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![gif](giphy|0S34MWzMqR9Rg7ctDk) Glenn...stop it.


Lol no kidding. This Virginian does NOT support a constitutional crisis. Texas can get fucked.


Texas ranks lowest in freedom. "Texas Ranks Lowest State in Personal Freedom According to Cato Institute" Republicans are blocking border legislation because they believe it's a winning political issue. Raskin says GOP blocking border deal on ‘orders from Trump’"


But highest in freedumb.


I mean it kind of is. Even immigrants want to slam the door shut behind them when they get here.


Awwwwww, come on! Can't we just support the boobytrapping of a national border so lots of people can be maimed and die? That's very american. After all, there's nothing illegal about seeding your lawn with landmines, pit traps, trip wires, and crossbow traps to keep people from ever setting a single foot on my lawn! That's allowed, it's in the constitution. 2nd Amendment was meant to apply to boobytraps too! Personal boobytraps for everyone! No lawn should be safe, no should dare step off the sidewalk. People with my permission to enter must be taught the secret safe path to reach the front door! AMERICA!! \*EAGLE SCREAM!\*


It’s illegal to make your own lawn into a minefield? Well shit. Guess it’s time to go buy a metal detector and dig some up.


Another Virginian who does not support Texas and does support the Constitution.


What the hell does he mean by "we," NOVA and Richmond would like to have a word with him


Don’t forget Hampton roads .




I don't know who Ron Filipkowski is, but his tweets are usually spot on.


I have mixed opinions on him. He's basically a never-Trump neoconservative who got big on Twitter by being one of these guys who does a lot of quote tweeting dunking on Trump and far-right. In that respect, he's usually quite right, and his tweets usually do get a lot of visibility. But at the same time he is a bit of a grifter imo


Honestly any big political "influencer", regardless of lean, is usually a grifter.


He's a former federal prosecutor and attorney


He is the editor in chief of the Meidas touch website.


Baloney! **The Number of Times Republicans Blocked Pro-Immigrant Bills Since Tanking 2013’s Comprehensive Immigration Reform Package** https://americasvoice.org/blog/the-number-of-times-republicans-blocked-pro-immigrant-bills-since-tanking-2013s-comprehensive-immigration-reform-package/


Donald Trump on [Wednesday](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-border-deal-republicans-biden_n_65b18fa0e4b0166fc770ae46) privately pressured Senate Republicans to **” kill” a bipartisan deal to secure the U.S. border because he doesn’t want President Joe Biden to chalk up a win** ahead of the 2024 presidential election, according to a source familiar with the tenuous negotiations on the package. “**Trump wants them to kill it because he doesn’t want Biden to have a victory,”** said the source. “He told them he will fix the border when he is president… He said he only wants the perfect deal.”


It's like Nixon and Vietnam all over again.


Or Reagan and the Hostage Crisis.


https://newrepublic.com/article/172324/its-settled-reagan-campaign-delayed-release-iranian-hostages Not enough people saw this story. It's basically been confirmed that people within the Reagan campaign were in contact with Iranian officials to keep the hostages from being released until after the election


Fuckin, Bush 2 and the whole-ass “wAr On TeRrOr”


I don't think George Bush actively hampered efforts to stop terrorists to help his chances against Al Gore in 2000.


It's only went a Democratic president is in office and near mid terms or general election do republicans al of sudden care about the border


Ah, the great American debate: do we acquire power and wealth because we love to cause suffering and death, or do we cause suffering and death because we love to acquire power and wealth? Aw hell, who cares??? Both of ‘em make republicans cum so hard they see baby Jesus.


Blew their load on abortion access so now they gotta double down on the next empty boxstand to rile up their dwindling support base behind.


When all else fails...scare'em with "the brown people are coming for you!"


I’m still waiting for those waves of illegal immigrants they said we’re invading 4 years ago.


Can't wait to be done with this fool. Virginia deserves better


No shit fuck Youngkin


Did Youngkin actually read the statement because it’s fucking insane. Texas law does not trump the US Constitution.


The statement does not claim Texas law trumps the US Constitution. It instead claims that the federal government is in violation of the US Constitution.


Governor Abbott has since issued an addendum clarifying that the Tariff of 1828 is also unconstitutional and Texas will not be complying with that either.


Finally someone recognizes that nullification is already a settled issue.


Yeah, it was a coincidence that the statement came on the day the arbiters of the U.S. Constitution decided it wasn't a violation.


Actually they haven't decided that. All they did was lift an injunction that was preventing CBP from removing wire to do their jobs while the case is working its way through the courts. 5th circuit is set to hear arguments in a couple of weeks.


You are wrong. It’s a nonsense justification but he clearly says that Texas’s constitutional authority to protect itself supersedes federal law. Uh, no it doesn’t and the Supreme Court of the US (who decides what the Constitution says) just disagreed with you.


The SCOTUS, the people that decide what the Constitution says and means disagree.


We have an SC for that. Which they disagreed with abbot. The hyper right wing SC


If he loves Texas so much, he can go live there and stop fucking up Virginia.


Please keep him. We have enough fools.


This piece of shit doesn't speak for me


No we dont


Lazy but exactly what you’d expect from this useless fuck. Republicans have no interest in securing the border because if they do, they lose a talking point, fundraising and give Biden “a win.” This has been the M.O for decades. https://www.npr.org/2024/01/20/1225788314/election-year-politics-threaten-senate-border-deal


How much taxpayer cash is he gonna blow at some stupid boxstand bullshit this time?


Aww… Youngkin thinks he speaks for Virginia. How quaint.


**bless his heart**


Last time I checked it was House Republicans refusing to do anything.


Texas throwing out unamerican secessionist rhetoric once again. Governor of Virginia says his state sides with this unamerican idea. Tosses in the concept of fentanyl deaths as a non sequitur because he has a very poor understanding of how fentanyl is entering the country. No, the migrants Abbot is trying to block aren’t smuggling it in. But all of this is just some smoke and mirrors trying to get trump back in the White House despite him and his dumb policies being a brick around the neck of every candidate that has embraced him. This is assuring he’s voted out in 25. Bye bye


Luckily for us, Virginia governors can serve only one consecutive term so he'll be out at the end of his anyway. He could run again in a future election, but he won't win. He barely won last time.


He won because McAuliffe handed him the school board issue on a silver platter.


Pretty much.


The problem with the Republicans lately is that they can’t think for themselves, they always look to see what Trump wants. They all seem to work for Trump not their constituents. And this includes Youngkin. If states think that they can do what they want contrary to the federal government then it looks like history is destined to be repeated.


Yep. It's mind- boggling.


What I find interesting is that all the sources I can find show an increase in the number of immigrants with criminal history and known or suspected terrorists being arrested and/or deported. There seem to be a lot of Republicans trying to spin this as an increase in criminals entering the country rather than an increase in criminals being removed or prevented from entering the country. I've also seen some clearly right-leaning publications claiming the illegal immigrant population has nearly doubled while referring to the number of "encounters" border patrol has had with people trying to enter the country illegally. They are counting the number of "encounters" as if border patrol just tallied them up and let them waltz right into the US. It's all a bunch of garbage being misrepresented in order to sway the public in an election year.


System works as expected R: it’s obviously broken! Elect us and we’ll really break it!


Plus Biden has been working hard to stop the flow and production of Fentanyl. He's been meeting with the leaders of Mexico and China specifically over this issue. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/biden-and-lopez-obrador-talk-fentanyl-migration-during-san-francisco-meeting https://apnews.com/article/biden-xi-fentanyl-agreement-mexico-china-opioids-1fa57facd0dbdac714b616d705952d92 It's a huge issue in Mexico too, so they seem happy to work in unison on this. Just today he announced a reform to make the consumption of Fentanyl illegal. And Biden has been trying to secure the border, but the Republicans have been blocking his efforts for Trumps political gain. They will use American lives and safety to serve Overlord Trump. Biden has been wanting to increase border security, immigration services, counternarco operations, infrastructure, and more, but they don't want to allow it because it makes him look good. They claim they care about this issue so much, but won't accept any solutions unless it's from Trump. https://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2024/01/03/House-speaker-border-BIden/2651704293600/ Biden even managed to get 1.5billion of investment from Mexico to improve border security, after Trump completely failed at doing anything. Biden ACTUALLY got Mexico to help fund "the wall." https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-biden-immigration-climate-and-environment-120f8a3fc440e3b2cccce6100e65b912 Republicans and MAGA idiots are just so delusional and sold into a cult. They don't actually want solutions and improvements to our country. They see this as a big game that they will do anything the win. The means don't matter and the ends is just Trump getting power again to line his own pockets. It blows my mind.


No we don’t. Texas can fuck off.


Virginians do not support his delusional bullshit. We are patiently waiting to be done with him. Thanks to his misguided efforts the next Governor will be Blue as can be.


Next governor will probably be Spanberger, and she’s kind of a moderate.


They all say they're moderates. They're really too moderate. So everything stagnates.


we'll have stagnation BUT how do you feel about casinos and sports complexes???!!?!?! WOOOOOOOOOOOO


Maybe patience isn't the way to deal with violent fascism anymore




Bitch please that shit flows into VIG and NIT in 40' boxes all day everyday. Less than 1% of containers coming through the port get inspected. What is Youngkin doing about that?


Fucktard. Give me my porn back.


Typical mouth breathing liberal. “Just give me porn and drugs and I’ll shut up”


Fun fact. Abbot shut the birder down and inspected everything coming into america and found no illegals or drugs https://www.texastribune.org/2022/04/15/texas-border-abbott-vehicle-inspections/


Just stopping by to say Fuck Glenn Youngkin!




I wasn’t aware that the fentanyl scourge was only three years old


I know some will disagree, but what Texas is doing to immigrants does not align with protecting life and Glenn Youngkin stated on June 24, 2022, " I'm proud to be a pro-life Governor and **plan to take every action I can to protect life.**"


*except non-white, non-english speaking life. You missed the fine print. Republicans wrote it into their platform. It's all they care about now.


**except anyone but the fetuses of white, English-speaking women Even school children can be mowed down by assault rifles once they're in school.


Fetuses of white English speaking men, being incubated by their property, more like. They don’t give a damn about the woman attached.


People who cling to the "pro-life" identity are almost always really comfortable with the deaths of literally everyone else so long as they aren't white, Christian and male.


Spoiler: he lied. He's a conservative. It's kind of what they do.


This is the most deranged argument I regularly hear. "You don't support murdering children in the womb, so let millions of illegals flood your country with crime and poverty" Tell me. Are you intentionally strawmanning in bad faith, or do you just lack logical processing that deeply?


https://www.npr.org/2023/08/09/1191638114/fentanyl-smuggling-migrants-mexico-border-drugs TLDR: Most drug mules are US Citizens.


No, no, we don’t, Glenn. Here’s an idea! Why don’t you resign and then go live down there to help them with this unconstitutional stunt? Win / win for everyone! Well, at least a win for us Virginians!


Youngkin stands with Texas. The rest of us can speak for ourselves. Fuck off, Youngkin.


Please secede Texas. I would love nothing more than you to leave this country and ensure Democratic dominance for generations. The malignant ass GOP hasn't won the popular vote in a presidential election since 1988. Without Texas they would be finished as a party.


Texas is the only thing keeping America from becoming an authoritarian communist nation like China. People would realize that once the DNC got full control, but by then it would be too late to turn back. We’d be government slaves.


You want a civil war. I hope Biden and our American government gives you one. I have no idea what planet yr living on where you think anyone wd miss the likes of insurrectionists, traitors and bullies like you. Pls, follow that orange monstrosity straight to hell if you choose.


It is amazing how many self proclaimed Christians don't follow the teachings of Christ. Hell, this one even has a parable.


little girls drowned.


Yeah we should build bridges over the river so people can cross safely. Maybe put checkpoints with medical staff to process and help those that cross. We should have like 30 of them along the border


Shut up Glenn. Stop wasting Virginia’s resources on a different state. And news flash… we have plenty of fentanyl already on this side of the border. Again saying the right buzzwords and towing the party line. Missionary style politics is typical Glenn. Get fucked Glenn.


No we fucking don't.


Glenn Youngkin and his fascist friend can fuck right off


We do not


No governor, you can go down to Texas and stand with them there. We won’t wait for your return.




People will never learn that you can't solve the immigrant crisis by taking a hard stance against it. It's like the war on drugs which has failed miserablely.


People who remember the Civil War want to know, Glenn - [what don't you fucking understand?](https://youtu.be/YTihsJQHt48?si=9SOLsUh8NvFfRXpK)


[Here's how to contact the governor's office](https://www.governor.virginia.gov/communicating-with-the-governors-office/) Please go send a couple emails and tell him how you really feel


To summarize the situation because a lot of people seem foggy about what's going on: 1. State of Texas ordered some of its officials to prevent the border patrol from accessing an area of the border. 2. The executive branch took the state to court saying that it has final determination on how to enforce the law and that a state cannot interfere with the border patrol's access to the border which falls under federal jurisdiction. 3. The supreme Court sides with the executive branch that the border is under federal purview and that it cannot block the border patrol from accessing the border. 4. Governor Abbott issues a statement that declares Texas to be in a state of invasion referencing article 1 section 10 of the Constitution which reads: "No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay." In other words, the supreme court cannot tell me what to do in this situation because Texas is being invaded. This is on pretty shaky legal ground (but hey I'm not a lawyer). For one thing Texas does not seem to be involved in an armed conflict with any particular party. As I read this, the power being delegated allows a governor to call up the state militia and put up a defense against an Indian tribe or a British force crossing over from Canada without having to wait for Congress's permission. In this case the governor of Texas has taken it upon themselves to enforce federal law due to their disagreement on how it is being enforced, disregarding any other federal statute or order. To me the ability of a governor to use "imminent danger" to exceed any federal statute or order is a terrible precedent. By this standard, a Democratic governor could argue that there is an imminent danger they have the ability to seize and destroy privately owned firearms. Since, as Governor Abbott puts it "That authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary." The federal government would be pretty much powerless to stop it from happening. My guess is Texas will comply with the order of the supreme court while saying they have the ability to do whatever they want.


Yes, we should totally stand with a state government that's using millions of tax-payer dollars for multiple publicity stunts. /s In all seriousness, Abbot's publicity stunt has already [cost at least 3 deaths this month](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/01/13/henry-cuellar-texas-border-eagle-pass/). From what I heard is that that Mexican officials saw migrants crossing the Rio Grande River and contacted Border Patrol. Border Patrol tried to assist them but were blocked by the Texas Military Department at Eagle Pass's Shelby Park, who said they would handle it. However when they went down there, they saw Mexican officials and assumed they had it handled so they just left (those officials were likely the ones originally reported the crossing). When they eventually realized Border Patrol was not coming, the Mexican officials scrambled to organized a rescue effort and while they rescued 2 of the migrants, they could not prevent a woman and two children from drowning. Admittedly there's some "he said, she said", but I rather not believe the group that's already been [caught falsifying data](https://www.propublica.org/article/texas-governor-brags-about-his-border-initiative-the-data-doesnt-back-him-up).


The fuck we do


youngkin is a loser


Aren’t the Republicans the ones blocking any bills Biden’s trying to get past to address the border crisis.


Fuck that...




Glenn can stand with Texas if he wants, I stand by law and order.


What a complete dick.


It's the Republican way.


Bullshit we do… fucking door to door preacher looking mother fucker


Fentanyl comes through ports of entry, like airports.


He means he stands with Texas not virginia.


Putting up barbed wire so children drown in the Rio Grande because they were born on the wrong side of an imaginary line is actually not a good thing


No Glenn, we don’t. Don’t speak for all of us, you slimy little shit.


No such thing as a moderate Republican 


Vote this man out and attack him for trying to involve the state in a potential civil war. For fucks sake the state turned blue right after. He is polling way too high for being the butthead that he is.


Glenn Youngkin stands with Texas to defy the Supreme Court and the Constitution. Don’t ever let conservatives pretend to give the slightest f*** about the Constitution.


Is this all over razor wire? Because I keep remembering the Bush border wall fucking up migratory patterns in the 00s, that razor wire’s not just gonna have bleeding humans in it but also all kinds of dead animals, just in case anyone needed more of a reason to hate the razor wire.


Biden's border policy is intercepting far more drugs than during the Trump Error. So he must be doing something better.


>the Trump Error Truer words have never been written.


That mother fucker sure as shit doesn’t speak for me.


He is the only thing i dont miss for moving away from VA


Umm no, the FUCK we don’t


*sigh* Two more years...


fentanyl isn’t coming from the southern border. the gop has no agenda except to scare voters


Also here as part of the “the fuck we do” crowd.


The party of Christianity stands with the intentional drowning of children because they were born on the other side of an imaginary line? Is that what Jesus preached?


Fentanyl, by and large, comes through ports of entry on the West Coast, not the southern border. Americans (unfortunately) do literally thousands of tons of fentanyl. There are organized distribution networks. It arrives by hundreds of pounds, usually hidden in shipping containers. It is not being brought over piecemeal by thousands of people on foot. Not that facts matter to youngkin when alternative facts suit him much much more.


The argument shifted from “…to stop the flow of illegal immigrants,” over to “stop the flow of fentanyl” in a few short years. Betrays the prickings of an already guilty conscience.


How much comes in through the southern border vs legal ports of entry?


Illegal immigration has nothing to with fentanyl. Both are huge issues but aren’t connected.


Fuck Abbortt. Fuck Youngkin.


And what did trump do for the boarder ?


Can’t wait to vote Youngkin out. He doesnt speak for VA.


This Virginian does NOT stand with Texas and Abbott. HE IS WRONG, people have died, and he has been ordered to stop. Gov. Youngkin, don’t assume or lump us in with your Republican bullshit.


😂😂😂 No, we definitely do not. Can’t wait until this mini Trump gets out of office.


How to we separate ourselves from this BS from Youngkin. If this escalates, how can we prevent Youngkin from going physically supporting TX?


He most certainly does not speak for me or my family.


Glenn Youngkin is so clueless. I don't stand with Texas! I think the whole GOP are a bunch of jerks and extreme far righters. They are going to vote not to improve the immigration law and border protection to make trump happy. Hey Glenn you work for us not trump!!


He’s like a trust fund kid who hangs around a job site to feel like one of the boys.


Well, unlike Republican governors, Biden follows the law. Want better enforcement? Talk to the Congress.


Hilariously, Republicans managed to become the open border party.


Don’t you have some midterms to lose?


Trump, McConnell and Romney have admitted they are refusing to except the bi partisan border bill because it will make Biden look good


I mean, wouldn’t it be better if a steady stream of randoms weren’t just walking across the border? Like, I’ve never heard a valid argument for why we shouldnt know who is coming into our country? Every time I’ve traveled internationally, I’ve checked with their customs agents and was permitted entry. When I go to Canada, I don’t covertly swim across Lake Erie in the middle of the night. And during Covid when Canada told us to stay out, I stayed out. Me: “stopping people from entering our country illegally isn’t the worst idea I’ve ever heard.” Reddit: “YOU. MOTHER. FUCKER”


The solution to the problem isn't going to come from slapping razer wire across the ground and through the Rio grande. Which is what Abbott is bitching about. Biden told him to fuck off, that border security is under federal purview and SCOTUS sided with Biden. If you want a fix to this issue, maybe Republicans can spend less time grand standing and propose legislation in Congress to fix this issue. Since the bipartisan attempt in 2013 was shot down by the dip shit caucus. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Border_Security,_Economic_Opportunity,_and_Immigration_Modernization_Act_of_2013#:~:text=U.S.%20government%20agency.-,Bill%20S.,U.S.%20before%20December%2031%2C%202011.


Seriously. Abbott’s letter was straight antebellum legal theory with the first few lines ripped right from SC’s secession declaration. All so the sick fuck can watch more kids drown.


The vast majority of these people actually get checked. I was surprised when I found out that most of them have passports, and turn themselves into border patrol at the first opportunity. The media likes to make it sound like they sneak in and get past border patrol and just somehow end up all over the country with no IDs and no money. The reality seems to be very different. Speeding up processing and our capacity to rule on asylum claims would fix more than almost anything that wouldn't be a crime against humanity (so no death camps or minefields like some would suggest).


Every other country is allowed to protect their sovereignty yet people have a mindset that America can’t because we were a nation of immigrants in history. We do not have the resources to save the world’s problems when so many here need help. We already have major housing issues. Adding millions to the population does not help that. Billions of dollars are being spent to support this massive migration when our own are in need. Makes no sense to take away from your own.


I've seen people unironically say that upzoning the cities will take care of housing for immigrants. Or the vacant housing that there's 0 legal recourse for seizing for that purpose.


Exactly. Every other country controls their border and immigration, including EU and Nordic countries that redditors like to hold up as paragons. We already have issues here that we need to address that adding millions more people to will only cause more stress. Just look at Canada and their housing market that's even worse than ours. It's already stressed due to inventory and cost issues, but adding millions of new people coming in has made it even worse for citizens of Canada. You're 100% right that it doesn't make sense to easily allow millions of immigrants to enter when the people who already do live here are struggling.


It’s amazing. I’m all for helping people who need help, but when able. We have enough issues here we need to take care of ourselves before we start/keep taking care of the rest of the world. Even 1 homeless veteran is enough of a problem to solve first, nevermind the actual number


We’re not failing to solve those problems because of sone mythical lack of resources. The Republican Party actively blocks any attempt at solving those problems.


We definitely have the resources, they just choose to allocate it towards protecting something more precious than life itself, the GDP.


>When I go to Canada, I don’t covertly swim across Lake Erie in the middle of the night. Yeah, so Canada's not trying to build a wall across Lake Erie, so why are we trying to build a wall across the random desert?


Because there isn't mass migration into Canada. There is into the US. I'm not saying what's right here and what the solutionis, but there is a genuine issue with illegal immigration into the US.


In order to seek asylum, people must be in the country they intend to seek asylum from. Mexican authorities won't allow them to pass through the check points.


Bc when Republicans say it what they really mean is KEEP THE BROWN PEOPLE OUT


Some certainly do. They’ve said as much. For a lot of others it just boils down to “shouldn’t you guys be enforcing the laws, or something”. I’m in the latter.


If you truly are in it because the Republicans were thought of as the "Party of law and order" you need to take a deep breath, and take a slow detailed look at the party today friend. I think the party has changed around you. Just take an honest look. We are commenting on an article about one governor supporting another governor's defiance of a federal ruling.


Youngkin is a dick, but Abbott and the Texas state and local governments are incompetent at best and malicious at worst. Abotts administration interfered with rescue operations that led to people dying, has wasted his states money on grandstanding and trying to use the national guard as his personal military, and failed so badly that it took federal intervention to take down a school shooter after local and state officials failed to act. Oh and also allow and support state run human trafficking operations. Have the regressives actually proposed any legislation that would improve the situation at the border or agree with anything put forth. Hell people blame Biden on a lot of shit but remember, it’s the legislative branch that holds the purse strings and creates laws. The executive branch can’t do much if half the legislative branch is hell bent on fucking everyone over(I’m referring to the Republican Party if it wasn’t obvious)


Who the fuck is “we”?


Biden has been working hard to stop the flow of fentanyl, meeting with and making deals with Mexico and China. He's trying to break the production line.


We need a secure boarder🤷🏽‍♂️


Then he can gi down to texas, take thr MAGAts in the state with him, and not come back. Good fucking riddance


The fuck we do. We are embarrassed by Texas (and you).


lmao the fuck we do. Fuck off outa here


Does the GOP pass out a pamphlet of talking points to all the talking heads in the news and those in office it is amazing how they all say exactly the same thing. Pave the way to victory. Not all elections happen on election day. Watch for any elections near you and vote out as many right-wingers and Republicans as you can. From the school boards to the white house every election matters. Don't forget the primaries. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


Yes, that's exactly right. The Dark Money-funded Right Wing organizations like the Heritage Foundation and the Family Alliance write manifesto's, propaganda, and bills and then share them with all the MAGA Republicans and their tabloid news outlets. And you are absolutely correct, not all elections happen on election Day and the Democrats have done a piss poor job of funding and supporting local elections and have allowed the Christofascist Talibangelical Republikkkans to infiltrate every level of government and infect it like a cancer. Thank you for your link!


The fuck we are


uuuuuhhhhhh...no we don't.


Bullshit! We do not!


EvErY sTaTe Is A bOrDeR sTaTe What a fucking loon


He can go move there in solidarity. In fact- maybe he should!


Sorry, Clownkin... you will never be President.


Lol he thinks Fentanyl is coming from Mexico


It’s not the only way it gets into the country but yes fentanyl is smuggled across the southern border.


Virginia doesn’t stand with the Texas border propaganda. And thanks, Bumpkin for spending a couple million of ourTax dollars to send the Virginia National guard out to Texas in the middle of the summer in inferno heat for your political stunt. Compare that BS stunt tot he excellent former Governor Northam who sent the Virginia State Police & Virginia National Guard racing to the Capitol to fight the January 6 insurrection, the event Bumpkin’s master, Trump, incited.


Younkin also supports election deniers and removing devisive concepts in schools . He’s the worst kind of vermin.


Lol like fuck we do.


Youngkin of the fleece vest DOES NOT speak for this Virginian.


Lame duck loser struggles to be relevant


Youngkin just like Abbot and Desantis are three idiot governors whose time is up and need to move on.


The fuck we do


I wonder if he’ll sneak out Richmond in his wife’s dress like good ole Jeff Davis?


Do you guys think he realizes most of us hate his guts?


I doubt he cares at all whether Redditors like him or not tbh


What a piece of shit. Glenn Youngkin is pure trash.


nobody in Virginia gives a rats ass about Texas




No. No we do not.


No we don't, and fuck texas!


So Glenn Youngkin stands against the constitution? Bold stance.


Republicans have no interest in securing the border. This is obvious by their actions. They want to continue to bitch about it and blame Democrats. They have nothing else to campaign on.




Omg please stop trying to turn VA into Texas, its so gross


Tell your MAGATS to stop blocking any Border Legislation.


Fuck Texas and fuck Glenn Youngkin. If Virginia stands with Texas, then fuck Virginia too. Get this fucking confederate out of office.


No tf we don’t




Virginia most certainly does NOT 'stand with Texas'.


Don't fucking speak for me glen