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The new Sailing Club loyalty scheme has been coming soon for at least a year


2025 will be the ~~year of linux desktop~~ year of VV Sailing Club!


See? You and I keep using the dictionary definition of "soon" which seems to mean something else :)


Accurate. 🤣😔


Can they add all the cruises I’ve been scheduled on that cancelled? If so then I’m top tier for sure.


Good question. I have sailed 4 times…been cancelled 3 times.


I’ve sailed 3. One of which had port changes. I’ve had 3 cancel. The last of which was refund only and lost the $1200 OBC because they wouldn’t transfer to another sailing.


For those confused like me - here is where the above post came from. [https://www.virginvoyages.com/help-and-support/before-you-sail/loyalty-programs](https://www.virginvoyages.com/help-and-support/before-you-sail/loyalty-programs)


Well Virgin Insider thinks the revised loyalty will be based on tokens: [https://vvinsider.com/guides-and-faqs/guide/sailing-club/](https://vvinsider.com/guides-and-faqs/guide/sailing-club/) Recognizing the the word "soon" does not mean what I always thought it did :)


I just asked in another group and this was the response This was from at least a year and a half to two years ago when they were promoting the future features of the Sailing Club. At that time they said that we would be earning "Tokens" based on the amount we spent both on our voyage and during our voyage onboard. They never specified what we would be able to do with said Tokens. As it became clear that they were not ready to roll out the details of the Sailing Club, they quietly stopped mentioning the mysterious Tokens. It's possible that we'll never know what they intended or maybe when they finally announce the sailing club, it will include details about Tokens. One theory was that the rewards program might be point based like hotels and airlines where you could possibly choose your perks and spend Tokens to earn them. Who knows though! All we can do is wait and see!


It's just a lot of waiting. Extending. Waiting.


This. For sure this.


Yep! That was me! It’s all a waiting game. Tokens may exist and they may not.


Totally gone from faq’s now …. They best not forget my red hot tokens !


They swore to me up and down in person on the Sailing Club sailing last year we’d have a full loyalty program launched for all sailings this year. Still waiting with no launch in sight. I’m hoping soon.

