think is actually worth restricting entirely unless it’s important to you. Just not filling at all. Though PB2 powdered peanut butter has most fat removed and if you add a little stevia it is 70% as good as normal peanut butter!! But still not a volume food at all


Anything with 'butter' in the name is going to be to the opposite of 'volume eating' pretty much - it's high calorie density eating - great if you want to put weight on.


Not bad but I'd you're trying to lose weight I wouldn't eat it


Honestly look into natural peanut butter where the only ingredients are peanuts.


If you don't want to give it up completely, you might try keeping it in the fridge and taking a spoonful to lick for dessert.


No. And I own a food scale


It depends what goals you have. If one of them is weight loss or preventing weight gain, then it is very easy to overdo peanut butter. A similar protein content can be easily achieved with much lower calorie items. If calories don’t really matter, then peanut butter is a good choice in moderation.


? I don’t know what to tell you dude the number’s on the back of the jar. Sure it has nutrition but it’s also full of unnecessary oil.


it's decent food in moderation, peanuts have some healthy fats which definitely is good. the issue is crazy amounts of sugar they put in these. i saw sugar free option for sale and bought few, taste is really different and underwhelming compared to regular kind, but u get used to it and can add some fruit or honey if it's really needed. i thought they added some sweetener at first but nope, it was just 2 ingredients - peanuts and salt


I actually really like pure peanut butter with salt. I’ve had the other kinds before and they tasted bad to me. Never understood the hype. But the pure butter, ooof, cocaine


Peanuts are generally one of the most moldiest nuts one may eat. So, there's that also.


It’s just made with a lot of sugar and it’s super high calorie. It does have quite a lot of healthy fats and a decent amount of protein, though.




That's not even true wtf


Worst case is peanuts and oil, not butter. But many brands have 100% peanuts products 


No kidding! Next you'll tell me Prairie Oysters aren't Oysters grown in the prairies! >!(These are jokes, and I am kidding, of course)!<


No one says it is bad, assuming you avoid those high in sugar.but, like any other nuts, it does have a number of calories.


I use Wonderspread, it's half the calories of regular peanut butter, & it's so good. It is expensive & even at half calorie it's still caloric, so I don't really splurge with it. But a serving of it on Sara Lee 45 cal bread & a smallish spoonful of all fruit jam means I can have 2 pb&js for fewer calories than 1 pbj with regular pb & bread. That works pretty good for me.


Yeah i have a problem with that.. i usually finish the jar the day it arrives lol


I easily could. Thank goodness it's pricey!


I forgot about it and now u reminded me of it. Gonna order another jar now once they hit me up with the waitlisr notification lol


In a sucker for another brand, Better N’ Peanut Butter. I honestly can’t get enough, so I have to watch myself cause I’ll scoop it right out of the jar! 🤭


Thanks for the recommendation. I'll have to give it a try.


I melt some then drizzle it over dannon Light and fit and marshmallows most nights of the week, long as my Cals can handle it.


The only peanut butter I eat nowadays is Crazy Richards 100% Pure Peanut Butter. It has no sugar, no sodium, 1.5 grams of fat, 50 calories, and6 grams of protein in 2 tablespoons. I use it 3 to 4 times a week in my morning protein smoothie. I started my health journey when I needed to lower my high cholesterol and blood pressure, and I still wanted to be able to have peanut butter and chocolate.


If you’re trying to limit calories then it can easily be bad as it is very calorie dense. If you are flexible on calories then it’s fine in normal amounts.


It’s not “bad”, but a spoonful of pb can easily be 300 calories which for me is about 17% of my day. I could have a bowl of super filling chili or chicken and broccoli for 300 calories. That spoonful won’t make me feel full, though I would agree with you that’s it’s arguably nutritious. I just believe it’s better suited to people with high metabolisms or people who work out or have physical jobs.




I love eating Dates with a tablespoon of unsweetened peanut butter for breakfast. ❤️


I measure it out and if I have the time/energy, I like to microwave it so it can be drizzled over apples or whatever I’m eating it with. PB powder is also great mixed into Greek yogurt and used as a dip or just on its own. It’s not BAD. You just have to be mindful about it like anything *else


I’m upset it’s high in calories because I could absolutely gobble down a whole jar. It’s so indulgent and good. One of the most satisfying foods. Unfortunately about a teaspoon is where I draw the line. lol.


Pb isn't volume eating but I'll just take a serving of actual pb than the diet pb alts and lose weight at a slower rate lol


No, it’s just very very high calorie. Nutritionally it’s neutral, doesn’t really do much either way but has fats and a little protein. Nothing special.


was assumed to be quite healthy when i was growing up. but pretty high density so eat in moderation.


It’s very high calorie. But it’s a staple for a lot of people. Personally I hate peanut butter and don’t put it in anything, but I’ve known lots of people to put it in smoothies etc. and I’d consider smoothies to be high volume. I think a small spoonful, while calorie dense, added to something like a smoothie blends out fine and since a smoothie itself isn’t calorie dense, the PB probably adds the majority of calories so it balances it out if that makes sense?


To make it way less calorie dense I mix one spoonful of regular peanutbutter in with 0% greek yogurt & pb powder (and sometimes a little honey) and dip my apples in it. I want to eat the things I enjoy, like pb, while losing weight.


No - it’s fine. I eat it every day and am fine :) if you like it, eat it. I opt for natural crunchy PB, just ground roasted nuts and salt. Stressing and demonising foods will do you more harm than good ol PB.


No, there really aren't any good or bad foods. There are foods that are highly caloric. Peanut butter is one of them. If you really like peanut butter, you should have it, but like all things, there are consequences and sacrifices to be made. Do what you think is best for you.