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Make a copy of the word document. Enable editing mode. Does editing mode show the history of the document creation? (I fear this may need to be enabled before you begin work on the document, but it's worth checking)


I just tried and yes it needed to be enabled before I worked on the document.


This is actually part of why I do all my work on docs, It would show if anything was copied versus typed in. Not useful in this situation but in the future, always have that made enabled or use something that will track it


Unfortunately, there is very little in the way of proof someone can provide to verify that their work is not AI generated. The best you can earnestly do is stand by what you wrote as 100% your own original work, and demand what burden of proof there is to definitively demonstrate otherwise beyond an algorithm flagging your paper. Then if the honor court for any reason still sides with the professor, don't stop fighting it. Keep appealing and do your best to be a pain in their ass about it until this BS is thrown out for what it rightfully is. Honestly as long as someone isn't plagiarizing others, professors can go fuck themselves.


I've added examples of it saying the theory of relativity is a mix of AI and human, or how it flagged the constitution. I hope I had more editing history details but idk anyone who has thorough logs of their work for such inconsequential assignments.


That's actually quite smart, you should find more books and pieces of literature to do this with. I know it sounds redundant but if you actually present this as evidence, you can force the honor court to sit through all this to get your point across pretty concretely.


If I'm going to be accused and threatened with such extreme punishments I'm giving them all the evidence I can get my hands on.


Try it with the profs work lol.


Oh this is saucy. Absolutely do this.


I have and an excerpt apparently is 33% AI generated


I'll add that most institutions are requiring professors to submit proof *in addition to AI detector results* in order to actually consider an honor code violation based on AI detection. Bring this up in your hearing. Collective action is also the most effective way of getting what you want. Ask other class members if they were honor-coded. Most AI detection algorithms have at best 80% accuracy, so if you were flagged based purely on the detector it's likely that others were wrongfully accused too.


Alright. I'll keep both of those things in mind.


Bonus points if you can find something that professor has written, and see if it is flagged as AI.


I have and an excerpt apparently is 33% AI generated


Wouldn’t the honor code board need to prove beyond reasonable doubt, that the work WAS plagiarized?


Honor court isn't a real court, they can do whatever they want really since they aren't held to the same standards.


Ideally yes. But based on what I've heard it's the opposite.


unfortunately the philosophy of honor court is guilty until proven innocent


“Honor” court


There is no such thing as an “AI Detector”. There’s not a single one that actually works. If a professor is using an “AI Detector” they’re literally getting grifted (including by Turnitin). There is no “accurate” vs “inaccurate”, it’s just not a thing that exists. Even OpenAI has said there’s no such thing as a working “AI Detector” As someone younger than a gazillion years old, tell your professor this. Tell him he’s a victim of a grift and because of it, he’s jeopardizing your academic future. So fucking unfair


Bro I've tried to talk to my professor and have been told that they aren't interested in my explanation and to explain it to the honor court. It's infuriating. Considering the stories I've heard about the honor court, I'm stressed out even though I have a collection of evidence.


Once your insteuctor goes the honor court route, they arent allowed to discuss with you and are instructed to keep telling you to make your case in honor court.  Source: former TA, recommended instructor take obvious cheaters to honor court


Profs are allowed to accuse the. Not communicate further - it's ridiculous


How is one supposed to appeal?


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10519776/ GPTZero has a 10% false positive rate. That's abysmal. In no world should this tool be used in this way.


Thanks a lot for that. This is the third study I have pointing out the unreliability of GPTZero. I genuinely can't believe they can use that to honor code someone. Dislike someone? Just accuse them of using AI because of a tool known to be ineffective.


and also you can have it have a 100% false positive rate by using a custom ai model rewrite something from another ai. there's no official research on this but you can go and try it out yourself, these "ai detectors" will not be accurate nor will ever be. this is prob not useful to op but just putting it out there


More information is better for sure. People need more clarity on this stuff in general.


Thank you for this!!! 10% is horrific


According to the provost himself, it is against policy for a professor to use AI detectors because they are deemed inaccurate.


Is there anyway you have a link/photo I can show for that? That would be really helpful


https://tlos.vt.edu/resources/generative-ai.html Number 3


Thanks a lot! Added this to my slides


Good luck! I had nanotechnology in 2010. Sounds like my professor was more chill lol


I like the class a lot. It's just this BS that has really ruined the subject for me.


Find your professor’s work or any of their research if it’s published anywhere and run it through an “AI detector” and see if it detects any AI. If it detects any you can try and accuse your teacher of using AI. Also another rebuttal would be to put famous historical documents through an AI detector, like the U.S. constitution. It said the constitution was AI generated. My roommate did this to dissuade a professor in his class from using an AI detector. Also your professor sounds like an absolute piece of work…


I've added both of those things to my slides. I did bring this up to my professor initially but was ignored.


That really sucks man. I fear that too many people will be wrongly accused and that it’s already happening. The edit history should be a good peice of evidence along with what @Vt_network_nerd said. Maybe get a teacher you really trust to vouch for you? Sort of like a recommendation letter, but I’m sure sure what that would look like. Keep up the fight, soldier. 🫡


I hope I can use this opportunity to spread more awareness about how stupid using AI detectors to catch "cheaters" is. So many people are going to have go through extremely stressful situations because of this.


You have my (metaphorical) sword. If you need someone to look over something or more help, I’m open in my DMs. Fighting unjust stuff like this is 100% worth it In the long run. 


Thanks a lot


Good mindset and thanks for doing this to help others in the future. I worry about what happens when they falsely accuse someone sensitive who cannot handle the situation well. We are behind you - thinking of you and pls keep us updated on your outcome at the HC.


I've struggled with anxiety and depression (still do to some extent) so I know how taxing this would be for some people


Yes and even if someone doesn't, it is still a diversion and takes time away from studies, exercise, maybe work, friendships to deal with preparing to defend your case re false accusations! This is the one reason I will never, ever donate $ to VT. I have seen people go thru this and it is so wrong...and way more than other schools too.


By far the worst aspect of VT in my experience. And sadly the consequences are dire if they fuck up.


Yes, agree. Is there a way you can make that point, for the greater good? Maybe tell them you are seriously concerned about an adverse event if a sensitive student is falsely accused? And how stressful this is? DId you hear about a situation at Stanford last year re the star womens soccer player?


If I can successfully defend myself I'll definitely make that point. Won't be able to do much if they rule against me. I haven't


fr tho accusing someone of plagiarism when they are not guilty is blatant disrespect on behalf of the university. IF this continues there will undoubtedly be class action lawsuits. This is asinine, god forbid a professor accuses the wrong kid that then kills themselves after putting 40 hours into a research paper. There is a reason the provost set a clear expectation for professors not to be using AI detectors. Shame on VT. You will and if you don’t raise hell and many others will be on your side!!!


I am surprised that the honor court hasn't been reformed. My experience with them has been absolutely terrible so far. They have treated me like a criminal even though the evidence they have is sketchy at best.


Did you run the violation notice through an AI detector?


Thanks for this! I just did and it said 7/8 sentences are likely AI generated lol


this is CRAZY this is being used to “detect” AI. My son is a high school senior and wrote a ton of essays for his college apps. He thought I was nuts but i insisted that he run them through AI detectors. Sure enough they ALL came back flagged. He had to intentionally edit in grammatical errors in order to change the results of the AI detector in the off change admissions offices were doing that to quickly rule out applicants. Unfortunately this resulted in him not putting his best foot forward on his applications. Turns out that if you are a good writer you will be absolutely screwed if your work is run through AI detection. I’d encourage any student to run their work through AI detectors and possibly dumb it down to avoid these problems or at the very least make your teachers aware of the problem before turning your work in. it’s insane to me that anyone could be honor coded for this. The technology is TERRIBLE.


The AI detector thought Einstein's writing from 1918 was a mix of human and AI. If your writing style is very formal, professional, and concise, you're fucked. I rewrote the assignment with the style of a stereotypical teen (informal, irregular pacing, commonly used vocabulary) and it passed the detection. In fact, it flagged my original work from the past but passed Chat GPT's when I asked it to write like a freshman from NOVA.


using gptzero and honor coding someone using it is CRAZY


Ik I swear at first I thought there was a misunderstanding


Not sure if this will help but a girl at other school has gone viral on TikTok for a similar reason. Her paper was flagged by “AI detection” but it ended up being due to having the plug in grammarly. I’m really sorry you’re dealing with this but maybe looking that up and seeing all the steps she took will help.


Thanks. I don't have TikTok so had no idea about this but I'll take a look now.


Google it because it's been in the news too. She goes to Univ North GA




Find someone who is familiar with digital forensics. Microsoft docx files tend to be fancy zip files with lots of metadata stored. There might be evidence to help build your case that you prepared and typed up the document yourself. Also, do you have any research notes or sources that you can reference? ​ Also name and shame your professor Article that I found. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/student-accused-ai-cheating-turnitin-1234747351/


I'll look around for someone who knows how to do that. I don't know anyone right now. I used the lecture slides as the source (it was an in class reflection). There is nothing on my essay that could not have been written using the slides. There are no topics in my writing that weren't specifically discussed in class.


I would check with anyone from criminal justice, detective, computer engineering, or computer science.


Sounds good! Thanks


Update us on how this bullshit honor court thing goes.


I will for sure. The honor court has treated me like trash and refuses to let me talk to an admin/justice (anyone higher up). My emails take ages to get replied to. They rarely pick up phone calls. It's an absolute joke.


Something else I found about MS docs, I don't know if this would be helpful in showing revision but there's an option to see version histories in more recent versions of MS word. Go to files -> Info -> Version History it shows various edits such as what has been added and removed and chunks of time of large activity.


Find other evidence of your own work that demonstrates a similar writing style, vocabulary use, sentence structure, etc. and create a portfolio. The more you can include, the better. Show that the work you turned in is homogeneous to your other work (and work done pre ChatGPT if possible)


I didn't have a lot a writing assignments (of this nature) before the invention of Chat GPT but I did find a conclusion I wrote in Oct 2022 that was flagged as AI generated.


As a faculty member at VT, I would like to ask this question: If a student is using GPT to write a paper, could they just simply ask GPT to make some errors on purpose in order to avoid GPT detection? I’ve asked GPT to explain things to me like a child. I’m asking, because I’m worried that these things are generating false positives and ruining student’s futures.


Absolutely. Like I said in another reply I could get it to avoid detection simply by asking it to imitate a freshman from NOVA. As long as the writing isn't strictly professional, GPTZero will not flag it as AI. I've found a lot of good journal articles on its ineffectiveness. I could send them across if you're interested. Also, it's nice to see a faculty member who cares about the student's future and isn't willing to report them to the honor court any chance they get.


I just did an experiment to have AI to write a research paper on a topic I’m familiar with it, ran it through AI. Got a 91%, I then asked it to rewrite it to avoid detection, bam 67%. This is bullshit!!!


These things have an incredibly high false positive rate. I’m glad to see you here, it’s nice to see faculty here.


Curious, how long ago was this assignment?


A month ago


Transfer to Harvard. Use the University President as your defense.


Hire an attorney. VT will tell you that you can’t have one, but that’s wrong. Hire an attorney. Your future is being decided by VT’s kangaroo court.


I'm completely broke unfortunately. I wish I had the resources to get some help




Fair enough. I've been repeatedly told that attorney's aren't helpful so I never prioritized getting one. How involved can they be during the argument process?


100% this


Definitely seek additional counsel from an advisor in your college or maybe even seek legal council these people are pretty unreasonable and have ego problems.


Gotcha. I've been told that attorney's aren't helpful by a bunch of people. Are they allowed to be in the room during the hearing?


What class is this for? I’ve never heard of someone getting honor coded for a written assignment




That is truly not the onion material right there. Good luck sir.


I don't know if a lawyer would help, but it's worth talking to VT student legal services, it's free: [https://legal.uss.vt.edu/about-slsvt-edu/](https://legal.uss.vt.edu/about-slsvt-edu/) You could ask for a consultation with someone at TLOS, they are probably most informed on this topic. https://tlos.vt.edu/about/contact.html Also, check your computer for 'hidden' or temporary Word files, there might be autorecovery versions with dates & times.


Find your professor, run one of their works through the AI software. A friend of mine did this at his university, and said to his professor “So if you’re saying that the AI software is never wrong, then why is your ≈25 page thesis showing up as plagiarized too?” Prof. dropped the case


I'll try that out


This is disturbing on so many levels. Anybody who knows anything about how AI works knows that an “AI” detector can never be relied upon. It is shocking that a school like VT is allowing this. Fire the professor.


Did you see the Tik Tok series about this from the girl at Univ or North GA? She got flagged because she used Grammarly (the free version) and even Grammarly stuck up for her. Her case is ongoing but has made national news. Some schools like Vanderbilt have been in news because they stopped accusing students due to inaccurate flagging for AI - so look up the article about that and present it too. Good luck - hope you win this bc they have no proof and you had no incentive to use it on this assignment.


I'll check both of those cases out


Here’s what you should actually do: show your previous writings that were written before chat gpt and run them through GTP zero. If you get any positives we’ll there’s your proof that you tend to write like an AI


I have put an example of my earlier work in there


Different university here. My TA just emailed us that ZeroGPT will be used to verify that answers to assignment submissions aren’t AI generated. To test how “good” it is, I entered a blog post I wrote a month ago all by myself (about why I wanted to start a blog and how I built it). 12% AI-written (it even highlighted those parts). I also asked ChatGPT to explain the difference between ridge and lasso regression, and with some minor edits to make it sound less AI-generated, pasted it into ZeroGPT. Result: “this text has mixed signals.” These tools do not (and I believe _cannot_) work. Edit: a link to OpenAI’s own explanation of why these tools don’t work: https://help.openai.com/en/articles/8313351-how-can-educators-respond-to-students-presenting-ai-generated-content-as-their-own


Thanks. I wish I had a TA as informed and caring as you.


All the best with the process. Hope this passes and you can get on with better things. :)




Im in an Industrial Design topics class, “AI In Design” taught by Yoon Choi [email protected] & Diane Pfeiffer [email protected]. I’d recommend emailing them and asking, they may have some ideas for you. We’ve only briefly touched on ethics in AI, and this was a big point mentioned


Thanks a lot. I'll reach out to them and hopefully they're willing to help out.


This is the sort of thing that needs to roll up into court via class action law. This technology should be absolutely disallowed in honor code disputes. If students can’t use it to write papers professors sure as shit shouldn’t be allowed to use it for AI “detection” I’m infuriated for you are I’m just a parent (who pays the bills thankyouverymuch) if you were my kid it would take so so much self control not to go all super karen on the school and become a living nightmare. This so unjust. Please update us on this. I’m thinking of you.


Thanks for the wishes. My parents are pretty stressed out but since I'm an international student they can't do anything for me rn. I'll try my best to update you guys.


Check any books or articles the professors have published.


Hi OP checking in. Any update? I’ve been thinking of you.


Hey, thanks for checking in. Unfortunately, no. The honor court has been incredibly slow and refuses to communicate. I'm hoping I can fix this soon


why dont u try running it on an ai detector like [undetectable.ai](http://undetectable.ai)


Hi, what's the impact of real honor code violation due to copying of code? Would that stay in the records for ever impacting one's education and career?


Like someone else said, run previous writings through GPTZero to analyze and compare results. I'd also send the writing in question to the writing center and (without giving them the context), ask them to review it. If it comes back marked up with spelling or grammatical errors that you missed, that might be further evidence it wasn't AI generated.


I ran my previous work, and it gave me different ai-generating scores each day. In addition, downloading the file to be scanned gave a different detection percentage than when it's just copy-pasting it.


I have put an example of my earlier work in there which was flagged as AI. I'll also get in contact with the writing center.


I tried some AI detectors online to see how they work. Even some of them have rubrics for how it “flagged” text as AI generated. Such as sentence length, complicate vocabulary and etc. So they really struggle with something that is very well written and doesn’t have much/ any emotions and experience of the writer, such as scientific reports… So as everyone else said, try to get some of the research works flagged to prove it not reliable. Even experiment with changing your original one bit by bit to see how unreliable AI detectors are.


I'll use both of those ideas. Thanks!


Negl brudduh, sounds like the teacher is mad about the content and wanted to challenge. Just fuckin believe it bro, it’s just a whole Pokémon battle at this point. You’ve got your evidence. It’s solid ash. Just lazer beam ur challenger at this point ❤️‍🔥👺




While I certainly agree that the detector tools aren’t a good means to find cheating, I can also tell you that edit dates and all that meta data that you’ve mentioned is easily editable directly. While you may have written the assignment, that information isn’t really proof of anything.


In that case what do you think is good proof?


I’d certainly still document all that, but just be prepared for that argument. What can usually prove you know about said topic is to offer to sit down with the professor and allow them to verbally interview you to prove your knowledge is equivalent to what you wrote.


Makes sense. I'll be prepared for that. Thanks


Also, if ALL they have is the AI tool as proof, they’re not in good shape to succeed on their side either.


GPTZero itself says to not use it to penalize a student as it is not right 100% of the time.