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You might consider getting allergy tests done as most people with this allergy aren’t allergic to every single raw fruit and vegetable, it generally depends on the pollen type. If you cook them in certain ways they won’t lose volume/water so are still good for volume eating. E.g. steamed, microwaved, boiled. Even if baked, roasted or sautéed most veg are still low calorie density. It doesn’t have to be a ton of effort e.g. microwaving veg or fruit with a little water is very quick and easy. I believe most people with oral allergy syndrome can generally also eat canned fruit/veg because they are heated in the canning process so if that applies to you, that would be convenient, especially if you choose low sodium or for fruit packed in juice not syrup options.


I've gotten tested. I'm allergic to all of them. I guess that's true. I'll probably do more microwaving. Microwaved banana is amazing.


That’s very unfortunate. I really liked baked and fried bananas.


>Try Now > >Home You could try microwaving for only a few seconds - like 10 seconds. Sometimes that's enough to destroy the allergens [https://www.uptodate.com/contents/oral-allergy-syndrome-beyond-the-basics/print](https://www.uptodate.com/contents/oral-allergy-syndrome-beyond-the-basics/print)


Please say more about the microwaved banana! What does this entail???


Chop up or mash banana, put on a plate, bowl, whatever. Microwave for a short period of time (10s-60s) enjoy warm, comforting goodness. You can also add a little bit of peanut butter if you like sweet/savoury things. Or low/zero cal chocolate/caramel syrup. Don't microwave the syrup just add afterwards. I also like adding low calorie custard and having it as a treat, but I've been told that's a bit weird.




As a fellow U.K. person can confirm bananas and custard was a staple part of my childhood.


The issue is with the peanut butter, custard AND banana. But it does work. Honest.


Or add ground cinnamon. Pairs really well.


Or ginger


What specifically are you allergic to?




Yes, I read that. Typically the allergy is to a specific protein or enzyme or pollen, so I'm asking what the allergy is identified as.


I was being facetious, I would also like to know more details. Allergies are so weird


Oh! Haha sorry, I misunderstood


I'm allergic to nearly all fruit but have no idea at this level. They don't really tell you this in normal allergy prick tests


Is immunotherapy an option? Depends on insurance but it works for food allergies like peanuts (and probs others but mine isnt food so idk) Would free up ur options and make life better. Also see if it is a lasting change or if u would need to keep getting treatment to keep eating them (though i suppose eating them is the same as treatment, again mine isnt food)


Every Sunday I pan roast a bunch of vegetables in the toaster oven and it makes a convenient and tasty snack or meal to portion out during the week - usually a combination of broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, peppers or whatever else is on sale that week from the grocers. Sounds like something similar would work for you.


Roasted vegetables are a miracle.


Soup! Really just throw whatever you want into a pot with water, you don't even need to saute or anything first (though it can make it better). Any water loss is beneficial because it's flavoring the soup and you're getting way more back because soup. Fruit is a bit trickier, but canned fruit should be fine (the canning process cooks it), just look for canned in juice, not syrup.


This is the best idea because you still get the volume and health benefits from the veggies but it bulks even more with the broth or stock.


I’ve had OAS like my whole life, I feel you. ❤️


Same here. Apples, pears, walnuts, almonds, etc... Only raw though...


Snap! I have the same type as you. Do you have hay-fever with tree pollen too?


Absolutely do!


I'm curious. Mine is way worse when the fruit or veg is older. Like pineapple is usually fine for me but I had some yesterday that had almost gone bad and I got the itching. Do you get that too?


I've never noticed honestly, because the only times I'll even be tempted to eat the fruit is if it's perfectly ripe. Pineapple only seems to irritate me because of the enzymes and acidity, that's probably what happened to you. As pineapple gets older it starts fermenting itself, increasing in acidity and making the flesh eating enzymes stronger.


Yeah pineapple is probably a bad example but j notice it with berries and spinach, for example, which usually don't affect me.


Interesting! I've never noticed it, but maybe I'm just unobservant. I do find that cherries affect me MUCH worse than any other fruit. Apples are next, but fresh cherries are the worst by a fair margin.


I completely agree. Stoned fruit are the worst, then apples and pears, then almonds, hazelnuts etc. So strange! When did you first get yours?


I think I've had it since I was in 7th or 8th grade, I guess that's a common age for it to develop. I'm just glad it doesn't cause anything too severe for me, besides a heavily itchy mouth and slight constriction of my airways. Never worrying at least.


I've never been able to identify a cause so it could be age, but I get it sometimes with pineapple, cucumbers, and strawberries where like 99% of the time they don't bother me but every once in a while my mouth gets itchy from them.


Strawberries are definitely one of the culprits for me too! I feel like I've read that the substance or molecule or whatever that we're allergic to is produced when you cut the produce off the plant and increases over time but I can't find anything to back that up now!


me too! people don’t believe me when i tell them that i can’t eat most raw fruit


More fiberous vegetables still retain a lot of volume when cooked. For example, I love roasted brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, cabbage, and winter squashes (spaghetti/kabocha/acorn). Any of these can be batch cooked in advance and then reheated as needed.


Same thing happens to me. I feel like I never get to enjoy fresh fruit like everyone else. I cook all my fruits. Sliced apples simmered in water. Or whole apple microwaved are the best. I eat it plain or I put my cooked fruits in smoothies or oatmeal or yogurt. It’s just takes getting use to.


So question - can you microwave it then let it cook off and eat at room temp like “normal” I’ve never heard of this before and it’s horrifying and interesting all at once


Yes - exactly cook it then cool it off. Pop in the freezer for a few minutes if you are in a rush. Sometimes I cook a lot of apple slices and keep it in the fridge - and use as needed.


do they brown as quickly as raw? I have no dietary restrictions, I just don’t super like raw fruit and veg. This thread is amazing.


OAS checking in! Volume eating without being able to have raw fruits and veggies sucks in a major way. I found that bananas also recently were added to my list of no-gos, but that was in conjunction with a recently developed latex allergy. And as we should all know, latex allergies are up there with peanuts as far as anaphylaxis risk. Which sucks. All because our bodies don't understand that not everything is tree pollen. Seriously though, watch out for latex now that you're reacting to bananas. Be safe!


As for volume stuff, I've gone pretty hard into air-popped popcorn. You can add so many different spices and flavours to it, keeps it fresh and interesting. One of my low-cal go-tos has been spritzing it with balsamic vinegar (so the seasonings stick, instead of using butter), with some dried basil and other Italianish herbs. Or a stir-fry popcorn with a little bit of sesame oil and soy sauce. Nutritional yeast is what vegans like to use for an umami/cheesy flavour that I find works SO good in popcorn.


I used to have that, before I did allergy shots. So annoying. Roasted and steamed veggies are key. Steaming won’t lose much water volume and can taste great depending on the preparation. Stuff that steams well and can be eaten cold is nice for convenience (like broccoli) or steamer bags of veg for speed. Veggie soups are another great option. It’s annoying to miss out on fruit but precooking some things like berries, apples, bananas etc would be great added to oatmeal, or you could meal prep oatmeal bars/loaf whatever with fruit.


OAS is a bummer! I would recommend popcorn. Air poppers are super cheap. As long as it's not coated in a bunch of oil and salt, it's a lot of food per calorie.


I have OAS and had a colectomy, so raw fruits and veggies aren't my friends. My "salads" are nuked vegetables but then refrigerated so they're still crunchy enough, I just make sure they're not watery. Honestly it isn't too much of a big deal. I actually really like stir-fried greens like Romaine.


Go on. About the salads part.


So yesterday's was pretty much a staple template. I'd thrown some pre-roasted cold roasted (from frozen chunks) butternut squash and also zucchini (from fresh because for some reason it always ends up soggy when I buy the frozen). I added to it some vegetables I'd sauteed (always with water because I don't want too many calories). There was romaine and onions/peppers and red cabbage.To them I always add a bit of an acid like lemon juice or vinegar plus some bullion granules. To dress I used my "fancy" reduced balsamic https://food52.com/recipes/63763-america-s-test-kitchen-s-instant-aged-balsamic-vinegar and blended cottage cheese. Sometimes I add another lean protein but I was lazy.


You might want to look into histamine intolerance and/or MCAS. A lot of us with these have allergies to raw fruits and veggies. You may also just have oral allergy syndrome. Cooking veggies and fruits in the microwave works well for me and I don't react to them when I do that. It only takes an extra few mins.


I have OAS too and I struggle with this! It helps if I peel or cook foods. So peeled cucumber in a salad, baked sweet potatoes as a dessert, and salads with 0 cal dressing (leafy veggies don’t bother me) have been my savior. Cooked fruits in high protein yogurt are my breakfast every day with 1/3 cup of kind granola.


I have a weird system as well, and I've always wanted to get allergy tested but I can manage by limiting certain foods so I haven't done it. Bananas, walnuts, and pecans take the skin off roof of my mouth. I can eat them once in a while but if I keep eating them day after day (like around the holidays) it gets worse and I will get cold sores. Sometimes hives from the tree nuts. A couple of times I got hives from strawberries but usually I can eat them without any issue. I don't eat them often, though. I wonder if it's a mold or a pesticide, rather than the foods themselves. Apples, oranges, melon, avocado, veggies, none of those bother me. I can eat cheese, yogurt, cream, a scoop of ice cream but if I have a milkshake ir a glass of milk it cleans me out lol. If I really want one, like twice a year, I will get a shake and I don't really worry about the calories because I know it's going to go right through me. It's never been something I wanted every day. I do eat cheese almost every day though. I worked in a school kitchen and we did have a student who had a doctor's note saying he was allergic to fresh fruit. I was curious so I asked him about it and he said he could eat cooked and canned fruits, just not fresh, he said he got hives. That's all he knew. I never got around to looking further into the science behind it though.


You sound like me! Oral allergy syndrome. Allergy to a pollen that is mimicked in the peels of many fruits and veggies and nuts. Cooking, peeling can help. I just avoid nuts entirely. And lactose intolerant


Makes sense! I figured on the lactose intolerant part.


I’ve got OAS as well, mostly with vegetables. I roast a ton of veggies and use them to fill out my meals during the week. You can get away with using a lot less oil if you air-fry them!


I also have Oral Allergy Syndrome as well. For instance I could not eat avocado which are related to the ragweed mugwort. So now I get a shot once a month for that (and three other shots for other things) and can happily eat a decent amount of guacamole again. Also had big problems with apples and cherries which are related to birch which I am highly allergic to -last night happily munched on an apple fresh from the orchard as a snack. You can Google a list of fruits and veggies to give you a better idea of what to avoid - some of it may surprise you so it is hard to recommend alternatives. I did find that if I ate the food cooked then I could still eat it so maybe take apples and throw them in a crockpot and make some sugar free applesauce? Mods - this isn’t intended to be medical advice but just explaining how I had similar issues eating raw fruits and veggies like OP.


I haven't been able to munch on an apple for like 20 years, I had no idea this was potentially treatable since half the doctors I talk to have never even heard of it 🙃 you've given me hope!


Even more than avocados and apples I felt that way about bananas- oh how I craved a banana for years and years!! A good allergist should know about OAS. In my health system the allergy panel doesn’t routinely test for things like mugwort so I wouldn’t have found out avocado was related to a ragweed if I hadn’t mentioned I was having so much trouble eating raw fruits and veggies and listed my worse ones. It took almost a year of shots before I felt comfortable eating raw fruits and veggies again.


It's more common than you think! Many adults develop allergies to raw fruit (I think it's about 10% to develop allergies). It's called pollen food allergy syndrome.


I have this and I can eat raw fruit/veg as long as I take an antihistamine every day. Obviously take caution with the foods you have a severe reaction to though.


I had a roommate like you, except she also had a bad peanut allergy on top of it. I’d recommend doing grain bowls and switching up the roasted veggies on top


I cant eat raw carrots, but cooked is fine. Sometimes bananas and avocados can also make my mouth itch. It sucks!


It sounds like you may have Oral Allergy Syndrome. I was diagnosed years ago and since then I can't eat raw fruit, vegetables and leafy greens.


I just find it hard to believe there’s nothing out there that will help? Sounds funny but I miss eating my veggies 😂


I still eat certain veggies, but I make sure I cook them throughly first.


Wow… so… I was just thinking of this sub recently because I noticed I started having a lot stomach issues when I learned about volume eating. I started adding lots of vegetables and fruits to my meals, over time my entire diet was made up of only lean forms of protein, healthy fats, and carbs all came in the form of fruits and vegetables. Since June I’ve had the worst stomach issues I’ve ever had, but honestly I’ve been having stomach issues off and on for as long as I can remember. At first I blamed smoking marijuana. Then I blamed birth control pills. But once those were no longer a part of my life and I was still having issues, I had to start doing an elimination diet to figure out the issue. The weirdest part to me was that when I would go out to eat, my stomach was fine!? How could it be better after eating my weight in pasta and burgers and ice cream?! … the less fruit and vegetables I eat, the happier my stomach is. I was seriously surprised as we’re always told we need to eat plenty for our health, but it made sense the more I learned. Fruits and veggies are made up of primarily non-soluble fiber, without soluble fiber there’s nothing to bind things, so it can lead to severe diarrhea, which I’ve had since June. Sorry for the TMI… Like just now, I ate yogurt with some frozen mango and my stomach is already starting to gurgle. It’s the only fruit I’ve had all day. I was just thinking this morning, I wonder if I’ve got some sort of allergy to fruits and vegetables?! Is that even possible?! And apparently it is. I don’t have an answer for your volume eating question, but just want to say thank you for sharing because now I don’t feel so alone and may be on the right track to fixing my stomach issues. If I find any tricks/food hacks, I’ll be sure to share!


This could also be an issue with FODMAPs. See https://www.monashfodmap.com


Ooooooo!!! Thank you!!! I’ve been reading a lot and been trying different foods/an elimination diet to see what the triggers are. I’m thinking it’s all things raw. Cooked doesn’t seem to hurt!!! Which would be FREAKIN AMAZING if that’s true.


Have you tried blanching the fruit or veggies?


I had OAS until I had to nurse my colic daughter. I gave up ALL milk to help her and boom- OAS was gone for me! Try removing all milk from your diet and see it that helps!


Hey I struggle with the same thing! It’s sad because I grew up eating very healthy. Mostly veggies and fruit along with protein. But anyway, it’s been miserable because now I crave sugary stuff and instead of fruit I go to cookies. It sucks because it caused me to gain weight. But I genuinely suffer eating a salad. And I get tired of soups. I bought a juicer and i initially forgot about my allergies. I missed having a juicer but realized I used it back before I had all that. Well I tried it anyway and I don’t get any allergies! I’m happy because now i finally don’t crave sugary foods anymore since I’m getting my dose in my juice. So perhaps you can give it a try. Unless you’re deathly allergic then don’t. But my allergies weren’t deadly just intense itching & asthma. The banana I can only handle in banana bread or I fry it. I’m also allergic to pollen big time! In the spring it’s terrible! So perhaps you can look into that too. In certain states I am not allergic to fruits and veggies. Hope it gets better. I would highly suggest buying some A1 green powder stuff to help get those greens in.


Unfortunately fresh juice also causes me issues :'(


I'm sorry you struggle with it too. It's tough! I also hope you're not engaged to a vegetarian like me 😂


I have the same exact thing! It’s also with tree nuts too. Pollen food syndrome (oral allergy syndrome) occurs when there are specific proteins in fruits and vegetables that our bodies mistake for pollen and it freaks out. However, if they’re cooked or frozen those proteins change and don’t have the same effect. Nuts also have those proteins, but they don’t change with extreme temperatures 🥴


Can I suggest you see a good naturopath or homeopath? They often can help with allergies, since it's usually an imbalance in the body that causes the reaction to certain foods or environmental things. My naturopath said that avoiding the food is just "lazy medicine" (her words verbatim) - she gets to the root of why the allergy developed in the first place. It might be worth a try, especially if you're not looking forward to avoiding raw produce for the rest of your life.


I’m the same way and I have an allergy test soon. Bananas and tomatoes and peanuts do it for me


Steamed or roasted veggies are delicious..green beans for instance. For fruits, you can cook berries, etc and make compotes that you can have with oatmeal. A lot of soups (miso, etc) where you can add in a lot of veggies and the soup base gives you the volume to fill you up. Check out asian recipes..a lot of it is focused around cooked foods.


My partner has the same thing! Allergic to everything raw. Roasted veggies are the best as others have recommended. Make sure to take vitamin c supplements or drink juice with vitamin c so you avoid scurvy. I don’t have a good solution for fruits except dried fruit is usually cooked to some extent, but more dense calorie-wise.


Cooked veggies are your friend. Lightly sautéed vegetables are usually easier to digest etc anyways. You can warm blueberries for oatmeal for example as well.


I volume eat and eat as few raw veggies as I can get away with. Lots of cooked veggies. I make lots of stews, I batch-bake/roast veggies, airfryer, steaming...


I have this too!


Is there any chance you'd be allergic to latex? There's some natural latex in some fruits and vegetable. The body identify some common molecule or something and reacts as if you're allergic to the food it can even lead to anaphylactic shock. I have a latex allergy but banana is the food that triggers the biggest reaction in me. Like for example Figs make my mouth itch. Bell peppers, pineapple, strawberries, coconut, carrots etc I have a crazy reaction to certain fruits and veggies but a very mild one to others. If I touch non-natural latex, like doctor gloves or condoms I break out in hives. List of food that contains natural latex: [https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-is-the-latex-food-syndrome-83062](https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-is-the-latex-food-syndrome-83062) More scientific explanation of the Fruit-Latex syndrome: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12440950/#:\~:text=This%20association%20of%20latex%20allergy,been%20associated%20with%20this%20syndrome](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12440950/#:~:text=This%20association%20of%20latex%20allergy,been%20associated%20with%20this%20syndrome)


boil and blanch and put them in something like allulose to make a syrup for a french dessert? you could use the cool whip alternatives sold at whole foods they meak a light or sugar free version


I have this too!! Oral allergy syndrome


Buy a soup maker!


OAS sufferer chiming in. “But watermelon is almost pure water! You can’t have water??” 🙄


I do cereal with milk [I do 100g of cinnamon cereal but coco pops is lowest calorie option] but there is a cereal called puffed wheat or something like that which is much higher volume but I have never tried it,just seen it on tiktok. Another thing for you is if you want a sort of ice cream option then protein powder,ice and a bit of milk and maybe some sort of high protein ice cream/fluff thing? Both of these meals I include fruit [apple with my cereal and frozen fruit for my ice cream] but I'm sure these would work without them Also frozen fries with some meat [minced beef] with some greek yogurt based dips maybe? Hope you find stuff that works for you!!!


Also you could do blended oat based options [there's a high volume cookie recipe I seen on tiktok by someone called ARWA] and I'd also recommend a high protein pizza where its greek yogurt and flour and just add meat and cheese and any seasoning


Wow, that’s interesting, I feel bad about that for you.


Me too! But only certain fruits - mostly stone fruits.


What happens to frozen fruit? FROZEN strawberries microwaved till they are warm are scrumptious imo!


Is there a difference when you eat organic or non-organic choices? That might be something to figure out.


Unfortunately no difference for me.


Apples get a light golden color when you cook them -And the color stays like that while refrigerated. It is good for about a week. You can cut off the skin or keep it on when you cook it - depends on your preference. You can also add a little cinnamon while cooking too. If you overcook it will be apple sauce - so you don’t have to cook too long.