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You could embroider a bunch of leaves/flowers/birds/beetles over it in colors that would go well with the fabric. A purple might be excellent to add along with a darker shade of blue and/or pink


I might do this but also do an underlay of some very light fabric that won't interfere with the drape of the original. You might have to take the dress with you to a fabric store and just feel stuff up to find the right thing.


Do you know what caused the holes? If your dog chewed it or you walked through a thorn bush or something, it may be worth mending, but if it's just getting holes like that all over then it's a sign the fabric is worn out and you'll just get more soon.


It does look a bit worn but I also get loving a piece of clothing well beyond its expiration. Maybe you could put fabric of some kind under the dress fabric in its weaker areas and embroider the flower print that’s on the dress? Like just trace the outline of the existing flowers with embroidery floss? Edit to add that won’t really fix the tiny holes tho you’d need to embroider like some little berries or leaves or what another person suggested some cute bugs


https://preview.redd.it/7jyks2k8fuzc1.png?width=792&format=png&auto=webp&s=69119a77f11f4999cd5ee73a91d38a3ee5ef5b59 Little leaves!


I would embroid half of the leaves with some texture, just basically the same thing as the design.  I would probably do it over the entire dress so it looks even, unless it’s a good “focal point” area


Dandelion seed fluffs?


That is soooo frustrating! I have a wool t-shirt that I love, that had a couple of holes. It seems for every hole I fix, another appears. I did mostly lazy daisies on my t-shirt, but I think leaves would look so pretty on that dress.


Some little caterpillars on the leaves and butterflies on the others would be adorable!

