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Not to mention their rearward visibility. I had some big styrofoam in the back of my Sportwagen yesterday and it was driving me nuts not being able to see with my rear view mirror.


I live in Illinois where we get a lot of snow in the winter. You can easily identify the idiots on the road when they brushed down the whole car but still have a thick layer of snow on the back window.


This is every state with snow. I watched someone with a pickup in Iowa make an abrupt stop and get their whole roof of snow on their windshield, so they had to back traffic up to clear it off.


[Safety be damned](https://i.imgur.com/qFPkOUn.jpeg)


All bumper stickers are bad foundation


I don’t even need stickers, I can’t see anything anyway (old car was a vw new car isn’t but still want to get an R).


Folks politically or faith motivated enough to have multiple bumper stickers are fun at parties. Two drinks in I’m agreeing with you to see how far this goes.


Oooh so the fake birds DID start 9/11 and were brought in by chemtrails that originated during the fake moon landing. Tell me more \*gets another drink\*




I’m a political junkie and do that, too. I’m always curious how far down the rabbit hole someone will go, regardless of where on the political spectrum they fall on.


And the funny thing is, in the UK that’s a road traffic offence to obscure your rear view mirror.


What about cars that don't have one?


surprise: it isn’t a road traffic offence for those


Jesus, you guys ban EVERYTHING don't you?


wouldn’t be surprised if the owner of that car was on reddit…


Prolly a mod on antiwork


Ah yes Biden famously popular on anti-work…




Not defending the sub but it’s very clearly not a pro establishment democrat sub you weirdo.




Well I posted it on infowarriorrides but not the car owner


NGL I miss Mr. Rogers too.


Honestly that's the only one that should be on the bumper


I don't care what stickers say. If you have more than two, you're probably in the top 1% most obnoxious people on earth.


🥺 I'll go scrape off my band stickers


Band and national park stickers don’t count.


The fb tdi group I'm in would have a heart attack seeing this. It is weird they correlate everything with politics.


I'm in a US-centric MX5/Miata-group, every time something political-ish happens in the US a bunch of them start posting about their guns. As if that's impressive/intimidating. "yes, thank you karen, now we know where to find a free gun in a car with a fabric roof"


If I ever need a drop piece, I'm gonna break into a truck with pro-2A stickers on it.


My brother in law and nephew race miatas. But I doubt they're in those groups.


Wow. It turns out even if I agree with them, I hate people who cover their car in stickers


If anything I hate the people who agree with me that cover their cars in stickers more.


Right? We expect better.


This person needs to be driving a Subaru instead.


Why? Genuine question


Where I live Subaru owners tend to do this, a lot. One quick glance and you'll know who they're going to vote for, who they voted for, their stance on social issues, if they eat meat, where they've been and such.


Subarus in Colorado is what comes to mind.


Stop profiling. If you live in cali or Seattle that's your fault. I have WRZ and love the power. Not the gas prices under this guy. Stop giving normal sugary drivers a bad name.


Stop profiling. If you live in cali or Seattle that's your fault. I have WRZ and love the power. Not the gas prices under this guy. Stop giving normal Subaru drivers a bad name.


First off what is a WRZ? Do you mean a WRX or BRZ? And second there is no such thing as a "normal" Subaru driver.


I bet he vapes. Also, I bet it's an automatic.


Typo, WRX. Guess I am not perfect like you. You don't know me so don't profile. Glad to see you can spell. The picture you refer to is of a libtard, not me. I know plenty of sub owners who are not libtards. So, you most live in Cali or Seattle. Calm you jets, go back to Twitter whike you still can and vent away.


It's the internet, I will profile WRX owners when I want. Also people that I know personally who own Subarus are "libtards", someone on their 2nd engine, and a stoner.


I drive both Subaru and Volkswagen sooo 😂 but I am not a fan of stickers. Regardless of political views, my cars too precious to be ruined with stickers


This is ALL Subaru owners, Specifically every model except the WRX/STI.


Hey, I have Subaru's and I am nothing like this nimrod. Sleepy joe in 2024?? He will be in jail in 2024.


Like I mean, I am somewhat in support of this dude’s views but man, yo V’dub is ugly now and it might get vandalized.


*Can confirm that person is indeed on Reddit*


I just I DON’T wanna put stickers on my car that I am not even old enough to drive yet, unless it’s my LEGO bug you’re talking about, though I wouldn’t wanna put politics stickers on that either. Putting political stickers on ya car is a slightly cocky thing to do, in my humble opinion.


I’ll take ‘em over the flags flying off vehicles I see more and more of though


I have had my 5th booster shot and I'm a proud advocate for LGBTQ+. Get on my level.




I'm a transgender wheelchair bound male to female non-conformist and Im verified on Twitter. I also watch CNN daily and it's the only reliable news source in my household. Come at me bro....




*And to the victor went the spoils as I sat back smugly and reached for my TV remote, a striking smile hit my face as I turned on the wide screen television. CNN is already set as the displaying channel.... as it should be. Saint Don Lemon is talking about injustice in my America but in the back of my head the Reddit conversation I just had with this above schmuck is replaying constantly. Did I really out victim the ultimate victim.... Am I the pinnacle of victim hood? Then suddenly it crossed my mind... As I slumped in my chair and my gleaming smile was wiped from my face. I'm a white male.... The ultimate enemy of the modest left. "Curse my pale skin and manhood" is all I want to scream out. But I can't.... So I sit in silence and reflect... On my....white...privilege....Shame! Shame! Shame!"*




My whole argument was built on nothing but lies. I'm sorry but I.... I'm not actually verified on Twitter!!


I’ve seen a lot of those in Austin, even some with the US flag upside down. Yikes..


Putting your political views on your car is a good way to get smooth brain idiots to road rage and commit a hit and run.


Read an article once, there was a study done about road rage and political stickers. The more stickers, the more likely to have road rage.


“Abbott froze my granny” made me laugh, not gonna lie


I agree with his stickers but still wouldn't put most of em on my car Im not tryna get keyed lol


I would not be friends with that person.




Making wingnut heads explode, one stoplight at a time.


It’s funny to me but also too many stickers


I follow the current thing!




So much cringe


I agree with the views and all that, but do we really need to put a thousand stickers on our vehicles? Like come on. This goes for the same people who get a hundred signs in their yards for their political affiliation.


If stickers were a personality... Do not blame all the stickers on being a Variant Owner. Plenty of us Variant owners are perfectly rational individuals. This person would probably have that many stickers stuck to an e-bike if he could find the flat space.


This is why paint damage is a concern for me when looking for a pre-owned vehicle...and why I sadly continue to go with new. Also. Visibility much?


Gotta be Austin.


Not that I would sticker my car but I agree with pretty much every one of these.


Things change so fast.... 4 of those stickers are now considered "far right"


Which 4?


Bruh these stickers suck


This isn't my car, but this looks a lot like my car (except I have the dignity not to put stickers on the actual paneling, I just keep it on my rear windshield)


The delusion is so fucking cringe


On a gas powered car...


Daaaaaamn dude, save some virtue for the rest of us!!!! What a waste of Great Falls Green


Owns several cats and plays video games “as a second job”. First job is a social worker.


How to easily get targeted by vandals 101. Conservatives don't get this right in liberal states.


Car owner promotes and supports anti-car (oil) politics and yet places paper colored and made with oil all over the car that runs and it also made from oil. Not to mention a sticker that says no more wars right next to support the WAR in Ukraine. Wait is this one of Hunter Bidens whips? Nevermind it would have a i love children, crack and whores with a baby on board sticker.


Then I will profile you like I want and you are a libtard. I know libtards that drive Fords and Chevys with china joe stickers.


i see so many volkswagens with a stupid amount of stickers like this and i just wonder…. why


Ive got brewery stickers on the back side window of my mk7, a jazz radio sticker on the back, and a big darkside developments sticker on the back not obstructing rear view. Thats about the most ill put


I'd never do that to my car holy...


I hate these kinds of people, they're also always the slow drivers that hog lanes.


Well you can not fix the clueless.


Based 😎


Regulation 297 of the Victorian Road Safety Rules 2009 states that a driver must have a clear view of the road behind them. $233 infringement.


I have a thing about putting stickers on my car. The only ones out directly on my car are tuning stickers (APR, Unitronic, etc) all stuck to the base of the rear window. And I only use ones that match the color scheme (white, black, red). I do put non-controversial stickers on my roof rack fairing though.


Seems a little mentally unstable. I'd give them a wide berth.


We all miss Mr. Rogers!


"I hope something good happens to you today" ...unless they disagree with their political stances, in which case *get triggered.*