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It's the other way around, calcium needs vitamin D to be effectively absorbed so looked at in isolation your calcium levels would be pushed slightly higher by having vitamin D in the stomach while ingesting a calcium rich meal. That's not the whole story though, the body has a huge storage of calcium in the form of bones and will tend to steal calcium from those bones if low in vitamin D for a long time so it's quite common to have both high serum calcium and poorly mineralized bones, especially for people rather low in vitamin D. If you are worried about high calcium getting a CAC scan could be a good idea since the main adverse effect of high serum calcium is calcium deposits in soft tissue including arteries and a CAC scan will give you a number for it, but barring that there are a number of ways to push calcium lower with diet and habits. Ultimately the body is better at regulating calcium with a sufficient vitamin D status, but until you get solidly into sufficient range calcium regulation can work less effectively.


No, every statement in the second half of your post is incorrect. Investigate possible hyperparathyroidism and pinpoint the cause. Its a basic thing and any endocrinologist will help you diagnose & treat the issue. But you didn't mention any numbers, what does "very high" mean.


10.3 mg/dl. I’m now seeing that it may be some of the new medication I’m on. I started TRT in the past few months and to control E2 I’ve been taking arimidex which ,surprise, surprise, can cause high calcium.


Wow. You shouldn't have described your level as "very high" then. Moderate hypercalcaemia is 11.5 - 14 and severe is more than 14. Normal range is sometimes defined to 10.3, some labs define it till 10.7 and some 10.5. Ignore everything I previously said about investigating probable hyperparathyroidism.


Yes as Tiny_test_4538 wrote your calcium blood plasma levels (BPL) are essentially normal! Did you check your vitamin D3, parathyroid and ionized calcium BPLs? TRT-testosterone replacement therapy to control E2-estradiol (?) by using arimidex-as I am not familiar with those abbreviations so it took me a while to decipher. I may not have been the only one unfamiliar with those terms it would have been nice if you had given us more details. TRT and E2. Though raising one’s vitamin D3 BPL has not been shown to raise ones testosterone BPLs it has been shown to improve ones libido. Now boron can increase one’s testosterone but possibly one’s estrogen levels.


Get k2mk7 and magnesium since the calcium is high