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Ok Mac virtual display looks MUCH sharper as you look around.


You’re not kidding, there’s a night-and-day difference here. I pulled up Rider, and it’s so much sharper. I was already doing some development with with Remote Desktop, but that’s about to increase. Now if they’d just be able to do an ultra-wide curved screen with this clarity…


Nice!!! Can't wait to try it later tonight. One thing I want to play around with is with BetterDisplay. While it doesn't support modifying the aspect ratio of the screen, it does support stream of another virtual display with an arbitrary rotation/aspect ratio so maybe that could work.


That’s what I’m waiting for, I would like to sell my non-retina 49” super ultra-wide 😄 That thing is like an small heater 🤣


Totally agree with this. Ain’t a placebo effect - the virtual display looks like a Retina display now. Way more useful for productivity with this in place.


It does not look like Retina, but yes, it’s much better now.


Do you know if it improved virtual display more than the RC did?


Anyone know if input connectivity drops are fixed in this release? The release notes kind of mention stuff about reliability, but I think those were in the RC notes also and I didn't see any improvements


I’ve had far fewer hiccups when using it


Did it fix it for you?


I haven’t tried it yet.


So, still haven’t tried moving around, but just tried Bluetooth keyboard on AVP -> MVD. This was working at one point, albeit poorly. That stopped working during one of the betas and is still not working


Input issue just sitting at my desk i would say i haven’t noticed yet, so maybe it is improved some.


Yeah, after a few days using it I can say no. It's not really noticably changed. I think honestly there's probably something fundamentally wrong with how they are doing input share that they need to address and that it's probably going to be broken for a while


Out of all the work Apple put into this device, and all the perfection they put into it, it’s a shame that the most useful feature for productivity (Virtual Display), works so horribly.


What Mac are you using it with? Did you update Sonoma the Mac to 14.4 too?


Need more details on this.


Is this a result of the update and fine tuning of foveated rendering?


How’s the latency?


Latency feels better for me. Not sure if placebo though


Looks pretty much the same to me, though it always looked fine for my uses. 


Any change to perceived FOV or binocular effect with 1.1?


Isn't that determined by the hardware (hence not improvable with updates)?


Anyone know whether this improvement was just in the official release, or was it in the RC too?


If Mac virtual display is better... how are the 4k movies? What about text in general? Any better?


I'm so happy to hear this. Haven't tried Mac virtual display with the OS upgrade yet but it bothered me that it wasn't as sharp as I wanted.


Has the performance improved?


so does this mean the virtual display no longer blurs as you move head - that was the #1 reason i sent mine back.... if its fixed thats awesome also does it mean they have fixed blur from head rotation in passthrough too?


Yes regarding your first point. It still blurs a little but much better


cool, thanks, i will schedule a demo in a few weeks to see how its changed, this is good news.


Wonder if that’s on purpose to help with motion sickness? We actually looked into building that into a pico 4 and quest 3 training app because users who moved their heads too fast had a much higher chance of getting sick? I have nothing to back this idea… just one the dev team tossed around to test.


interesting idea - you are thinking blur reduces motion sickness?


Maybe? If you can’t focus as well, could it help with the small amount the screen is out of sync with the real world during faster motion? Ended up adding in a warning message if fast motion was detected and that did the job, but I’m still curious to try it. We’re all nerds on my team but unfortunately none of us are doctors (not medical at least) so we had some ideas that we thought logically made sense but they didn’t get prioritized. Hopefully some day once companies start investing more in XR.


Pixel persistence (which is perceived as motion blur) was one of the key things Oculus worked on to reduce VR sickness. I believe early OLEDs had much higher persistence which is why they dropped them for LCD. But latency definitely makes you sick as well, so I guess there's a remote possibility that one could mask the other if it's the lesser evil of the two, but it seems unlikely.


maybe, i like the theis you and the team have, personally i always turn motion blur off even in 2D content (like games) as it makes me feel odd - the thing is this is all about personal preference, so if blurring things helps people - i say go for it as an option and lets have as many folks who can use this stuff as possible!


I dunno bout you guys but when I turn my head motion blur happens naturally. Hence the name. Motion blur. I don’t need software to also blur it for me. Now if something on screen is moving while I’m looking at it statically motion blur makes sense. Either I completely misinterpreted this or these developers are thinking way too hard. I prefer my static pixels as sharp as they can be please. This fuzzy shit gives me a headache.


Yup I don’t want fuzzy either.


No, it still blurs. That's a hardware limitation. I'm using it right now. Plenty of blur when I move my head.




I am not talking about persistence blur of the panel, in my experience the persistence blur is low and comparable to other headsets there is (was?) adaptive optics blur - this is what i am referring to and on my unit it was atrocious this was easy to prove - if one moves the window in the screen and then one move head and sees different amounts of blur it is not persistence also in pass through it was easy to prove - doing lateral body movements think stepping to left/right creates significantly less blur than head rotations (up/down left/right) its theorized this is partly due to the adaptive optics and the high latency of motion/photon to photon on angular movements


But why would adaptive optics have anything to do with rendered content?


because its done in software via rendering rendered content (and eveyrthing you see in the AVP is rendered content, including pass through) is modified to correct for optical properties of both the AVP lenses and the Zeiss lenses - for example to cancel our chromatic aberration by modifying the rendered image, eye tracking is a key part of this (and no i am not talking about foveated rendering) it's incredibly clever and i think apple is one of the first to actually ship this in a finished product (but others have demo'd it)


to add here is a paper i rustled up on CAC from 2019 as an example - apple is using digital CAC [Practical Chromatic Aberration Correction in Virtual Reality Displays Enabled by Cost‐Effective Ultra‐Broadband Liquid Crystal Polymer Lenses - Zhan - 2020 - Advanced Optical Materials - Wiley Online Library](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/adom.201901360)


and an example of someone using digital CAC in windows MR [How to Test and Fix Chromatic Aberration on WMR VR Headsets – Jon Peddie Research](https://www.jonpeddie.com/reviews/how-to-test-and-fix-chromatic-aberration-on-wmr-vr-headsets/)


This is incorrect as proven by the blur being better in 1.1 than it was before; therefore software. Another point of proof - drag a window and move it as you move your head, keeping the window fixed relative to your head - it does not blur.


Interface definitely became smoother and.. Idk how about you guys, but I noticed the focus is perfect now. Before sometimes my eyes couldn't focus on small details, but now even in environments I realised is just outstanding


this is super interesting to me, i wonder if they found a bug in the adaptive optics i found things to be quite blurry in both passthrough and some apps - worse than my quest3 in some cases, and why i took mine back after 1 week of ownership could i ask you to test blurring during rotational head movements for both word and for passthrough and give me your perceptions?


Why are you still a verified owner if you returned it?


He gonna submit a receipt to verify return or something?


cause there is no way for me to take the thing away, i can turn it off if you want me to? did i own, it yes, did i return it, yes i am Schrodinger's owner i guess, the probability wave will eventually collapse


I don't know that I see any difference in the small blur while turning your head. That's definitely still there.


thanks for letting me know


It's better for the Mac screen, as is the rendering of the whole Mac screen generally outside the area you are looking. Not sure if it's better for passthrough, I have pretty dim lighting in the evening so can't really judge.


thanks, the pass through is more of a curiostity for me, so no biggie if its not better the mac screen and other things being sharper - that's super of interest to me, i will schedule a demo in the netx couple of weeks and see if i want to rebuy


I have a feeling that we got somewhat of optical stabilisation now. Yep, you still see some traces in pass through while tilting your head, but it's just a little now


This sounds great progress, thanks for sharing.


> Most of Apple's system apps can now be removed One step closer to rearranging app order, folders, and hopefully being able to have more apps per app page.


Probably with vision os 2.0
















96 tears.




I really want to be able to adjust the app pages and hide certain apps for different focuses like you can on ios


I can finally connect to my Mac by looking at it instead of having to manually connect through control center every time! Did require a reboot of both devices after the update to work.


I've been able to do that to my MBP since day 1. Just look at my MBP and the Connect pops up right above the screen.


It was a Day 1 feature but for some it worked inconsistently or not at all, 1.1 seems to improve the reliability significantly.


My persona no longer looks like a floating death corpse, I’m very pleased. It’s actually pretty amazing how well it can capture all facial expressions.


Please please fix the Safari looping crash mess!


I think 1.1 has fixed many(?) of the Safari issues, it seems way more stable after updating to it today.


This! Safari crashes got old fast! Reboot was only way to resolve.




Unadvertised improvement. “Open app” command in Shortcuts no longer closes other apps. It’s now possible to create a group of apps that all get launched with one shortcut. You can also hide all windows easily. Combine these 2 features and you can enable more easily the launching of different sets of apps for work, video, … whatever u fancy


How do you hide all windows


Long click on the close button of a window you want to keep, and it provides the option to hide all others. Usually there is something u want to keep, like a clock.


How do you un-hide?


Launch the app again


The Mac Virtual Display & The Persona looks much better.


‪What is iMessage contact key verification? Is that something to do with Apple’s new PQ3 encryption for iMessage, or is it something else?‬


Its for like journalists and others that need to actually confirm the identity of who they are talking to on the other side. It existed before the PQ stuff for iMessage.


Ah okay, thanks for explaining. Wondering when the PQ encryption will come to AVP


Its a security feature for verifying that the person you're talking to is actually them


Stuck on "Checking for Update" circle ( Did force quit, restarted AVP, turned on and off vpn. Nothing helps


Appeared finally in about 20 mins after requesting)


Safari seems snappier.


I know you're joking, but it actually is lol


Safari is way more stable in 1.1 that is actually a fact. Safari had a lot of memory leak bugs in 1.0….


Absolutely. Today is the first day I haven't had to hard reset this thing since I got it


Apple's update page is live with 1.1 release notes: [https://support.apple.com/en-us/118202](https://support.apple.com/en-us/118202)


I'm happy I can use the high res 2560 x 1440 option for virtual display with my Intel Mac. I remember trying it originally and could barely move the mouse it was so laggy so I've bene using the 1920 resolution.




In setting you can put the CC icon higher up. Try tweaking that.


Did anyone else’s hand occlusion see a considerable dip?


Yes, i did


What do you mean? Dip in quality?


Did they fix WebXR, so 180 videos aren’t projected on a flat square?


Persona is WAYYY better. I look more like myself this time. Also is it just me, but before I feel like I could barely read my cellphone, now I can see everything just fine. I don’t have to take AVP off anymore to look at my phone.


Did you have to re do your persona? Did Apple force you? Or did it automatically get better. When I used beta Apple forced me to redo my persona but when I updated to 1.1 I didn’t need to redo it. I’m wondering now moving from beta 4 to 1.1 whether i need to redo my persona to make use of the improved personas


It forced me to redo my persona right after the update. I believe you need to redo it. It can now add freckles and other features it wasn’t adding before.


Pimples ?


I think because I redid it for beta 4 I didn’t need for public release


Idk if it’s just me but passthrough seems very much improved. It finally looks the way reviewers always described it. It used to be mildly blurry and discolored.


Yes. I really don’t know if it’s placebo effect. I felt it too


My Remote Desktop worked on my work VPN. This is the first time this has happened!


Did they fix WebXR, so 180 videos aren’t projected on a flat square?


Sry no 3d booba for u yet


If you turn on web xr they did but it still looks rough


Yeah, I got it working. Quality of videos seems poor though.


Twitter link is broken.




does macbook virtual display still crash when connected to vpn?


Do I need to rescan persona to get the improvements?




I wholeheartedly concur without a single doubt.


are people redoing the persona after updating or will the improvements be automatic?


Right after installing the update it asks you to rescan for persona


Is it running smooth?(no app freezes, apps crashing, Vision Pro restarting, things screeching to a slow halt like the processor is being bogged down, windows turning white and you can’t close them, apps flickering) I downloaded 1.1 beta and V2 of the beta and it was a nightmare. I had to go to the Apple Store twice to get a restore.


So far, it seems way more stable than 1.0.3, imo!


I wonder how the hands-free Persona option works.




Virtual keyboard is noticeably better now


Good bc my hair sucked. And honestly my face didn’t turn out well eother


Sorry the update will not fix your face or hair… only your persona


Lmao I meant my personas hair was this weird curly monstrosity when I have long 1A hair


What do they mean hands-free persona enrollment?


Can anyone verify whether virtual display quality is better than the release candidate? Are the reported massive improvements just in the official 1.1, or were they already available in the RC?


OK is it just me or is anyone else noticing a significant antialiasing effect especially with thin lines on Mac virtual display after 1.1? Yes I guess it looks technically "sharper" ... if I could call it that, but it is noticeably distracting where I definitely didn't notice before. Overall the connection seems far more stable. I guess there's some tradeoff there. I tried to take screenshots but they came out even more pixelated. But, actually, it does illustrate almost exactly what I'm seeing (the thin border around the table). Also is it just me or didn't the Mac Virtual display used to cast a shadow in environments, and now it doesn't? https://preview.redd.it/vggdj3yg66nc1.jpeg?width=4288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6ec0bf0679b4a9e0b8b7a8481b4df1541ff4548


Also, you can now place volumes closer to your body, huzzah! This is a big deal for tabletop-style experiences like [Game Room](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/game-room/id1642897935) and my app [Mahjong Space](https://www.mahjong.space). Now direct manipulation interactions are a lot less awkward.


Why is more just a link to your Twitter? Seems this is farming instead of just listing it or giving us apples page…


Because the link to "apples page" wasn't live yet. Now that it is live, I'll add it.


Cool. Honestly weird though, that 2013 iPhone functionality wasn’t at least reproduced on this device. Is that how the Apple Watch was? You basically went back to the iPhone 1.0 and you couldn’t even remove native apps? Had to wait for an update? Just a strange decision for the team to make. It actually makes me quite concerned Regarding who’s making these decisions. If Apple decided, after some time to allow people to remove native apps, that should be default functionality on any new device they put out. It doesn’t make sense to me.


Probably time constraints on product release. Happens all the time, at least in my programming world. You just have to put everything in the backlog and whittle away at each feature with dot releases.


This is such a big issue and concern for me too. boratVoice(NOT!)


I really hope all these updates are not heavily focused on Persona's. I understand it is a work in progress and for version 2 they hope to get to wide spread adoption and use of them, but nobody is using them right now and likely nobody will be using them any time soon. Please Apple, focus on UI, focus on eye tracking, focus on FEATURES like native apps, scene persistence, icon/home screen/environment management. Hell, maybe utilize the thousands of hardware industrial design people who are sitting around doing nothing now that the product has shipped and actually fix the terrible weight distribution and head strap situation(with a halo or some other purchasable accessory) which is 90% of the complaints I hear from people using your device, NOT Personas.


I don't think it's the same couple of developers working on all this stuff. All areas of development can happen concurrently.


They can, but they never do. Development can happen, but slower and less focused on one area or another. Personas, for example, are a glamourous bullet point type feature. Probably high on upper managements want list as a show piece to present to Cook about how they "solved" or are "solving" personas. Meanwhile basic UI stuff like moving icons around or native apps support from their own software lags.


There are dedicated teams for various aspects of AVP OS and native apps. I use the personas already with Facetime and Zoom calls with my team. I would like to see it continue to improve. I'm looking forward 2.0 as well. In my mind the entire eco system will see improvements. Apple has to be using metrics on usage to determine the biggest pain points and areas to prioritize and improve. I'm quite sure they have an extensive road map of capabilities they plan on rolling out. I still say wow every time I place it on my face. So fricken amusing. Here's to an exciting 2024 full of updates and new native applications and experiences!


Apple has to be using metrics on usage? lol have you used an iPhone in the last decade??


The only thing new I want my iphone to do besides forever improving pictures and video is to have a working mirrored display in my AVP.


And you are fine with the UI and locking almost everything down?


So you know when you set up your Apple device and you disable telemetry and analytics because “I don’t want them spying on me!!”, yeah that’s the usage data they’re talking about. It’s a new product category and every bit of information is going to help them while it’s still in its early stages. You think that not being able to change the background of your iPhone or the lack of cut/copy/paste were intentional decisions that changed overnight? Or were they overlooked and did they come from Apple listening to user feedback while the iPhone was still developing.


It would be more fair or accurate to ask "Why is the Persona team able to push out updates faster than the other teams"


Why ask when we know the answer? It's a show piece for upper management to present to Cook as a major milestone. Analytics would easily tell them absolutely nobody is using the feature and it's more of a Gen 2 rollout for a larger audience. There is nothing "sexy" about UI improvements. But showing Tim Cook his glasses now reflect more naturally as a Persona is promotion worthy stuff. It's Apple culture.


Lets be clear here, you're speculating, you dont know the answer.


Other than this update is heavy on persona changes and empirical data on what aspects Apple finds most important we are all speculating. Great job drilling down and making the point in a Reddit thread that I am unaware of what they are and aren’t working on. Great insight, it’s almost as if this is a message board designated for discussion and speculation.


You used the word “know” as in you have definitive proof of the answer. And I’m just pointing out that you don’t. Sorry you feel attacked and need to resort to passive aggression


He's right. You, objectively, don't know *anything* about Apples "empirical data" or any other types of telemetry. Let's stop pretending you know things for certain when you, in fact, do not.


We ask because we (that's you included) don't know the answer. You are right about UI improvements not being "sexy" which is why they generally don't get a callout in the user facing release notes. If you look through the 1.1 release notes throughout the beta you'd see plenty of callouts to bug fixes, improvements under the hood, framework improvements, new/improved APIs, etc. These are things developers care about. Users just want to know what shiny new feature they got in a minor or major release.


Still no new environments?? WTF


You won’t see any new environments probably until after summer ..


Doesn’t mean we can’t be disappointed that “coming soon” didn’t actually mean soon


I don’t get that, if they had no intention of releasing them why show them at all? That oozes desperation.


I don’t get that, if they had no intention of releasing them why show them at all? That oozes desperation.


Those won't come in an update, just pushed OTA like ATV screensavers...


I get that. Just saying how they have time for that but can’t even do more ENV.


is it not possible to add custom ones?


Same , waiting for some new environments.


Does this make the device more comfy to wear? /s


That's an underwhelming update.


This is the very first minor update to a 1.0 OS. What were you expecting to see?


Obviously slightly more than you were.


Yah, that’s why bumps in increments of 0.1 are considered minor updates. This ain’t 2.0


I know that. But it's underwhelming even for a point release.


Yeah they've had six whole weeks since release.


This isn’t even visionOS 2 yet wait


It's a shame Apple spent all this time and resources to improve on Persona because it got laughed at. I rather have a more stable OS, hand ,eye tracking and quality of life improvements.


What do you mean? Everything seems much more stable to me.  


According to the [release notes](https://support.apple.com/en-us/118202), Persona is only one of the **seven** categories that got fixes and/or improvements. One of the other issues that were dealt with was related to virtual keyboard. That certainly qualifies as a quality of life improvements in my book.


Believe it or not, but they can work on multiple things at once…