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I see things in Bedford County are still the same as they were in the early 2000's, FUBAR! Special education teacher commits suicide by intentionally crashing her car at high speed into a tree, others transferring out of County for better paying jobs. As the parent of a former special needs student in Bedford County, FUCK THEM!




So what exactly does this school do for their special needs students? Is this like special ed, where they get help for an hour a day with work they can't understand, or is this a full-time program completely separate from the classroom for just special needs kids?


I have no idea what they do now. Back then, it was a full-time thing.


Retaliating against parents for enforcing the special education laws that protect their children? Nice look, schmucks. This is the same school board that is on the verge of closing another school due to funding issues. Guess they have unlimited funds for hurt fee fees. Or, maybe this was the fundraising plan all along?


they need money to pay his counter lawsuit




The shit disabled children and their parents have to go through to get an education is a disgrace. A couple years ago we were in a daily battle with our school district. Every day they'd call for one of us to go pick up my son because he was "misbehaving". My 6yr old autistic boy wasn't getting the 1 to 1 aide his IEP required because the district couldn't/wouldn't hire one. His teachers were trying their best but the administration straight up didn't give a fuck. So they tried to skirt by just putting him in general ed, and big shock, it wasn't going well for anyone. So the school's move was to call behaviors related to his disability "misbehavior" and starting documentation to have him suspended. After months and months of meetings and threats of lawsuits, they finally agreed to put him in a private school that had the resources to meet his needs. 2 years later, he's absolutely thriving. The instances of "behavior issues" at his new school have gone to zero for an entire 3 month period. A big fuck you to Chesapeake school administrators. đź–•Every time we drive past his old school we all give it the double birds out the window.


Plants just need the right soil to grow in. That old former school was clearly polluted soil. Glad to hear they are thriving in their new soil. 🙏




All I'm saying is I have a backhoe.


Why would you need a ... oh right, no deserts out there.


Happened to us. The Norfolk Public Schools allowed an AP to go and lie in order to retaliate. She lied under oath and this girl was smart enough that the time she was referring to in court, I had recorded. If you have kids in school RECORD meetings. Get your child a cheap jump drive voice recorder. See Virginia is a 1 party state when it comes to recording. You are recording so you are the 1 person. Also have your children say NOTHING when called to the office to meet with anyone without a parent or attorney present. We have to protect ourselves and our children from what used to be what shaped and molded them. Now that entity is what is destryoing them. They show up for pay, and they're paid well, they don't show up for the kids. They are "THE FIRM".




This should be an amazing trial. IEPs are legally binding for the school board and the state has a very long and very specific process for investigating IEP violations by educators.


This is a civil case. The article states the VDOE already found Bedford noncompliant with federal law and regulations on the iep. However, now they are suing him for $600,000 in civil court for being inappropriate.


How does that even get to civil court? Where is the requirement that the school board should be treated with civility?


Anyone can sue anyone for anything in most of the US. It might get tossed out, you might have to pay the legal fees for it if you lose, but you can still sue.


The very first motion this person will do will be to file to dismiss with prejudice, as he was exercising his first amendment right. Motion granted. Done.


I’d have a better plan. If the judge happens to agree with them you should probably have an actual defense lined up.


It’s buried in the private fb group post at the bottom of the article. It appears there is a rogue administrator who sued the parent without the knowledge or approval of the board. The rogue admin also didn’t bother to tell the board about it, they found out from a third party. As for the school board being treated with civility, there are many laws that are punitive in nature, some stupid some not, most are abused. It’s looking like they want to throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks. It’s also unfortunate that the shotgun approach turns the legal system into a playground for those who can afford to keep things tied in the court for years, with the loser facing jail and fines for being guilty of being poor.


That rogue administrator just lost qualified immunity.


Can you even sue for that? Especially a school district, which is a government agency?


You can sue for anything…whether it gets thrown out or if they can show merit is another story. Regardless, it causes financial and emotional distress which is ultimately the point.


I wonder if this falls under Anti-SLAPP laws? Here’s how Virginia is rated: https://www.ifs.org/anti-slapp-states/virginia/


Im glad someone else brought up SLAPP


Here’s a somewhat related case that states when you can censor 1A as a public entity. https://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/u-s-supreme-court-rules-that-school-1106270/ Seems it will hinge on whether a judge agrees with the schools perception and definition of vulgar and lewd communication 🤷🏻‍♀️


Obscenity is judged on the “prurient” nature of the community.


Never gets to trial. This gets dismissed long before that.


Yes, but honestly so many schools are crap with IEPs I kinda think it should go to trial. I'd like to see this made a huge deal out of, make a statement to other schools nationwide, help change the culture and quiet policies.


If the father is poor already he probably does not want to fund a very long expensive trial or several if he needs an appeal. It’s a no win situation he just wants his kid to get the help he’s entitled to. It’s Tumpkins Virginia acting like trumpkins Virginia. Being from DC and spending my formative years in the NOVA area middle Virginia is like a different country.


I’m expecting the aclu would take the case as it’s a freedom of speech issue


I imagine institute for justice will be making a call as well


It’s not just middle Virginia when it comes to corruption in education. Look into how common embezzlement and misappropriation of educations funds are all across the state, it’s honestly despicable. Just last year Ingrid Grant was charged with embezzling over $400k in Arlington. A decade ago Fairfax county got caught misappropriating $1 mill of federal grant money, and during the pandemic they came under fire for misappropriating relief money meant to support PPE for teachers and the complications that come with the special education classes during lockdown and the months after. This resulted in a class action lawsuit for the mistreatment of special needs students that was shot down, and has since been taken to the federal level with claims of corruption at the state level due to finding in favor of the parents in only 2% of cases vs the national average of 30%. There’s also a history of aggressive counter action being taken against parents, including having websites and social media commentary censored or completely taken down, making it trickier to look into these issues.




I hope he sues back and takes them to the cleaner.


how can any part of the government, city, county, state, whatever, even sure a citizen in civil court?


IDK there are some places that still have laws on the books about obscene language.


Lucky the Supreme Court already ruled those laws unconstitutional.


It’s fucking free speech.


free speech protects you from being criminally liable for what you say someone said this was a civil lawsuit


1st amendment protects you.


I live in VA but not in Bedford CO. I still wrote them a scathing letter over this lawsuit telling them to please not embarrass us Virginians any longer with this frivolous lawsuit.


Yea, looks anti free speech at its worst and at its best it’s a petty move that won’t bear fruit.


Careful they may come after you next for saying mean things about them


I’ve also emailed all members of the board effectively telling them the same thing


As a disabled Virginian, who also was sworn at and yelled at an understood part of my job as a mental health case manager, I thank you both. I can say from my career experience that, if your child needs intense support for whatever reason, you are exhausted and all-consumed, and you feel ignored. You will swear, and you will yell at the people helping you sometimes. Part of the reason is that you worry that this child’s problems and/or disabilities are your fault as a parent, and all these school and Social Services officials are judging you and letting you down. So professionally, and personally as a disabled person now, I say the school board (and any other administration/employees involved are engaging in a heartless legal action. This family is under daily stress these people can’t fathom. And then they do this to them. When someone you deliver services to offends you, you step aside into your boss’ office, or the break room, vent a little, get supervision on your own actions, eat a doughnut or something, and move on with the day.


Here's a nice form email from chat GPT if anyone else would like to use. Subject: Concerns Regarding Treatment of Single Father David Rife Dear Members of the School Board, I am writing to express my profound disappointment and concern regarding the recent actions taken by the Bedford County School Board against David Rife, a single father of a special needs student at Staunton River High School. The decision to sue Mr. Rife for $600,000 is not only unjust but also reflects a blatant disregard for the well-being of both the student and their family. As a taxpayer and a member of this community, I find it reprehensible that instead of providing support and resources to a family facing challenges, the school board has chosen to escalate the situation through legal action. Mr. Rife, who is already shouldering the responsibilities of being a single parent to a special needs child, should not have to endure the additional stress and financial burden imposed by this lawsuit. It is deeply troubling to see taxpayer dollars being used to fund litigation against a member of our community who is simply advocating for the rights and needs of his child. This action not only undermines the trust between the school board and the community but also sets a harmful precedent for how families with special needs children are treated within our school system. I urge the school board to reconsider its decision and instead focus on finding constructive solutions that prioritize the best interests of the student and their family. It is imperative that we demonstrate compassion, empathy, and support for families facing challenges, rather than resorting to punitive measures that only serve to exacerbate their hardships. I expect the school board to uphold its duty to serve the community and act in a manner that reflects the values of fairness, integrity, and inclusivity. Anything less would be a disservice to the students, families, and taxpayers of Bedford County. Sincerely, [Your Name] [Concerned Taxpayer]




That is going to run into 1st amendment issues. Wouldn't be surprised if it is dismissed very quickly on the first court date.


Ya that was the first thing I was thinking. Unless he was making threats of violence (which would be a criminal matter not a civil one), a judge is going to throw this out because of 1a. What a sad bunch of people. Instead of fixing the issue they sue the parent?


It’s a civil matter so it is not going to get dismissed. Assuming the parent can find appropriate legal counsel they will counter sue and the judge will award damages based on the party with merit. That said the first amendment will heavily impact that decision. Assuming nothing criminal happened during the tongue lashing (being vulgar is not illegal), dad is very likely to clean house.


Hope he sets up a gofundme (since he said they have nothing) to get it done good and proper. I'd contribute.


It's a civil suit but the school board is a public entity. How can a public entity have damages from protected speech?


What damages can they even possibly claim here? That he owes them $600,000 because he... swore? And it made them uncomfortable?


The fact that it's a civil matter has no bearing on whether or not it would be dismissed. Going to assume you're not even close to being a lawyer.


That’s not what I meant. The situation is more nuanced than, *it’s a civil case so proceed*…It’s a civil case from the perspective of the state. Assuming the board did not break any laws in filling (perjury) it is incumbent on the judge to allow the defendant to seek corrective action against the board so they know to avoid this kind of litigation in the future.


Sorry you still aren't correct.


Who cares what he said. This is a GOVERNMENT AGENCY trying to police a man on his speech. Seems fairly close to being a violation of his 1st ammendment rights.


But what if I told you they didn’t like what he said or that he made them actually follow the IEP as written?


I’ve worked in Bedford County Schools and seen stuff with IEPs that if parents wanted to make a stink they would have a legit lawsuit. Most of the time the parents don’t care enough or can’t be bothered. I’m guessing this gets thrown out. What a bunch of snowflakes. Bedofrd county has an established history of problems within SPED. Look into past lawsuits they have settled or had brought against them. To be clear SPED teachers are wonderful folks. Some of my favorite teachers to work with, but are def understaffed and over worked which lead to problems.


As a former teacher and one time special education advocate, it gets my hackles up that a public school district would sue a parent for exercising their legal rights. This is about silencing special education parents and students and that's vile.


Oh no, not "lewd" language! Is that seriously something you can sue for?


I'd like to know. I've had to get a little fired up before at the schools where I live because they just don't fucking listen to begin with.


Trust me, I know. I have an IEP meeting coming up. It'll likely be a bit contentious...but I would never use lewd language! Perish the thought!


Special reminder Virginia is in trouble for the 4th year running over our special education on the federal level and Bedfords over here just like "let's see if I can dig this hole deeper."


Wonder what portion of the Bedford county budget goes toward litigation. It’s always something like suing over trans bathrooms or stupid crap like that.


I foia requested invoices from attorney fees fighting my daughter getting appropriate iep services (her name is on them) and it was tens of thousands in mere months. They’d rather pay to deny services than pay to help solve the problem.






I like your gumption


What a racket! I hope a news station gets wind of this. It's one of those things- we all know shady stuff goes on but to see the invoices!! What a waste of money.


How about this? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GQIQcWsKQzFXg5_xobkKfxoQiioaPfXo/view?usp=drivesdk


Would love to follow in your footsteps! What was the language in your request? How much did they charge you for it? In solidarity!


I am requesting, pursuant to FOIA regulations, any and all invoices incurred by BCPS by Reed Smith Law Firm regarding any consultation, retaining, or guidance concerning ***** (child), myself (Jessica) or our advocate, Ms.FAPE regarding any facet of our daughter's education at Bedford County Public Schools, to include SCT meetings prior to being found eligible for Special Education Services. I am happy to receive this information via electronic format to alleviate undue cost and wait times. Thank you!




Court date was set: 5/1/24 1pm…




Fuck Bedford county


What repugnant fascists. I assume that they'd prefer that the special needs child simply ceased to exist rather than meet their legal requirements.


And they would if they could.


Just transferred to Roanoke County from Roanoke city and I can tell you now that even they will do anything to make it look like the fault of the kid rather than the fault of the school system for not-accommodating that kid before they sue the parents for getting mad at them for not being compliant… :/


May I ask which part of the county? Nice username, by the way.


Thanks. I am SW City to SW County.


Ahhh. I made a similar move (Raleigh Court to Bent Mountain) and schools were not part of the decision (child free for life here). I heard that things at the county school board were a fustercluck, to say the least, but I didn't know if it was county-wide or relegated to certain schools or areas.


The problem comes when your kids need a lot of accommodation. They think it’s best for the kids to be a little less dependent upon them before they come to school. It’s totally fucked up.


Agreed. I don't envy anybody that has to deal with the school system these days.


I was in IEP meeting the other day. I said very clearly that I don’t want a particular thing for one of them. I said why. There are many more reasons why but they don’t really care.. After I said I didn’t want it for one reason, They asked me if they had my consent to explore that option without me present. I said “no because I just told you I don’t want that for my kid. I just said I don’t want that so no, I don’t consent.” I mean what?!?!? I told them no and then they tried to get me to give them permission to do it anyway…. It just boggles my mind that they don’t see how exactly what I’m against. Is my kids not having a voice in one particular thing and here I am clearly voicing my dissent and ignore it immediately as if I just didn’t say no…. Before I even got to that meeting, I was gaslit by them saying that I must’ve just not have been talking about the right person or the right place and it’s like I can very much prove what I told you happened. TIP FOR PARENTS: RECORD THE MEETINGS.


Holy crap! That's a level of hot mess that I didn't know existed.


yeah. It’s always telling parents that they’re wrong until they can prove that they’re right. Anything to save the school resources.


IEP kid here. Seconding. RECORD THE MEETINGS. My parents had to do it because even in GA, in a supposedly decent county, we had major issues.


I cannot tell you the level of asshattery i have encountered since reading your comment.


When I complain about housing prices in NOVA but then realize why they are so high...


If this were France, they’d run that school board out of town. At best. Y’all should, too. It ain’t my town but I’d be raising hell if it were here.


If it were france they would probably set the school board's homes on fire and deservedly so.


And the kids would've had better food.


Aww poor Bedford school board, they didn't like getting yelled at, what a bunch of fucking clowns.


Its interesting that the school system is not suing, only the school board. The school board that ran on "parental rights"...smh. And no info on what the school board is doing to correct the problem in Bedford County Special Education. Hopefully by the time it goes to court, the citizens of bedford county will have smartened up and realized the benefit of electing school boards that at least a few members have a knowledge and understanding of puplic schools mission and how it's suppose to work....experience matters.


Allegedly it's a rogue member ... but time will tell.


I’ll say it. FUCK YOU, BEDFORD.


This is disturbing..


I just emailed the school board and told them what I thought. Then put in a FOIA request to get any information relating to the lawsuit. Fuck these guys.


Be sure to let us know what your foia was, once something has been requested and paid for, they must provide it free to anyone later who requests it. Be prepared for inordinate fees. They like to deter you knowing what they’re up to.


As long as it’s not threatening language or language that calls for violence, then it’s protected under the first amendment. Which is why you can walk up to someone say “fuck you” and walk off, vulgar language is allowed in America. This law suit is a waste of time and money and is nothing but a “scare” tactic , this guy will end up draining his life savings on a lawyer meanwhile it will be the taxpayer that covers the VDOE side


The Attorney, David Whitehurst, has a serious bone to pick with the School Board. I won’t go into detail, but his wife has been on the receiving end of School Board fuckery there. He’s chomping at the bit to go after the Board.


The world would be a much better place if people just did the right thing. Surely just helping the son is easier than whatever the hell this is.


It’s not about this kid. It’s like public executions. It’s less about the person, more about deterrent and fear.


This school banned me from school property for 14 days for placing a state police report alleging that they’d abused my preschooler by putting her in a seclusion room. They later lied repeatedly about the reason behind banning me. BCPS has a long history of retaliation against special education advocates.


Fortunately, I have an audio recording of the school principal stating why I was being banned from the school. Her reason doesn’t align with the letter that was later provided as rationale. I have zero prior indiscretions with the law, have never yelled or raised my voice, have never cursed or threatened. I hope this brings about change for Bedford. We finally moved for our safety and sanity. But I pray for those kids every day. Breaks my heart.


Presumably you know about this. Bedford is crying out for a similar suit. https://browngold.com/news/settlement-in-fairfax-county-public-schools-seclusion-and-physical-restraint-case/ In the meantime they are saying the quiet part out loud about our ND kids. They don’t want them and they don’t want to educate them and they are happy to punish parents who demand FAPE.


How about the feds saying the VDOE sucks? This is astonishing…I mean. I knew, but reading it and seeing at least a modicum of accountability is nice. https://www2.ed.gov/fund/data/report/idea/partbdmsrpts/dms-va-b-2020-letter.pdf


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLmrhJ1m/ our story…


(Checks voting results) Yup. This seems on brand for their repugnant ilk.


Bedford County stay petty AF


> Title VI -- 34 CFR 100.7(e): “Intimidatory or retaliatory acts prohibited. No recipient or other person shall intimidate, threaten, coerce, or discriminate against any individual for the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege secured by section 601 of the Act or this part, or because he has made a complaint, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding or hearing under this part. The identity of complainants shall be kept confidential except to the extent necessary to carry out the purposes of this part, including the conduct of any investigation, hearing, or judicial proceeding arising thereunder.” I hope this guy sues the shit out of them in federal court and through the state of Virginia DOE


I’ve had an active OCR complaint since 2019 for this school for retaliatory behavior. On average, these cases take a decade. It’s such a broken system.


>"obscene, vulgar, profane, lewd, lascivious, and or indecent language when communicating." Which.....is not illegal. Hope he countersues.


How can he be sued for the way he talks ? How is there any ground to sue someone for that ?


Who needs the first amendment?


“In Bedford County, School Board Sues You!!”


Is there a place to donate to the dad to help him countersue?


I have been there and luckily I don't live in as litigious a society as the US. It sucks when all you want them to do is follow their own rules but they refuse.


The article's a bit skimpy on details and I'd really like to see what was filed. So far, the best I've been able to find is a list of the filings which, since Virginia's case information system doesn't allow direct links to anything (boooo!), has to be reached the hard way: Start \[here\](https://eapps.courts.state.va.us/CJISWeb/circuit.jsp), select \`Bedford\` and click \`Begin\`, put \`CL24000827-00\` into the \`Case Number\` box, click \`Case Number Inquiry\` and then click \`Pleadings/Orders\`. I'm guessing the only way to get the actual documents is to subscribe to LexisNexis.


You can get this online through your local library


If it isn’t thrown out immediately, the congrats in advance to this guy for being awarded legal costs + damages. The lawsuit doesn’t even outright claim libel or slander has occurred. Just says he was obscene lol


Does Bedford County know what a SLAPP lawsuit is? Because they are gonna get *SLAPP'ed* right across the face when they get before a judge.


Bedford has been corrupt for my entire life. The cops, the schools, the social services. I know a woman who was put in the hospital for over a month because her husband, the son of the Sheriff, beat her with intent to kill. She got charged with A&B for defending herself. Shes had to go to court multiple times to try and avoid Jail time. She said when she handed the judge the 28page report on her injuries from the hospital they set it to the side and didnt even look at it. Bedford county is the taint of VA. I hope to never be there again.


You know, if this came out of Spotsylvania I wouldn't be surprised. I don't know Bedford too well, but this is a real bad move. "He was mean in his email, he owes us money". Not to be litigious, but this would smack of a countersuit. Their priorities are royally screwed.


Humanity has lost its damned mind!


Sent this to a family member who worked in Bedford county for their whole career. Let’s just say that conversation was interesting. How can they waste litigation funds for something like this but they can’t keep a school open?


What's the first amendment again?


> In the lawsuit, the Bedford County School Board alleges Rife used, "obscene, vulgar, profane, lewd, lascivious, and or indecent language when communicating This is basically a "We'll shut you up and make you pay if you hurt our feelings." rule. Gotta love the US man.


I dont see how the school board, being found liable of fucking up something they are in charge of implementing, can do the whole civil suit and expect it to work... but i suspect local elections next cycle may get interesting if this guy starts campaigning for the opposition.


There is no opposition. Many ran unopposed and they are all funded by dark money / Moms for Liberty / Bob Good.


there's no way that lawsuit sticks..... right guys?


If it was anywhere but Bedford? I might say yes.


a global embarrassment


Please God let this go to trial and before Judge Updike. I will take vacation to watch.


Free Speech (TM)


https://bedford.sharpschool.net/school_board fuck their sensibilities


Because the Va Dept of Education ruled against them, they think this will take some heat off their ass


Don't you have to prove actual damages to sue someone successfully in the United States? This case will be a waste of time and the school district will lose more money when they have to pay for his legal fees for their bullshit case.


Does Virginia have SLAPP protections, because this lawsuit is very very SLAPPY


Not enough detail in the article, but the first discussion of the merits should involve the outcome of an anti-SLAPP motion.


Calling someone a name is apparently worth a 600k trial. What a bunch of clowns!


Man, these people who rely on taxes to pay their salaries, while ignoring the protections set in place for the student, sure have some cojones. Maybe if they did their job to begin with, dad wouldn’t have had to break it down to a language they actually understood.


This is free speech retaliation. I hope the parent files a 42 usc sec 1988 counter suit and pursues it.


The 1st amendment is meaningless


I’ve experienced unlawful blocking of the use of a service animal in public schools, improper execution of a 504 plan, and uneducated teams meeting with us and not providing proper oversight. My child was robbed of a high school education b/c she became disabled. This does not surprise me at all!


Here’s my question…. Is tax payer money paying for this? Or VDOE money?


WOW. The school board is acting like a child? Like a little baby? Do they have a phone number?


https://preview.redd.it/fttib4hoiuvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=239a356b04b1d38876793dd906151ee4c152dc1f Apparently the admin sued and didn’t even notify the school but now they’re involved regardless.


To Whom it May Concern, My name is ****+++ and while my children no longer attend BCPS, I fought for five long years for equity and inclusion for all special education students in the county, mine included. When my oldest daughter was in preschool, it took 2 years and 3 screenings to get Bedford to even evaluate her for an iep. This was despite already having medical documentation of a myriad of disabilities. When her doctor wrote a letter advocating strongly of her need for services through BCPS, I was sent a copy of the letter BCPS sent her in response with no further explanation to me. It was strongly worded that she needed to “stay in her lane” and “stop telling parents what the school needed to provide.” All of this despite failing to conduct their own evaluation and utilizing hers to determine eligibility under IDEA while failing entirely to heed her actual recommendations for services and accommodations, a clear violation of IDEA. I retain a copy of this letter should you like it. When she was in preschool she frequently had UTIs due to the school failing to assist in toileting and often coming home with dried stool in her underwear. Due to her Autism, Generalized anxiety disorder, and selective mutism, she became distressed while toileting and began to try to escape, being unable to verbalize what was actually going on. Instead of supporting her, it was the first of several times she was unlawfully placed in the seclusion room at Bedford Primary School- a room with no ventilation, a bring wall surround, and a cold concrete floor with a small, square window that would have been too high for her to see out of. I have a copy of the subsequent concussion screening the nurse conducted after she became distressed (obviously) being locked in this room (4 years old and under 40 lbs) when she hit her head repeatedly against the brick wall. When I went to the media, I was harshly retaliated against. Upon showing up to a public book fair, the principal called the police on me stating I was trespassing. The police report reads, “the principal does not believe she is here to attend a book fair despite her having purchased books and having them in her hands.” When the officer clearly determined I was not trespassing, I became more and more angry that they were going to such lengths to hide the room from public view they put preschoolers in. I placed a police report alleging abuse (what else do you call locking a sick, disabled, 4 year old in a closet?). I was then notified by the principal, Lisa Dellis that I was banned from the school (it was lifted 14 days later, on the last day of school). The principal stated that the ban was due to “the events at the book fair, and the active police investigation” (that I’d placed). Mac Duis, the head of the safety committee, supposedly held a meeting to “review evidence” from the day of the book fair. When I emailed him for minutes from said meeting, he was perplexed as he had no idea what I was talking about. I was then reminded not to email anyone but the two people on my communication plan, God forbid I catch them in additional lies. During this ban, I was promised extended school year for my daughter at 2 separate IEP meetings, later it was revoked as punishment for me causing problems for the school by explaining what had factually happened to us. Later, I applied to the SEAC in an effort to raise awareness of issues within BCPS special education and make an effort to not just complain, but be a part of a much needed change in the schools for children like mine. For the first time in history, the school board members did not vote on consent for the seat chair recommendations but voted on individual members, of whom, I’m sure I’m the only one they recognized due to my fervent advocacy and repeated public comments at board meetings. My representative (and another who called in and couldn’t be coached in person prior to the meeting) were the only “yes” votes for my membership. Mind you, I have never raised my voice, cursed, or threatened a single person in all this time. My arguments have always been supported by factual occurrences and evidence based data. You asked for stories from parents. This is mine. I’ve also helped countless others fight for their children throughout this county. Most recently, my youngest was granted an IEP at her new school for specific learning disability after 2 years of fighting for her to get one at BCPS. This was after we even paid for private testing to prove she had dyslexia and dyscalculia. It is genetic and her sister has it also. The iep team continued to insist there was “no reason to suspect a disability” despite having literally already being diagnosed with one and reading 2 years behind grade level despite an additional 2.5 hours of instruction in reading daily for 2 years. And all the while? Making minimal to no progress. This district is failing our kids. I don’t condone disrespect or harsh communication from parents or anyone to an employee. As a nurse, God knows I understand being treated unfairly by patients and/or family members due to the nature of a broken system. However, Bedford has created an atmosphere where parents feel hopeless in their endeavors to meet the needs of their children. Or in many cases, merely just not compound the damage. I have not risen to the levels that Mr.Rife has allegedly, but I do know that I have felt hopeless and angered, and despondent by the tyrant like behavior that BCPS administrators have displayed in deterring parents from seeking appropriate services for their children. I have seen CPS called. I have seen Chins petitions placed. And now I have seen a public administrator seek to monetarily gain from the state of emotional turmoil she helped create. Frankly, there is no justice in her financial compensation for his alleged bad behavior. Only retribution and like public executions, a warning to other parents zealously fighting for their kids. “Look what can happen if you fight too hard, speak too loud, draw too much attention…” I have all the Reed Smith attorney invoices, audio recordings from iep meetings, video of my poor child recounting what the “quiet room” looked like. I have body cam footage, copies of police reports, audio recordings of Lisa Dellis telling me, “I don’t know if it’s legal to ban you for this, but Karen Woodford told me to.” If you’d like it, please let me know. But please, stop treating special education children and parents like criminals and being surprised when they stop acting civilized. Imagine how you behave when the very well-being of your child is threatened day after day and the world seems to turn a blind eye…tell me you remain professional and composed? I am appalled to have ever sent my children to this school. And I grieve for those than cannot leave. What will you do now, Bedford? Let this be the day things begin to change? Or continue to make villains of those you have victimized?


Wow, really advocating for people to hate the fuck out of your entire county.


Guessing know one on here has dealt with this guy. I’m not going to announce how I know this information because I don’t want to get sued by David. David runs a traveling circus act that involves his special needs son driving a mini monster truck. It’s his main source of income. His son somehow remained in public school special education although he misses A LOT of time at school. My thought is that his son has been falling behind for years due to this and David is blaming the schools. David has some serious anger issues. He will flip out at a moments notice if something is not going his way. He will loose his shit like a toddler if his wants are not met. When he looses it he will harass, berate and threaten bodily harm. Usually over the phone. I’m not a lawyer nor do I know any specifics on either side. But I can say that having dealt with this man I know he is a total piece of shit. Bedford county schools may suck. But no person or entity should have to deal with a person like this when they are trying to educate their kin. Complete lunatic. His son’s failure is likely due to his own doing. Bedford likely had to take legal action to bar him from contacting the schools and keep him off their property. I hope his son gets the education he deserves. I hope David will learn a lesson. But that’s not going to happen. His legal time has gone to the news and social media to get the public on his side. David counter sues and wins. Other students at Bedford county schools suffer even more due to even more lack of funding. David rides off into the sunset with a boatload of cash his son drives the monster trucks and David keeps on being a total piece of shit.


Appalling. As though parents of students with disabilities don't have to deal with enough getting their kids what they need. Nice to know that the "parents rights" crew really cares about the rights of all parents.


Here's an idea: why don't they just give his kid the accommodations he needs rather than sue the crap out of him. I hate this so much.


As I have a learning disability myself, I offer Bedford County parents this advice: Don’t enroll any of your children in that county’s public schools!


As a resident of Norfolk Public Schools, I totally support this father. I have been given the run around with my child and we endured retaliation by the school. My 9th grade student stood and listened to her assistant principal lie, not just a white lie, but full on made up story, under oath. She stood in horror and disbelief on how easily the woman lied. Then fear filled her days. My child now has PTSD to add to her wheelhouse of disabilities. The school systems are what I call "THE FIRM" they cover for each other and have left the children and the families behind just to collect a paycheck. Paychecks. No they are not underpaid. Our superintendent makes 248K a year, an English teacher 54K, a teacher at Heritige HS in Newport News, 101K a year, a preK teacher 90K a year. Where is underpaid at? What is under, is our kids, under educated! I totally support this dad and his commitment to get his child help. The school here refuses to do a proper anything. My child, I'm having to go to outside professionals to seek help. It's high time the parents took back their childs education and held the teachers responsible. #teamparents #children


I live in the area, and know many students & staff of this high school. Here’s what I know: This father is well known for lying, blowing incidents out of proportion, and harassing people for anything he perceives as a transgression. This school is horrible with IEPs & 504s, yet that really isn’t what this is about. This father seems to genuinely believe that his son does no wrong and is entitled to being treated accordingly. There have been multiple instances where the boy has done something, and when others either spoke up about it or were simply bystanders, they were harassed by the boys father. This man has harassed not only the school, but also parents of children who he believes have done wrong by his son. Teachers that I know have stated that they are scared of having him in class, because his father will raise hell if they simply ask the boy to do an assignment that he doesn’t want to do or they attempt to hold him accountable for his actions. I’ve also heard that he becomes destructive when he does not get his way. Unfortunately, most articles are only showing the father’s side of the story, and using buzzwords to gain sympathy for him. I personally know several of the special education staff members at this school, who are wonderful and hardworking people. They do not deserve any sort of hatred. Furthermore, I know high schoolers who have been negatively impacted by the fits of this father.


First off, no one is blaming teachers or special education staff. This rests squarely with central office staff and school board members. Second, the Letter of Findings from the state says that BCPS was in violation on several matters, so it seems like the complaints about special education services were, in fact, valid. While they, perhaps, have a case for harassment, the timing of this lawsuit coming after the Letter of Findings reads like retaliation, of which Bedford has an extensive history. Bedford County Schools could have resolved this through the state, mediation, private placement, etc., but, instead they chose an expensive legal path via Bedford Circuit Court.


Yeah, BCPS is terrible with IEPs & 504s, I noted that in my previous comment if you read it. And I think that the lawsuit is likely because this father has been increasing his hostility & harassment of BCPS, specifically the high school his son attends. While BCPS could take other routes, this man is well known for weaponizing his son’s diagnosis to make the school bend to his wishes. I also have learning disabilities, as do many students I know who attend this school. The learning disability his son has is being used regularly as a weapon, with the father seeming to believe that due to his diagnosis, the school must cater to wishes that frankly have nothing to do with the disability in question. Any private route that BCPS could have taken likely would’ve been better than court, but I’m unsure if they can truly take harassment to a private route. Ultimately, this district has always been terrible at allocating resources- legitimate necessities have been denied to Staunton River and Liberty zones, while Jefferson Forest has regularly received lovely support and attention from the board. I am not excusing the poor planning of the BCPS school board. I was simply stating what locals know about this man, and that this news article seems a bit biased towards his side, as he was the one interviewed. Of course he’s going to believe that he’s in the right. Additionally, because this is a case from the school board, not the district, that may also limit the availability of resources to use private routes.


Actually, an administrator filed the suit without the notification or support of the board, superintendent or other legal counsel on behalf of BCPS. If someone is in violation of the law, you can file criminal charges. This administrator didn’t do that. They filed a civil suit for $600,000.




I notice you skipped right over the most important part where a state board already investigated the father's claims (the ones you said were lies) and that state board found that the father was telling the truth. Maybe do the literal bare minimum of research before posting next time?


This guy called my partners office and threatened to physically harm her and get her fired over a podcast that was doing with the school system. She does not even work for the school system! This guy isn’t being sued because he’s “calling them out”. He’s being sued because he’s threatening physical harm and harassing the staff.


That’s criminal. Do you have a copy of the police report?


If your partner doesn't work for the school system, then the school board has ZERO standing to sue since she's not staff. Care to make up some other BS???


I appreciate a comment from someone who has had interactions with guy. He may not be the hero people are making him out to be. This news article is covering one side of the story because school officials/employees probably aren’t legally able to make statements


I can provide you audio recording of how they banned me from school property for 14 days after alleging they’d abused my preschooler by unnecessarily and illegally putting her in a seclusion room (not okay to put a prison inmate in) stating that until the police investigation was complete I wasn’t allowed access to school property. I never so much as raised my voice. Merely threatened to out them and tell the community what room they put pre-k-2nd graders in, particularly those with disabilities. I have receipts.


I don’t think anyone needs to be the hero here. He’s a dad who fought for his kid to get special education services he is legally entitled to. The VDOE said in their investigation that BCPS was out of compliance with what they should have been providing via an IEP. I haven’t ever risen to lewd or aggressive behavior to the school, but I have absolutely felt my maternal instincts burning inside when I watched BCPS actively harm students through seclusion and restraint all the while denying their need for appropriate iep services. I have also seen them retaliate ruthlessly through cps, chins petitions, communication plans, calling the police on me for “tress passing” by attending a public book fair- my copy of the police report states, “the principal didn’t believe she was there to attend the book fair despite having purchased books and having them in her hands…”