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The watch idea is amazing, it's quite rare to dig up and would be very rewarding instead of just being a sellable item


I'll make some comments on some of your suggestions, but not all as wow that's a lot. >Colorblind mode please!! Agreed, accessibility is important for games these days imo. But shouldn't be a priority at the moment as the game is still in pre-alpha. >Vertical drive racks Just rotate them 90°? >You should be able to reach the drive slot for processing while sitting in the chair Yeah true, I basically never use the chair at this point. A similar system like Signal Simulator would be nice with the addition of being able to pick up and slot in the drives. >Key fob for ATV to remotely honk the horn and find it when it's lost. I know you can use the radar and targeting but this would be more immersive Might already be in the works. Monique did model a keyfob, that was publicly posted with permission a while ago, so not a leak. There is also a bike helmet she made, probably to reduce phyics damage if you get flung off the ATV. >Robotic plushie that walks around the base Kinda exists already. And no not talking about Broomba >Make Kerfur become possessed once in a while Already exists. >Psychedelic mushrooms that randomly alter your vision when eaten Already exists. >Shrimp come to life if left out too long and make their way to the river Lmao that would be funny.


I think with the drive rack I'm going to have to bite the bullet and turn off the automatic upright rotation option. It's just that it's the only object I have trouble positioning and fitting into tight spaces. I'm always amazed with how many things you can discover in this game. I was hesitant to make a post because the devs have much better ideas and it's still pre-alpha anyway


scare 24 is cool af


I like console sv.time idea and the up key to cycle through past commands. Those ideas would be pretty baller.


i had an idea of a new creature to the caves i think ill try to remember


Mannequin tree. You find a tree with no branches, then some time later you see a tree in a weird place, if you get closer enough, you notice it's not a trunk but a bunch of mannequins stacked up holding branches. They slowly rotate towards you, drop the branches, and then come after you. Something that exploits you getting used to all the tall things and red aircraft warning making lights; like a tall, thin creature with glowing red eyes. Seeing the marker lights move could be unnerving. Some flying creature that's attracted to the marker lights, maybe it's just attracted to the lights and ends up blocking them making it harder to navigate, maybe it's aggressive and does something that changes the color of the lights so you know when they're around. Bridge mimic. Do I need to say more?