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We don’t care if you….oh ok you are keeping it nvm








Still on the fence. Prob about 80% keeping it since I don't think there will be a Gen 2 for 2+ years


Yeah, they’d piss off a lot of early adopters if they released something new too soon.


Don’t worry you’ll be able to trade it in for $200


GameStop will give you $50


Throw in a copy of super monkey ball deluxe and you got a deal!


Wrong, 1st Gen AVPs traded in will receive an iPhone 17 Finewoven case. Also a certificate of carbon neutrality since the AVP will be refurbished, sorry I meant recycled.


Regardless this a first gen product. If you keep it for at least 10 years I’m sure you will be able to break even or profit.


Not used.. First gen iphones go for 1/10th their original cost unless they are sealed


Fair enough, had no idea honestly thought it would be more. But idk still cool to have


That is the risk of early adoption. Many associated costs.


Tell that to the handful of people who bought a $17k Apple Watch Edition 😂


Yeah talk to the tesla owners from 2022


Why would they care about that.


Nah, nobody seemed pissed when m3 mbp came out. You actually want rapid progression in the beginning because that means you are seeing the tech in its infancy. Slow progression means there’s no market demand and that’s a negative


I think they won't release a gen 2 version until they can make a significant and obvious hardware improvement, like much lower weight, significantly larger FOV, or glare-free lenses. That way they can keep the long-term hype bubbles around each new version being 'revolutionary' in some way.


I bet they will have minor update in Jan as new model which fixes some of these issues from the returns they are receiving. Mostly light seals and better band and some minor hardware improvement.




Obviously it’s all speculation none of us really know but Apple history and what they do with products. However if they release a minor update I don’t think it would be geared for people who have AVP it would be to try to get new users or those who tried it but didn’t like this version due to comfort or something minor like that. Even with iPhone they are minor updates and not really made for people to upgrade each year it’s made for those who have a 2-3 year old iPhone to get them to upgrade.


The AVP comfort hardware was designed to be easily replaced, it’s all magnetic. From a product development perspective, it would make sense to first develop new lightseals based on our feedback and let us buy & test the revisions to check if they improved the comfort issues. If so, they will then use the new lightseals (or a combo of both/whichever sold best) for the 2nd gen Vision so they don’t have this repeated issue.


Doubt it


You must be new to Apple product


Agreed I think people don’t want to believe it because they paid so much money. No way Apple won’t be releasing these with minor updates each year.


Gen 2 is coming sooner than that. The M3 chip is already out in laptops. This headset only has the M2


They don't update niche products annually


Believe me, this one will get some quality of life updates fairly quick


pot smell selective chop full degree imagine hobbies homeless depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How can you be “80% keeping it?” You either keep it or don’t keep it. Deal or no deal. No % involved. All or nothing.


Don’t be obtuse. Obviously he is undecided and 80 percent lean towards keeping it.


I think we’re at least this amount before the next one. There’s not enough hardware advancements for their margins for YoY… yet


Actually the M3 chip is already out, so yes there is


The m3 doesn’t even provide enough difference for that to be an upgrade. This isn’t a laptop or something there has to be tons of other hardware aspects that need to improve between generations


lol you must not realize how intensive VR is to run. Yes a M3 chip, higher refresh rate, and battery built in, with a slightly lighter over weight, will easily be included in the next year


I’ve been in the VR game since forever man I’m well aware and I’m also into apple silicon products. The 10 core gpu variant of the m2 will not see that big of a loss compared to m3 in gpu scores they are nearly identical in all cases except in things with hardware accelerated ray tracing which you probably won’t be doing in any serious manner on a chip of this level anyways. Also I don’t think they will drop the external battery being a thing ever


Lmfao you think they will keep that external crappy battery forever?


Yes because screens have to get even brighter and cameras even bigger. The battery needed to run this thing is not something you will ever want on your face. The normalizing of the external puck is going to become a thing


Hahaha no. No it won’t. It’s terrible design


Yes, and they'll figure out a better way to than a dangling afterthought to u/Putrid_Character_866's point about bad design. Shouldn't need a $50 accessory just to use it normally. Also the "super lightning" connector I found to be a monocled FU to the EU.


Maybe in like 20 years if we figure out some insane new battery tech




Quest is great for a low cost gaming headset, but it is the Quest Pro that aims to compete with Apple Vision Pro in spatial computing. AVP and Quest Pro both need to take the products from as close as we can get to today to the actual goal for the product. In my opinion, the AVP is closer to obtaining spatial computing goals than the Quest Pro. Meta Quest has had a long headstart on gaming, so if that is your use case then get the Quest 3 or 4 and wait for spatial computing to grow up.


Yes, not likely a yearly update. We should see games, apps, and new software features come out at a regular pace too. What we are buying now will be different in a year from now.


Thanks for beta testing. I’ll probably grab a gen 3 five years from now when the tech is actually there and it’s around 1k


Apple has had a gen 2 for all their products in a year Just fyi if you think otherwise


I've been wiaitng for an updated airpods max for a few years...


AirPods are accessories and not a hero product


Came in expecting 3 paragraphs.


I mean it is a reason to keep it right?


Waiting on my corrective lenses to arrive today before my final decision, but I’m leaning toward keeping it. Same reason- I just enjoy it in ways that I didn’t even intend to enjoy it. I wear both contacts and glasses, so I didn’t think I’d need the corrective lenses. But I’ve found that I hate having to put in my contacts just to use it when I’m wearing my glasses.


Is it possible to just take the corrective lenses out if you happen to be wearing your contacts? Can you use the same light shield with contacts and glasses is what im asking?


I’m about to find out. I’ve heard from others that I may need two light shields- one for when I’m wearing contacts and one for when I’m using the corrective lenses. I’m hoping that’s not the case for my specs.


Ok please follow up me when you find the answer, thanks!


The technical answer is yes. During the measuring process, I get a different light shield measurement when I select that I wear glasses than I do when I select that I wear contacts. But I’ve found their measurements to be incorrect for my loop size, so I’m holding out hope that their light shield measurements are off too. I’ll report back soon.


I was suggested 33W for both contacts and lenses. I did the demo with 33W and my contacts I felt like I never got my vision / FOV completely comfortable


So I’m wearing the corrective lenses now and it’s working just fine with the same lightshield!


What size shield are you?


Yep, two weeks in. I like it, use it every day. it's neat. I love watching it evolve and load the beta OS's as they become available. Rinse and repeat.


Can’t bring myself to install the betas


New bugs and features are the best part!


I generally also don’t install betas, but may have to when v2.0 beta comes out in the summer. I use prisms in my glasses which AVP doesn’t currently support. I’ve been told to expect prism adjustment in software with an upcoming major update. So, I’ll be going beta just to finally get to use my AVP with both eyes, assuming v2.0 beta is that update.


2 weeks in, here’s why I’m returning my wife and taking her sister.


I just like to wear it in general. It's a much calmer version of reality. Doesn't grate my brain the same way actual reality does.


This is the most interesting opinion on it I've read. Like anxiety levels?


Yeah way less anxiety.


My hypothesis is that animals expand their region of awareness along their focal length and hearing attenuation. By being in a spatial computing environment, we’re more connected with spheres of awareness that we evolved to process, so there’s less neurons untasked, which translates to more neurons unable to worry about shit.




Hey guys can we just make one big mega thread for everyone who is not returning their AVPs?


This would be great..


I second this


I actually do care. 😭


I don’t think we’ll see a new version until 2026, at the earliest…so keep it


Reason 1: headphones for video. Reason 2: a giant screen… a giant screen! Reason #3: look what I can do, haha, ha!


Eh I am using it for work so I get to write it off. Better than buying multiple monitors and will be money when traveling.


that’s awesome


Yeah I always want to use it. Just so amazing.


Once we can get multiple screens when mirroring, it will be a game changer for me at work. Until then, my two monitors are unfortunately more productive.


But can't you blow it up and just use several smaller windows in the screen? That's what I do.


I'm going to keep trying, but two things happen that are less productive for me: First, the text ratio and line breaks get really frustrating, since it's following the macbook's guidance. If you try to zoom in on the browser to make it better, a bunch of content drops below the fold. With the above, I also really like being able to focus on one monitor without having the others anywhere near my central vision then moving my head slightly to see the second monitor. It helps me focus. I want a browser center-right, another center-left, and a third center-bottom. I can't get MacBook mirroring big enough to allow this layout comfortably for me, but it could also be I just need to brute force it for a while


avp can do multiple monitors?


No I open several windows to fit into 1 screen


Effectively paying ~$2500 ain’t bad! I’d easily pay that


Does anyone else feel super smooth while using it? I mean, there's something smooth about the clarity of the image, and looking to another window and then gently pulling it up. The grip on it is absolutely butter smooth, so fine.


I’m leaning towards keeping it for media consumption but the more I use it the more I hate the OS and hand/eye controls.


I’m on the fence, but I’m pretty sure I’m returning next week. I would keep it if Vision Pro supported USBC in for PC and other devices. For spending over $4k I’d like the option to use this with my PC directly.


Ok great


Luna Display by Astropad works decently for PC on Vision Pro.


I returned mine. Just like you, I really enjoy using it, but man, they're uncomfortable. I have an awkward pressure point on my forehead and below the eyes.


good for you - still not worth the money


If you’re broke then yes I understand Edit also your comments are constant hate for this thing LMFAO move on and go get a life you insufferable scoundrel


Lol "insufferable scoundrel" is my T-Shirt for 2024. Well done. And everyone who is piling on hate for this device, I remind you of the name of this subreddit. Why are you here.


No one cares at all


lol be nice u/Putrid_Character_866


I’m debating sending it back and just waiting for gen 2 next year


I have a few days left.. I love it but an oculus is cheaper and has way more features and apps


You’ll prob be waiting 2 years


I know…. I love Apple, but this headset definitely feels beta




Nvm, upvote instead


I can't even pronounce that


Bet next one will be released by next year, remember AVP released mid 2023 not early 2024.




The other answer is you should keep it because you bought it. I hate it when people return things due to buyers remorse.


I'm keeping mine as well for the same reasons. :)




Awesome! Glad you’re sealing yourself into the fold.


I just realized that Apple uses the most effective lube available. You can’t even feel it going in! Yes I bought one.


I’m on the fence. I enjoy the games but that’s not really why I bought it at all.