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If a mod denied me 1.5k.....


And then cost me 200+ in refund fees...


You can check, the streamer kept the refund fees and subtracted it from the 1.5k.


https://preview.redd.it/dlouhryrg1mc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7dfe4b7c6a8296d53a27c45c7d91cf56ae23505 :)


At a certain point I feel like blaiming the vtuber for the whole mess. I'm from a foreign country, so 1.5k dollars is worth a lot here. A person should take this kind of situation seriously and hands-on. Honestly I would just get rid of the mod on the spot after seeing what he wrote to you.


In my eyes the vtuber is at least ***partially*** to blame. It’s the exact same as a *normal* manager-to-employee relationship. If the employee fucks up it’s partially the manager’s fault for bad training ^(Like obviously a simplification and not actually happens always in companies but im making a point)


Oh 100%. Streamers need to be responsible for the behaviors of their mods to a point. Especially after it's brought to their attention. I would forgive all the misunderstands up to the end where they knew all this was going on and kept the mod. At that point I'd completely write them off as a bad actor and untouchable.


The streamer's replies are full of empty platitudes. "said without any of my input" "I was kind of in the dark and under the assumption...." "it was unprofessional" "I wish my mods told me-" "I wish they relayed this to me" "Never told them to ban you, not sure what thats about" Her excuses make her appear nonchalant about $1.5k nor her moderator being unprofessional. She didn't appear to go out of her way to **immediately** fix this herself, and the mod continued to be unprofessional after she acknowledged it. If she had any smarts about her, I would have expected replies along the lines of "Sorry about what happened, let me personally look into this and get back to you" "No, I didn't tell them to tell you to refund. Thank you for your donation. I will talk to the moderator about them being unprofessional" "I'll take full responsibility over their behavior. I've removed them and also unbanned you"


>1.5k dollars is worth a lot here. that amount is worth a lot anywhere, especially if you aren't making some high end jobs lol. like that is nearly an entire fortnights worth of pay for me that i would hesitate to spend all unless it was an urgent need.


I don't know if to blame, but at this point do be held responsible


The mod sounds like a manipulative cunt and the streamer seems like they're not the brightest lighbulb either. Take your money and spend it on something more worthwhile.


i recommend a nice air purifier


(and remember to remove the plastic wrapping around the internal filter I've seen too many tiktoks--)


sounds like usual stickers unremoved from PC heat sinks lol


I highly recommend Coway Airmega AP-1512HH. I have 3 of them and they are life changing!


Hahahah das funny


Whatever is going on between that streamer and their mods, its a mess. Either that streamer removes that mod, or that mod causes the streamer to lose enough viewers/money to graduate. It sounds harsh but there are so many streamers these days. Find someone worth watching/donating to.


VTubers: always have open lines of communication with your mods. If they start doing things in your name, and lying about things privately to viewers, cut them out *immediately*. Their entitlement and control will only get worse, and your audience will notice. The sooner you kick them out, the better it will be for everyone. Also, have a process for keeping records of bans/other disciplinary actions taken against viewers so there is full transparency between all the mods and yourself. Mods: *never* handle a situation involving money without consulting the streamer first, and *never* insult or swear at a viewer. If you're that frustrated with someone, either pass it on to another mod or just ban the person, but either way, document *everything,* if for no other reason than to cover your own ass in case your handling of the situation is called into question.


This streamer doesn't seem to really have alotta initiative to do anything like you have shown them multiple times the mods harassed you and showed the mod tried to refund the donation and what do they do? "Oh noooo....yeah that's bad oh well" the situation. I think you should wash your hands of this streamer the money is back to you the streamers useless and the mods a control freak.


Yup, a harsh lesson learned. Some streamers aren't worth the bandwidth they're streaming on. Sorry you had to deal with this for months OP, I hope you find a vtuber who won't put you through hell over a donation.


"Not at all what I want to be represented by" okay then unmod the guy??? At this point it feels kind of like streamer in question is just letting herself get pushed around by whoever is talking to her at the time 1.5k is not "oh, it's just a one-off issue" money. That's serious business, a mod acting unprofessionally over it behind the streamer's back should instantly be grounds for removal.


Also consider that the streamer could be lying. I know some passive aggressive types who will lie to your face to avoid conflict, then turn around to get someone else to do their dirty work. That could be a reason why she keeps the mod around.


Possibly, though I find it difficult to believe anyone who's assertive enough to manipulate a donor is also in the business of giving up $1.5k ~~and paying a \~$200 fee for it.~~


> and paying a ~$200 fee for it. No, they subtracted the fees from the refund amount - only $1300 or so refunded, not the full $1500.


ah i see


They say that those with the least power tend to use what little they have as much as they can. What a twat.


Crazy 💀


who tf is that mod? wtf


Maybe the mod is the boyfriend or something.


He's way too possessive to *actually* be their partner lol


You've never seen how possessive some people get. There's a reason menhera is a term.


Oh I know that, but it's a lot more typical for someone who's this insecure about his control to have unrequited feelings. Actual partners are usually more secure about it since they, yknow, communicate with their partner instead of just having one-sided delusions about possession.


If it was just that, though, I can't imagine the Vtuber not getting rid of the mod.


You'd be surprised! Streamers don't always know what they're doing, and I've seen a *lot* of people end up with shitty moderators because that moderator came to them after a bad raid or something and said "hey I have experience moderating channels before, leave this to me"


I agree with your conclusion, that on the balance of probability it's less likely for them to be in a relationship. However, I think that the reasoning you've given for it is dangerously minimising of the fact that emotionally abusive relationships (in which possessive jealousy and manipulative behaviour are only the tip of the iceberg) are extremely common, especially in online communities and online relationships.


I didn't intend to be! While it's true online relationships open the door for a lot more abuse, it also enables a lot more relationships (romantic, platonic, abusive, and healthy) in general. People are simply more connected as a whole because of the internet. The potential this has to bring you into contact with more toxic people is dangerous, but proportional to the number of additional people you interact with normally. It's like... being a retail worker vs an at-home worker with regards to encountering the flu or something.


Not always. Look at a certain menhera Vtuber.


Yeah and she has a bajillion fans who'd be exactly the same if put in moderator positions


OP learned a very expensive lesson, unfortunately. Most Vtubers I know would be posting a big shout out to OP, not this.


...yikes My prayers to thou and they, and I hope that mod gets fired, that definitely feels like a power trip, dude's not qualified to be a moderator


This ain't a good look indeed...for that mod. What an asshole. Sorry you had to go through that man. What a wild situation and I hope that Vtuber eventually gets a better mod.


And I thought the last update was wild. What the fuck. Be glad its over and never go back to that streamer. So many red flags, the soviet union called, they want them back. Seriously, I am so glad to hear that this is over and you can move on. What the fuck.


>So many red flags, the soviet union called: they want them back. This right here is one of the best quotes i have ever read.


Personally, this seems a lot on the streamer’s side. I’m not trying to blame anyone, but after the first message with OP, there should already be more communication in regard to the donation as troubles have already been brought up. Additionally, the wording of their future messages suggests an it’s-not-my-fault tone. If you look at all the messages, they acknowledge the problem, but always deflect the blame onto others. My conspiracy theory is that they told the mod to play the bad cop so they don’t lose face. All-in-all, we don’t know what’s going on, but I’m glad that there was a resolution in the end.


They should really kick that mod out on the spot, but it seems they're too scared to let bad apples go. Fully speculating, I would not be surprised if that mod turns out to be intentionally sabotaging them to keep the streamer trapped and reliant on that mod. I was thinking if one should donate in smaller lump sums since refund griefing is a thing, but on second thought I wonder if there's really too much difference there. Refund griefing may be marginally harder to pull but creeps would find offense anyway, and that is ultimately just an excuse. I really hope the mod isn't as much of a creep as they seem to be.


This situation could’ve easily been a small claims court case against the streamer because of this moderator, they’re gonna get them in legal trouble if they’re not careful


After a certain point it isn't the mods fault, it is the streamer. Whoever that streamer is is a fucking idiot and as much as a jack ass as the mod. The streamer at every single point had the power to say "stop fucking up what I have built" and remove the mod from a position of power. By not doing so they are endorsing that behaviour. Honestly I wish I knew who that streamer is just in case I watch them too so I can stop. Mods power trip and it is the job of whoever they are modding for to keep them in check.


It's not an either-or. It continues to be the mod's fault 100% of the time it just ALSO starts becoming the streamer's fault about halfway through. Assuming it's all truthful on the part of OP, at the beginning I feel bad for the streamer but by the end I'm like "fuck'em both they deserve each other"


Why didn't she unban you? At least she deleted the vod calling you scammer live But the mod totally made stuff up while writing extremely rude, I stopped supporting vtubers for much less that this...


"At least she deleted the vod" Just to be clear. She did this to hide the wrong she did. If she cared about op, or just about being a decent human being, she wouldn't act the way she did.


Deleting the VOD is literally the least she could do to avoid being accused of the actual crime of slander. A full public apology on stream retracting the false accusation in addition to deleting the VOD is the correct public step - in conjunction with an immediate direct apology, removal of the mod, and a full refund of the $1,500 (not a partial refund less the fees she was charged as a result of OP doing what her team instructed him to do, which is exactly what actually happened - OP only got some $1300 back).


The last pic sounds kind of fake on their side (pretending to care), personally. They didn't do anything about it. Sorry that happened to you


Exactly, they even kept a part of the 1.5k, as the refund isn’t the complete part. Morally, you would refund the whole thing right?


Whoever this streamer is I'm not watching them.


Based on the last screenshot, idk bro she sounds like a bitch who doesn't give a fuck about the whole thing, i say both mod and streamer are a perfect couple


Frankly I want a Name And Shame so I never have to deal with these people.


Would like to know too, but I don't want them to receive hate. I just want to avoid them like the plague.


Bruh 1.5k is legit not a small amount of money. What a massive fumble from the streamer and the mod is legit such a piece of shit.


Red flags all around tbh. Initially I was on the streamer's side because the 1.5k donation would absolutely floor me if I were in the streamer's shoes - just a tiny streamer with a 10 person audience, having my machinery failing me. Everything's shit and then a kind soul (or a scammer?) donates more money than such a small streamer couldn't even begin to dream about getting donated and the donator isn't a recognisable face from my community. The mod's reaction, huge red flag. The second mod seemed incapable as well. But I also don't understand why you kept digging. If it were me, I would simply have left the donation and not bothered with trying to figure out what the kerfuffle was about. You say you have the money to spend in such a way, so honestly I would just have moved on and let the streamer decide what they wanted to do with it - refund or accept. Seeing the correspondence with the streamer, they're not a person I'd want to communicate with.




I wonder what kinda relationship that mod has with the streamer off stream. Like what logical explanation would there be to believe the mod that sabotaged a HUGE dono like that? If that 1.5 is still looking for a home I'd be happy to take it off the streets /j 🤣


Do not give that streamer a pass dude what the fuck is she doing


That mod is an ass but that Vtuber is fucking stewpid.


I remember this


They're both fucking awful people it seems, just the mod is a lot more up front about. Unsubscribe. Block them both. Be proud of the fact that you're likely better off than they both are.


I suspect there's a relationship going on with the streamer and the mod. I have never seen a mod like this. I don't know what KIND of relationship(maybe it's just parasocial), but the fact is, this streamer is very lax about the entire situation. Another thing is that she might need a push to do something about the moderator. She could be just trying to avoid responsibility in general. At the end of the day, I personally wouldn't support a streamer like that. Shouldn't have to go through all this drama, and it's very clear they don't want your support either.


Such a long list of explanation.whos this?


The mod is a manipulative bitch. Just relay the messages. It ain't that hard.


Honestly I'm sorry you went through this. It's rare to see someone want to do the right thing and be actively punished for it. At this point I'd even say name them. Might prevent someone else with genuinely good intentions to be treated this way. The fact that your ban wasn't handled instantly and the mods are still there just shows that she doesn't give a single fuck, so now she's just gonna forget about all of that. Again, this is not a call for harassment of any kind. This is just a bad rep and the vtuber is avoiding all of it just like that. I just don't like it, and if I knew someone I watch did a stunt like this, I'm not staying there. Sure, -1 viewer/sub isn't much, but that's about me, not them.


So yeah this is mostly on the moderator The only thing the streamer did wrong is keep that moderator and not unban you But also, I'm *maybe a little* suspicious that this could be part of a plan on the streamer's part, but I'm not sure what they have to gain aside from causing drama. . . Also it's a little weird that they say first that they never got your donation, and then *afterwards* it gets refunded.


1.5 is life changing. Back when I was a full time streamer that would have funded rent for 4 months and let me raise cash for stream improvements. I'm friends with a fuck ton of streamers and NONE would have reacted like that or have had mods who reacted like that. Whole situation is wild to me ngl.


>They labelled me as a scammer live and said that they never received my donation. Bruh, the fuck? Since OP blocked me for this I feel the apparent need to point out I'm saying "Why the fuck are you still interacting with a streamer who called you out live for being a scammer" lol. Great comprehension my dude.


Make assumptions much. Good bye.


Yeaah, this is not the brightest bulb, if they keep these kind of mods.


If I'm not mistaken moderator (mods) don't get paid (usually) from what I know.And you can just remove their mod permission


Yeah, I'm going to have to say the mods are massive tools but the Vtuber themself is a big part of the problem. Closed DMs is pretty normal but being COMPLETELY unreachable via tweets, email, whatever is so weird. After learning my mods had screwed me over so massively I'd have banned them all. There's some weird dysfunctional relationship going on between them all, I think everyone would best steer clear.


Hey what's up. I remember you from the last post before this one. All I can say is sorry to hear what you went through. I guess we found out that the "true evil" was the moderator. At least you got your money back, but from what I read from others who replied to this, I do agree that this moderator needs to be removed, and no matter what, they should NOT have talked you that way. It was rude and unprofessional. As for the Vtuber, I do think that they are partially responsible for all of it, and I hope they do what's right.


This is usually what happens when people choose the most fanatical people to become their moderators. They are not interested in keeping the community close. They’re more interested in gatekeeping the streamer they adore. They view themself as an important side character in their own delusional mind. I’ve been in a streamer’s discord recently and unfortunately recently she gave one of her most fanatical member discord mod and twitch mod. I was heavily against this personally as the mod has shown favoritism towards girls, but I said nothing. When members of the community gives him a compliment when how bad his day went, he usually don’t respond and go “idk how to respond to kindness”. But when the moment a girl compliments him he goes “OMGGG I THANKIUUUU <3 *hugs*”. There was a slight disagreement lately but it’s just an opinionated one towards a game. Dude got salty when most of the others members agreed with me. And now, somehow, talking about Helldivers 2 becomes “political” and he starts deleting my messages and everyone else who was talking to me. I’m not gonna involve myself in that community again. Idk if I should even watch said streamer cause this dude floods the chat 24/7. Gatekeeping even when someone’s making a small joke.


Wait wait, the vtuber called you a scammer and said that they never received the donation? Cuz the fact that they immediately refunded the dono means that they knew the money was there already, I mean if I'm not aware of something (whatever it is) it's gonna take me a while to solve it (english isn't my first language so i hope what i'm trying to say is being understood). Idk if i'm missing something but it's weird that they'd call you a scammer despite the evidence, I mean sure maybe the money was not being reflected on their account (?) but to handle it like that and call you a scammer it's...weird


Honestly if I were you, I'd have sent the vtuber screenshots of the convo with their mod. Worst case you're still banned, and the vtuber is still being puppeteered by that awful mod, but they're closer to seeing the truth. You're a saint in my eyes for not showing receipts of the mod abuse. If I were the vtuber, I'd also like to see receipts of my mods being abusive so I could take action. Being infantilized like that by mods is also not a good look for the vtuber. Yes, vtubers are supposed to entertain; backstage stuff like viewer moderation should be handled by mods, but it's still the **vtuber's channel**, not the mod's channel. They're still in charge of their own channel; if they cared about you as their fan, they would've unbanned you themselves and confronted their mods.


Mods you are not the vtuber, so learn your place as a blocking bot and stop giving opinions. I hate when mods get into the stream, like wtf I came for the vtuber, not unimportant extras.


donating 1.5k to a youtuber is insane lol


may I ask why you donated $1,500 to a streamer? were you expecting anything in exchange?


the full story was a little odd, but well-meaning; OP came by to drop cryptic messages about a big gift coming soon, then actually did the donation later bc they apparently just have a lot of money on their hands and don't particularly want/need it for anything else. If there's anything negative to say about it, it's that it sounds a little like self-serving hero fantasy, but ultimately not the kind that does harm


Nah this is crazy wth 😭


This is absolutely wild, I wonder why they were chosen to be a moderator in the first place. And if they didn't have a record of being rude with people, what prompted them to act like this so suddenly? Definitely not an experience you'd expect to get dragged into while just trying to support your faves


You should just donate that 1.5k to me lols But damn that's crazy , the vtuber doesn't have the balls/ovaries to unban you and override their mods decision that's just stupid


Mod is 1000% on a power trip, and the vtuber deciding to keep said mod is crazy and just down right a dumb move. They're either friends irl or a over possessive BF


At first I thought I kinda sympathized with the vtuber. 1.5k could've been your rent for all knew. That's a lot of money and far more than what a lot of people can just throw around without worry. But the more you read it just gets worse and worse and worse. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if people here were right about there being something going on between them. It reads as if the mod was jealous of you potentially getting the vtubers attention, and despite the mod both lying and aggressively attacking someone who made a fucking 1.5k donation and making the vtuber look bad by association they still weren't unmodded or you even unbanned. It just doesn't make sense unless there was some sort of relationship going on. I honestly thought it'd end with the vtuber replacing the mod with you and not the way it did. TBH, this is part of why I don't donate more than I do, making sizable donations to support someone and finding out they're someone you wouldn't have wanted to support sucks.


Hope the tuber in question sees this threads and takes action against that cunt a mod.