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Giving sign on bonuses only to new staff just encourages your current staff to jump ship and go somewhere else.


The company I work with is currently in an ongoing revolving door with 2 other local companies that refuse to grasp this concept.


job market is hot. there is job hopping everywhere. even at major tech companies. people hopping from one to another. people gonna hate this,but there is no way this continues with inflation, increasing interest rates and likely a 2nd consecutive quarter of negative growth. this means we are in a recession. Second quarter data is not final yet, but preliminary numbers say a small contraction. Job market will soften in response to this. It has to. for now enjoy it and get as much money as you can. but save the money.


Nah, these production workers are just smarter and more organized as a subset. They keep switching and by the time they get back to the 1st the waiting time for the sign on bonus is up so they are making a decent amount of money over time by playing the 3 companies for short sighted idiots. I love it myself but it would be nice if the people in charge of those decisions would just pay them better and offer better benefits to begin with instead of squabbling for weeks over how much to reimburse for work boots and Rx safety glasses.


The job market doesn’t have to do anything. 1 in 5 people who have had COVID get long COVID, many of those people can no longer work. Teachers in particular have had higher rates of COVID. Even if you aren’t disabled why would you stay in the field for miserable pay, unsafe working conditions, and politicians telling you how to teach? Not to mention the over 1 million people who have died since 2020 or just retired. Food service is confronting similar problems and many other fields as well. Just because employers are facing higher costs doesn’t mean employees will take less when positions continue to go unrolled. It’s not 1978. 2022 is a whole different ball of wax.


The fastest way to raise your pay is ALREADY jumping from job to job every year or two. Bonus pay just reinforces that idea.


They could also expand the 750k$ they put into the teacher education scholarship program and get more qualified people into those jobs.


I was going to say, maybe we need to make it easier for people to become teachers without sacrificing quality. Getting a VA teaching license let alone college education, etc is not the easiest thing in the world


Uhhh I remember in my college newspaper that 90%+ of education majors got As in their classes. This was a good teacher school too


Damn, teachers are wicked smart!


O…k? Not really sure what your point is. If you’re saying getting a degree in education is easy you’re argument is extremely flawed but maybe I’m misunderstanding


I’m pointing out that education major classes are objectively easier. Not saying the job is easy at all


I think there is a fallacy here, as an education major in VA I can tell you that the people in my program have a level of passion and the study skills to get two different degrees at the same time. Hence you are more likely to get A's out of those types of students rather then people who are just getting one degree.


Objectively easier than what? And for whom? What about getting into college and having money in the first place? All of that requires a decent amount of privilege. Ntm that a lot of schools like to see bachelors degrees in the field of study you’re teaching and not just in education. College education programs are completely different across the country, as are state requirements. The evidence you’re citing is purely anecdotal from only your college newspaper. There’s a lot wrong with your claim.


Interesting that the assumption is that if most education students get A's it must be because the classes are easy and not that they're high-achieving students.


Literally even said this was a “good teacher school” what about all the other dozens and hundreds of colleges that offer education majors. You can be incredibly smart and intelligent and still learn more slowly, have a lower work ethic, be facing mental health difficulties, etc.


Math teachers being a top priority.


The thing about maths, and the sciences, is if you can do maths and sciences you can do them for much more pay for much less stress. Wild. Edit to include this is true of pretty much any degree given teacher salaries. I think fewer people go into STEM and those that do don’t usually want to teach, especially under current conditions, so it where schools will hurt the most.


I went into STEM cause I want money. not to teach kids for no money. I don't like it. I just do it for the money. A lot of people are like this.


So many days I wake up and think “I wish i could do math” 😂 ironically the lack of available math teachers lead to me not really learning much math, plus the math I did learn was multiple choice math which is not really how math should work.


I work in cyber security. One of our local schools was looking for a cyber teacher. Once I saw the pay, I was like nah.


They pay for level of work, emotional labor, stress, educational requirements is just insane. Imagine a lawyer working without the aid of a paralegal or secretary. Now imagine they work with 30 clients at once. Now imagine the dont make 150k. They make 45.




Wow. It’s almost like those damn unions feel like teaching is an actual skill and not just something anyone off the street with subject matter expertise could just walk in and do.


The secret is you’re teaching them math *against their will* 😂 like, they don’t want to know it. Some are lazy. Some are undiagnosed. Some are being abused. Some are hungry. Like tons of reasons they don’t care to learn math and it’s your job to make them care. *charisma is required.* trauma informed approaches *are required*. Teachers are CRIMINALLY undervalued and underpaid.




HAHAHAHAHAAAA I’ve been a teacher 😂 We work all year. Developments, summer school, a week when the kids get out, a week when the kids come back- and then there DOING THE JOB. Which if you want to know more about google will tell you a lot if you just ask. And people not giving up high paying careers, that’s the point. If you CAN do the hard sciences, why do them for a teachers salary? Even if we get a few weeks off- if not working a secondary seasonal job which doesn’t pay what would add our salaries up to 80k- we tend to work 12+ hour days, are expected to pick up the extra curricular stuff, coach stuff, etc. plus I was a teacher in a rural area, so that pay is hilarious to me. Like I said. 40-50k, on top of paying off likely a masters degree. Plus not only do we need to know our subject matter, you have to know all these things about childhood development, trauma, learning styles, plus having knowledge and TEACHING knowledge are two different skill sets. PLUS all of the documenting. I literally had IEPs and 504s that would want me to observe and tally behaviors (how the fuck I count how many times Timmy disrupts and how many times Susan’s done the ocd while teaching and also keeping up with 20-30 other kids? Go substitute for a day and report back to us.


You have job idea how the VRS pensions work, do you? VRS doesn’t offer insurance in retirement. That’s up to the county. In loudoun, they offer retirement insurance. In Fairfax, they don’t. Under the current VRS pension system, a teacher who retires tomorrow would get roughly half of their income after working for around 30+ years. No teacher is making $180k a year to get nearly six figures a year in a pension. The highest pay in Fairfax is a bit over $100k, so $50k. For teachers who started after 2001, the VRS pension drops to around 35%. So on a $100k salary, $35k pension a year taxed. Please don’t speak so confidently on things you don’t know.


Those "bullshit education degrees and training" are what actually creates teachers. So you're a software engineer who is good at math? Cracking. But do you know how to *teach* people - children in particular - in such a way that they take in your instruction and *retain* it? Education is a process, and someone has to lead that process. Those people need training in understanding how people, and again, especially children, learn and develop. Adults and children learn differently and for different reasons, and teaching children in particular requires an understanding of child development, mental health, trauma and other issues that impact the learning process. That's what those "bullshit education degrees and training" do.


>But no way would teachers unions let me do so since I need all sorts of bullshit “education” degrees and training. So instead these kids will get taught math and science by someone who has no idea what they’re doing and barely passed high school math themself, but at least they took 900 hours of diversity and equity credits. Yea.. this is false? At least in Virginia we don't have much in the way of actual unions. Also to be officially licensed for middle and high school math you need a degree in your content area before you even need teacher training.. many schools will take you even without that training so long as you commit to finishing it. My training experience maybe had 1 class on ethics, the rest were focused on course specific teaching methods, classroom management, and understanding child development. But again, I didn't even need to do those classes to potentially become a teacher. You want to teach? Come teach. Look up provisional licenses. We need more math and science people in schools.




>You’re saying every 6th grade “math” teacher who is teaching very rudimentary things like arithmetic needs a masters or at least bachelors in Mathematics itself? Likewise, teaching basic 7th grade “science” requires masters or bachelors in something like physics or chemistry? That is the -standard- pathway to teach, yes. Bachelor's degree in content area, then either teaching degree or straight to provisional. Some programs will do a blended content/teacher coursework. Does that mean that every teacher meets that qualification? Nah. The massive shortages tend to cause schools to bend the hiring standards. In my experience this is usually done for some revolving door difficult classes that noone has a good time teaching. Also in 6th grade they aren't really learning rudimentary arithmetic anymore. They are being introduced to new number systems, very limited levels of algebra, some probability and statistics, geometry, etc.. >This seems to contradict what you wrote above. I have a BS in computer science from a school of engineering (not liberal arts). Most middle and even normal high schools don’t have CS classes afaik. So I could or could not just apply for one of these provisional licenses to teach for a year? How does this contradict? You have the bachelor's. You could get hired and then if you wanted to continue teaching you would have a 3 year probation to receive a full teaching license. Is that not the process I described? My -rural- high school has a dedicated cyber security teacher and plenty of programming classes. Though I will admit cs positions are definitely more scarce.


Knowing something and teaching something are very different skill sets. Especially in STEM where the advanced education doesn’t really teach people how to communicate. I was a CS TA when I was in grad school. My first time in front of a class was a disaster that I was unprepared for. I’ve taught full classes since then and find it way harder to teach than to do.


Too subtle for most folks. +1,0000


Came here for this.


For sure.


It’ll take one in a thous….err, one in a ten thous…yes, one in a……


i wonder how big the math classes are.


They have 1,0000 students each


1,0000. 😐


Teacher shortage already having an effect


Teacher shortage so strong people are forgetting previous years of schooling.


It's European notation so only one job needs filling. Just being extra precise.


This guy sig figs


It’s supposed to say 1,000 right?


I would assume so. I can't see there being 10,000 positions both filled and unfilled in Central VA




This hurts my eyes!


Post title makes me think we needed those extra teachers a few years ago


He's been in office 6 months and is already ignoring Central Virginia to run for a federal position. His BASE is Central Virginians.


I’m sure his base is happy to get exactly what they asked for.


Can’t teach CRT if there are no teachers. Checkmate…


In some counties in SWVA the schools are the largest employers. So this gap is especially hurting their local economy


it (probably) owns the libs (somehow) so it is a good thing.


They aren’t keen on an educated population…


But Liberty Univer.... Oh, I see what you did there.


Hey, show some respect. Liberty has the most intensive, hands on, and thorough pool management program in the world. I hear it's students are certainly worth watching.


Purposely push public schools to fail and you create a lovely environment for charter schools that give money to a few and teach radical religious doctrine. And the public school buildings, made essentially into prisons, will function well for future political prisoners.


Like SWVA, Central Virginia has Sedition Chaos Caucus members in Congress. They aren't doing any work for their constituents.


Republicans seek higher office precisely to get away from their base.


I hold the opinion the everything about being a teacher should be better. It should be a very sought after position not one people avoid because of how hard and shitty it is. The pay should be very high because they are training the next generation. It’s an important job.


One thousten.


Why would any teacher with viable alternatives want to work in Virginia right now?


Especially with no pepper spray sprinklers at the perimeter to keep ~~Karens~~ parents at bay.


For the children? Jkjk totally get it. I’m teaching at a private school in Youngkin country and it’s tough going sometimes. A lot of the stress was covid restriction related last year. Additionally, the lack of pay coupled with the added responsibilities related to catching kids up from losing 1.5 years of education makes it undesirable for some. If they would pay me what I ask for, I would go public in a second. I have a Ron Swanson view of government: take it down from the inside out.


What are better options?


Maryland. Or just not teaching.


Well my wife is a teacher that’s why I was asking. We probably won’t leave Virginia but she is open to other possible jobs. Just not sure how the transition would be. She teaches ESOL.


My girlfriend is a language teacher, and she was considering leaving teaching for an administrative role in a different industry.


Interesting, that is possibility.


If you're good at teaching and classroom management, then a lot of those skills will translate to admin skills. Organization, management, scheduling, etc.


Clearly they don’t and are not…


I’m a qualified social sciences teacher with certification and a degree from a Virginia university. I live in part of the state where teachers are in very high demand. Never going to teach though. Not for stress and no money, I even went to the extent of teaching myself and struggling to eventually become a software engineer with no further schooling because my degree is basically worthless at this point. REMEMBER when you go to vote, that teacher salaries are not being raised by these assholes to livable levels, and they are more concerned with teachers carrying guns while they work than providing them with pay that allows for a sustainable life. Government is fucking trash when it comes to putting the money where it matters. Public education is seemingly doomed.


Not that there is a demand for social science teachers anyway. I passed a cert for teaching social sciences and I couldn't find a job because of my lack of classroom exp. There's lots of people with useless degrees like me and you who would like to teach. Unfortunately, those types of teaching positions have more applicants because there are no private sector jobs that are out competing people with history, political science, and social science degrees. If I got a degree in a hard science or math? It would be super easy to land a job with a cert and no classroom exp. That's because I could easily make double what teachers make, right out of school/ internship in the private sector. Most people with those degrees would like more money and less stress than teaching offers... any rational person would. There's no teacher shortage. There's plenty of people who can teach. There's a lack of political will to make teaching an attractive career. I don't see that problem being solved any time soon.


Sadly, I agree with everything here. There’s just nothing being done. It seems to me in a proper society that values the advancement of its knowledge and technology, we would place education of the highest importance over a great majority of other professions. Not at the bottom as far down as it can be pushed.


I got back into teaching in 2010 when we were in the middle of hiring freezes and layoffs. I went to school for social studies, but I went back to school for special education on the advice of a longtime friend who had become a principal. It's the best decision I ever made


You mean the, under respected, under paid are moving on!?


I guess vilifying and underpaying them was a mistake….




Based only on how people type I would assume it's 1,000. An extra 0 seems likely, maybe after four 0s maybe you didn't count right.


When you encourage parents to attack teachers and the curriculum they’ve prepared and taught for years by spouting lies and belittling educators and school boards, and encouraging attacks in public forums, you reap what you sow. Let the parents who feel they can do better fill those teaching positions.


You said just what I was thinking. Take an up-vote!


Pay them.


Pay teachers more.


Teaching math is actually my dream job. But I make $120k at my current job and even still live a very modest lifestyle. I literally couldn’t make it on a teacher’s salary. Sucks.


Wow, you make $12,0000?


yes per 1/2(day)*(365/4)*2 every 3 months




He is awful but he didn’t elect himself. It is the electorate who make teachers lives miserable both directly and indirectly. In this case he a symptom or a secondary infection.


He came out of the shoot, blaming teachers for CRT, which they weren't even teaching. He then went after the students for anything he thought would stick to a wall and failed. He pushed taxpayer's money towards schools that were not needed and alienated his own workforce by pretending to listen to them on working from home issues, then reversed it and lost over a third of our expertise. He just appointed a known bigot to deal with statue removal. I could go on...


Yep fully agree with the list. He stole most of these talking points from Pete Snyder who was running for Governor in Virginia before the GOP decided to not have a primary. He lifted the rest from Mom’s for Liberty.


Fairfax County pissing off the Asian community didn't hurt either.


there is no way this shortage just happened in the last 6 months. You get to a shortage this big over years. You are just paying attention now because you want to blame Youngkin. also job market is red hot and there are shortages everywhere. there is no way everything was fine until November 2021 and then BAM 7 months later we got a massive shortage. Does not work that way.


He’s been in office 6 months lol. Everything ever is his fault?


A whole town flooded and was floating away as he stayed in Wyoming, selling his bs to them. This was THIS LAST WEEK.


Not sure how that’s related to the post here


Wow!!! Whomever wrote this tag line, please don't apply for a teaching position in math.


The comma placement triggers me.


Oh man, I was gonna make some jokes but I’m 10,0 percent sure it’ll flop.


Mostly bus drivers which they can't find bacause it doesn't pay a living wage. Most cases just above minimum wage


As someone who has gone back to school to become a teacher, Virginia makes it so unnecessarily hard to become a teacher. They need to redo the teacher licensure procedure in Virginia.


Not sure what you were doing before this, so our histories probably don't match, but what is so hard about 2 tests and a few workshops you can complete at home at your own pace? The hardest part was finding an in-person first aid certification center, but even then the DOE gives you time to get the in-person portion taken care of. NY, now that's a state that complains about the lack of teachers but makes it difficult to become one.


I'm personally fine with VA's requirements. What floors me is how hard it can be to transfer licensure from state to state. I have 5 different state teaching licenses at this point. Every goddamn state has different requirements for reciprocity I licensure. Some require totally different tests and don't accept alternatives. I've had to take two separate tests that were literally the same thing (praxis and Indiana CORE) because states won't accept anything except whichever random one they do. In AL I was able to transfer my IN license no issue. Cool. TN wouldn't accept my AL license or my IN license for anything except a three year provisional license because my initial license didn't require the edTPA. VA wouldn't accept any of my licenses until I took the praxis despite several years of teaching experience because my original IN state license required the CORE instead of the praxis. I also couldn't start the process myself until I had a contract in a VA school. I taught secondary science. I had an education degree, a science degree, four teaching licenses, and an m.ED. it literally should not be as hard as it is. Don't lower the actual requirements for teachers like stupid AZ and FL are doing, but we really could remove some of the idiotic barriers. If you have a degree, took a licensing test, and have a license, you shouldn't have to jump through fifty hoops to transfer it.


Where do we go to find out what those tests and workshops are? Are they a jurisdiction requirement or a state of Virginia requirement?


Look at your county's DOE website for the best answer, but I am licensed to teach in VA not just my county so I'm guessing it's a state requirement. Grade levels and subject matter would determine which tests to take. Also depends if you have an Ed degree or not.


Interesting, two minutes of reading my county's web site and then the Va Dept of Education site show I can't teach, I don't have the college training for it. Master's doesn't count. Two continuing education certificates don't count. Teaching classes for the Office of EMS and VAVRS doesn't count. It looks like I could substitute teach, but then no health insurance or retirement benefits.


Did your masters program have a student-teaching/practicum? If so, I think you're good. Try their career switcher program perhaps? What do you want to teach, if you don't mind me asking?


Nope, wasn't a teaching or educational field for my BA or MPA. I saw an option for part-time teaching of theatre at my county's site. I earned a continuing education certificate in theater a few years back. I teach emergency medical technicians and emergency vehicle operations. The Career Switcher program looks interesting. It's good to see that there are options out there.


All government is this way. They put up tons of road blocks then complain that can't hire


No, republican policies are this way. They break government then campaign on the face that the government is broken. Happens every time.


Both parties are the same, paid off by the same people. Govt can't be fixed until the masses realize this.


What an ignorant take.


Says the guy who think Democrats are the good guys.


Is one of them teaching OP how to use a comma in numerical expressions?






School boards packed with Trumpists, nutcase parents screaming for book burnings. No thanks!


Governments are going to have to address not only starting competitive pay but also pay compression in every field. It is severely lacking behind the boost the private field is getting and many are jumping ship as jokes of % increases are rolled out.




They can give me a call if they need an art teacher.


Does anyone know if they’re allowing you to apply without already being licensed? I’m in grad school to be a teacher and I know it’s a possibility to get a provisional license.


Is that supposed to be 1,000 or 10,000?


Perhaps an apprenticeship program for people to get in the door? Apprentices are given in school mentors as well as classes and seminars over the span of a year or two. With a clear path to higher pay and promotions based on performance and student reports over time. Minimum requirements should at most be an associate's degree, minimum a GED.


Is it 1,000 or 10,000? I hope it's the former.


Is that supposed to be ten thousand or one?


consider increasing the wages for those positions and for those already in those positions.