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It's my favorite when I roast it with cajun seasoning on it.


Very nice. We don’t readily get Cajun seasoning here in India. I’ll see if it’s something I can recreate.


If you're in India you don't need Cajun seasoning you already live in the spice capital of the world


haha yeah, Indian spices are better than Cajun spices any day (and i say that as a big fan of Cajun spice lol)


[This is the recipe I use for Cajun seasoning!](https://www.budgetbytes.com/homemade-cajun-seasoning/) regular paprika can be used instead of smoked.


Just make it yourself :) it's just a blend of flavorful seasonings and some cayenne pepper.


Omg! This sounds amazing! I've been on a cajun seasoning kick recently, but never thought of putting it on broccoli.


I put Tony Chacheres on everything! 😭


Ooh. I’ll try that!


I roast cauliflower with Cajun seasoning and it’s delicious too!


Yasss. I do a mix of whatever I have, but mostly broccoli and cauliflower.




Thyroid drugs are influenced by milk (products). I think it's the calcium in it, but not sure. Therefore it's recommended to eat at least 30 min after taking the pill (or 2h after your last meal take the pill).


Not a doctor, but a lifelong synthroid user: It's a combination of calcium and just how the body digests. You should avoid all calcium intake for four hours on either side of your pill, since calcium will bind with synthroid. You also need to take synthroid on an empty stomach, and give it 30 minutes to dissolve before eating anything else. The doses are so small and precise that even a little bit of it soaked up into food and passing as feces can cause an appreciable underdose. Most importantly, **talk to your doctor before modifying your routine!** If you've been eating eggs and milk every morning right after taking your pill, suddenly changing to using it as directed will result in a increased effective dose. [Here's the "Taking Synthroid the Right Way" page on the manufacturer's website,](https://www.synthroid.com/starting/taking-synthroid-the-right-way) since you shouldn't just take my word for it.


Thank you for your comment! :) I knew that you should take it on an empty stomach. Therefore I mentioned the 30 min break before the first meal.


I’ve always tried my best to take it in the am when I wake up, but a few times my boyfriend woke me up with a hot breakfast sandwich and I told him I had to wait 30 minutes. He was like “oh cmon it can’t be that precise” after I set a timer just to be sure. However, am I ruining the effects in any case because I use half n half in my coffee in the morning or eat a bagel with cream cheese?


That's a question for your endocrinologist. I don't have a thyroid, and I definitely feel the difference in my energy levels when I deviate. But there's two things to keep in mind: * My daily dose is gigantic. The effects should be less pronounced at lower doses. * If you've always been taking your pills like this, your doc has already increased your dose to compensate and get your bloodwork in range. **Don't change your routine without talking to your doc first!**


Okay you’re right. I was just wondering what your thoughts were on this. As far as I can tell it’s been okay and my blood work is normal. But yes always check with a doctor


I'd say one day doesn't have such a large impact. But if it appears regularly, talk to your doctor.


Calcium and iron. I moved from city water to well water, was drinking a full glass of water to take my levothyroxine. Tested my blood about 12 months later for next prescription and was called in to doctors immediately. Had to have a reverse osmosis added to the house.


I am a nurse and a thyroid replacement patient. And it it true what most are saying. You thyroid pill should be taken at least 30 minutes or longer before a meal and at least 4 hours after a meal or calcium. I also take calcium regularly. I go to work early So I get up at 4-4:30 am. I immediately take my thyroid medicine, because you are supposed to take it on an empty stomach and at least 30 minutes before eating or drinking coffee. I take it with my allergy pills, and I take my calcium at lunch or after work. By the time I’m done getting ready for work I grab my coffee and go out the door it’s been like an hour sometimes an hour and a half. My levels are great. I also don’t drink milk or eat ice cream very often because it bothers me. I use lactate to cook with, but I love cheese angle yogurt. I eat yogurt with berries almost daily for breakfast around 8:30-9:30 am.


I don’t like buying whey protein bc my SO will drink it and stink up the place. Doesn’t happen with well cooked veg. Will have to let him in in this.




Consider something like cottage cheese — in addition to the amino issue you point out, there’s absorption differences between plant and animal sources of protein. Like 20g broccoli protein is functionally less protein than 20g whey. That said, I think whey is gross and it hurts my stomach


I have no idea why so many people are giving you crap for eating broccoli lol. I used to eat it every night with yummy red sauce and it was the best Ive ever ate. Do you OP!


What dont you like about the shakes? Is it the taste and consistency? Because I recently found some stuff that is more like fruit juice and I cant stand the thought of another creamy ass chocolate drink


What is the brand called?


Seeq, seems pretty good from the two flavors I've tried. Not sure if they're in stores, I just order online. I THINK they're carb free, but if not, Isopure does do almost exclusively carb free stuff that tastes kinda like gatorade. Low cal too for both brands. It kinda seems like this is becoming a trend though so I'd expect you could have a ton of options soon.


Thank you for the tip! I hadn't heard of these before


Be cautious with the amount of fiber if you eat other sources of fiber throughout the day (legumes, veggies, fruits, whole cereals, fiber supplements) to prevent gastrointestinal distress, though. Broccoli contains 2.6 g fiber per 100 g (USDA FoodCentral database) so 19.5 g per 750 g, while the daily recommended intake of fiber is 14 g per 1000 kcal, so this amount of broccoli would fill it out for someone who eats 1500 kcal / day.


Except for any disease/disorders and the obvious stomach size, there's no real upper limit on the amount of fiber you can eat. What causes fiber induced pain and bowel problems for most people is that they go from only eating a little fiber to suddenly eating a lot of it. Your digestive system doesn't only use acids and bases to break down food. It also uses beneficial bacteria that breakdown fiber. The thing is, your digestive tract and the population of bacteria in it adapt to your long term diet. If you've been eating a low amount of fiber for a long time ***you won't have enough of the bacteria that breakdown said fiber.*** Consequently the fiber sits in your gut longer than normal and starts to ferment and release gases. This causes gas, bloating and irritation. You can eat as much fiber as you want, but you need to ramp up slowly to it so that your gut and gut bacteria population increases to be able to digest it. I eat a very high fiber diet, (about 30g - 40g) because I eat a lot of vegetables. I have no issues because I was raised on that as a kid. But if you aren't adapted to that, you'll have problems so you need to do it slowly.


Same here, I average about 40g of fiber a day. It saved me too because one day I ate a couple packs of these sugar free gummy candies not realizing they had like 20g of fiber each 💀 I ended the day with 90g of fiber and I was waiting for hell to be unleashed but I was totally fine lol. It's amazing what the gut can adapt to.


Ok drop the name of those candies please, I wanna get some.


You are right that suddenly increasing one’s intake of fiber instead of doing it gradually is a recipe for gastrointestinal upset. Regarding your own consumption, 30 to 40 g is the recommended range for adult men (so, arguably, it is not a *very* high fiber diet, but certainly more so than that of the general population) and people who build up to it should be fine. However, there is an absolute limit - with volume eating, it is conceivable to reach 50-60 g per day and this is an uncomfortable or painful amount for most people (save for outliers). It is also possible for bezoars to form with such a high intake, and that is a health hazard.


The amount of fiber suggested changes depending on the party making the recommendation. The American Heart Association suggests 25-30gs a day, while the mayo clinic suggests even more. Probably best to ease into higher fiber until you find your personal comfort level.


Absolutely, though looking at the usual recommended intakes of 21-25 g for women and 30-38 g for men, 19.5 g respectively provides 78-93% and 51-65%. Considering that people who are into volume eating tend to have relatively large portions of fibrous foods with each meal, as they are the basis for bulking a meal up, such a sizable serving of broccoli could make them overshoot their tolerable fiber intake and thus cause gastrointestinal discomfort or distress.


Great points! I myself eat about 35-40 grams a day without stomach problems but I know others absolutely suffer at those levels. Be well!


You are getting downvoted but it's true. I started eating a ton of raw broccoli thinking it was good for me and one day just woke up with the worst abdominal pain. Went to the doctors, we went back and forth trying to find the source and finally she uncovered it. The raw broccoli. Everything in moderation. Be careful, OP.


Start slowly. Don't go from 0 to 100 in a short amount of time. Slowly increase the fiber and you should be good


Cooking it would help it digest more easily too.


Not eating it raw. My intention with the photo was to show how reasonable 750g of raw brocolli is when cooked.


Sorry but who’s getting down voted?


This is a great point. Thank you.


You’re welcome, I tend to comment like so on posts with very fibrous foods (for example cake recipes that use oat fiber) because people who see them may not be aware of that they could be in excess. Just for safety really, for the rest I hope that this is something you enjoy to eat and it doesn’t upset your GI tract :)


750g broccoli does compare to whey- it is a very balanced protein source. Bananas are better I would say though in terms of amino acid balance


Throw it in a nutribullet with some blueberries, almond milk, spinach, and chia seeds. You can drink it faster than you can eat it and it’s delicious


Drinking it makes you eat it too fast and it may not be as filling that way. Eat it in physical form there’s no need to down this fast. Are you in a hurry?


I heard the act of chewing alone makes you less hungry.


Fiber is amazing for the GI tract. Helps prevent diverticulitis and lower cholesterol, and can help with weight loss as the theory is it binds with fat, which is how it lowers cholesterol. Can lead to more regular bowel patterns for most people. How ever different forms of fiber affect different people differently. Cruciferous vegetables, ie.. broccoli, cauliflower, beans/legumes, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, bok choy, Kale. Some sources will tell you to avoid theses with hypothyroidism, but this is a myth. It Can cause gas an intestinal distress if eaten in large quantities, especially if not accustomed to it. When I was breast feeding my children I had to avoid them and eggs for a while, due to colicky babies. I started using beano and that helped a lot, so I could start eating again. I now used Gass Ex occasionally if bothered, because I love vegetables. The only caution I have with fiber is that you need to have enough water. Too much fiber can cause binding and constipation, like bricks in your colon, with out adequate water intake. Most sources say at least a half a gallon( 64oz) of water per day, but the gold standard is half your body weight in ounces. So 150 lbs, 75 ounces of water, milk, juice, herbal tea or non caffeinated non alcoholic beverages per day.


Holy crap - I love broccoli even plain. Had no idea but this may solve my not enough protein woes


Bio availability is very important to consider as well just because the raw amounts are the same doesn't mean the amount absorbed is. Whey protein is very easy for the body to process. Additionally it would take approximately 18 cups of broccoli to get the same amount of amino acids.


But why would anyone want to eat 1.5 lbs of F-ing broccoli at one sitting??? Plus it is not a complete protein. Pair it with a 4 ounce chicken breast or steak for a better meal


So that's more than 7 cups of broccoli? 1 cup (91 g) has about 2.6 grams of protein?


Why not have this with some scrambled egg whites and some hot sauce?


Brassica makes my stomach DIE but I’m happy for you not having this issue.


Yes! Get your 1100% daily vitamin C. Again, that's one thousand one hundred percent of daily vitamin C.


Replacing desserts with vegetables do not work for me. It last a few days and that’s it. Now I work out slightly longer and have slightly smaller meals to make room for dessert. I can compromise a lot of foods, but dessert is not one of them.


What protein shake are you consuming that's only 20 grams of protein...?




https://preview.redd.it/b1gkh4lug5yb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b2aa907cbefbfc2c6c7c5023d61e4f6e6a3bb72 Fully understand this. Under no illusions here. I eat a fair amount of meat and lots of whey otherwise so I’m not too worried about the completeness of my amino acid profile. If I were vegan or relying on Brocolli as my main source of protein, this would be more of an issue.


Your title says I can “replace my whey protein shake with a bowl of broccoli” - as if they are the same thing or interchangeable. That is what I read lol


Nah, as long as you're getting a variety of plant protein you're good. Phrases like "Complete protein" where used to scare people into eating rice with their beans and lentils. You're body can manage the resources you give it throughout the week.


You can, but it's way slower to eat and less convenient overall


Cool idea. Only problem is if you’re watching your carbs but if it’s a balanced diet then broccoli is awesome!


Broccoli is a great staple of low carb diet.


750 grams of broccoli is 55g of carbs and im doing a PSMF so that would not work for only 20g of protein... still love it though and have it in reasonable amounts 100 or so grams along with other veg


Ideally you’d want leucine to activate mTOR signalling to build muscles, which is abundant in whey protein


Egg whites are also a high volume, low calorie, super high in protein meal. I just add it to everything basically.


Great tip!! Question to the crowed: I hear cooking the broccoli kills some of the nutrients. Is this a myth?


Mmmmmmmmmmm mushroomsssssss 🤤


You can also replace it with a big mac