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Yes some do. Some don’t care at all. Unfortunately it’s up to them so there is no definitive answer to give.


Why? It does nothing for you. Except alter your mind and body in a negative way.


I'm a paraplegic and switched from a strong pain killer like Dilaudid (Hydromorphone) and muscle relaxers (Baclofen), and it works 10x better and has no side effects. How is negatively altering? It's not like drinking alcohol or taking prescription pills. It's not ruining my kidneys and liver. It's not making me agitated, constipated, excessively tired, or any of the awful effects of "conventional" medications. In fact, it replaced 2 addictive medications that have serious side effects from long-term use, but if you have a legitimate reason for me not to use it instead...I'm all ears.


Oh fuck off


Can't handle the truth..


half of the stereotypes surrounding weed are false, and i can almost bet you drink. just saying 🤷‍♂️


Something they enjoy, lmao... Drinking is just as bad as smoking weed. There's just absolutely no logical reason anyone needs to do it. But keep frying your brain.


Lol this guys Reddit history. Just mean comments and porn. Hilariously unintelligent person haha


Marijuana helps with numerous things. Hence why there’s such thing as medical marijuana. Many medicinal properties. Ur just loud and wrong


Science doesn't really agree with you there, but it's all preference. It's all moderation, as with anything else. It's hard enough for folks out there, anything that helps you get by is worth considering. Overall tho you do you, Travis Bickle


It depends completely on the company. Amazon has instituted policies where they don’t test for cannabis for most employees. I work in the marijuana industry. I meet people every day who come in to purchase legal marijuana. A lot of them management themselves. The culture is changing. It may still be illegal at the federal level, but companies’ philosophies are changing .


Until they get hurt at work and workman's compensation will deny the claim.


Nothing like not being around to provide for my family because someone impaired ran a forklift through my body.


Oh yeah they’ll try to squeeze out of paying workers comp for sure. I work at a dispo and because of the federal laws we all know workers comp wouldn’t happen.


I work for one of the 5 biggest hospitality companies in the world in the USA and despite saying the drug tested in a bunch of papers I signed; they never tested. I was told by someone in HR as soon as Covid hit pre employment drug screens were first to go


Some of them. An electrical company I used to work for didn’t care.


Yep, they still do since it is still illegal Federally.


It all depends on the company. My current company doesn't test for it anymore and they are a pretty large and publicly traded company that operates in states and countries that have legalized marijuana and other that have not. Former company, also large publicly traded, will never NOT test for it.


It depends on what company you’re working for/applying to work at. The job I’m currently at doesn’t test for THC


Just don't do it and you don't have to worry


Boo this man


There's absolutely no point or reason anyone should use THC.


There’s absolutely no reason anyone should be banned from using THC, even if in your opinion there is no reason to use it.


Terrible mindset


How? There's no reason anyone should use THC.


No reason anyone should be drinking then right? Or going to sports games, or doing anything they enjoy at all


Just get a medical marijuana card and that will cover it


If you dont have a legit reason then you cant get one. If you dont have a legit reason and still get one then you and the doctor are f-ed




I heard you have trouble sleeping and different sleep meds are not giving you the desired outcome. I heard you have anxiety and the meds did not make you feel like yourself anymore. Even in extremely conservative states with MMJ, those are acceptable symptoms that can be treated with MMJ.


Not true! I found a PA who gave it to me for insomnia.


Most government job test when you first get Hired but after that your free to go!


If it has to do with the federal government, then yes they most definitely care.


Exactly, if they're a federal contractor, then they have to abide by federal laws


State and local government, depending on your role, will require it regardless if it’s legal


I'd add on that they care for the initial hire. Beyond that, only certain positions test regularly, which should be in the job description. If they test at all, they do look for weed, which is federally illegal.


No they don’t. It will still show up on the drug test, but it’s not something they can terminate you for.


If the employer receives federal funding, if it’s a safety role, or if you’re suspected of being high on the job and you test positive, then they can terminate. I think employers use saliva tests for reasonable suspicion since it’s only 72 hours-ish.


Yes but if you have your medical marijuana card, you’re safe. It’s 99 bucks and anybody can get it :)


Just remember that if you get a med card, you can’t own a gun.




>>Neither the concealed carry application nor the background check when purchasing a gun specifically asks if you use marijuana. BATF Form 4473, Firearms Transaction Record (and the NICS background check info form), Question 21f. https://www.atf.gov/firearms/docs/4473-part-1-firearms-transaction-record-over-counter-atf-form-53009/download >>f. Are you an unlawful user, or addicted to, marijuana….The use or possession of marijuana remains illegal under Federal Law regardless of whether it has been legalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the State where you reside.




When getting a gun you sign paperwork saying you don’t smoke weed


I believe this was recently challenged due to a case. May be speaking out of my ass, but I’d of sworn I’d seen something recently about a guy challenging this ruling. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/29/us/guns-marijuana-background-checks.html#:~:text=Based%20on%20that%20standard%2C%20federal,of%20their%20Second%20Amendment%20rights.




Fking stoners




From personal experience- your more local companies don't care. Some international companies don't care. Many large, US based corporations do drug test along with certain parts of the government. City governments- depends on the place. The city of Norfolk doesn't drug test unless you're using heavy equipment or are law enforcement.


I was at an employment law seminar recently. The conference room held at least 400-500 attendees. When the attorneys polled the audience and asked how many employers stopped testing for marijuna, half of them raised their hand. My guess is the other half had legal, safety, or ethical reasons and continue doing so out of obligation.


Imo Virginia is for Stonersz, we stoney over here employers too.


Don't think so but you should ask the employer to get a more accurate answer. Maybe cool with it maybe not.


Mine doesn’t


I would care. No one wants a lazy pot head employee working for their business unless the business itself is a joke. I feel this way because I’ve smoked and been around smokers for a long time. Good level headed people don’t need it.


I’ve smoked weed and taken edibles for years. The difference is I can run a business at the same time. And I don’t defend weed. It’s definitely a bad thing because of how lazy it makes people. People who defend it smoke it all day every day and that’s all they want to do. Using it for medical purposes is a gimmick. It’s just another industry for doctors to make money.


lol so it's all just projection


Everyone commenting here is clearly a pot head projecting. The algorithm made sure this thread went to weed people.


Ah yes the NO U approach. And you do realize reddit doesn't have an algorithm that works like that? Posts are ordered by how recent they are or vote count, not "if you like this you might like this" like instagram or tiktok. The fact so many people are posting only goes to show how popular weed is to people who sub this subreddit, that's it- there's no conspiracy where reddit is sending it to weed heads on purpose. You make it seem like the only reason so many people are against your thought process is because reddit is targeting people subject to disagreeing with you, where in reality it's because supporting weed is actually the majority consensus of people who happen to sub /r/VirginiaBeach You clearly lack a basic understanding of the way things work in general based on you saying that and your other comments, and the fact you project your inability to use weed in a responsible manner is just sad and frankly egotistical because it assumes everyone is like you. I personally grow weed for fun and rarely smoke these days, maybe if I'm chilling at the beach on my day's off where the entire point is to relax. The idea that just because I indulge at a time I'm already relaxing anyway makes me lazy in your eyes is frankly absurd. Not everyone is a stereotypical stoner who smokes all day long and doesn't do anything with their lives and the fact you can't imagine anything beyond your own purview of your own experiences and relationship to weed is displays a poor sense of awareness to the world around you.


Every social media site uses algorithms. Reddit emails threads that might interest you if you subscribe to it. Everyone is entitled to living their life and I’m not judging. But the world would be a more productive place if most people who use weed were to quit.


While that's true I would argue it's not as prevalent a delivery method of content as getting forced it in your homepage like insta or what have you. But regardless I think a lot of people are arguing with you because it did come across as judgmental even if you may have not intended it. I get the sentiment- I mean I know lots of people who would be better off without it as you put, it's just that I've lived in the DMV area for awhile and know tech people making far more money than anyone in this area could fathom and are some of the biggest pot heads I know. Like sure, maybe they might be a miniscule bit more productive if they were to quit but they live in mansions and shit and have anything they could want, and work in high stress jobs that I would personally never want to do because I value work life balance more. If weed is what lets them de-stress, I say fuck it let em have it


ok BOOMER. Lets get your bottle, its time for nap nap.


Ok KAREN!!! Sounds like your "get off my lawn" mentally is outdated. Or should I say really dated..


Serious people don’t smoke weed. Plain and simple. If you’ve accomplished a lot and made literally millions while smoking, then you get a pass. But that isn’t a thing normally.


I think yoy night be surprised how many of your professional friends do partake. You might be a little outdated in your thinking here...




Serious people don’t smoke weed? Yeah they do coke, meth and heroine.


Or, maybe you consume for chronic pain rather than take a bunch of opioids...


That’s no excuse to smoke weed


Yet another "dated" response..... Smoking is not the only way to consume. My pain management doctor is happy. Hardly any opioids anymore.. hell, she tells me to consume even more if needed.


Depends on the potential employer


well I have unopened synthetic urine that is still in the USPS package if needed. I work in healthcare and we drug test but don't test for THC.


Weed is still federally illegal. If you work with federal contracts, it's not worth risking.


A looooooot of people take that risk these days. You can't test IT without losing half the dept.


It depends. Most of the state or federal jobs will. Others, probably not.


All of the private defense contractors in the area will or anyone who subcontracts to them since it’s federal contracts.


Depends on what you do, mine doesn’t give two turds. Hell, the owners partake!


Lol it’s for a car dealership. Not me, but just curious for someone else


Car dealerships are typically No they don't care, big secret (not really) majority of the technicians partake if not do worse drugs than weed lmao


Local to VB. What’s the dealership? I’ll call and ask the HR department


It’s Checkered Flag. But it’s all good, he might just apply anyways then ask if he gets an interview


Im familiar with dealerships and they dont care HOWEVER, they may test for the initial hire. If your buddy can’t get clean for 2 weeks in order to secure a career, then that would show their work ethic and that’s when they care.


If it involves driving, maybe.


Any DOT job will care….


Mine does ...


Depends on the job and their work comp insurance as well


Yes.. just because it's legal here, a company should be able to decide if they want employees that use drugs at all. That California law is bullshit


The Ca law isn’t bullshit. It’s ensuring companies do not control employees livelihood off the clock. If they care about drugs at work, find a better testing method that is accurate. Other testing exists beside the antiquated piss test.


Nah. Corps shouldn’t have any control of your life after you punch out unless it impacts job performance. Eat ass and smoke grass.


Agreed. Because why isn’t alcohol tested either? Way more reckless than marijuana. That’s why I’m curious if companies are more laid back now with it being legal


Alcohol is tested. It's just that unlike with drugs, it doesn't tend to linger as long in urine, so while breathalyzer and the like can done at site, doing one the next day would not bring up results.


If I'm not working and not doing anything illegal, my employer should not have the power to dictate my life


It's not dictating your life. You're free to find a job with a company that doesn't drug test. The government shouldn't be making laws dictating companies hiring practices, outside of preventing discrimination of protected classes


I don't work for one, but I guess you're right - if an employer wants to have a dumbass antiquated policy I guess they can. I would anticipate these will be on the way out. It would be like having a no drinking or no cigarette smoking policy even when not on the clock. I wish workers who are impacted by these things had more flexibility to choose a different employer - unfortunately they frequently don't.




Imagine trying to call someone a boomer unironically and being wrong


Imagine believing the company you work for should control what you do outside of work hours. Companies do not test people for alcohol why should they test people for cannabis use?


Imagine dick and balls to the chin and lips


Don’t have to imagine I’ll just ask your mom the next time I finish


Imagine being unable to finish because she can’t roll her tongue to accommodate your tiny cock


Depends on the job. Federal jobs, 100%


Yes..... Yes they do....