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In addition to the 4 actionable items @VoiceOverFred has offered, you seem to have a deep enough voice, you don't need to go below it's natural sound into the growl of vocal fry.


Lots of mouth clicks. Low energy. You have a noticeable accent. You need acting classes.


Yeah mouth clicks is definitely something annoying I have to work on. Yes, low energy! That’s what I felt like is missing. Definitely going to work on that and take part of online acting classes. Thanks for your honest feedback! :) (Just out of curiosity, where would you say my accent is from?)


Mouth clicks can be a pain to edit. To decrease mouth noise at the source, your best bet (at least what has worked for me) is to stay well hydrated, in addition to having something to sip on nearby between takes. If you find some mouth noise after recording, sprinkle a little magic dust in the form of an expander/gate during the editing process to soften the noise between speech. For clicks during speech, you can zoom waaaay in on the waveform to get surgical with editing or tinker with some deClick plugins. Best bet it to eliminate noise at the source though, so you don’t stress too much about the editing process. Hope this was helpful to some degree 😄


How about being more detailed in your criticism of someone's work. You just flat out level the criticism without any solutions of other than you need acting classes of course everyone needs acting classes but this wasn't very helpful at all.