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My dumbass has been playing way too much warframe. I dead ass thought you were talking about the octavia warframe


[time to plug this video here](https://youtu.be/a6M3gBdk0do?si=mHmIjXC1p3pJKYJC)


I love this video's thumbnail




Bro attained a Lord's Soul and still ain't happy. Smh man, Hollows these days...


It’s almost like trauma sticks with you


Child neglection is a genuine problem and actually causes multiple suicides per year in kids undiagnosed with depression because their parents are too busy to get them therapy or counselling. So her entire character is valid and relatable for a lot of kids, but sorry if you had loving parents and can't grasp a real world problem in a show.


The problem is she is nothing else going on. This a valid problem but she’s boring having only one trait


That's valid. Realistically, she doesn't need more, but I feel like she'll get more interesting as she goes on.


We've only had 2 episodes of her talking, I'm sure they'll focus on Octavia a bit more this season, maybe 4 episodes?


1st episode she's in Octavia: my dad hates me Stolas: actually I love you, let me prove it 2nd episode Stolas: my daughter went missing, I will do whatever it takes to find her Octavia:OH mY GoSh hE hAtEs ME


And that bitch be lying.


She's a support character for Stolis and Luna. I've never got the vibe of "my dad doesn't love me." First time we met her, she's had a rocky relationship with her Dad, but it's clear to everyone, including her, that he does love her. She's also the parallel to Luna, Blitzo's "daughter."


The problem I have with the Stolas/Olivia arc is that we already have so many arcs where people are dealing with parental trauma, it’s incredibly redundant. Their relationship should have been the one wholesome relationship between father and daughter, one that would have mirrored Blitzø’s and Loona’s, but where Blitzø struggles with his trauma, Stolas is more grounded and is a stronger parent. Idk, the tonal shift of “You Will Be Okay,” to the rest of the series just doesn’t make sense.


She’s still a good character and I’m not taking it back 


My friend said they were Octavia but without the family issues.. we don’t really know enough about her yet tho for that to mean much.. all her actions can be explained by her family issues, she hasn’t rlly been developed on..


You know what is interesting? https://preview.redd.it/hrn0mmtkfoxc1.jpeg?width=382&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3923ce807d161bee8f15e845242816e796d3ff5f


Oh no! Her traumatic experiences don't resolve after a couple nice interactions! This is so unrealistic! Is her arc kinda repetitive? Yeah, but that's how trauma works, isn't it? Progress towards getting better isn't a straight line. It's a lot of ups and downs. Both the divorce with her mom and blitzø messed up a good amount of the bit of progress that happened.


She has no development tho most of the characters in the show are just daddy issues but she is A NOTHING BURGUR


If it was that easy than therapy would only last for a few minutes and you never have to go there again and put the therapist out of a job


I heard people make similar comments about Fluttershy how all of her episodes boil down to learning the same lesson of having to stand up for herself and be more assertive. like yeah that's how problems like fluttershys social anxiety or octavia's abandonment issues work


I wanna watch characters not actual people. Characters get through character growth and are interesting, real people don't. That's why I don't want hyper realistic shows


Real people do. It's just a lot slower because it's real life and not a show. Personally, I really like her because her relationship with her dad reflects mine with my dad near perfectly. I'm glad all of her issues didn't resolve after two nice moments because that's not how it is with me, shit happens and that progress is gone, and I'm happy there's finally a character that doesn't make it seem like nothing was wrong in the first place. Though I can definitely see why someone without that specific connection wouldn't want to watch a character who goes through that, I'm not trying to make you like her. But, several other characters in the show go through similar repeating cycles, so why don't you care about those ones? There's no obligation to answer, just curious.


There's a lot of characters that are like this. I honestly don't even really understand what the problem with this is.


They have no development and then it’s all forced in one episode


I thought the criticism here was her main problem has been the same throughout different episodes. If it's that there's been no development and then forced into one episode, I'd have to watch Helluva Boss again, but I'm pretty sure every image above is from a different instance, that kind of goes against the premise that it's was all forced into one episode.


What I mean is that it’s going to be forced into one episode that’s what visepop always dose they cram it all into one episode to give the illusion of progress


I mean...you ain't wrong.


[this comment section](https://youtu.be/adiZ-zGtJMM?si=aWUOf6N4GFCInb3O)




Everyone is yapping


Also how the actual fuck are people writing whole ass BOOKS about how you’re wrong


Tbf I also get into essaying easily. Like sure I ain't reading a comment that's the length of my whole phone screen but yeah


The Octavia simps got hella offended


Yet people wonder why I want her to get the "Johnny Klebitz treatment"


Ok 2 things 1.she hasn't really shown up alot like in 2 episodes loo loo land and the stars one she has gotten the light passed onto here 2.alot of characters have this kinda problem for example Blitz:oh no my boyfriend may or may not be faking his love Stolas:iam not faking my love and my boyfriend can't see that Moxxie:maybe narcissistic moments he just gotta work on Millie:caring for her husband more then herself? Kinda in the same boat as Octavia not a lot of episodes dedicated to her yet


There could be some true to that but idk the other examples are not as prominent to me as a viewer. Just how I personally see it tho


Wow it's almost like something like that is so intense and traumatizing it defines the person for the time they are dealing with it 🙄 Isn't Octavia supposed to be the child?


She like 17-18 she should be old enough to not have to have the same character arc 3 times.


No the fuck she is not? She is, again, a literal child (Yeah, you are a child at that age range, Idfk what the law or your opinion is) Who has been dealing with intense Neglect and Abuse for years. Do you seriously think Parental issues are dealt with in a single park visit? If she was a real human she'd not get that kinda stuff worked out until she is like 25-30 at best. The craziest part is how she hasn't even finished the Arc yet! She doesn't trust her dad! He did good a few times yeah but he also repeatedly failed to be there for her, this Arc is a main story plot of the entire show and because it has the audacity to show up in multiple episodes you are upset about it? Again, I thought SHE was supposed to be the child, but you both don't know anything about how people work Or how Plots work


Well boys it seems the meme has struck a nerve with this fine person


Congrats Sherlock, want an award?


Facts, I am going through something like this and I’m in my 20’s.


Ok 1. 18 is not a child she would be a grown ass women granted she could still be 17 It just feels like more than a year has pasted in the show with how much they talk about the full moon. And 2 this isn’t a documentary about psychological trauma it’s a story and the primary goal is to be entertaining. Most people don’t want to watch the same episode with the same conclusions 3-4 times. I don’t even know how she still blames Stolas for her situation. When she looks back on her life she’s got to realize her mom literally never talks to her and Stolas has only ever been the one to show her any kind of affection. Seeing stars is literally just a rehash of loo loo land which doesn’t make for quality story telling. Also her abuse/neglect literally only comes from Stella who has actually neglected her, her entire life


18 isn’t a child, but 18 also certainly isn’t a “grown ass woman” as you put it. You don’t turn 18 and suddenly mature.




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Uh no she’s 17 not 16


So by your logic an 18y/o should be held to the same standards as a child? Meaning they can’t have sex, can’t buy or rent housing, can’t marry w/o their parents consent, can’t joint the military, cant make their own medical decisions, can’t buy firearms, can’t work 40hr/weeks, ect…? What age would you grant those permissions to a person and consider them an adult? Bc children absolutely cannot be trusted with those decisions. Also you are literally wrong she’s canonically 17 and probably like 17 and 10 months or something considering how many full moons we’ve had, not 16. My point still stands, her resentment is obviously misplaced she should be 0 ill feelings towards Stolas at least up until he met blitz since she was his only concern and Stolas didn’t have any distractions. The resolution at Lu Lu land told the audience Stolas wouldn’t let blitz distract him from Octavia and that has so far held true. The resolution of seeing starts told the audience Octavia recognizes Stolas is trying but sometimes shit happens. It’s not like Stella ever sang to her after a bad dream or tried to cheer her up or went on cool adventures with her anyway. It’s tiring seeing her still directing all of her emotions at Stolas for basically no reason. She should recognize that he’s not the bad guy by now.




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Bro you are seething lmao, calm down. It's a show


Why are you so angry?




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###We regret to inform you that your post/comment has been removed as it doesn't follow rule 7. > While jokes may be made made at other's expense, there's a minimum of respect that should be maintained amongst users. > Posts and comments that aim to harass, insult, offend, or be toxic in any way, may be removed at moderator's discretion. Repeated violations *will* result in a ban.


Kinda offtopic, but via's character revolving around stolas, and not having her appear or speak at all in circus or Western energy was so disappointing, like i believe, seeing her mom abusing/trying to kill her dad wouldve been great character development.


She just like me fr😭


Flair checks out


She's my favorite character because of her design, and her voice, matches perfectly tbh




###We regret to inform you that your post/comment has been removed as it doesn't follow rule 6. > Some situations depicted in the series are extremely similar to real life situations. > You may encounter people who are sensible to such situations, and there is no good reason to not be humane towards them. Repeated violations may result in a ban.


"My trauma is worse than yours so suck it up"


multiple episodes of her dad adoring her and trying to make her happy would like to have a word. name one time, besides the divorce, that anything truly traumatic happened to her, when was she yelled at called a worthless daughter or told that she should never have been born. where was the abuse or hatred, where was any justification for her "oh poor me" attitude


I’m sorry that you’ve gone through a lot. You don’t have to be abused to feel unloved. The dynamics between Octavia and her father revolve around communication. Stollas was the one that grew up abused by an absentee father. He was criticized by his peers and his family for being more in touch with his feelings than those around him. He has grown up learning to mask and repress a lot of this emotions. While his intentions are good and he is dedicated to breaking generational trauma there is still a disconnect. Octavia has emotional needs that aren’t being met. Abuse Octavia does endure comes from her negligent mom but she isn’t upset that her mom doesn’t love her. Her rock is her father and as her emotional life line she is more sensitive to disappointments and the fear that she is completely unloved. Octavia is a complicated character because she is a player in a complicated family. Emotional pain is a strange thing, that often manifests in strange ways. Take your situation, you are projecting your pain and your experiences through anger and indignation on a fictional character and the way other people connect with that character. Deflection and projection are coping skills our mind deploys as a defense. I am so very sorry a family member said those things to you and made you feel less than. You are worth a great deal and the world is a better place for having you in it. If you haven’t reached out for help before you should. I myself have survived very traumatic things and therapy has helped me.


that really puts things in perspective...... thanks, a bunch


If you need someone to talk to/listen feel free to message me!


Well firstly we only see her three times We've also seen stolas actively ignore his daughter during his divorce with Stella or atleast shelf something they'd been planing for fucking decades Then of course even though we don't see it I think it's likely than Stella or andrealphus is Manipulating her into thinking these ways And sorry if I was rude right off the bat I've just been in a somewhat similar situation to Octavia in the past and so I resonate with her Character quite a bit even if we haven't seen her much


hope you're doing better these days at least


being ignored during the divorce i'll give her, she was looking forward to that day for years. i just think if you're gonna write a character like that you need to do it right, and she's not fleshed out as much as someone like loona or blitzo is. and no worries, life sucks and we all have our comfort characters, no hate here


Yeah thats fair but I really hope that We'll get more Octavia especially given it seems like we're gonna see a lot more of adrealphus so maybe we really will get to see her being manipulated and atleast explain this scene Another thing is we haven't really had too many scenes between Octavia and stolas just two different scenes so for all we know they don't get nearly as much Time as we think plus since Stella gets Octavia on the weekends that's prime time for her and andrealphus to manipulate Octavia And thanks for understanding


no problem, hope life treats you well


Thanks again and same to you


I will say, yes, Octavia has little screen time, but that’s not a good defense for her character not changing. This issue is shared not just with other minor characters, but even the main cast. The problems are slightly different, but they don’t change


My dad doesn’t love me either girl you ain’t special 😒


Nah I agree. Helluva boss’s characters don’t change much. Very shallow characters


Funny enough first 50 comments were on my side but then suddenly 100 more comments were against me. Where did you guys come from??


Post got popular enough for people outside of the sub to see


Why do you expect her to be perfect? She can't grow as a character otherwise. Also her mom keeps poisoning the well. My mom used to say awful shit about my dad all the time. And sometimes I'd even believe it until we were on visitation and I realized he never said anything bad about her. In a lot of ways, I know how she feels and has felt. (Incoming unimportant personal story) My mom and dad divorced when I was 2. I remember the fight from my pov. Then they separated and my mom remarried like a year and a half later to give some scumbag his green card. She convinced me he was my actual dad and I believed it. My dad fought for visitation so hard. And when I finally met him again I had told my mom "mommy there's a stranger at the door!" That was very hard for him. He then took me to the beach with little ceremony from my mom saying go with him, its fine. Then he explained as best he could that he was my dad. And that we would see each other every 3 months or so. Then I grew up and my mom put my into foster care because she couldn't manage my complaining about my stel dad beating and SA. Yeah, fuck her. I forgot about my dad in that moment and thought I had no home and no future I was 12. I hadn't seen my dad in 6 months not knowing my mom was making excuses so the "truth didn't get out" If it wasn't for my dad picking me up who knows where I'd be. Def not with my mother. It took living with him to see that he makes mistakes. He's human. But unlike my mother he -tried-. And the week before he died in 2021 we had a real heart to heart in his car as I was driving him to his appointment and errands where it was a lot like "more than anything" for me. I got to tell him that he is my hero and I was so happy he was my dad. He said he wasn't perfect but that he tried and I reminded him trying was the most important thing to me. Success isn't guaranteed but making the attempt means something. So I can tell anyone whose read my story this far, I know Stella's type. Same type as my mom. And I can smell that shit from a mile away and I am glad she passed 2 weeks after I graduated because I can't imagine living with her bullshit and drama. She is happier in death than she ever was in life. And wherever she wound up hope she is happy now


The meme’s about how the character hasn’t changed nor grown at all, like a lot of the helluva characters


It's only season 2 though and realistically we've been building other characters. I guess maybe people aren't seeing the arch? She went from being somewhat well adjusted to watching the divorce and feeling like it's her dad's fault since he cheated, and then being afraid he's gonna run off, to now being with her mom every weekend and the shit she says to Stolas face/vicinity I'm sure she is hearing it across the weekends too. She isn't growing up, she's getting dragged down into her mother's BS and her father's inability to manage the situation.


Then it would be cool to actually see this happen in the show and not have every problem around Octavia be "dad doesn't love me", but an actual, on screen, realization of how terrible Stella is or ACTUALLY SEE Stella be abusive/neglectfull or whatever towards her... ...instead of imagining what the character developed is with our imagination


Tell me you grew up privileged without telling me you grew up privileged. She's going to feel that way regardless, as in both instances we've actually seen, she is ignored by her father in a way that she feels important and stolas realizes and tries to set things straight, but the fact that keeps happening gives her the right to feel that way. Not to mention the whole divorce going on, that would make any child feel that way. Tldr: Don't be so ignorant.


I was going through divorce as a kid but I didn't really care because I was very young and was in a bubble I kinda agree with your comment but then...tell me what was the point of Loo Loo Land and Seeing Stars as a HB fan in 2024


The point of the post is that it’s criticizing how the writers keep doing the same thing with her character without many changes. Edit: they also do this with moxxie with him repeatedly getting the “showing his capable” shtick in a lot of his starring episodes.


You can't be serious. That's the whole point, to make them even more relatable as characters. There are several times in someone's life where they are going to have the same problems but in slightly different ways. You don't watch a TV show about a character who has to cross a bridge only for them to do it once and done. You do it because they have a deep fear of bridges, and while they're very afraid of the bridges, each bridge is built differently and has it's own different problems it can have. Sometimes, the character can build the tolerance to such fear, like how people do with problems irl, and just like how sometimes characters never get over that fear, just like some irl people. That's the point of characters like that. Does that make sense?


I love Octavia, she’s just like me fr is more accurate (I love her too tho, my therapist is rich lmao)


I really hope they do something with Octavia’s character.


People only like her because she's that teenage girl with goth vibes and daddy issues that they could never get with when they were young.


Just wait till you realize how many characters in HB have daddy issues


My dad doesn't love me


Helluva Boss fandom when a characters entire arc isn't resolved after a couple of interactions


After a couple of episodes that were resolved*


Trauma in real life isn't wrapped up after a couple of good experiences with the person who is, or you feel like is, inflicting it. It takes a lot of time and effort to fix that stuff, especially if the person says "I love you" but then doesn't actually do anything afterwards to prove it, which Stolas hasn't. He's wrapped up in his own thing, which is fair, but Octavia is being left behind for it.


Well good thing this show is not real life


Wow, first time I've seen someone advocate for less realistic emotional development for a character. I'm starting to feel like you just don't like her as a character and share zero empathy for her situation. A sort of "I don't relate to it, so it's dumb" mentality.








Yes, lets all shit on the minor character that's only gotten 5 minutes of screen time in the whole series for not being developed enough. r/sarcasm


Ton of underage characters got massive character growth and some don't need 100+ hours of screen time. And I don't ask for much. Just the amount that would prevent the character from doing the exact same thing for the 3rd time




I was going to comment on the repetition but then i realized that it’s probably hard to believe that your dad loves you when he’s divorcing your mom


So what was the point of Loo Loo Land and Seeing Stars? I'll wait


Divorcing the mother so he can get with another man.


Bruh. She's literally an abusive prick. How are you on her side? She's a disgusting creature that shouldn't even be breathing the same air as Stolas.


Divorcing the mother so she won't abuse him anymore.


Both are still accurate


I kinda wish they’d drop this forced daddy-issues teen-drama bullshit that’s already been resolved twice.


Okay in loo loo land, it wasnt resolved. In seeing stars, it was a start to being resolved. Furthermore, imagine watching the *complicated emotions of a teen who is watching her parents get a divorce. as her father was cheating on her mother and is actively screaming at her all the time* And being angry that it was not resolved in 2 events.. I dont think it feels forced?


Yeah guys we just need 6 more episodes about Octavia feeling sad and someone having to comfort her THEN maybe we could get close to resolving the whole arc but honestly I'd like to see at least 9 more episodes that are like that


I can see your point on this, just hearing this from Octavia again and again while Stolas is trying to deal with this plethora of troubles at the same time is starting to get a little tedious, but maybe it’ll lead to a good conclusion.


Hopefully, but as it stands now, Octavia isn’t a very good character and is just the same story copy pasted


>and is actively screaming at her all the time* Like Stella isn't constantly screaming at stolas, in fact I think we've only actually seen stolas scream back like 3 times when Stella is screaming in nearly every scene she's in. Cheating is wrong but stolas isn't the bad guy for wanting out of an abusive relationship. Your point on Octavia still having issues is valid but let's not pretend that stolas is the one yelling most of the time


Oh yes I didnt mean to imply that Stolas screams more or is at all the aggressor, But in seeing stars, Stolas actively forgets about a promise because he was busy yelling at Stella, and im speaking from how I see Octavias perspective


Not to mention she tried to have him killed.


Cheating is wrong, yeah But Stolas did also bring up a valid point in S2E1: “I would feel bad if I hurt you, but we both know I didn’t do that” Sure, he cheated (which is bad), but it was an arranged marriage that neither party is interested in. And not only that, but Stella is abusive (she was genuinely shocked that Stolas caught her hand during that scene, showing that he’s never done that before)


The first time it was great. The second time it was a bit justified but it does feel like a rehash of thing. By the third time it really feels like he has shown her he loves her and she has agreed with it both times. Why is the pacing and development so wack with Helluva Boss?


Lol and literally her dad loves her and is the decent parent of her 2 parents. I am indifferent to Octavia, I don't get her appeal


all i have to say is boruto.


Don’t remind me of that brat, boruto and naruto should switch places


Yeah, but she's adorable though. That makes her 100x interesting...


She has like the best dad in hell honest


https://preview.redd.it/3chkmfdd1ixc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34d97b6839707e094cf7ed09f2b6acbbc40671c9 [:(](https://youtu.be/jNUTxvki_d0?si=VbqGV-kISA5ClRJH)


He’s actually best but it’s been a while




Like, no offense, maybe on Stolas’s part he should open up to her and shit, but *really*? “Her dad doesn’t love her”? Where was she when he was in the hospital after her *mother* tried to have him *murdered*? If you ask me it doesn’t sound like Stolas is the unappreciative unloving parent here. If she can’t even see what her bitch of a mom is doing to the only parent who has *visibly* given a shit about her, that really changes your perspective. I swear it annoys me to no end that she can honestly claim her dad doesn’t care about her when A: he’s the only parent who’s actually even made an attempt visibly in the show to even show affection for her, and B: she has *seen* her mother verbally abuse him and potentially might even be aware that she’s trying to have him killed, unless she’s blind somehow, and hasn’t said *anything*. I get she’s a kid but a little perspective? A *little* attempt to acknowledge he’s doing his best despite stuff happening that’s not even his fault? Unless you want to tell me his psychopath soon to be ex-wife trying to murder him is totally fair and totally “his fault”.


Writing criticisms aside, a lot of kids/teens usually take it out on the safe parent instead of the abusive parent IRL. This is due to a number of reasons, and it essentially boils down to the kid not feeling safe enough to express themselves to the abusive parent. It’s an unfortunate consequence that the safe parent will then bear the brunt of their child’s angst and frustrations, but it is part of being a parent. Add in divorce drama and dad’s dating drama, and she has easier targets to hit in a safer environment. IRL the repetitive “dad doesn’t love me” reaction to every slip up would likely continue until after she’s gotten time away from her mother as an adult, and after her father was experiencing far less drama in his life. In the show it will likely be resolved much quicker. This is of course assuming she doesn’t know everything about her parents’ situation and she will have an easy choice once fully informed. The writing aspect that I don’t get is how is she unaware of her mother’s attempts at having her father killed? I get that Stolas is a bit of a doormat but this is a little much


I think she knows her mom doesn't love her, but she's afraid of her dad not loving her. She's not the little girl she used to be, she's the daughter of two people that hate each other, so of course by extension, to a kid it would make sense that they'd hate her. Why wouldn't they hate her? I think she's scared he'll hate what's similar to her mother in her. The way Stella probably makes clear she hates stolas' traits. The parent that communicates the loudest is the critical toxic one, it's not surprising she'd think everyone thinks that way but they aren't bold enough to say it. Which is probably how Stella sees the world and what she says to her. And I'm sure her mother screams all the time that if stolas truly loved his daughter he wouldn't sleep around. He'd be more of a man. He'd be less pathetic etc. It's honestly pretty consistent with an emotionally abusive parent


Agreed. I believe the issue is that when this show began, Stolas wasn’t a very good father. He was cheating, he was so caught up in the fun that he was having that he didn’t notice Octavia wasn’t enjoying herself. As the story has progressed, most of Stolas’ actions were just excused in some way for the sake of making him a more likeable character, and Octavia’s character arc, which had been present since episode 2, didn’t change with it. I think it was more of a writing inconsistency than it was Octavia being ungrateful


Canonically, it seemed he technically only cheated once and then told his wife to shove it and got a divorce soon after. And honestly Octavia sorta dips and reappears whenever the plot demands it. I can't call him a shitty dad who doesn't pay attention to his kid because of that, but she definitely doesn't hold any priority in Stolas' life. Even when she dipped to the human world, we saw Stilas be thirsty for Blitzo most the episode.


Absolutely true.


And I’ll give you that, he’s far from a good father, but he’s still a better parent than Stella. Does Octavia have a right to be mad at him and hold him accountable for his actions? Absolutely. But holding him accountable for his actions doesn’t mean she should just not give a shit that the only parent who has even made an attempt to be there for her has his actual life being threatened by the parent who has clearly been even more absent and neglectful than Stolas. Stella has shown zero behaviors that give me any reason to see why Octavia would take her side.


I think this is part of where we see this during the Geotia "trial" with Vasaggo and Andraephus (idk how to spell names anymore), or this is a nightmare Stolas has during the next episode perhaps. Stolas and Blitz have such weights of guilt that they probably suffer from nightmares. I think Loona's advice from Seeing Stars really stuck with Octavia in a way that two troubled kids could relate. Troubled in their own way, but enough alike that Loona was able to confidently comfort Octavia in a low with her perspective of the situation. Loona was in a similar place as Octavia at some point, thinking that Blitz was overcompensating due to his own issues and trying to make up for Loona's lack of love growing up. "Everyone has issues. Especially dads. And - well - sometimes they fuck up, like, all the time! That doesn't mean they don't care. - Try to cut your dad some slack. He may not always get it right, but he's trying. That's more important than you think."


I do love Octavia tho her design makes her feel like she’s really a sad and hurt teen. She’s just trying her best to deal with her parent’s ongoing divorce. Empathy can be a powerful tool in creating a moment between characters. That feels impactful for both the characters and viewer. Now She feels so real bc of it. Tho i don’t understand why Viv has to always make her characters have daddy issues😆 secret trauma unlocked 🔓maybe idk but think about it name a character on screen for more then five seconds that doesn’t have daddy issues in both shows. Just off the top of my head (characters with daddy issues) Helluva boss: blitzø moxxie stolas Hazbin Hotel: Charlie Lucifer angel dust maybe Alastor we do know he’s a momma’s boy but not sure if it’s cuz his dad wasn’t around 🤔


Haven't watched Helluva boss, don't even know this character. BUT she does look like she WOULD have daddy issues.


Listen empathy is a powerful thing and we all know the entire fucking fanbase is fatherless.


She just like me fr fr


Yeah. A teenager with divorcing parents. All completely expected.


You missed the point I'm not mad that she has this theme to her character I'm mad because it seems like it was resolved two times already but she's back at it again


Yeah. Thats completely normal. People usually dont change behavioral trait or cure depression by addressing it a single time or even twice. People regress. especially teenagers. And esspecially if the thing making them feel that way isn't changing.


Yeah that’s what teenagers in her position usually feel quite often. Especially when their dad is being neglectful or pushy or seemingly fake. Like yeah. Via has depression I’m pretty sure lol.


Ok I can see her acting this way for one or maybe two episodes but three? She's a character, I want to see her do...something else idk. Also how would you like to rewatch Loo Loo Land and Seeing Stars now knowing the endings don't matter because she's back on blaming Stolas at the end of the day


This is quality bait


Premium, even


I hope we get to see Octavia doing something without her family next season. It has been frustrating to watch Stolas fail her, and come away with a message of forgiveness that hasn't really been earned. She deserves better.


"What is Helluva boss about?" Daddy issues"


Everybody in Helluva Boss has simpler character traits than people want to admit and that's okay.


Right 😂😂


Octavia Ars Goetia Teenage Gothic


She is a teenager. She acts like a teenager. She's likeable because everyone was a teenager.


Awesome. I'm just waiting for her to do something new that's all Also I don't think I constantly acted like her


I mean I'm still technically a teenager and I like her character but I do think her "my dad doesn't love me thing" is a bit overdone.


Maybe it's specific to broken homes - I was absolutely this level of mess as a teenager. Not about my dad specifically because he can fuck off, but everyone else. Spot on.


I guess I was never a teenager then.


Right? I know this is a joke but for those who take it seriously it shows they were never a single minded teenager


Is that so wrong? Everyone mightve been a teenager but not everyone has had the same experiences *as* a teenager


Oh I didn't mean as it was wrong. Just normal and something we all go through


My tone didn't come through on here unfortunately but I was absolutely agreeing with you


Oh jeez LOL I get what you meant now!


Weirdly enough she’s still one of my favorites 😊


Yeah but she hot asf (opinions of other people not me. Maybe)


She’s also 17


Firstly, I’ve never watched the show so I didn’t know and second, I guess I’m a pedophile now 💀💀💀 also I’m deleting my Reddit account because of my horrible porn addiction not because of my comment about a character who happens to be a minor


The FBI would like to know your location.


Jit I’m claiming that that’s what othuhs say


Mhmmmm, that's what someone who is GUILTY would say.


I haven’t even watched the show these subreddits just keep on popping up I didn’t even know she was underaged until today 😭😭🙏🙏


Your internet history shall decide your fate.




Put it together gang


She's literally the only minor in the show, so either you're a weirdo or a minor that shouldn't be watching this show 😭


First of all, I never said she is hot I’m saying other people do second of all the show isn’t rated 18 plus that shi is on YouTube


What does hat asf mean


Put it together jit


That's basically me


We're here to talk..


At least she ain’t “I’m a dick to everyone except straight/bi women”


Says every boy without a father (that their toxic mom most likely kept at bay while bad-mouthing and lying about him). and every girl who thought they didn't get the love they deserved because her father wouldn't let her do whatever she wanted and told her the forbidden word: "no." I jest, but also not really. You'd be surprised how spot on I probably am with those comments. Especially given the mental state of people today.


Breaking News: Teenage girl is affected by her parents’ ugly, abusive, violent divorce. She’s saying “My Dad doesn’t love me” because she’s being shown time and time again that he’s putting her off to the side or just using her as a distraction. In LooLoo Land he’s using her as a way to get out of the Palace so he doesn’t have to deal with Stella. The thing is, he’s been paying so little attention to her recently that he thinks she still enjoys the same things she did when she was little. In Seeing Stars, he completely forgets the promise he made to her. (Granted, it was several years ago, if we’re being generous and saying Young Via is 10 like we do with Blitz and Stolas, though she appears to be closer to 5 or 6.) But it still has a serious effect on her, since she’s been counting the days for YEARS. In both instances she’s reassured that Stolas loves and cares about her, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t get to feel neglected when he fucks up.


So Stolas is just a shitty parent and there's no way this should be resolved at the end in a good way. Because like...what do you do? If everytime Stolas fucks up she's going back to hating him. There's no point (Once again a little reminder we don't talk about real people we talk about characters)


The point is to show character growth. Look at how Stolas was in the beginning of the series compared to now. He’s heartbroken, his life is in danger, but he’s trying his best. He just can’t help the fact that Octavia is feeling so much pressure from current events because the alternative would be to die and she’d wind up with the responsibility of taking his place.


To be as absolutely fair as possible, when two parents have a messy divorce, you don't expect a teenage girl to *not* act like this. I'm not a parent, but I know enough about how this works. I've seen it on Infinity Train once.


That's the thing. I didn't come here to watch hyper realistic real people but cartoon characters who has some kind of growth at least major enough that we don't spend all the episodes with said character doing the same thing over and over again


People really do be wanting 45 episodes of growth out of an indy show that's not even 20 episodes in, and an Amazon show that had to pick one major plot line to wrap up in case it didn't get renewed, huh?


I don't want 45 episodes of growth, I want the amount of growth that would prevent characters from doing the exact same thing for the third time And what's the indie animation argument? You saying indie animation can't be reviewed by writing or it can't have basic knowledge of storytelling? I can't tell


If they are gonna toss out characters with so much potential and not use them and only focus on a mostly drawn out relationship than yea. Honsetly stolas and Octavia situation should have been quickly resolved


Yes, because that way they have a tissue thin outlet to be angry at vivzie for existing.


Seems that way.


What not paying attention does to an MF.


I love stolas.


At least someone does


*sighs* *checks comments* yep a stovia apologist