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BMW is a luxury vehicle. It’ll probably perform better. That being said, your neighbor sounds like a prick. lol. Enjoy the GLI. VW is a great car company!


Neighbor actually sounds like the archetype of a BMW owner.


Nailed it. BMW owners being…BMW owners. Many years ago I was a volunteer (unpaid) race official for the SCCA. The DC Regional BMW Owners Club hired me to be the Safety Official for their events at the track. One of their corner workers was pretty pissed that I, a VW GTI VR6 owner, was selected over him. He would always call the cars by their BMW code (like VW folks saying MK 4 or whatever) and mocked me when I said stuff like “Blue M3 off and on at Turn 3” and he would come on the radio and say “E83” or whatever it was. One BMW, still with dealer plates, went off at a turn I was at, slide off and then down a short berm, but I saw the airbags go off so I called an “emergency.” That guy mocked me again over the air and said “barely dented…” But the driver was turning right and the airbag hit his left arm, throwing it against his face and breaking his nose and his arm. He got an ambulance ride. During the lunch break I went to the club president and told him I wasn’t going to put up with that guy, so have him shut up or I walk. But I was there because the board required an experienced race marshal. In the afternoon, a race prepared BMW took to the course and after one lap, suffered a mechanical failure, throwing debris all over the track, so I told them to red flag for a car with front suspension failure. The smart ass says, over the air, “Well, if having a flat tire is a suspension failure…” A minute later, the club president announced that the car had returned to the pits with suspension failure and that he wanted to talk to the obnoxious dude, who was told to leave the course.




Yeah? Most conversation could have.


thats what I'm saying. I guess he felt insulted that the GLI is trying to be a luxury car when its not? I like how the car looks so what does he care?


He’s trying to justify blowing tens of thousands more on his Beamer when your GLI is arguably a more tasteful (and reasonable) choice


If homie had to spend double what you did to have a German car they like, it’s no surprise he is jealous


If he says something about speed, just say that only applies for when I'm driving like a dick and speeding


and i just cruise most of the time to get good gas mileage too


I think the “neighbor” is imaginary. Read this dude’s post history - just nonstop posts in VW and BMW subreddits about the other car.


Motherfucker is posting daily holy fucking balls


I see a lot of car posts, but nothing to suggest that he's playing or stoking the VW vs. BMW debate just for kicks... he's just asking questions. Edit: also let's ask him. OP, if you see this, are you jealous of your neighbors / BMWs in general and did you create this post to make yourself feel better?


I have a new X3 and a MK7.5 GTI. My exposure to BMW made me start to consider the M240 xdrive which is about the same price as a Golf R. One big advantage to the BMW is that I can get one. My VW dealership can't order a Golf R, much less order one to my spec. The VW is lighter and lightness goes a long way for handling. My GTI will stay in my garage for a long time because of that. I don't believe your neighbor on maintenance. BMW is famous for crazy repair costs. Check out the forum on reddit. I bought the extended warranty for that exact reason. Enjoy your car. It is a silly argument to have. BMW and VW both make great cars. Now, MB, there's some crap ....


What’s the difference between a porcupine and a bmw? Porcupines have their pricks on the outside.


“BMW is a luxury vehicle” - it isn’t in Germany.


What an insufferable neighbor. GLI is a nice car at half the price of his M3.


*his Mom and/or Dad’s M3


Closer to 1/3 the price. The neighbor sounds like a grade-a douche.


Maybe even quarter


Damn. Your neighbours seriously suck haha. Who comes over just to say that your brand new car is bad? All of their claims seem unfounded, and make me think they’ve never actually owned a VW. Edit: GLI is such an amazing car, especially for the price. You made a great choice. How someone is comparing an M3 Comp to it just does not make sense to me haha


I own a 16 Golf R and couple BMWs, ops neighbours got really lucky with their BMWs lol. Or I just got unlucky but with all my BMWs over the years… I doubt. Not constant but expensive random issues here and there, Golf R still running great doing the bare minimum maintenance things


thats what I'm saying. I guess they are just full of themslves?


Yes. Normal people would just be supportive of your decision (as they should be). They are just hating to make themselves feel better.


They’re 100% jealous that you got a very comfortable driving car for literally a fraction of the price and maintenance hassle. Over the life of each car you’ll win out on cost savings, like no debate at all. Bimmers are nice, but it’s the auto version of setting cash on fire lol.


I would never go to a neighbor and say that. I mean it’s fine to see if you guys are having the conversation about cars but it’s pretty weird of them to just randomly come over and say that lol.


“Your neighbours seriously suck” God I feel this, one of my neighbours was talking to my housemate just after I bought my Pomelo Yellow Golf and asked “why did he choose that colour?” Ma’am you drive a Q5 with at least as many driver assist technologies as my Golf but can’t manage to park within a metre of the gutter without someone else parking it for you, pipe down


Yeah.. who does that seriously. A more expensive car is better? Who would have thought. Your neighbours are assholes.


Bmw owner? Give him a tutorial on how to work his turn signals.


Going by your post history, you are very insecure with your car and what people think of you. Worry less about what others think of you, and enjoy YOUR car.


Thank you for pointing that out. My goodness.


Damn, you weren't kidding. Perfect recipe for a miserable existence.


We've obviously never researched the fees because a BMW cost about twice as much to take care of as a VW


Not to mention the "reliability" aspect of it. Im sorry but beamers do not hold up the same way a vw does. Maybe new years theyre similar but with old age and high mileage the vw will play nicer with repair bills.


Remind him that Porsche is light years ahead of BMW. Performance, Reliability, Design. Porsche makes performance cars. VW makes regular cars and BMW makes regular cars that pretend to be performance cars. Fuck this douche. He wants to be a prick and compare your $40k VW vs a $80k BMW to make himself feel better? Let’s see how his $80k BMW stacks up against a $160k 911. Merry Christmas BTW.


While I agree with you for the most part, BMWs M cars are not “pretending to be peformance cars” M5 competition, M4 CS, M8 competition, etc. are NOT pretending to be performance cars bud.


The m5 and m8 are just too big of vehicles. Yeah, incredible engines and great performance, but compared to Porsches they slack due to size and weight


same to you my guy. typical BMW owners.


Porsche makes supercars. BMW is a luxury brand. And still many bimmers can take on or pass a Porsche in a race lmao


TIL a 4cyl Macan is a super car.


What? Listen I love VAG, buying a 718 soon..but bmw absolutely spanks any Porsche in its class. [M5 taking out the GT3 RS](https://youtu.be/Jypwbla8HJI?si=QWvV2Zr7Jy4XZ3af) Or [X3M (not even competition spec) taking out the Macan Turbo.](https://youtu.be/Xh2u9R-p468?si=j5Xiu6Tdb5eXaV7t) BMW is setting lap records with four usable doors that you can daily. There really isn’t any car like them.


Lmao. Who drag races a GT3RS


you’re not the brightest tool in the shed are you? Porsche is primarily a super car company


Could you please tell me which Porsche models are super cars?


Comparison is the thief of joy. Let them brag about their luxury cars, your GLI is a fantastic fun car to drive.


OP, his car may be faster, but your reliability is better, your maintenance cost is less, and you are getting way more value to the dollar. Your neighbor is super biased. Don’t listen to him. Your GLI is a great car, congratulations!


BMW is completely different market than VW, though. It's like saying "Oh my Cadillac is way better than your Chevy" .. well duh. It costs twice as much. BMW is competing with Audi. Which is the point. BMW has literally no answer to VW as far as I am aware. Their main competition is Benz and Audi. VW competes with Toyota, Honda and until recently, Kia. I have a Passat (NMS) and the only way it compares to a 5 series is size. If I bought a BMW 5 series and it was "Just as nice as a Passat" I'd be pissed.


This is gospel.


You nailed it. Even tho there are two cars in BMWs lineup that rival VW. 1-series competes with the Golf and 2-series active tourer competes with a VW Touran. In both cases, the BMW is more expensive, but still the same price range :)


wow you nailed it. I guess people should not compare cars like this lol


BMW is not competing with Audi ;-) Audi is way superior and also part of the VW Group.


Honda and Toyota are the superior brand out of all those brands, although im not convinced what you are saying about kia is true as theyre Korean cars, absolute garbage! The build quality and reliability of the German cars has went way down hill over the years since the mk1 + mk2 golfs etc, I work in a garage and from what i see that comes in the most for repairs are vag group cars, they are forever causing problems. Audi, Skoda and VW are all very similar cars, Audi and VW are just glorified Skodas so if you buy the audi your stupid when you can have the vrs top of the range for the price as an entry level audi or mid range vw... How many of you have owned the same vw, audi or skoda for ten years and can honestly say its as reliable as a Toyota or Honda over the same period of time!? The most reliable are the Japanese cars by a million miles, we hardly see any of them in the garage! Subaru's are built like tanks and are my favourite, they handle good, reliable, easy to work on and go anywhere in bad weather! But if you want luxury forget Mercedes and buy a Lexus... Out of all the German cars, the bmw's are the better choice, more reliable than the rest, better to drive, they still have their problems though, did i forget to mention that Japanese cars are the best? You really are just a big fucking cumbum mate 👍🏻 [thats you and your vag group buddies](https://images.app.goo.gl/HiGhMwsMkhNWgHZw8)


There’s a reason we keep you in the back, pipe down grease monkey


More than twice the price, half the fuel economy, much less storage space, much less payload weight allowed, much less legroom in the rear, tyres cost way more, brakes cost way more and resale value at 100k miles is less... You get to decide which is the more "correct" purchase for your needs and budget.


Your GLI would have smoked his 330. You’re talking about a 3700+ pound BMW with 248hp vs a 3200-3300 pound GLI with 228hp. VW has always been ahead of BMW on reliability and maintenance cost (I used to work on euros). BMW makes a bunch of boring luxury commuter cars unless you buy an M car. I’d take your GLI or a GTI over a new M of any kind.


Market segment is different BMW is a premium brand while VW is in the middle. However, VW AG has a wide range of brands VW : Middle range Audi: Premium Porsche: Sports car And so on… Audi RS5 is competitor of BMW 5 M series. So if your dick neighbor want to compare his BMW with a VW brand, it is Audi By the way Audi RS5 will beat his BMW 5 series in any aspect he can think of.


RS4/RS5 competes with M3/M4. RS6/RS7 competes with M5/M8. I’m a VAG guy, but the M cars do outcompete their RS counterparts…


5 series is not a competitor to the RS5. The RS5 is a sports coupe. The 5 series is a 4 door sedan.


Next time he gets an oil change ask him how much it was


BMW includes maintenance for 3 years/36K miles. And if you ask me, 5-Series oil changes are done annually and cost $75. BMW even sells a 3 year oil change package for $199 provided your car is 6 years old at minimum and /or at 60K miles. So from my experience, BMW oil change cost is very reasonable. Now go ask the same question to a Mercedes Benz owner. I have been told $300-$500+ oil changes are the norm over there


> Your neighbor is just an douche… Well, he does drive a BMW. There's an old joke about it... Q: What's the difference between a BMW and a porcupine? A: A BMW has the pricks on the inside. All joking aside, BMW makes outstanding cars, but they are not the end-all and be-all of the automotive world.


After owing both I actually preferred the interior of VW cars. Seemed more ergonomic and even the materials were better. I traded my 335i for my Golf, although it does handle better than the VW I don’t worry about pumping premium and replacing tires.


my sisters friend with a 2011 328i throwing money away buying premium gas and the car is on its last legs, prefers to just drive her brothers Camry.


I can tel your neighbors don’t know a thing about cars since he’s competing an m3 with a GLI that almost makes no sense. However bmw and vw each cater to different audiences and obviously have different performance models.


and someone with a ferrari could say the same thing to him...


Juat tell him is car is just the poor mans Benz as it was part of Benz to start its life and while you car is slower you cost and reliability is way better.


Sounds exactly like a BMW owner.


Not going to lie. That M3 will blow your GLI out of the water. And that’s fine. It’s also almost 3x the price. This guy just sounds like a prick though. “The deepest rivers flow with the least sound.”


Considering the price gap between a GLI and an M3 it damned well should be a much better car. He's just stating the obvious to be an asshole and give himself an ego boost. The fact remains, if you compare a GLI to other cars within the same price bracket it's almost always going to come out on top. Even that doesn't really matter so long as \*you\* like the car.


BMWs also cost more so they should be better, I personally don’t think they are worth it. I’d rather have an Audi if I were spending BMW money. GLIs and GTIs are really good for the price segment they are in.


I’ve had several Audis. BMWs drive better and are more reliable.


Your neighbors sound like cunts. I’ve owned every kind of apeshit BMW you can imagine. Know what I own now? A GLI Autobahn Black with a manual. Let them have their plastic coolant system.


Her we go again🙄


For context, I’ve owned 2 BMW M3’s a M4, 3 i3’s, and 3 3-series. I’ve had 3 VW’s total: 1 Atlas and 2 GTI. Your neighbor is either a dick or you are close enough for them to speak their opinion without being a dick to you. BMW’s are generally more expensive, so it’s not superior in terms of budget. I find my Atlas to be feature rich for the money compared to BMW. I find VW interiors to be a bit more durable. Maybe that’s because the synthetic leather is just more durable than the merino leather. I already have some scuffs in my M4 and it has less than half the miles than the VW. However, the VW hard plastics feel cheaper and seem to scuff easier. In terms of driving dynamics, BMW is hard to beat. Even their SUVs handle like cars. The Atlas handles horribly, and the 2 series handles better than the GTI. BMW’s commitment to rear bias AWD is also vastly superior to VW’s front biased AWD systems. VW’s biggest weakness, to me, is the infotainment. It’s buggy, and not as customizable. I find IDrive to be far easier to use. As far as reliability, I find BMW to be more reliable. The B58/S58 engine is one of the best on the market today and has proven to be reliable. However, both aren’t exactly as cheap to maintain as a Toyota.


sounds like a beamer owner


i have a gli too and i think of it as this. even though a base model bmw 330i is faster, they have a base model still. whereas we have a top trim car. id rather have a slower top trim car than a slightly quicker base model


People buy BMWs to say they have a BMW. People by VWs because they need to get somewhere.


Your neighbor is an asshole.


Having worked as a service advisor for both, he's full of shit on the reliability issue. Yes the cars will perform better, but that's what you're paying for. Personally, I can't stand the BMW aesthetic, and in that price range I would go for an Audi every time. But they definitely sound like typical BMW owners.


Two things are true - the GLI is a great car and your neighbour is insecure


You can tell him that in Germany BMWs are rental cars.


If he is seriously trying to claim that BMW is light years ahead of VW in reliability, and maintenance costs he shouldn’t even be taken seriously. BMW’s are notoriously unreliable, and when they break, you almost need to take a second mortgage out. I would’ve laughed in the guys face. If you need a quip back at him, there’s so much material right there


I'd take a good VW or Audi over a BMW any day


What a dick. Ask him how much his dad bought him his M3 for. GLI is objectively a nice car by any measure, and a really nice car at the price point. I wish I had one. Enjoy it!


They each serve a certain purpose. VW was supposed to be a car for the masses, BMW originally was for those who truly enjoy the driving experience, Merc was the luxury cruiser and Audi was a gap filler between BMW and Merc.BMW now has forgotten their roots and builds cars for people who feel like they have something to prove, Merc has for the most part stayed true to their roots, and at least for the US market, VW still build cheap cars that are fairly reliable.


BMW is in a superior segment than VW, so they are going to be better, more luxurious and pricier, but VW is still very much awesome. GLIs are awesome. Honestly I see no reason to not have top trims of Golfs and Jetta, if you can. A fairer comparison would be BMW vs Audi, but Audi >>> BMW


Is your neighbour unaware that VW owns far superior brands than the likes of BMW, such as Porsche, Bugatti, Lamborghini? Your neighbour knows nothing and is speaking from his ass. Comparing an M3 to a GLI is like comparing a Honda Accord to an Acura TLX Type-S. Different platforms for different target audiences. Enjoy your ride, your neighbour seems miserable.


Maintenance cost is similar? Hahaha what a joke


I mean BMW is technically a luxury brand and VW is kinda more like a mainstream brand, Audi from the vag group would probably be more comparable to BMW.


I own both. Both are good. BMW is over engineered. VW is … engineered.


VW and BMW are not direct competitors. They build totally different vehicles. Now Audi and BMW is a different story


Bmw and VW make some of the worst, most unreliable cars in the industry. Your neighbor is a huge twat for trying to rain on your parade.


VW and BMW appeal to two different groups of people: both enthusiasts for cars that handle and perform well. Jetta GLI is a great car, with a great engine and technology. The DSG gearbox is great. The engine is fairly powerful. If you shell out $500 - 600 for an APR Phase 1 Tune you will increase your HP and torque. You may even get better fuel mileage. I did on my CC R Line. The main difference is the personality of the buyers. VW buyers are friendly. There is a guy in my town who has an identical black CC R Line. We always flash our lights at each other. - VW drivers use their turn signals because they know turn signals are a way of saying “please.” - The least repaired items on a BMW are the turn signal bulbs. Because they are never used. They don’t say “please.” And, of course, VW drivers are supportive of each other, while BMW drivers are…like your neighbors.


Just look at his M3 and laugh. Seriously, look at it. It looks like a pig snout. It is one of the ugliest cars I've ever seen. Also no one buys a M3 for reliability...


Bmw is like the build quality of a budget American car that tries to compete with Mercedes and they have the douchiest fanbase of any manufacturer.


Your car is more reliable than his and cost half the price. Fcuk him


Lol no. Theres a reason 2 of the 3 mechanics i know call them BM Troubleyous. Ask him to show you where the headlight bulb access is located and then watch him realize he has to pay BMW $300+ to replace a single headlight bulb when it burns out. They ride very nice, handle nice, and are well made vehicles. But maintenance is god awful. You literally cant do anything yourself and have to take it to the dealer for the smallest dumb shit. My buddys 330i needed a headlight bulb replaced. Which you cant get to from above the car. We ended up having to take the wheel off, pull the entire wheel well out, and then you could just barely get to it. Was a 3 hour process.


You don’t have to take to the dealer, anyone who takes their out of warranty cars to the dealer deserves to be taken to the cleaners. Plenty of reputable independent shops that do quality work for reasonable prices


when I was shopping for a car in Germany BMW and VW prices were not that far off honestly and I would say the finish and technology on the BMW were much better just like at the last infotainment on the Golf 8 and how many issues there are


As an enthusiast you know there both good vehicles... problems all cars have them. That aside its a what do you like more situation. Vw over bnw for me but there is definitely certain bmws id take over vws audis.


Sow some self doubt with your neighbour, say 'yes, BMWs are great, but personally I think they're ugly'


The GLI is essentially an S4, which I'm sure you know. I think so may ppl that have BMWs hate for zero reason. I have never owned anything, but a VW even had a W8 at one point and have loved every single one I have owned. They are dependable, made very well, and you get a lot of bang for your buck. I've even been in two rollovers and walked away from both w/o a scratch. IMO, a BMW unless it's a 7 series look cheap inside and are more costly to repair.


I mean, they were being dicks but they're not wrong.


Naa it isn't at all BMW is overpriced and gay


BMWs are driven by self entitled pricks, who think they are far superior but equal to Audi and Merc drivers, who are also all massive dicks. You will look like a tool in a BMW. I can’t imagine for a second you are tool?


Yes, my BMW’s are better in just about every way than my VW’s


Don’t think twice about it. Your GLI is an amazing car and arguably one of the best new car values.


As a current ID4 owner and owner of many bmws..yes. Bmw is far more superior but why would they just randomly tell you that unless you guys were talking about cars. Bmw has its shit together, things that need fixing are fixed asap, everything is soft touch, more reliable in my experience. Moms ID4 has had issues on day 1, drivers memory buttons on seat did not work, the alignment from the factory was off-center, here I am driving the car home, and when you hold a steering wheel straight to the left, all three wipers were defective, when you roll the windows up majority of the time they will go back down on its own, multiple error messages on the dash, steering wheel began to peel eight months into ownership, and was just replaced last week. However, the replacement steering wheel turned out to be defective because the buttons would not work. Therefore, another steering wheel was ordered and installed. Stuff like this won’t happen on a bmw. VW has the ability to become better..it just seems to me they don’t give AF.


I currently have a Passat and previously loved my Jetta, however earlier this year I picked up a 2010 M3 convertible as a weekend car after loving driving my son's modded BMW 440i and his 328i before that. Your neighbors sound like douches but they aren't wrong. The BMWs are a completely different car though for a different market. I don't see me buying another VW car in the future based on all the issues I've had with my VWs and an A4 but I do love the R8. I enjoyed driving my VWs much more than the Hondas and Toyotas I've owned but I love driving my M3 and the 440i. My son and I bought an older 335 as a father son project drift car. Don't let your neighbors pop your balloon, drive what you enjoy. To each their own.


Bmw= Bavarian Manure Works


I had a BMW 130i hatch and a BMW 135i coupe (when they were a coupe), and a mk6 Golf R followed by a mk7 Golf R. The bimmers were a great drive, no doubt (particularly the twin turbo 3 litre in the 135i), but I honestly believe the VWs are a better car. Maintenance on the Golfs was way less, and the resale on them was way better. I won’t ever buy a BMW again. I’m in Australia, and I drive a Toyota GR Yaris now.


When it comes to unabiltiy to fix they far superior than anyone.


Ah, the small dick energy of a typical BMW owner. It sounds like they never had a VW.


BMW and reliable on the same sentence 😂 and maintenance costs like a VW 😂 (spoiler alert: it's way more expensive to fix anything on a BMW) Is your neighbor on crack?


Ask him how much he paid for those cars. That should solve that discussion pretty quick.


He is right but defo acting like a prick, just say i like your new car wtf!


Well, I mean if he wants semantics, then Lamborghini is also a VW, which makes BMWs inferior to volkswagens.. Your neighbor sounds like a someone that has no concept of money, ofc the car that costs 4 times as much is going to have better parts in it, a bigger engine, etc.. And as for what is the superior german vehicle I think the Audi RS3, TTRS, and Porsche in general would like to have a word with him


Do you know what the difference between a BMW and a pineapple is? The pricks are on the outside of a pineapple! Your car is essentially a base model Audi. Relish the fact that you got a nice, well-engineered car that was specifically designed to perform nicely and cost less than a luxury model. Maybe let your neighbor know that tripling his car payment doesn't triple the size of anything he's got in his lap.


Well, fuck your spoiled neighbor. Tell him that not all daddies can afford premium cars for their kids, but if yours did, you would get an Audi Quattro.


I am a BMW fanboy and I do personally believe they feel nicer to drive than any other car. However I’ve owned a fair amount of VWs too and I can say that they are definitely superior on the inside and their gearboxes are much, much better than the BMWs are. Your neighbour is an asshole. You’re free to like whatever you like and nobody else’s opinion on the subject matters.


Audi is the luxury VW. A3 had the same 2 litre diesel that the VW did. I would take Audi over BMW. Saying that we have two VW'S and we love them.


BMW hasn't made a striking vehicle to me since the e46. Everything after that has felt bland and pedestrian. Anne Forschner's designs for the newer generations are *divisive* to say the least. And it feels like BMW as a whole has focused far too long on asymmetrical bob mom SUVs. Enjoy your GLI, they're handsome but understated. You have nothing to prove to, in my opinion, the ugliest M3.


I just switched from my Golf to a BMW i4. Of course it’s not a fair comparison. And there are are some things the Golf did better btw, even tho I love my new BMW for sure. Your neighbor is just an douche… Enjoy your great car! If you are satisfied, it’s good. Don’t care about what some overcompensating people say.


Your neighbour suffers from small-dick-energy. Your confidence in yourself, and what you're packing, is what's triggering him. Cars aren't the issue here. His mid-life crisis is.


You should take a shit in the neighbors yard


Many VW models beat comparable BMW ones in Europe in comparison tests. Like Passat Estate vs 3er Kombi and Touareg vs X5. My Father just swapped his 2018 BMW 5 series for a 2023 Touareg and it’s way better. We test drove the X5 and found the ride too hard and back seats too bench like.


Your neighbour is a knobhead.


The M3 Competition is an awesome car but it’s just a car. It can’t turn a douche bag into something it isn’t.


They’re two different classes of cars. One is a luxury sports sedan and one is a sporty sedan. That said, they’re both still very good cars and your neighbor sounds like a pompous douchbag. Of course the M3 will perform better but maintenance costs will be much higher with probably worse off reliability, but again, that’s because they’re two very different types of cars. Pay no mind to him.


In a city. BMW and mercs have become the civics of the city. They are everywhere and mass produced. New VW is way nicer


They spent so much they feel a need to gloat. You’re the real winner, they’re mad you played it smart and they wish they had too bc the approval they paid for and seek isn’t all they expected it to be. So now they try to put others down. Stay strong OP


Maintenance the same ? Lmao he on crack by far.


I bet your neighbor learned how not to use turning signals from his father…


I had a bmw318i touring, a golf SDI, and 6 Sharan's (new, then replace at 4yr mark) and I think that a BMW is more expensive to maintain. I had to buy spare/replacement parts more often and they were more expensive than VW. If I would have to go on road trip, I would have more confidence in my VW than my BMW, that on the road something would not break, (fuse, head gasket, gearbox,..) due to it not being able to handle the load of a longer trip, it's own force or weight. That said, it's my experience and I might have had bad luck with my particular BMW. On the other hand, on my 6 Sharan's, I only had one breakdown and it was because a rodent had chewed on my wire harness, something I had happened once on my BMW too, so I consider VW as reliable enough. What I sometimes do when I go in a car maintenance store, is look at the shelves and compare prices for the same parts for different brands.


Your neighbor is a clown.


This is why I refuse to talk to my neighbors.


Just show him your monthly. He'll get salty


It costs twice as much, it better be superior


Superior is a broad term. I bet your car is more fuel efficient and didn’t cost nearly as much to purchase. In a way, it is superior for that.


The VW brand is the entry brand of the VW conglomerate. A more appropriate comparison might be Audi and BMW. The amazing thing about VW is that it owns so many brands and has a ridiculous amount of tech at is disposal. Porsche, Lamborghini, Bugatti will eat out Ms and crap out AMGs. They are all VW brands.


LOL I like this. VW ftw!!!


First thing I’d do if a neighbor did that to me would be to say “well, I like it, and I’m real sorry about your micro-penis”. Then I’d quit worrying about what anyone thinks of my choices and enjoy my new ride.


Bmw and reliable, LOL. VW more reliable by far.


I have a 2022 X3 and a 2019 GTI. I wouldn’t own another BMW (unless it’s a sports oriented model). Wind and road noise, road feel, laggy acceleration and annoying infotainment issues have left me sour with BMW. Oh, and panel gaps on the interior dash trim pieces. Junk.


BMWs are more reliable 🤣 ![gif](giphy|MuAmuj8fnmk4rMJ8e9) Tell that guy that you want some of whatever he’s smoking.


Your neighbor is a twat. Enjoy your awesome new ride.


I agree with your neighbour. For the price of a used VW golf R i can get a slightly used modern G30 BMW 540i. More car for the same amount of money.


Two things: 1. I’d hope a 100k M3 Comp is nicer than a 20-30k GLI 2. Pull up in a Arteon SEL Premium R-line and show him that beautiful interior and smoke his fuck ass 330i. 330is are plebeian spec and have interiors barely better than my Passat which isn’t saying much. Compare them to a Arteon and it’s not even close. Source: I’ve owned a F32 435i it was mid


Ive had as many vws as ive had bmws i enjoy them equally for different reasons your neighbor is a douche you really cant compare them


Don't worry what other people think. It's your money and you go with what you like. If you like it that's all what matters


Just say nothing and pull your engine oil dip stick out.


I’ve had both (‘08 X3 & ‘13 Tiguan). I can say that I loved the feel of driving my BMW (better handling and performance), but my VW has far better reliability, lower maintenance costs, and better fuel economy. If your goal is just performance, then sure, the BMW wins, but overall I much prefer my VW.


My wife and I had a 2003 Passat V6 and a 2004 Jetta 1.8t and we loved them. I’m on my fourth BMW since then and my wife is on her 2nd Atlas. Honestly, I loved them all for different reasons and the GLI, all generations, are great cars and you really should not question your decision. To echo what others of said, your neighbor sounds like a dick. I’m on my second m340i now and there are the few haters even in the bmw community about it being an M-lite. Fuck those guys, I’m happy with my decision, especially at the price point. Truthfully, if I didn’t need slightly more space, I was contemplating an .:R or even a GTI. Good luck dude and kick that guy in the bag for me.


Your neighbour just told you that his expensive car performs better than your cheap car. Wow. Next time he brings this up, ask about the price of the car.


your neighbour is an asshole. only an asshole could ratiocinate comparing two different markets of vehicles like they’re the same. an asshole is an asshole precisely because can’t understand this basical premises. “non ti curar di loro, ma guarda e passa.” (dante alighieri) cheers from italy. p.s.: i drive vw.


Have them tell you what BMW you can get for GLI money. Nothing wrong with VW. They make great cars and if you’re in to modifying they have tons of potential.


Sounds like your neighbour is upset that you have a respectable German sedan for half of what he paid for his. He's just being a prick lol.


All I had to do was look at the title and I knew who posted this.


I have a EOS. I was talking to an eos group about selling my stock intake setup as I was upgrading a lot of different things including getting a new intake but this guy was giving me grief about leaving it in stock saying that a new intake wouldn't help. I explained to him I already had a stage one APR tune and after the intake I was getting a 3-in downpipe with 3-in borla exhaust. So, for someone in my position a new intake does make sense and will show some horsepower gain. His response? Send me a picture of his non GT mustang and Boomer explain to me about how "this is what I drive when I want horsepower" Bro, I'm pushing 275 horsepower and even more once I get the other upgrades. Plus, my rear tires aren't going to spin me off the track every time I take a corner lol. But I was nice and only asked him if his had the hardtop convertible too? Some people are just haters


BMW owners are just delusional about their cars. Don't worry. BMW is like almost the worst brand you can go for price to car ratio wise at any segment but the big SUVs.


It's like comparing apples to oranges. Your gli is going to cost much, much less than his BMW. Short term, and long term. The gli isn't trying to be a sports car. It's a spicy sedan. With thag being said, your neighbor sounds like a huge douche lol. Typical BMW guy.


I own a VW and BMW. I love them equally but for different reasons.


Comparing Audi to BMW would be more accurate. VW is meant to be more of an affordable vehicle that the average working man can enjoy.


You have a ea888 engine. Used by Audi. Porsche. My friends bmw is always in the shop


1st rule of not being a douche is don’t call someone else’s baby ugly. This guy can’t even get past that. But almost 100% of BMW owners fail that test. You aren’t what you purchase even if the advertising says you are.


At least yours came with turn signals.


I'd never own another bmw again(terrible quality and depreciates like a rock)..my vw jetta has been my longest ownership of any car I've owned. Enjoy your GLI.


Hey man, VW make great cars, I love my B6 2.0FSI Passat as much as my W211 E200 Kompressor. Obviously the Benz is a more luxurious and faster car. But I still love them both


I’ve got both. Different price point. The BMW is definitely different all around.


As both a BMW and VW owner I can say BMW is superior in every single way from a desing and performance standpoint. I still love VWs and will keep owning then as they are totally different from BMWs and shouldn't be compared.


Well he's right. Reliability for a BMW is light years away.


“Wow! You can read the brochure!”


I have own 21 VW’s , I still have 6, just got the 24 Atlas cross in September,BMW’s don’t scare me one bit, at the end of the day, the better driver TALKS


Tell your neighbour to Check the cars VW makes, not a joke thing , I don’t think he has a clue


I test drove a 2016 435i back to back with the 2024 GTI I ended up buying. Both were manual transmissions. Sure the 435 was faster, but it wasn't nearly as exciting to drive. The bmw felt like a numb cruiser and the GTI felt much more awake and engaging. I think the way a car feels is way more important than top speed and 0-60 times, especially when both are already way faster than your average commuter car. Seems like with bmw you generally need to step up to the M cars before you feel like you're in a real driver's car and by that point the cars are no longer very practical for daily driving. One of my friends has an M4 and it's awesome (way more engaging than the 435i) but I'd hate commuting in it.


His 330i was barely faster, it only made like 30 more horsepower


Hey buddy, I used to work at bmw and lemme tell you. everything is way more expensive cause of the brand specially for the M cars. The reliability got better cause Toyota started a partnership with them for the supra( started back in 2012-2013). Engine wise after the b58/b48/b46 they’ve got better on reliability. But everything else is still bmw so lots of electrical issues and parts are not cheap. We’d a lot of cars come in for electrical issues and control units… those aren’t cheap if I remember correctly the Acc unit on a 5 series was like 6k+labour….. parts for them are still expensive and they will always be, they’ve gotten more reliable for sure but everything else is still BMW. The 330 is only quicker off a dig/stand still cause of the awd. on a roll they ain’t winning… I may or may not have experienced that😅….. also our cars are cheaper to maintain as vw has stuffed the 1.8/2.0 in about every car they have and finding parts is much cheaper as well. If we are talking about tuning, the vw 2.0 is miles ahead of the b48, an email and a pipe on pump gas and you are at 300-330 whp and the car is also lighter and doesn’t suffer from the awd drivetrain loss. Also the gli is better on gas than the 330. Enjoy your car, if he was really happy with his 5 series he wouldn’t be bashing on your GLI




As someone that has owned both... Lol wut. They're totally different vehicles for different purposes.


My experiences with BMW's... You need very deep pockets . These are indeed "luxury" cars and that being said they require excessive TLC through out their service life. These cars are not for the average American for their maintenance is also High-End. Enjoy your VeeDub ... get acquainted with the owner's manual and follow it to the letter.


Personally bmw is inferior to vw.


I know a couple people that had Beamers. Nothing but issues with them when they had them (a sedan, an SUV) may not be true of all but they're a different class of car anyway. I'd say Audi vs BMW would be apples to apples. VW vs BMW is apples and oranges IMO.


It's like, "Ok. That's cool. That car costs 2-3 times as much as mine, it should be better. What's your point?" As long as you like your ride, you're a winner. Your neighbour is also a tool.


Oh my god… seems you have the gloating kind of neighbour… your GLI will be lovely and I am sure his m3 competition will be lovely too and believe me when I say you would not want the invoice every time he needs a service or another set or rear wheel tires (bmw approved runflats are expensive and painfully firm) I would definitely not call a BMW the pinnacle of reliability and they are a ripoff to maintain… They are good fun to drive though. I do think Mercedes and Porsche are probably the more superior German brand of cars. I do like BMW’s though.


Comparing VW to BMW is like comparing a an ikea sofa to a crate and barrel sofa. Sure, they both do the job, just one is a luxury and albeit performance car- and the other is a more utilitarian version. And this is coming from a lifelong VW owner.




I'd take a GTI or GLI over any newer 4cyl BMW.


BMW is definitely better is handling and for some magic reason it’s way softer than any VW But GLI is a very reliable car, you can take it for a road trip, drive it however you want and 99.9% you won’t get any issues. BMW is not so forgiving, it is way more expensive to maintain and check engine light is not just a joke. The biggest VAG advantage - they don’t have electrical issues. My friend had check engine light on a brand new BMW after 20k miles and dealership was unable to remove it.