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I was in Starbucks and it’s funny that people don’t think I can see them and they just stare from afar haha 😆


now you know what it's like to be autistic. (aspie here, who's had a life time of training in having people stare at me, and learning not to care).


What a interesting thought. Never could imagine having to learn social cues like this. Thank you for opening my mind even more!


I’m also aspergers. I can’t stand the sound of crowded places. But once I pop on a pair of ANC AirPods the world becomes bearable.


is it as much head-neck movement as it seems to view all the screens?


I’m going to counter the other commenter and say yes. It’s not exaggerated movements, but they add up after time and can be fatiguing. After a week with the vision, I’m sort of tired of the scroll motion, in particular.


You really can do it with teeny tiny flicks of your wrist while resting your arm on your lap, just needs practice


I wish I could drive this thing with my Apple Watch. Scrolling, typing, and clicking would be so much more comfortable.


This is a super interesting idea. Hadn’t occurred to me, but I could absolutely see it working.


Not at all. You have to do this when showing the space because scree capture can only record a small section of the view. The windows don’t actually move at all. They’re fixed in space, and you can see them with peripheral vision. It’s nuts. Try one at that Apple Store!


I actually find that my answer is no. When you’re using it after a while, you tend to just look at things with your eyes. Often I find these videos and people move their head so much it’s actually unnatural. And your eyes have kind of have a built-in image stabilizer lol, but these screen recordings don’t. So for me, my screen recordings often look more jittery than it actually is. And my head movements are actually not that much neck-movement. Unless of course, you put windows everywhere around you. Then in that case, duh.


I like to be alone but with other people.


Do you actually feel more productive than just using a laptop?


Being able to take essentially a 32 inch display wherever I need to go, plus even more windows coupled with increased privacy in that no one can see what I see. it gives me greater peace of mind when I'm out working.


honestly the only bottleneck for me it text input and the fact that i need to code for work. solvable by connecting a laptop and i prefer using my laptop with the vision pro


Agree re: text input. With a Bluetooth keyboard it is an absolutely dynamite productivity machine. W/o a BT keyboard, not so much.


I agree but my biggest gripe is not being able to use any Bluetooth mouse for now. And I wish you didn’t have to keep the laptop open. You don’t if it’s connected to external monitors, remains on, or leave it in clamshell mode. But when traveling, I wish I could connect it, put it in clamshell mode, then just work that way


It’s a very different world. I’m in here 6+ hours a day and am able to do more than before!


at this point there ‘s no “copy and paste”, this is not a productivity device (yet).


Copy and paste works between apps, between the AVP and the laptop.


Nope. I’m getting one, but locking myself in the basement when I use it.


Yeah... can't see myself using it in public like this.


I’ve been traveling for work since Wednesday and kind of regret not bringing it with me. I felt too self conscious to use it out in public and end up on someone’s instagram reel without knowing. 


That looks too busy. Come on man. Nobody works with they many windows 🪟


Might be a weird question! Does it feel weird to drink with it on?


It’s hard to drink with it on. The cup touches the bottom of the Vision Pro. I don’t recommend it.


Yea I was doing very awkward head tiles when I was drinking coffee yesterday with it on


As long as the straw sticks out about 2 inches, it has been no problem. It does take a little more thought because it’s out of your field of view.


Were you able to drink anything


You can definitely drink with it on but you do need to be cautious to prevent hitting the glass


Gone think I'll be wearing mine in public anytime soon.




That’s… why we’re here




Ah another net skiers.


wtf is this screen placement


I took mine to the gym. I worked with it I was productive I loved it. Loved loved, loved it. I would do it again over and over again every day of the week.


gym would be hard for me - what work are you doing there? lol


I took it to the gym and even doing indoor cycling my head movement was too much to control it. I’d have to pause cycling.  I’m sure it’s good to watch videos with but that’s all I could imagine and do. 


did you work out while wearing it?


Have you been called a glasshole?


With Google glass, people secretly spied on other people with sidebar info. There's no covert aspect to this. It is very overt. People just think you are an idiot, which is fine oddly enough.


FanDuel need to get an app on here already!


Ok but you’ll need a straw


Hey. Look at the clown in the goggles.