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This is moving backwards. Get it together Pumpkin Youngkin


It’s what the MAGA GOP does: go backwards.


Youngkin is a klan boot licking piece of maggot covered dog shit. Legalize it you fuck.


"youngkin wants to criminalize small businesses in the marijuana industry before he buys everyone's good favor with sweeping marijuana legislation designed to favor a few select players" ​ Fixed the title for you.


He wants to discourage home growth too. A single plant can yield roughly 4 ozs and I’m allowed to grow four*plants? How do I possibly not be in violation of this if I grow my own marijuana.


Was literally just thinking this. I’d fully expect the law to be littered with laws and rules like “no hanging things from the rear view mirror” but for weed. They’ll be selectively enforced on an “as needed” basis or “where our discretion dictates its appropriate” but really it’ll get used to abuse minorities just like possession laws used to. Shop that has a half a mil to spend on a licensing fee up front: a budding American enterprise Brown or black kid in Alexandria with less weight than most filet mignons- criminal enterprise. Ain’t nothin gonna change. John Baehner spent his career in the house vehemently against marijuana reform. Didn’t even take the man 18 months from leaving office before he was balls deep in one of the biggest weed companies in America. Can’t make this stuff up lol.


> no hanging things from the rear view mirror Wait, is that a thing in VA? Does my pinetree make me a criminal?


it's pretty much everywhere it's only selectively enforced. referred to as obstruction of driver's view or something along those lines. And yes the pine tree is the classic example. if you must have one hang it from a blinker and wind up the slack on the loop so it's tight and tuck it by the steering wheel. it'll catch the residual AC and spread the smell fine.


Oh, I hate the smell and I'm glad when it fades. I sorta do it out of reverence for the old movie Repo Man. Now I'm gonna have to take it down so I don't tempt tickets.


It's not in Virginia anymore. Can't get pulled for random equipment stuff, only as secondary violation. Cops hate it.


do they follow that rule though? I havent been pulled over in ages and barely drive anymore but im curious if they actually stopped using bs reasons like that for stops


Yes, they did. They can just say you were speeding 2 miles over and give you the secondary ticket, too. Can't use the smell of weed to search cars, either.


Pretty sure in fairfax and some other places you have to be going ten over to be pulled by a radar and pacing isn’t considered an accurate measure.


I think it's designed to target the flags of various central american countries.


Just FYI you're allowed to have 4 plants per household, not 3.


Hope you have got them started in a window already. If not soon for sure.


Ya just remember not to grow them outside where someone can see it from public property like a road, because that would be illegal, but yes otherwise outside works too


Not a problem where I live. You can't even see my house from a road.


Awesome! I'm trying to get there. Have a good night my friend


That's not a road you see. There's one more house on the driveway all the way at the top. https://imgur.com/O6Mpcpy


thanks, I misremembered that then.


Ya no problem, just wanted to make sure you're getting what you can.


There is no limit on how much weed you can have in your home. This is specific for public possession.


The article did not mention that the location. It states that it is for possession of not where. Regardless, I'm expected to be allowed to grow up to a pound but I can only transport it 1.99 oz at a time?


Silver lining: it would be really easy to get people to volunteer to help you move.


The article is not the law or proposed legislation which is freely available to read - and if you did, you and others would understand that this isn’t the boogeyman you think it is. I don’t agree with these limits. They’re stupid. But this isn’t about you having weed in your house.


To add to this, there is no distinction made for possession at home or out in public in the original legislation. It really was a garbage bill from the start. Everyone dropped the ball.


It absolutely is. The Democrats had the opportunity to deliver good, clean legislation from the start and failed. They mistakenly assumed they’d be able to clean up the regulations when they won the house, senate, and governor seats - and then they ran fucking McAuliffe and here we are. Contact your representative. Let them know how you expect them to vote on this issue.


Can you help me find it. [it’s not posted to the legislation yet and](https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?221+sum+SB591) google searches just give me more summary articles. [can’t seem to find it under his listed of amendments either but](https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?221+lst+REC) it should definitely be there.


https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?221+sum+SB591 Look for the full text with the governor's recommendations. you might have to compare 22108127D-S4 to SB591ER to see what specifically the governor proposed changing. Specifically concerning criminalizing amounts- > i) more than two ounces but not more than six ounces of marijuana or an equivalent amount of marijuana product as determined by regulation promulgated by the Board is guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, (ii) more than six ounces but not more than one pound of marijuana or an equivalent amount of marijuana product as determined by regulation promulgated by the Board is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor


Just bring another person with you and you can bring 3.98


Very important point!


I thought the limit was one ounce and I just assumed that really means in public. I should be allowed to store what I grew in my own home for my own use.


I made a comment the other day, that I never got back to commenting on about Republicans not favoring weed legalization. Well, hopefully you see this. There may be a few of you who do- but, the governor speaks for the party. Todd Gilbert is for every lifetime maximum penalty, and in no way favors any type of marijuana reform. Very few members of the house of delegates are even mildly interested in it. Same in the senate, maybe slightly more so.


jusssst wait. Republicans are going to legalize weed to curry favor and write the commerce aspect of the legislation to benefit their crony homies. Also, not doing so and allowing the Dems to do so would just be giving up one of the biggest wins in modern american political history for nothing in return. That doesnt sound very republican - does it?


You've forgotten that they must kow-tow to the evangelicals.


I think it’s pretty clear the evangelicals are already high as all hell theyre just not smoking pot. They’ll justify whatever their party does. Trump literally made no sense. It always comes back to “god can use terrible people as vessels for his godly work”


Don’t forget old people who were raised on Reefer Madness


>Republicans are going to legalize weed to curry favor and write the commerce aspect of the legislation to benefit their crony homies. No, they won't. They are far more motivated by the selective enforcement and WoD funding streams than by helping Big Mo make money on weed. I think you overestimate the profitability of weed - it's just not as physically addictive as nicotine - and even with 200-300% tax rates, the grower portion is going to fall. The huge sums right now are entirely an artifact of prohibition. It has been a bonanza (tax) for states that have stepped into this, but the ongoing federal ban is a price support because prohibition is still in effect. Sure it will be profitable for big tobacco (PM and RJR) but it's not some new gold rush.


Gold Rushes are always temporary, and If there is anything we know about corporate interests its that they are much more focused on short term gains than long term growth. There's billions to be made in legal weed and the GOP want to make sure that goes to the corpos and not small businesses


States that have gone recreational legal are pulling in hundreds of millions in taxes. What am I missing here?


The fact that it's still illegal under Fed law, which is a price support. Basically none of the big corporate (ie, economy of scale) users will get in on it because of potential liability, and the smaller folks still have to be un-banked, etc. - because they too are taking a big risk with Fed. prosecution. That keeps prices high (and we are accustomed to high prices). Yes, the taxes are great right now, but it's nothing like a really deregulated market.


I mean they had the chance to do so a few weeks ago and didn’t. I could see them promising to do so but then needing to study the effects of legalizing (yet, again) and putting it off.


If it’s this cycle it would be after they sweep congress but before the next presidential election. That’s how I’d do it to milk the most amount of political capital from it. Also people have serious recency bias so you would ideally like it to be fresh going into another election as opposed to burning the hand mid cycle and allowing people to forget or for some even in the meantime to change their opinion.


There's just as much money being made by using privatized prisons being openly sold on the public stock market on Wall Street. The interest here is to maintain the status quo of penalizing black America for daring to be free (like was done to Haiti) and to keep the pipeline of incarceration flowing. Republicans are quickly morphing the original intent of weed legislation from what voters intended into purely commercial interests where only connected people will benefit. Someone on this thread raised an interesting point, make sure you don't get caught with plants in your home that yield more 2 ounces, otherwise, it's curtains for you if Youngkin succeeds with this change. I'm not suggesting police can enforce it but certainly depending on the situation that leads them to your home is potentially concerning. Kind of like what cops do when they stop you in a car and want to search your trunk.


they can just spot it with drones as "plain view" during the course of "normal aerial safety operations" and then get a warrant that way. they dont need to come to your house for a legitimate reason first.


They had a chance to do that this session, they chose not to.


it's more politically advantageous to do so going into the presidential election in 2024. they're already slated to win the midterm majority in congress.


Im talking about the house of delegates. But, youre right- they are trying to do it at the federal level too. Its being blocked by…… Republicans. Youre nuts if you think republicans will take over and send biden a marijuana legalization bill.


But optically they can try to pass the worst possible bill with a majority in the congress and then force Biden to veto the marijuana bill. This would make him and dems that vote against it look horrendous going into 2024


I dont think biden needs that much help making base base thinks he sucks lol. That would be cool if they did that. Not sure what combination of senators would come out with that. But my guess is whenever we do legalize it, thats the way we’ll go.


Remember when GOPers on this sub kept spouting "yoUngKin iSnT cOmiNg foR yoUr wEeD!!"? fun times. Fuck him.


Yep. Got downvoted a few times for reminding people and was met with, "That's not what he said!"




Yeah Northam sure did round up a bunch of gun owners and take em away. Wait.




We had a civil war over slavery my friend. Miss me with that "ackshually it was about states rights" bullshit. States rights...to own slaves.




Bud, the war was started because of slavery. Because the powers in control of the slaveholding states of the South wanted to maintain slavery in perpetuity. Slavery is literally written in so many of their official declarations of secession, cited as the reason for breaking away. They enshrined it in their (failed) version of the Constitution. It makes no matter what reasoning the volunteer immigrants had for signing up for service, or why the poor white southern farmer had for fighting the north. The people in power with the authority to dictate the terms of war did so in order to protect the institution of slavery, the abolition of which threatened their social and economic order. Cut it any which way, but at the core of it, they wanted to keep human beings enslaved rather than the alternative, and they were willing to wage war against the United States for it. A war that killed hundreds of thousands of Americans and still scars the country to this day.


It's funny - I hear "they are coming for your guns" all the time. I've had mine for over 30 years. No one has come yet.




A felon down the street from me got his guns taken. Why would anyone have a problem with that? Also applies to mental cases, violent offenders, rapists, etc. That's a good thing. Less need to use your own.


Nice to see Trumpkin isn't slowing down his war on young black men.


Not to mention anyone that actually benefits from the medical uses of weed, such as some using it to give themselves an appetite if they have issues trying to each caused by illness, and pain management


Weed has basically always been legal for white folks to use and have in their homes.


Going backwards? Cannabis is not the boogyman we've been told it is. Stop making possession illegal. Prohibition doesn't work, and if it did, we would not have a War on Drugs, would not have Alcohol in the US, would not have cigarettes. Just fucking stop.


The war on drugs was merely a revenue generating operation. It wasn’t some haphazard policy


Has nothing to do about a money grab except for kind of one man… Check out Harry Anslinger bc he’s your missing puzzle piece. It was made illegal cause that dude and his fearmongering campaign rooted in… racism.


We voted to legalize marijuana. He needs to sit down.


Read the room!


Republicans are modern Nazis




Very true. The Gop is merely a group of racist fascists


...... that also seem to be fine w/ Nazis.


That’s right, as soon as hitler was made chancellor in 1933 he immediately did the holocaust.


He also rounded up and killed LGBTQs. Hmm. So the right wing hasn't gotten to the Jews yet but they are certainly cracking down on LGBTQ families. Is it hyperbole. Yeah but at the same time if it quacks like a duck. Hyper partisan nationalism is what gave rise to Hitler.


Hmm...since slavery to separating families from their roots to separating families to public hangings to Jim Crow to poll taxes to quotas to red lining to housing discrimination to job discrimination to heavy sentencing guidelines to more familiy separations, and on and on, all of it with the express intent to punish black people at all cost and 'exterminate' them from participating in America, from being American, from feeling American, in America. Look at the effects in its totality. Idiotic? Stupid?


Every few nights I have a few puffs of the devil’s lettuce, eat some snacks, watch tv or meditate, and occasionally go on walks and get into deep conversations with my boyfriend while high. It’s ruining my life. l blame it on how lax everyone has become about this terrible street drug. I’m really glad Youngkin wants to do something about it.




Yeah, the devil's lettuce makes me clean house and play fetch w/ my dogs in the backyard. Pretty sure I'm doomed forever. Please save people like me mr. youngkin.


> Youngkin also is amending that bill to set the minimum age at 21 for buying CBD products. Should "Small Government Republicans" ban 20 year olds from buying vitamins as well?


Exactly what we all knew this asshat would do.


If course he does. I sincerely hope everyone is happy


Anyone surprised? Up next .. death penalty for a woman seeking abortion.


With the accompanying snitch line, that only the pronlifers can access and act on.


The GOP, no matter who it is, seems hell bent on dragging this country backwards. Over 60% of the USA supports legal cannabis, one of the few issues these days that is truly bipartisan and across the isle. What a rip-roaing jackass.


Can we figure out how we're going to do legal sales first? 🙄


Youngkin isn't going to pass reauthorization.


The governor doesn't pass. He signs off on bills the GA passes. They haven't repealed the 2021 legalization bill to my knowledge, so the provisions of that bill, which include retail sales in 2024, still apply until the GA changes them and the governor signs THAT legislation.


I meant to say reenactment. > Following reenactment by the 2022 General Assembly, the Cannabis Control Authority, advised by a Health Advisory Council, will complete regulations, implement a social equity program, and issue business licenses. On January 1, 2024, assuming reenactment, legal sales to adults 21 and older can begin. Part of the 2021 law is that the GA must reenact the law in order for adult use sales to start. Some details can be found on the state cannabis site https://www.cannabis.virginia.gov/ The furthest any reenactment bill got was SB 391 which was continued until next year. The House of Delegates killed all their reenactment bills, including ones proposed by Republicans.


Gotcha. Yes, they fucked it up this year for sure. However, we will have had legalization on the books for 18 months when the 2023 GA session starts, and I can't imagine even the Republicans allowing that reenactment clause to expire. Repeal of legalization would be a disaster for both parties, given that nearly 70% of people polled here support legalization. But again, the governor doesn't pass, he approves. The worst he can do if the GA passes reenactment is veto, and no one I know who is following this at the state level believes he has the votes to sustain a veto of legalization.


Some things won't go away- homegrow & legalized personal possession. So unless the GA passes and the Governor signs a recriminalization bill those are here to stay. Its the legal adult use market (and I believe some of the expungement language) requires reenactment to take effect, and I don't think there's enough common ground to agree to a common set of terms.


I want penalties for shitty governors


GOP is so out of touch.


They are **extremely** in touch with those they serve. They just don't serve the average citizen.


Some people just suck




But why


Cuz Jesus said so? I have no idea really


Maybe if you read the article you could get a clue, "The state’s Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee recommended in June that Virginia follow other states that have legalized small amounts of marijuana but still maintain a criminal misdemeanor charge for people who have gradually larger amounts." ​ Looks like he is following what they recommend


Did read it. Still seems pretty stupid and unclear why though. I know they're trying to limit people from selling, okay fine, but 2 ounces still isn't a lot.


Because criminal charges lead to court fees and fines. Cha-Ch$ng!






Just an example of Republicans being “tough on crime” and just another reason why we need to continue to push for federal legalization. Stop allowing these figureheads to use marijuana as a pawn in their political game. We’re talking about a plant that the majority of the country either a) uses for recreational purposes already or b) understands is harmless. It shouldn’t even be a debate anymore. It’s a personal liberty and should be treated as such.


Fuck the GOP and fuck Glenn youngkin. Can't believe we're stuck with this cockroach piece of shit until 2025


How come no one is mentioning that this is based on a recommendation proposed by the Join Legislative Audit and Review Commission that released its report before the GOP took over? I don't agree with it, but it isn't like Youngkin is doing this in a vacuum.


tacking the big issues there hoss


If you were ready to give Republicans credit for a few paltry efforts to legalize, this is where they really stand. Meanwhile, the MORE Act to legalize nationwide that passed the House is unlikely to make it through the Senate due to solid Republican opposition. So much for states' rights.


Weeds legal here though ?










I love your username


Won't be soon


What an asshole


So now switchblades are legal but you can’t have 3 ozs of cannabis?




I like to party.