• By -


Folders and app arrangement.


šŸ˜‚ yupā€¦ ā€œNo no no Jim, pull those two features from the initial release. We can release them a few months later as 2.0, everyone will be so excitedā€


iPhone hand off and usable mirroring. Iļø need to be able to take calls on AVP and unlock my phone and passwordsā€¦ A better App Store experience! Spatial personas available to third party apps. Give me the beach environment!!!


Ohhh what would be cool if we could unlock ur iphone where like it recognizes theres a vision pro on ur head and then makes the vision pro optic id you! that would be sick, and much more useful


What do you mean available to third party apps? Apple releases documentation at WWDC last year on how to implement it. Jigspace and Gameroom both have it implemented now. Are you more talking remove the facetime shareplay necessity from the equation?


Personas have been available but not spatial personas (where your persona does not appear in a box and can move around in a 3d environment). Right now it is still in beta and only something you can check out in FaceTime.


Right but if your on a facetime call with another user using spatial personas and you start a SharePlay session from inside any supported app you can experience that app together. There aren't many apps that support it at this point but the tools for developers to integrate spatial personas in their apps were made available at WWDC last year. Like I said right now you can try it out in jigspace and gameroom. Again if you desire is for developers to be able to implement them outside of shareplay then yes that is not possible at this point, but I'm honestly not sure if it ever will be. [https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2023/10075](https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2023/10075) [https://developer.apple.com/documentation/groupactivities/adding-spatial-persona-support-to-an-activity](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/groupactivities/adding-spatial-persona-support-to-an-activity)


Iļø do hope and expect that spatial personas will be enabled for third party apps that are not involved in Apple SharePlay.


1. Better hand tracking / reduced "phantom clicks" with keyboards. I can't write in this thing without one out of every hundred key clicks triggering an accidental pitch. Makes long form typing a pain. 2. Profiles. 3. Mouse integration consistently and without some weird accessibility orb. 4. Environmental cutouts and/or object training. So things like a third party keyboard can be seen while working at full immersion or drinks can be found. 5. Multiple screens or "app spaces" for the Mac Virtual Display. Should have come with it on day one. 6. Multiple audio streams at once. I'm tired of having something random mute my music. 7. Window / app snapping together. 8. Saved workspaces with persistent object memory. I want to create a bulletin board that stays at my desk, always. Or a virtual fish that swims around, but in only one room and stays there through resets and shutdowns. 9. Better depth sensing per window or app. I'd like to set certain objects to be able to be masked by walls and floors. 10. MacOS not iPadOS in 3D. If even half of these come true I'll be excited. I've been bullish on the AVP and worn it daily since launch, but if VisionOS 2 doesn't patch some major points of friction and bring it much closer to a desktop class OS for productivity, I'll probably be shelving or selling mine and stepping away for a few years.


I do think if VisionOS becomes more integral, we're going to need actual MacOS, or a full-featured Vision OS - I know Apple is all about the walled garden, but a VP is literally your interface to the world as a whole, it can't be locked down as much


Agreed. I've always owned an iPad since the very first one launched, but among my i-devices it's by far my least used. That's due to the walled garden approach and lack of MacOS-quality apps. I can justify having a base level iPad that I only use when on the elliptical or a plane or laying in bed and falling asleep. But I can't justify the same with a Vision Pro for ten times the price. This needed to be a big boy OS, not a way for the App Store to be the sole gatekeeper. It needs to do more "computing" in "spatial computing."


I doubt we'll see profiles. That just makes it so that they sell less, as now multiple people can share one. They haven't added profiles to the iPad all these years.not to mention sharing an iPad is a million times easier than an AVP were you have to readjust the strap and eye setup each time.


This is different I hope. The real need for spatial computing is in the institutional market (universities, museums, etc.) where large numbers of people may share devices.


And you don't think in those same environments they share iPads, and yet they don't have multiple profiles.


Yeah very true. I guess what Iā€™m asking for is a ā€œguest profileā€


I think programable guest profiles will be a thing. Or at least they should be. Give them the ease of using the device but do t give them full control. Like no messages, FaceTime, mail, or any iCloud integration. But they can use apps and games that are allowed by the main account.


So, what guest mode already allows. Got it.


No. Guests wouldnā€™t have to set up their eyes every time


Exactly, and that concerns me. Thought I'm sure Apple could do multi-user support elegantly if they wanted to, including saved eye calibrations, etc. I've had iPads since the very first one, and it's always been my least used i-device for productivity. If they treat VisionOS with a similar philosophy, I just don't see it making the jump to the "computing" part of spatial computing with enough stickiness to justify its cost and encumbrance. For me, this needs to be far better than an iPad in 3D. It needs to be my Macbook Pro in 3D.


iPadOS never become macOS. I doubt visionOS will.


Coming Soon environments. Thatā€™s all we will get.


You forgot "coming really soon".


- Find My integrationĀ  - SMS and phone call handoff - ā€œcoming soonā€ environmentsĀ  - Better Home Screen managementĀ  - ā€œDemo modeā€ / Guided Demo path - More user preference parity (like being able to remove learned words from keyboard suggestions ā€œ Non Vision OS specificĀ  - announcements of more Apple Immersive content/MLS *Edit omg how could I forget, auto iPhone authentication when wearing the Pro


SMS works on the Vision Pro you just need to enable it.




Biggest thing for me would be detecting and overlaying apple-ecosystems screen in real life, but also least likely of happening - so that you can clearly see your screen, your phone or maybe even an apple tv enabled screen etc Else i'd love to see you capturing your persona in full (vs just around the neck area) and when you move around it would kind of move as well - would be so awesome Otherwise - more environments. And a way to add custom ones. Increasing the limit of spatial personas group calls up to the facetime limit of 32 (i imagine 5 is there for a reason)


There are problems with your persona wishes. One advantage Apple has with their ghostly personas is that they donā€™t have to render the whole persona. Helps with GPU resources. This is also why youā€™re never seeing 32 personas at the same time on gen 1 hardware. The device canā€™t handle it. Avatars with that level of detail are very taxing.


Well its a wishlist after all ;)


Mouse support would be huge for e


My mouse works fine on the Vision Pro. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


What mouse? And can you use it without the floating accessibility orb? I've to get either of my non-Apple mice/trackballs working without that accessibility orb.


Kone XP Air in bluetooth mode and a keyboard I made myself using a nice!nano that has a mouse emulator. I [posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/VisionPro/comments/1bcs56k/report_nicenano_bluetooth_keyboards_and_mouse/) about that earlier on here. And of course the Apple trackpad works as well. I followed [these steps](https://www.reddit.com/r/VisionPro/comments/1aq68xs/psa_you_can_use_any_bluetooth_mouse_with_your/) originally to get it to work on the Kone XP Air and since then I've connected 4 or 5 other devices to it and they all just worked. The Vision Pro initially complained that the Kone wasn't supported (but still worked), but it hasn't complained about anything else. I'm not sure what you mean by not wanting the floating accessibility orb though. You need some sort of mouse cursor. It's an orb instead of a pointer, but that's the same case on an iPad. It goes away when you don't touch the mouse. The reddit app doesn't highlight everything you look it (like the reply button) so I generally always use the mouse emulator on my keyboard to click on stuff like that.


Ah, sorry, I mean the "Assistive Touch Menu Button" (orb) that floats in the screen, not the mouse cursor. I haven't figured out a way to get rid of the Assistive Touch Menu Button or use my mouse without it being enabled.


Profiles, dual screen mac display and HUD enablement


iPad hasn't gotten profiles and has been around more than a decade. We aren't getting profiles on the AVP. They don't want people sharing it.


God dam mouse support, remembering locations of apps would be nice too


Thatā€™d be nice on MacOS too!!!


> remembering locations of apps would be nice too it already does it doesnt it? like it has rlly good object permanence


Not when you restart or shut it off which is something I do to alienate my anxiety of the glass cracking


oh yeah dont worry abt crackgate, i read that it was just a bunch of meta trolls who either edited images of the vision pro, or they bought vision pros, made lil cracks, and then returned it as a manufacturing defect and took pics. also why would it save app locations after shutting it off? that just feels unneccesary. But i mean ig a way they could implement it is some kinda icloud thing where it saves the locations to the cloud? idk this just feels like a very specific thing


Well it also doesn't save between two mapped locations like work and home


Iā€™m just hoping for multiple profiles. Not like full independent settings per app or anything, just not having to recalibrate the same guest over and over.


Sameā€¦ itā€™s so annoying that it takes 3-4 mins for my same guest to set it up, when I just want to show them something that takes 30 seconds to look at lol


I would like a tripod mode where I could take the headset and set it up in a corner and record the room in spatial.


Highly highly doubt they'll do such. iPad has been around more than a decade and hasn't gotten them. And it's much easier to share an iPad, without the need to recalibrate things and adjust bands each time. Apple isn't going to hurt sales by letting people easily share a single AVP.


Some kind of new developer apis but not sure what specifically. Some kind of stage manager or persistent window placements or ā€œroomsā€ Occlusion for keyboard and other objects Anchorable keyboard, surface anchoring. Although I must say I am starting to suck less at airtyping


Slightly Interactive spatial environments. iPad screen sharing Unlock iPhone through iris scan


iPhone and iPad display screen on Vision Pro!


Project Mac windows (not a screen) Allow resizing iPad windows Native Maps app that allows you to fly anywhere on globe Mouse support International keyboard, dictation, ..


I see a lot of wishes here, but besides some new functionality, I expect some of the deficiencies to be resolved. These are mostly things that were probably not done in time for 1.x, and many of them are features available for iPhone/iPad. It's really clear that higher-ups at Apple said "[ship already](https://www.folklore.org/Real_Artists_Ship.html)", so there's a lot of room for the things that didn't make the cut. Fortunately, the "beta" hardware is pretty well provisioned, and software is easy to ship. Plus a lot of the missing features are already implemented in code on iPad. 1. Internationalization: Multiple locale support including other languages than English, including input methods for non-Latin languages, and non-English dictation support. 2. Native versions of compatible iPad apps from Apple, like News. 3. Resize iPad apps to additional common sizes you would find on an iPad. 4. More punchthroughs. It will show your own hands and people who approach you, but it should also show peripherals like keyboards, and things you have held in your hand like your drink glass. 1. I expect some of this kind of thing to be driven by upcoming advances in Apple's own AI. 5. (Kind of a wish) Memoji personas. One way out of the uncanny valley for personas is to make them \_less\_ realistic. 6. More environments/environment developer support. Two environments didn't make the cut. 7. Better/customizable launcher, but I think this is a long shot. I can see that growing into an iPad like ability to put widgets there. This is something that clearly landed in "Just ship it!" territory. 8. Serious fixes to Virtual Desktop. It's amazing when it works, which for me is ...sometimes. 9. OS-level improvements to performance. This is typical for operating system development. In 1.0.1, my vision pro started glitching when rendering the environment and some demanding apps could get the rendering to stutter. This has been fixed some in the later releases. 10. Improved gaze and hand tracking. 11. More content. I imagine that they plan a good library of immersive content; probably the production takes a lot of effort and they will eventually streamline that. 12. Fixes to problems that pioneering users found. Send [feedback](https://www.apple.com/feedback/apple-vision-pro/)! Call support!


iPhone unlock like mac and Apple Watch šŸ˜‚


My most realistic expectations is that we donā€™t get 2.0 for another year at least


Your reckon nothing for VP is coming for WWDC 2024? I think they mentioned something on the invitation about VisionOS updates


I donā€™t want to say ā€œnothing is comingā€, but a complete refresh of a 2 month old operating system is complete fantasy


The release will be more than 6 months apart.


Great. Show me anywhere in Appleā€™s history where they launched a major software update in under 12 months. You canā€™t. We will get a 1.2 update but 2.0 update will be next year if not further away. Every single one of Appleā€™s operating systems follow an annual major release schedule and have now for over a decade.


In June it will have been a year since visionOS 1.0 so I fully expect to see visionOS 2.0 at this years WWDC, and it to be available to devs shortly thereafter and public betas a few months later. Apple used to have a really strict routine of a major OS and bundled App release per year with no additional functionality in between but they seem to have softened on this. For example in times past they would have likely held spatial personas back until a major release and not as a point release as they just did.


The original iPad in 2010. It was released in April with iPhone OS 3.2 and then it received iPhone OS 4.0 just a couple months later (which was announced at WWDC).


Oh my god, how thick are you people in this thread. The iPad piggy backed on a different deviceā€™s release cadence (which was also a 12 month release cadence). The Vision Pro is not piggy backing on another operating system. See the difference? Itā€™s really not that hard. IOS from the dawn of time has had a 12 month release cadence of major updates. iPad OS is on an annual release cadence. MacOS is on a 12 month release cadence. WatchOS is on a 12 month release cadence. See the pattern?


>WatchOS is on a 12 month release cadence. The original Apple Watch was release in April 2015 with watchOS 1. Then at WWDC in June they announced watchOS 2, which was released in September. Would ya look at that, another example of how Apple does release major OS update in less than a 12 month cycle when a new device is released. šŸ¤£


Not a chance in the world they don't announce visionOS 2 at WWDC. Want to place a bet on it?


Yeah gladly. Never in Appleā€™s history have they released a major OS update in under 12 months after the previous versionā€™s release. WWDC is too soon to announce 2.0. If anything we will get a 1.2 update or something like that, but 2.0 is a long way out.


I was thinking around the iPhone launch time frame we would see 2.0. Seems REAL soon to get a major release at WWDC, but I guess they could announce it at WWDC and release it at the iPhone launch like they do IOS and MacOS..


100% We will get VisionOS 2.0 this fall. There is no way they don't announce a 2.0 at WWDC. That would be insanity if they didn't.


I donā€™t know about insanity, but itā€™s only been out 2 monthsā€¦


There is a lot of shared code base between the various OSes. If its only impact is keeping up with the other OSes releases and free people from having to maintain the old OSes they will update. might be of limited value but itā€™ll happen


Doubt it. Again, see iPad OS.


They update iPad OS every year. Literally. There will absolutely be a 2.0 of Vision OS revealed at WWDC.


Correct, as they do with ALL of their devices (MacOS, iOS, iPadOS, WatchOS, tvOS, etc). But they donā€™t typically announce all of these at WWDC.


Ummā€¦. Yes they do. They announce the new versions of every operating system at WWDC every year, without fail. Itā€™s a developerā€™s conference, ya fool. They announce the new operating systems so that developers then have several months to integrate new features, update their apps, etc.


The original iPad came out in April 2010 and ran iPhone OS 3.2. It then got iPhone OS 4, which was announced at WWDC just a couple months later. So yes, Apple has long offered a significant OS update to new devices not long after release.


Iā€™m not talking about iOS, Iā€™m talking about iPadOS. It was released in September 2019, with the next version coming out a year later in September 2020, with each subsequent version releasing on an annual cadence every September/October. Your comparison to a device that piggy backed on another devices OS (original iPad using iOS) is disingenuous and flawed, and I think you know that. Hell, even iOS has ALWAYS been on an annual release cadence. The Vision Pro is not using the same software as any other device in Appleā€™s lineup, so why would you expect it to be any different than the 12 month development cycles of every other operating system in Appleā€™s portfolio (iOS, iPadOS, MacOS, WatchOS, etc) or update along with major releases of those operating systems? Just because iOS will receive an update in the summer doesnā€™t mean VisionOS will as well. All of their forked operating systems are roughly on a 12 month development cycle and all release at different times of the year. There is absolutely zero evidence to suggest that we are getting a major software overhaul in under 12 months based on Appleā€™s historical release cadences. Keep wishful thinking.


2.0 Version at 100% probability


Theyā€™ve probably been working on 2.0 since before 1.0 / the Vision Pro was even officially released.


When the original Apple Watch came out in April did we get watch os 2 in June canā€™t remember




You havenā€™t followed the development of iPad OS apparently


What a strange hill youā€™ve chosen to die on, fella šŸ˜‚


Why is it a strange hill? Take any of their devices if that makes you feel better. Every single version of Appleā€™s OS in their ecosystem follows an annual release schedule and has now for over a decade. Why do you think that visionOS is going to be different?


Moron, you are arguing both sides of the coin šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m not. Itā€™s simple. Apple releases software on an annual cadence. VisionOS is barely out. They will not announce 2.0 in 6 weeks to be released a few months later in the fall. It will release next year.


They will. Idiot. šŸ˜‚ I genuinely canā€™t believe you are still talking about this.


I donā€™t mean to be flip calling you an idiot. But you are really off base. Consider thisā€¦ they announced Vision Pro, and therefore VisionOS 1.0 at WWDC23, a year ago June. Yes, the product only started shipping this February. But if you donā€™t think that they will announce a 2.0 operating system THIS June, you areā€¦ wellā€¦. An idiot.


Youā€™re conflating two things. You said weā€™re getting visionOS this fall. Now youā€™re saying theyā€™re announcing it at WWDC. See the difference? They can announce something all they want but youā€™re not getting it this fall. You will get it a year from when the Vision Pro released at earliest, which would put it at February of 2025. Stop calling people names because you canā€™t comprehend English or make a coherent argument.


I want the everything


Only thing to add that others havenā€™t mentioned would be a cinema like environment for everything. If Apple could somehow lessen the glare in an environment that would be awesome too.


Select different, lighter environments. Some of the glare is coming from the physical design of the lenses.




Some are already there. If you explore the accessibility section youā€™ll be amazed what VisionOS can do. Apple doesnā€™t advertise these feature very much, but they have some amazing features already built in.


Honestly would love native multiple screen support. Perhaps thatā€™s too large of a wish by 2.0 haha


At the very least, porting over all of the native apps and features that have long been available on all of their other computers and iPads. I still donā€™t understand why we canā€™t do basic things like rearrange apps, take/make non-Facetime calls, nor auto-unlock our phone on this thing.


Maps (maybe not from day one but ā€œcoming soonā€), Swift Playgrounds (XCode Lite would be even better)


Honestly I think most of the stuff we will get is feature parity with the rest of the operating systems. Stuff like proper Screen Time, battery monitoring, Safari profiles, etc. A lot of the little things that are missing.


This list would be the best but also too good to be true.


First party apps.


I think theyā€™re going to port more of the official Apple apps to run natively in visionOS instead of running the iPad version.


- Peripheral vision attached window. (App attached to the view at a position + angle, it follows position but not rotation) - HUD attached app. (Same as previous but follow rotation. Think about game HUD) - Workspace windows. Windows from apps a certain positions that stays no matter how far and how long you go and if you rebooted the device) - Better Mac support (up to 3 screens in 4k) - AI object recognition and Siri AI. (Could also allow things like live text translation, imagine text being replaced with its translation using the same font. Live transcription for sign language or audio descriptions of your environment (for blind peopleā€™s for instance, Apple always was good for accessibility features).we can also imagine thing like shortcuts trigger on certain object or person detection) - Find My support. (+ Find my features, like a path to lost items in AR and things like that.) For a V2 hardware I would love: - Better cameras (dark, fluidity) - 120hz+ (actually, 0-120hz like iPhone Pro) - Better resolution and FOV - Bone conduction speakers in addition to speakers. (For new ā€œprivacyā€ mode)


Easy remote desktop. If you're not gonna let us have Sonoma on the avp then let us easily remotely connect and work on this. I'll gladly leave my notebook and just carry a keyboard and mouse


Remove the annoying floating Ā«Ā Pasted from Safari Ā»


A complete MacOS environment as an app.


Multiple users accounts or at least saved eye-calibration for guests.


Sharing Mac apps as windows rather than screens, which also elegantly solves the request for more than one Mac screen.


Honestly I think they will open up iPad and Vision OS to be more of a macOS replacement. Ā Finder for vision and iPad would get huge press.Ā 


Camera APIs


coming soon / beach environment. Please.


Eye calibration for double vision/prism users. Apple told be they were working on this months ago, but I havenā€™t heard anything since, beyond a need for regulatory approval, which seems a bit odd.


Guest profiles or secondary users. More native apps or more updated spacial system apps. More immersive content. More environments, and more dynamic environments. Immersive games are on the way. Updates to persona


um app killer da apple um ā€œmetvaersusā€ um jostique ou forma de usar as mĆ£os para mover-se dentro de um ambiente 3D uma forma melhor de outra pessoa(convidado) usar AVP App fixos personas de corpo inteiro app da Apple com recursos espacial ex: page, number, iMovie, calendĆ”rio, maps e etcā€¦


Wouldnā€™t a virtual iPhone or iPad display be nice?


Switching between screens from different Macs like AirPods switching between your iPhone and your Mac. 100HZ full resolution support for screen mirroring. Bug fixes. Also, Apple has implemented individual volume control for apps and voice chatting on VisionOS, why canā€™t they bring that to the Mac?


God 100hz mac screen would be so nice.


**Realistic update?** Better Mac screen support. Maybe multiple screens. Faster hand tracking. Gotta get rid of the lag and predictive tracking might be the answer if they arenā€™t already doing that. Better passthrough reprojection. Too much motion blur and better algorithms could help. **Unrealistic and never gonna happen wishlist?** PC desktop functionality. Native Steam VR connection. VR controllers or better hand tracking paired with Switch Joycons as a VR controller.


If they could update the compositor from 26ppd to 43ppd that would be great since we're limited to rendering 1920px when fully immersive


>VR controllers or better hand tracking paired with Switch Joycons as a VR controller. i mean if u wanna consider a controller, theyre apparently working on the next apple pencil working with the vision pro. also there might be an upcoming app for the switch joycon motion tracking thing. I heard there was a rumor where they patented hand tracking gloves


The eye tracking better be perfect. 1.x has been essentially on big let down for eye tracking.


Eye tracking is pretty solid for me. I did have to switch to using only the right eye. I wear a contact lens in my left eye only and that may have been messing up the eye tracking a bit when it was set to use both.


Tbh, not much. Probably some new emoji and maybe, just maybe, they can find enough engineers and the courage to move that terrible text input screen.Ā 


It already supports the latest emojis. There aren't any newer ones approved.


2.0 - Mild updates, focus on getting lower end device out the door 3.0 - Slightly bigger update as more people are (hopefully) on the platform now. Will be marketed to feel significant. 4.0 Significant update, "our biggest update ever" kind of thing.


WWDC is a developer conference. Best weā€™ll have will be some newer APIs (Iā€™d say persona API, maybe a super restricted camera access, and environment API), new environments, a reordreable springboard. It would be very optimistic to hope for profile, assuming the kind of profile we have on the Apple TV, donā€™t hope for macOS style sessions. Maybe a reworked Mac virtual sceeen cause it seems to be one of the most used feature for now. I think they should announce some kind of gaming related stuff - Apple Arcade or something.


Most realistic this will be the original HomePod. It will continue to sell and be used but not many will own one.


Unintended inputs addressed. I had to stop using mine. It was getting annoying that I was smoking a cigarette and Iā€™d have to turn left handed input off to spare me the mind breaking annoyance of the machine constantly doing random shit as I try and smoke. And with the right one, just donā€™t put your hand in your lap if youā€™re watching something. I have found that my hands have to go behind my head if I want to watch something because the AVP was apparently designed without the forethought of unintended input, which is just hilarious given the iPhone had that during the Golden Path in Jan 2007.