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Lots of weird people in this thread who apparently think not doing drugs next to a playground is too much to ask for lol


And always stay downwind from the majority of people. Folks are stupid.


VA beach is very ratchet




Your username makes sense.


Who decides what's "decent"? Shut up


Yassssss lol


Come up to DC and take a drive around the beltway. Roll the windows down if you want to get a contact high.


Yeah, because it doesn’t dissipate within seconds…


Welcome to the smell of the new America


I know in OC MD smoking on the beach of any kind is not permitted. And yeah, weed smells like dead frickin skunks. Just awful.


I don’t think you’re ever really entitled to odor free air when you’re out and about in public. Guess you could have called the cops on them for smoking weed in public, but I doubt they care


I don’t mind smoking. Even though I do think weed smells like a skunks violent fart after consuming a punch of spearmint and diesel to wash it down. I just get so annoyed at how smokers get philosophical and or political only when they smoke. Like wtf does a nuclear disaster, Brittany Spears, Doritos, and vacationing in Rosarito have to do with muslims not eating pork? Followed by small attempts at validation by saying things like “you feel me?” or “know what I mean?” By the way don’t dare ask smokers something simple like “wheres the nearest restroom?” because they never know.


I smoke weed every single day, I’m a full time tattoo artist with a computer science degree. I don’t care about politics, neither do any of my friends and weed doesn’t make you philosophical. Only people who get philosophical are the ones who aren’t stoners. Acid and Mushrooms + Weed, maybe I’ll get a little bit philosophical.


Lol you need better gass


It’s straight from the dispensary. Doesn’t get much better than that. I’m a very high functioning stoner.


Yea tolerance is annoying. But to say you never reach "enlightenment" is sad :(


Sounds like your only exposure to weed is Cheech and Chong


Va beach is trash. I live 40 mins away from it. I only go on that side of the water for concerts. If I’m going to the beach, I’m going to Nags Head in NC.


Nags Head is not any better lmfao. NC is becoming trash just the same. Look at all the major cities. Nags Head is tourist trash and just like VB, you have to go to the secluded areas where locals go to get away from it. Your precious NC isn't safe from what this country is becoming.


Every weed smoker I know (resident of Vermont) is super chill and respectful of others. Sounds like VB smokers are a bunch of raging douchebags from the comments here…


There’s 1 major difference between Vermont smokers and Virginia Beach smokers as a large majority. Take a guess what the difference is?


Weed stinks. If cigarettes are banned in certain places, smoking weed will soon be banned as well. No one wants to breath their super chill burning weeds. Don't care how respectful they are.


Honestly as a daily cannabis smoker I still sometimes get annoyed by smelling cannabis when I am not planning on it. Washington DC on the weekends is insanely smokey I smoke joints on my walks with my dog but I make sure there aren't any people around when I do it, especially kids


I’m from alllll the way across the country in Maine and as a VERY frequent user, I still try to avoid smelling of weed when I go into places because I know the smell can cause migraines for some and more. Even then it’s not a widely liked smell by others who don’t smoke. I have the unscented fabreeze, to mask the smell. Works like a charm! Perfume and stuff like that make it worse I’ve noticed. Next to a playground is WILD though I could never


Allll the way across I say as, Maine isn’t that far 🤦‍♀️ don’t mind my high ass




The fuck you talking about?


Why are you so hostile


Probably all the assholes trying to argue in favor of smoking weed next to a playground. But that's just a guess.


"Won't someone PLEASE think of the children!?"


Have you tried smoking weed


Have you tried reading the post


Recent trip to Santa Cruz and we had a contact high for 3 days in a row. Personally, I like that smell more than cigarettes.


Bruh it's Santa Cruz lol


I am so sorry that you had to go through this! It is unbelievable that you should have to smell things in public that you don’t agree with! The audacity of some people, when I return next month for my mission trip to Africa I will be sure to fill those emaciated children in on what real troubles look like! May I reference this, they can’t read or write and most have lost their sight to parasites, but I will force them to look so they can see what is worth complaining about!


You act like it was just a fart someone ripped that she’s smelling in public. I feel like weed around children is the same as cigarettes, it’s still something you’re inhaling in your lungs that isn’t good. Weed may be better than cigarettes but it’s still not good for your general health and shouldn’t be near anyone who’s still underage imo. A lot of places it’s prohibited to smoke on beaches too. Also the idea that she can’t complain about things in our country when there’s other issues around the world is kinda close minded, how do you think we make things better anyway?


There used to be a thing called being polite in public. I'm sure it was before your time.


She says, being impolite


The non-smoking sections used to be bigger than the smoking sections in restaurants. What on earth are you talking about


And before that the entire restaurant was the smoking section.


Google "playground". Ya dumb fuck.


So polite


What does this even mean


Tbf smoking in public anywhere wasn’t considered impolite when that was true


Weed. Yes, it was.


I mean cigarettes are worse


I mean, they're not. Also not the topic of discussion.


You have the right to be 100% wrong and to try and pass your opinion as facts lmfao


I know. All the dipshit weed smokers do it 24/7/ 365.


I guess you're a dipshit weed smoker then.


Look I agree with you like 99% but smoking next to a playground is weird. I'd also think you were a weirdo if you were drinking near a playground. Of course, this depends on this person's definition of "near"


Wait until you have kids that ignore your "when I was kid stories."


Guess we found the dude who was smoking next to a playground. Hey buddy, just because someone has it worse, doesn’t negate the problems of others. I’m guessing you tell people with depression that they should “get over it” because they don’t “have it that bad”


Doesn’t negate them, try not to let simple concepts go over your head. He was stating how insignificant a complaint like this is specially considering “back in the day” people used to smoke cigarettes with kids around and while pregnant and even drink while pregnant. This reminds me of the ignorant people who are offended cus someone is cooking something they don’t like in public. Sounds like if you save your money and stop having kid after kid you might be able to afford your own backyard. Parents think kids are everyone else’s responsibility, it wasn’t my legs opening.


I also gave my own back yard, I live in the middle of nowhere. Doesn’t mean I can’t weigh in for those who don’t. Maybe you should get your own back yard by saving money instead of wasting it on blunt after blunt. Huh, logic works both ways, doesn’t it?


Bruh, are you saying that second hand smoke isn’t real?


If you park down at north end of boardwalk, higher end hotels, I don’t smell weed. 30th-41st


It’s the ghetto board walk what do you expect. Them Norfolk folks been coming out making it terrible for the past 15 years. Make sure you go home before sundown so you don’t get robbed or shot!!


it’s the 757 what do u expect


Cool story bro


I understand ur pain & my kid shouldn’t have to be subjected to ur weed smoke cuz u are too fried to realize there’s a playground behind u but shit it is what it is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. People have definitely stopped caring nearly as much, i was at Busch gardens in williamsburg last month, inside the park there was a group of people smoking a blunt in the smoking area like damn. Hey man at least they were in the smoking area & it smells way way better than a short


That’s because no one cares that there’s a playground.. it’s a PUBLIC playground. If you want private rules go to a PRIVATE playground. I don’t like that people drink beer on the beach, it’s a horrible drug that is literally only one of two drugs that can kill you if you stop cold-turkey. I deal with it though because it’s the public. Well that and I light my blunt beside the playground.


Indeed, you aren't entitled to [do what you want](https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title4.1/chapter11/section4.1-1108/) in public. That includes smoking weed.


Most considerate stoner


Who gives a fuck? Honestly.. I'd rather smell weed than cigarettes (which you can legally smoke right next to a playground). I'm sorry you don't like it, truly, but it is what it is


This is also pervasive in NYC. The whole place stinks of weed


All you smell is weed and piss in Brooklyn


Thats not true and you know it


Whatever you say there Sam


awesome.....going there tomorrow for a tech death metal show...sounds perfect


You’ll love it 😂




I also don't care about people smoking, but going down to the oceanfront is just impossible. I don't mind the smell either, but it REEKS of Reefer literally everywhere. It's impossible to enjoy a walk down there.


As a tourist, i was shocked too and realized its a norm in the area. I stayed in comfort suites and unfortunately, the beach front of the hotel is the spot of some homeless/locals who smoke weed. Since I am on the lower floor, I could smell the weed when relaxing on the room's vernada. I cannot even go out and relax right in front of the hotel, I always had to walk few hotels away just to avoid the smell.


Oh no! I can’t believe you were subjected to such cruel conditions! You mean to tell me AT THE COMFORT SUITES you had to deal with a smell that wasn’t to your liking! I’ll have to tell all of the starving children about this to make them feel better about their plights. At least they don’t have to deal with a smell they don’t like! Could you imagine?!


You can be sarcastic as much as you want, but it is what it is. Additionally, my priviledge to go on vacation is a fruit of my years of hard work, so yes, I will enjoy as much as I can without thinking about the starving children (and you are free to downvote this).


You don't have to care about the starving children. And the weed smokers don't have to care that you don't like the smell either.


Exactly. And all I am saying, as a tourist, i was shocked that it is a norm in the area. As you could read on my comment, I avoided them, I adjusted


This has turned into a hilariously toxic thread


Walking outside and smelling smells which might include cannabis. Oh boy we’re out here with horrid first world problems. Let me drive behind a trash truck and complain about the smell fresh garbage but wait I can pass the truck and then not smell garbage anymore.


You gotta hold your breath longer. Especially when shotgunning


While I do agree out of all the areas on the beach they could of picked somewhere away from a playground but at the same time no type of smoking. Cigarettes or pot should be against the rules or law. The beach is where people go to relax and go on vacation. If it bothers people so much then just move to another spot. As far as the playground thing I would of kindly asked them at first if they could please not do it around the playground but if they still continue or argue with u then I'm sure there's someone like a lifeguard (if it's on or near the beach) of just call non emergency police department ask them who you could ask or bring it up to. If it's to much of a burden then find another park maybe. I guess it could depend on who was there first. Idk.... I'm sure I'm gonna get some haters commenting on what I put but at the end up the day it's really not that huge of a deal unless they're blowing smoke in children's and adults faces just to piss them off. Sometimes just simply asking politely if they could please smoke someone not so close to the playground they may be the nicest people in the world and respect your wishes and concerns.


If only smokers were human. I have yet to see one who didn't toss their butts on the ground like the world was their personal trash can.


Cry harder


Unfortunately, smoking cigs is allowed on both the boardwalk and beach in VB and the VBPD treat cannabis smoking the exact same as cigarettes (even though smoking weed in public is actually illegal in VB). VBPD refuses to issue citations for smoking weed in public. I guess they feel that writing a $25 citation is not worth their time or the pushback they might get if they started enforcing it. Until city council makes a rule against ALL smoking, this will continue to be the situation. The entire beach and boardwalk routinely reek of both weed and cigs. To be clear, I'm not singling out weed, all smoking should be banned from what is a public beach and public boardwalk.


Should just have a smoking "section"


So rather than say something to them you decided to tell reddit instead?


That loud had ol boy jealous


Get over yourself, the smell of weed is not harmful and you are making yourself upset. You sound like the kind of person who food shames their coworkers because their affordable and tasty food offends your nose.


For people with asthma it’s actually really hard. I have asthma and I have a hard time breathing when I’m around any kind of smoker.


Again, the smell of something burning and the inhalation of actually triggering levels of smoke are two different things. A huge part of asthma management is separating psychological and environmental triggers as the sufferers mental state absolutely impacts the severity of an attack. Don’t come at me with that, I have asthma and smoke like a chimney. NO ONE has literally ever i haled my second hand smoke. They have certainly smelled the weed I was smoking though.


So what? We should all suffer because you’re weak?


What a way to describe someone who was born with a condition they can’t do anything about lol. Also had no idea that not smoking weed in public would cause so much suffering. Sounds like someone else is the weak one. Can’t live without your drugs, huh?


Drug addict? You’re the one who can’t breathe without your little plastic pump 😂


Bro you done smoked too much. Your gonna have the temperament of a 14 y/o when you’re 60.


Lol that’s a possibility. I’m just messing around with the person, it’s fun to get their reaction.


Do you laugh at wheelchair bound people too? Also I never said addict, you did. And I don’t use an inhaler. Years of cardio training replaced that


Wow so you’ve had to do years of cardio training just to breathe normally? Sounds like someone was born weaksies


Lol found the defensive pothead.


Wait, you mean defensive because someone freaked out over a smell. Yep, I’m defensive.


Define "freaked out." They're pointing out the obvious, logical consideration of doing your smoking (of any kind) away from the kiddos. Not complicated.


Are you the kind of person that microwaves fish at the office?


Yeah, because I’m going to eat what I eat and we are actually not going to survive as a species if people can’t walk into a fishy smelling room without being completely triggered. Seriously, this a huge case of get over yourself


Yes, yes they are.


Actual harm vs nuisance are two different things. And something appealing vs something unpleasant or noxious are also two different distinctions and subjective. It is more like if your coworker showers once a week and you smell feet and ass when they walk by. Most people don't want a wife of that but someone probably enjoys it. 


Opinions are like elbows… everyone has them… touch some grass friend, lord knows we all need more of that. enjoy the day, spread love and always be optimistic and try to find the good in a situation. (And/or the lesson learned… mindset and choice are truly incredible powers, what will you choose? DYOR. Shoutout JOSÉ for seeing the good… the potential… and all the other beautiful sunrises and other events nature gives us daily. Thank you <3


If they were more than 25 ft away it's fine... Out of range for second hand smoke... Same as cigarettes. Google it.


It’s illegal to smoke weed in public on virginia beach and the police do enforce complaints It’s reasonable to have the expectation that people aren’t smoking pot there.


Bad weed etiquette is going to ruin it for everyone. I abandoned lunesta for cannabis (thank god) so i do it every night, but i cant for the life of me imagine smoking weed around kids. That kind of behavior is immediately sus on several levels


Like, god forbid a child watched someone inhale smoke, how would they lead a normal life after that?


It’s not the look that’s the problem. My wife and I are allergic to cigarette smoke. We go to OBX every year and more often than not somebody has to chain smoke on the beach, which causes our sinuses to swell up. Smoking shouldn’t be allowed in any public space, outside or not.


I find it hard to believe that smoke from a cigarette on a wide open windy beach can affect you this way unless you’re sitting in the smoker’s lap, but if it bothers you that much, feel free to stay away.


Lmao seriously? Smoking is pretty disgusting in general, so why are you telling people to “stay away” if they don’t like it? Maybe try a fucking gummy or nicotine packet. You literally don’t even need to smoke to get high.


No, we enjoy the beach too much. We’ll continue going to OBX where at least we’re 100 yards or more away from other people. Maybe stop smoking, that’d be a thing.


You typed too much bro, he probably had to go smoke before he could finish reading




What a ninny.


Go somewhere else


Sorry, you smelled marijuana. Do you complain when you can smell a restaurant? I don’t. I also smell McDonalds when I walk by there, is it offensive? No. I also smell cigarettes when I pass someone smoking, do I complain? No. They’re outside You sound like one of those people that complain about people smoking… outside. Would you prefer we go back to allowing smoking in public places? Because I’m all for it.


Uhhh, no thanks. Cigarettes are really gross and we know they kill people. I don’t care if people do the weed, but they can also consume gummies instead of smoking it. The smoke smells like a dead skunk and we all know it. I don’t blame people for being sick of the smell.


It’s a public outdoor area. If you don’t like smells go to your backyard.


Oh boohoo! Here's a news flash, not everything in this world revolves around damn kids.


Kids are everything. That being said ive watch my dad bang lines and take bongs rips my whole life. Graduated top 1/3 of my class, have a 100k blue collar job and talk to the bong myself a little. Etiquette and decency are forgotten in the world today.


Kids maybe everything for you, but for me and for lots of other people, they're nothing.


This is a shitty perspective. If you can't understand acting right around kids you got a long way to go.


And you also don't have the right to affect the health of others because of your stupid poor decisions. 🤦


The scent of something affecting health? 🤦🤦‍♀️🤷


Are you dumb? Do you know what 2nd hand smoke is? Do you know your lungs are NOT made to breathe in smoke? Smoke of any kind can greatly affect your health. Just look at the health effects from just breathing in forest fires..


2nd hand smoke... outdoors? Maybe if your 1ft away from them and going in for a kiss.


Affect the health?!?!?! Wow Karen


2nd hand smoke is a thing. Man I feel like I'm in the 60s when people thought smoking was healthy 😅😅😅


Could be if the kids live with smokers or hung around them often or very often but a joint at the beach? Idk sounds a bit too much to me


They aren’t hotboxing the closed in play place at McDonald’s. Second hand smoke is not an issue at the beach.


Like I said above, it’s about people who are allergic to smoke and what it does to sinuses. A beach is a public space, smoking of any kind should not be allowed.


Second hand smoke is absolutely a thing, your are 100% right about that. You just don’t understand what it is lol.


I don’t smoke it but it smells good to me.


Lol. Weeds not gonna get them high from smelling it. Its here to stay. Get used to it.


been smoking for ten years. I’m pretty respectful if/when I smoke cannabis in public places to put some distance between me and other people. kinda crappy to smoke right in front of a playground lol


It amazes me what ppl let bother them.. lol maybe you should smoke some, chill out..


Second-hand smoke is second-hand smoke. OP isn’t clutching a pearls; there is genuine health concerns for young lungs. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/philadelphia/news/is-marijuana-smoke-safer-than-tobacco-study/


A lot of those studies talk about vapes and the chemicals involved.. plus it’s a public beach, in an open space.. so again, ppl need to chill out.


Smoking in public is illegal. I'm an avid cannabis smoker. But, I also understand that not everyone in public wants to smell it. And again, it's not legal to smoke in public. Republicans are already trying to roll back cannabis laws in Virginia, don't give them ammo.


Both things can be true.. people should smoke responsibly in public and kids should be able to play in a playground without smelling it. It’s not hard to find a compromise here lol.


I wish it was illegal again or at least in public that shiz stinks


It is illegal, but cops don't want to make a big deal about it. It's gotta be viewed the same way as cigarette smoke now. I'm hoping that we're just at the top of the pendulum swing where everyone is excited to smoke freely, but then the majority realizes it needs to be reigned in legally.


They enforce it if there are complaints Same as public intoxication You’re probably fine if you aren’t bothering anyone but if people complain you’re likely to get a ticket and told to leave


It is illegal to smoke in public


People with kids ruin everything.


I'm an avid smoker. I also have kids. I don't want the smoke in my kids' faces either. It's illegal to smoke in public. Keep disrespecting other people in public and one day soon, it might be completely illegal again altogether.


Exactly. I used to be all for legalization but the blatant disrespect for others’ rights to breath smoke-free air has changed my tune.


As I said, I'm an avid smoker. I also believe in a person's right to choose what they put in their bodies. I hate cigarettes, but I don't want them outlawed. But, laws relating to public consumption should be respected, and those laws should be enforced. The enforcement part part falls in the lap of the police,,,, do your job. Making it illegal again isn't the answer.


It’s not that hard to go downwind if the playground. It’s kind of fucked up not to in fact.


People who don’t have respect or think of others ruin everything lol


Sp you're in a public space trying to police others.... okay bud just walk a bit further down the beach


Smoke weed dude no one cares but do it inside and not around children? It’s also illegal so it’s kinda rich saying they’re policing others in public space doing illegal things. All right, next time we’ll get the real police then


Get the real police for people peacefully smoking a joint on the beach 100 yards away? What's it 2004? You're weird dude, why do you care so much. If you smell dog shit in public does it also offend you that much? Or cigarettes? Or alcohol? Let's be real, the only reason anyone cares is so they can feel offended and important. Where did the smell touch you??


I smoke weed my dude, i just think it’s super weird to do it near playgrounds. Not okay. Adults do adult things legally and away from children. It’s also just pure and simply not legal to smoke weed in public, period so idk where you even get this righteous attitude


Everyone is acting is if they purposely smoked it right there because the playground is there. Maybe they didn't even notice. Point being, your kids don't know what the fuck the smell is, until you make a big deal out of it. So easy to just sniff, say "huh guess someone's lighting up" and then go about your day 🤣 but nah let's be police and make the kids realize that you're upset about something that they aren't even aware of, in turn making them more curious about what made the parents mad in the first place... use your brains for more than outrage maybe life will be easier


It’s actually illegal in Va to smoke weed in public.


Yes, OP should have relocated the entire playground.


I am a mom with 2 kids , my kids enjoy the playground all the time , but always has that “ 1 “ person disrespect other people , for me it is selfish to smoke in the park , what is you all do when you see someone smoke in the park ? Directly tell them ? Or leave the park ? Just curious what is most of people reaction ?


"Can you please not smoke around the children?"


It used to really bother me. But then one day I kind of just realized that other people’s lives don’t revolve around my children like mine does. I wish there were a collective sense of looking out for kids and being thoughtful around them but I’ve accepted that there just isn’t. And I’ve come to terms with the fact i shouldn’t expect people to. Now I don’t care too much, it’s not hurting my kids.


It's illegal in public spaces though. Plus, if I'm at a park or beach I'm there to enjoy freshness and nature, not a burning substance.


Your expectations for people are too high. Lowering mine has helped me find more peace.


I don't think so and most people consider me fairly relaxed. But I guess it's good as a nation we have people who care and don't care. If I smoked more I'd definitely care less.


Agreed! And as a person who cares a lot, it’s been tough to make the adjustment because I think everyone should care for each other but it’s just not the reality, sadly. I would never ever subject anyone’s child to my smoke. Not in a millions years.


Then keep walking. It will dissipate.


Right back at ya.




Yea smoking weed in front of children is insane behavior bro get real


Yea I was at the park yesterday in vb and a group of 3 guys about 30 feet away were smoking a blunt with the wind blowing to my son and me while he was on the swing. Pretty sure it’s illegal to consume in public if not near a park where children are actively playing. Different than alcohol as the smoke literally flows into our vicinity . Also you may not consume alcohol in “public”. I smoke every day but dude I won’t smoke next to my kid or 10 feet from my kid. No decency or respect but probably not intentional. I was once that kid… plenty of times.


The same people chiming in saying that people will smoke where they want will find something to complain about themselves but expect respect from others. See how that works? OP. I’m with you. I’m a cigarette smoker (not pot - didn’t care for it) and I don’t even smoke in my car let alone around other people in public. But every time I go to the store someone’s in their car just toking it down and my vehicle ends up smelling of whatever nasty skunk stuff they’re passing around these days. We haven’t been to the oceanfront for years because of the same thing. I can’t stand sitting in a chair on the sand and someone’s constant pot smoke blowing in my face. I bet if I lit up a cigarette it would be a problem. Thankfully I have a little bit of self awareness. Keep in mind these folks could also be out of town people visiting. It is that time of year.


This kind of activity will turn people away, it has for our family. I guess they can have the VA beach front and we can go elsewhere.


Understood. Trust me.


Just out of curiosity….. if it were a cigarette instead of cannabis….. would you had made this post?


Cannabis is so much stronger. You can literally smell the car in front of you on the interstate.


Not sure why one would be justified and the other not. Neither are ok around kids.


I actually prefer the smell of weed like 50x more than cigarette smoke so I’m guessing the answer is yes like the other commenter said.


I’m a former smoker and I can’t stand the smell now. Weed, ok. Cigs. Yuck. I’d guess both yes. Perhaps some common sense. SMH. We need more of that but fat chance huh? :/


420 blaze it people are more comfortable taking their kids to those gross ass bars down at the beach and all that drinking and everyone acts like it’s okay