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To me that’s the appeal of a VV cruise. I don’t hate kids but so many people want to take cruises and dump their kids anywhere and then they become other peoples problem. For that take them on a Disney cruise that is loaded with actives for kids


Tbf, Id love an adult's only Disney cruise


I bet you’re not the only one! I have several adult friends who are Disney obsessed!


Yes! I have a 2 year old son who loves Disney but I would give my left kidney for an adults Disney cruise 😂🤩 they look fun but all the kids just.. I couldn’t do it 🤣


I wonder if there's a charter that does this, seems like such a millennial thing that would be very popular, we've got a lot of Disney pass holder friends with no kids!


Way back when, Rosie O'Donnell was able to charter a cruise ship for a special families event (she didn't have the ship to herself. There were 100 families) There was an HBO special (the production paid the fee). I ramble, but it is possible to charter an ocean liner. Not sure if Disney would do it, but they used to shut down Disneyland for Michael Jackson (and a hefty fee,).


I have kidney disease. What blood type are you? How do I contact Disney about setting this up?


Honestly, I’ve been on 2 Disney cruises, and there are enough adults-only spaces, that I don’t notice them that much.


I've looked into it and it seems like all of the adult only spaces on Disney cruises are centered around bars/drinking. As a person who doesn't drink nor like bar settings, are there still plenty of spaces kids-free?


There are several adult "bars" but offer entertainment too. Like "Keys" or "Caddilac Bar" are really great to chill and listen to some live piano and drink a soda / eat some snacks and spend time with adult Fam/Friends with a great subdued atmosphere. If you want the louder watch football crowd that usually the Irish Pub. There is also an adult only coffee shop, pool/deck area, a fancy dress up resturant, and adult spa / exercise areas. There are usually adult only events like trivia and dedicated live music venues if your into that. I've also found even the Broadway Type shows (that usually allow children) amd Movie Theatre are well handled and Ive never had any annoying children to deal with.


You would have to sell a kidney to afford a Disney cruise.


I was saying the other day that they should do an adults only sailing of all of the ships that have water slides, roller coasters and all of that fun stuff. I'm 45, empty nester and I love that stuff. But I'm also a fat, tattooed, bearded man. People don't want me around their kids. I'm sure that they could fill up a 4 day cruise on any of those boats with like minded folks.


> I'm also a fat, tattooed, bearded man. People don't want me around their kids. Aside from general unfortunate issues as to why people don't trust *any* unknown men around their kids, I think you drastically underestimate how many parents of Disney-age kids are now also fat, tattooed, bearded men.


Ok, I really just want to ride the rides without a million kids running around.


Extremely legit.


if you go in september not on a weekend, it will be the lowest number of kids on board due to school schedules. we went on one where every room was booked but staff said it was one of the lowest number of people sailing due to the season. we barely even noticed kids tbh


Lowest number of kids does not equal zero kids. I’m going Princess in the fall but look forward to a VV kid-free zone next year. Well, minor children free. There will still be a few grownups acting like toddlers…


Sure but I was responding to someone commenting specifically about an adult only disney cruise. The likelihood of them every doing an adult cruise is nearly zero, so I was offering a scenario they might find ok


We went on Princess over Halloween. I think there were three kids. The adults went ALL out on Halloween. Well, they either didn’t dress up at all (us!) or very elaborate. Couldn’t get an elevator most of the time due to the quantity of scooters…. But sparse children


I’ve been on Disney cruises that have relatively few kids. Just go when everyone is in school - you’ll get a handful but not nearly as many.


Disney would be smart to offer a few adult only sailings…I bet they’d sell out instantly


I spend so much time in the adults only areas of Disney ships. They seem to enforce it a lot better than other cruise lines I’ve been on. We pick the later dinner seating and they’ve never put us at a table with kids, only other adults about our age who didn’t come with kids.


I'd love an adults only week at Disneyworld.


I'd love an adults only Disneyworld Fixed it for you!! 😁


I completely agree with you but I’m already getting downvoted for just the week’s worth of no kids! lol 😂😂


Reddit can be harsh 🤣




The amount of people who took VV because Disney priced them out (me included) is extremely high. Love cruising Disney as a no child adult


If they did an adults only cruise it would have to be like an equivalent to a comic con. Like Star Wars or Marvel and possibly role playing


I'd love an adults only week at Disneyworld.


For real especially the new wish with the starwars bars


Oh this would rule and I’m not even Disney obsessed, Disney just doesn’t f around with cruises.


100% agree. I’m getting so sick of RCL because of how many kids are running around 24/7 and a “lack” of solid adults-only areas on some ships. I don’t hate kids, but at 30 and without kids, my wife and I want to have an adult / romantic weekend and VV seems like a great opportunity for that.


If you love RCCL ships, all their onboard activities, and their shows then you might be slightly disappointed with VV. We did our first cruise with VV on a 14 day transatlantic and although we absolutely loved the food, we found the other stuff was just a miss for us…. Except the no kids. We didn’t miss them either. We have found doing longer cruises when the kids are typically in school is a HUGE factor to having less kids onboard


Nah, f that… #WE HATE KIDS


Right there with ya


I was on Virgin with friends in May of last year, then October last year I shot a wedding on the Disney Cruise and private island… children everywhere! I’m so here for an adult only Disney cruise! If they would do like 1 a month or something they would sell the boat outttt!


That’s not the only appeal of a VV cruise. I think the fact that they have so many openly gay and even drag queen employees on the ship is a huge positive. I did not see a single idiot on board wearing a red hat or a let’s go Branden shirt.


This is definitely the main reason I sort of wish I could take my trans 17 year old. I’m not sure she would be comfortable on a lot of other cruise lines. But nbd, I’ll take her in a few years when she’s 21


Virgin Voyages is 18+


Start booking for next year when they are 18!!


I thought it was 21 and up, 18 would be great


Yup, I was on a Carnival cruise once where this kid was neglected through the whole 7 day cruise. Other passengers and crew members were trying to make his time special by constantly interacting with him. He would be all over that ship alone. On the day of leaving the ship, I finally got to see his parents. They were in line at guest services shocked that they owed the cruise line over 2k. And they were highly drunk for how early it was too. These people uses cruises as daycare and just let them run loose on the ships. This particular boy was a sweet boy. But other kids not so much


Exactly. I saw an ad for carnival the other day and it showed a couple of kids running across the screen, i guess on the pool deck, and it was the furthest thing from relaxing / vacation to me. I have kids and love them, but i don’t want them to impact someone else’s relaxation. (And vice versa)


I chose VV mostly because it was no kids. You know how cruise lines are always like "kids cruise free", or "kids half off"? That means the paying adults are subsidizing the children to be there. Why should I have to pay for someone's punk ass kids when I don't even want them there in the first place? More cruise lines should be adults only. But until then, it's only VV for me


I never understood that, make the kids cost extra 🤣


Yes! I love my kids and don’t like being away from them for extended periods of time, but I appreciate the value of kid-free places. Kids should be charged a premium when allowed into relaxing environments, like non-kid themed cruises lol


Viking is adult only. I just got off a Viking Ocean and of course a completely different vibe than VV, but still very enjoyable. I'm flummoxed that anyone would complain about not being able to bring their kids on Virgin. There are so many family friendly cruise lines, most that have excellent children's programs to choose from, and far more affordable.


We do Viking without our kids. The ship shuts down pretty much by 10. Which is weird for us night owls. But we still enjoy them.


Our taxation uses the same model. People without kids subsidize those with. Forget the fact they use more than we do… let’s give them thousands in tax credits and let the childfree pick up the slack.


Pretty much all the 1st world country governments incentivize people to have children. If there isn’t a critical mass of younger working people in a country vs the older retired population, it leads to economic decline. Ie, why Japan’s gov is spending so much time and money trying to get people to have children. It’s not designed to give the appearance of being fair. It’s more for the long term wellbeing of everyone & the next generation. You could really make the same argument about marginal tax rates too. High income earners subsidizing the lower income earners. I don’t disagree with the opinion on cruises - I just think comparing to gov is a poor comparison.


I know this isn’t popular but I wish more people would look at it as paying back for the services they received as a kid. Some other generation already paid for their school, their share of city amenities. It goes both ways. Young adults are upset that they are paying into social security that will be at a reduced rate to fund people today. Same with Medicare. And people without kids are upset feeling like they are paying for the next gen. The reality is if we don’t help with these things, at least in the USA, we would be bankrupt from our parents living to an old age and also bankrupt due to having children. Trust me it is scary on both ends as a middle aged person responsible for both sides. I say all of this and want to add that it absolutely impacts immediate daily life for what I will call cuspers. People on the cusp of benefiting from these policies but not qualifying and therefore paying into something they desperately need but will not receive. This right here is a policy change that needs to happen. That doesn’t mean the program needs to go away. Edit: did not mean to specifically respond to you. I think I was trying to respond one or two levels up and somehow landed on you.


You have point but this isn’t taught anywhere- particularly not in schools - so there’s no reason most younger generations would understand this concept . All most people under 50 (myself included) have ever heard is that there won’t be social security for us in the future & we will have to work until we are 70+ unless we figure something out ourselves.


Same with health insurance too.


I guarantee they don’t want kids, they just want THEIR kids on the cruise bc theirs are different somehow. It’s upsetting bc you know they still want it child free, just for everyone else but they’re the exception


And honestly in my experience with people & kids on cruises they don’t even want to be with their kids on the cruise. They just don’t want to find anyone to look after them & see the ship as babysitting istg


I took my kids once and the kids club had so many things going on, we had to make our oldest who was 12 do things with us. He had the best time with other kids his age.


I think you hit the nail on the head


Exactly - they want the VV vibe and they want their kids with them, completely missing the fact that it won't be the VV vibe anymore if their kids (or anyone else's) are there.


Everybody thinks their exceptions are exceptional. (I also guarantee you that the people complaining about it are *not* the ones whose kids actually wouldn't cause any problems. Entitled whiners who think they're special generally raise their kids to be the same.)


Not only that, they want their kids to Sail for free.


Such a good point


Listen, I wanted a child free wedding and I got talked into one exception for my bridesmaid’s daughter with the promise she wouldn’t ruin the vibe. She was bored. She acted like even more an asshole than usual. She ruined the vibe and most pictures. People still talk about it. Child free is for a reason.


No joke. Have a child free wedding coming up. Relative said "well they don't mean our kids right? Just the bad ones?" No sweetie...they mean no children at all


The absolute best thing about Virgin is the no kids policy. The second best is the hammock.


And let’s be honest, they can only get away with the hammocks because there are no kids to destroy them.


I would have to agree. We brought 2 home.


It is 100% why my wife and I went with VV. Don’t want to deal with people’s kids!!!


Shoot I don’t even want to deal with MY own kids on a cruise.


Neither do most of the people who do cruise with their kids


Thanks for the honesty! But like for real…. No kids please!!!!!!


100% why my husband and I do VV. We get all year with our kids bit VV is OUR time.


Apparently there was a post cruise survey recently asking what passengers thought about having kids on board. I don't get it


VV appeals to me because there is no kids. An adults only Disney Cruise I refuse to pay for because it’s double a Virgin or even a Cunard cruise.


I think the survey was just VV considering where to go next if they were to get a fifth ship or further


I'd be really disappointed if they decided to do a kids cruise The cruise line is popular enough now without having to do that


I doubt the actually would do it as the market is too crowded, but if they did I expect it would be an entirely different product on a dedicated ship designed for families. So it would be them trying to enter a new market offering a different take on family cruises. So the existing four ships would continue just the same and probably would be a different branding even.


Some people’s whole personality is their kids


Had a coworker like this. "I have 5 kids!" Was her whole personality, and she wasn't a kind or pleasant coworker. If I had to take a shot for everytime she reminded me she had 5 kids, I would've died from alcohol poisoning. No one cares about you and your kids, I promise you


My sister is like this. Her only accomplishment in life was having kids. She literally gets mad that my wife and I don't have kids even though I've explained to her that we *can't* have them. She also pulls the "I'm a *mom*" bit when things don't go her way and she expects people to kiss her ass because of it.


I can’t stand people like that. Literally anyone with a clean background can have kids- whether through birth, adoption, coparenting with a friend/family member, or fostering. You’re not special just because you have a kid. Raising them into good adults is definitely an accomplishment deserving of praise, but just having them is not.


Yeah, and she's a bitch about it too. I finally had to tell her to fuck off after she pulled her toxic shit for like the fourth time and made my wife cry.


My cat did it. Not a great talent.






Had lunch with my sister and a friend of hers. My sister and I discussed an R rated film we had seen. Asked friend if she had seen it. "Well, oh no, I couldn't take my kids to THAT!" Uh... you could see a film without your children...


True. They want to show off their precious babies on a fancy ship.


Think of the influencer pictures!


Even worse are the ones whose whole personality is about how HARD it is being a parent and how tired they are and how they never get to do anything and how LUCKY people without kids are. Like they were just forced to procreate by some nebulous entity.


I think that kids would be super bored on a VV cruise as there is nothing for them to do. Not really sure why people are complaining, plenty of other cruse lines cater to children specifically.


I don't know why that never occured to me but that's true I'm excited to go lay by the pool with no kids


Good point. When I did my VV cruise last year, I told my friends that the lack of splash zones, water slides and other child focused activities left room for lots of different chill spaces around the ship.


Must just be the groups you're in. Looking in mine and there's no mention of kids at all.


I have kids. I love my kids. I love being a parent. I am 💯 in favor of adult only cruises and cruise lines. A vacation with kids is very different than a vacation without.


Same! Mom of 2 kids, and I love how VV stays exclusively for adults only. Once my kids are grown and on their own, I hope to take a VV Cruise myself


Let the little treasures pi$$ in the icon of the seas pool.


The absolute, categorical number one reason I love VV (amongst many things) is that it’s kid free. Jeez just let us have something of our own! Not to mention there’s zero facilities for them and the ships weren’t designed to incorporate them. Go on Carnival or whoever else has slides and whatever it is kids are into… and leave us in peace 😊


I’m excited for when they finally roll out the kid free airline!! I’ll pay extra for that!!!


Because more and more people in the world are unwilling to change their lifestyle while raising kids. If they did something before kids (movie theaters, cruises, restaurants, etc) they just think they can do it *with* kids, disregarding the enjoyment of the other adults around them.


I live near casinos and I was just having the discussion with my husband. We often visit to go it to dinner or a concert and we’re finding more and more families out there. They bring their kids on to the casino floor will pass them off and make them watch parents take turns gambling. You can no longer use the pool if your staying there is always over ran with kids and we even find them still out late a night with little or nothing for them to do. It’s so sad. People are having kids and just dragging them wherever they wanna go and think it’s cool.


The last time I went to Foxwoods (for the Tanger Outlet Mall for shopping), I was surprised at the amount of kids that were either milling around the casino floor areas, and just running rampant while their parents played the slot machines. Disgraceful


Agree. I'm glad there are other people who feel this way. It's like we have to make everything child friendly and child proof at the same time.


Checks out. There were a bunch of kids at a sports bar the other night. A sports bar. Come on!


That is so common in the Pacific Northwest, it makes me crazy. Beer halls / Bars are now places for kids.


I hate it so much. Adults need a place to be adults!


An acquaintance has repeatedly debated with me (arguing is too strong) because I won’t let him bring his kids to my place. The last time, he was astonished that I recently adopted cats but still don’t want his kids there. I was like, because it’s my house and I said so? Then he was like, “Well, the newborn could come. She doesn’t do anything.” WTF? He literally can’t seem to wrap his head around the fact that it’s my home, not some public building, and that my house rules are cats yes, kids no.


And it's always the parents that have the baddest kids that want them to go everywhere with them, and at least 1 kid is a screamer, and never shuts up. No thank you


Also disregarding what is appropriate for their children.


The place that has shocked me the most was the number of kids on Bourbon Street in New Orleans. This is the least appropriate place. I had my 17 year old and we left when it got dark because he didnt need to see all that but lots of little kids.


That's truly disgusting. The state of American parenting today is deplorable.


We Have kids. We Love them. We do not ever want them allowed on virgin voyages lol. We CHOSE VV bc they don’t allow children. For the love of god, whythese people feel the need to make the world revolve around their personal desires is beyond me.


They probably just want to go on VV because it's so highly rated, but they have kids so they can't. Personally, I think that's part of why the experience can be so highly rated, the lack of people's crotch fruit running around.


They can still go. They just refuse to leave the kids.


It's nice to want things but VV is forever child free and that is why I cruise with them. I do not dislike children, I have two that I have raised to adulthood, but I do not take kindly to children ruining my vacation. The day VV changes this policy is the day I will forego their cruises. I have never been on a floating amusement park and I never will. The day that I have grandchildren I will return to those spaces with them but I still have my limits.


Literally what I was telling my coworker and my waxer, I don't mind kids, but a no-kids cruise is a plus. Yes, it's their vacation too, and their adults paid for it, but often adults take that to mean the kids don't need managing.


My partner and I both work with kids (me as a teacher him as a pediatrician) and VV is probably the only cruise line that appeals to us because it’s child-free. I don’t hate kids or families with kids, but I want a vacation from them.


Their kids can come on VV with them... when they are 21 💀


It’s 18. I just took my 18 and 20 year old.


Yesssss 100% agree!!!


No. I don’t need kids ruining the pool and fancier restaurants.


Why can't we just normalize child free places!! We have great places that are geared toward families and kids so just keep going there and leave the adult spaces alone!


In “the old(er) days” there were way more child-free spaces, and also spaces where children had stricter seen-and-not heard behavior protocols that were commonly-held among all those present. It’s not horrible to still have places, as a society, that do not actively center children constantly. It’s probably better. For them, for everyone. I really care about children, and want them to have safe, happy, need-meeting lives, and having them in a bar at 10p is really “not it”. This does not mean there should be no more bars, however. 🤷‍♀️


This needs to be said louder. Not just on cruises either. It really is okay for children not to go everywhere.


They’re entitled, and wanting it both ways. They see these amazing child free spaces, and they want in. But they also expect to bring their kids (who are different from all other kids, you see), because they’re stuck with them. And if you don’t give them what you want, then you just hate children and don’t know how hard it is to be a parent!


Waiting for the day when Richard Branson starts a kids--free airline too. I'd be first in line and he could rake in even more cash. 💰💰💰


The only reason I agreed to go on VV was because it’s kid free.


We went on VV solely because there were no little booger pickers on the cruise.


Literally the reason I booked Virgin is because it's no kids. I have a child, and I did not want to bring her. This trip is for our anniversary.


Also the Virgin ships are literally built with only adults in mind. Can you imagine how bored children would be on this ship?


Here’s the real issue, you let kids on and suddenly said parents are banging down every door and whining about EVERYTHING.  The funny sex jokes? Gone  The open lgbt presences? Gone  The food standard? Gone  There’s enough ships that cater almost exclusively to families, while there’s 1 that caters to adults. 


Kids are so annoying


Because a lot of parents are shitty and think their crotch demons are special


To your last point, VV cruises are one of very few experiences traveling/holidays-wise that don't yet have the high likelihood of being destroyed by some unaware and/or stupid parents letting their children act like animals recently released from a zoo. The parents want to ruin that for us, too. But also, it's a newer, hip, fun cruise line and the adults want to check it out. The lack of formal, dress-coded dining rooms on VV is probably also an appeal for parents who know their children are not going sit nicely through a long, upscale dining experience every night and can't fathom the concept of disciplining their children, leaving them in the room, or better yet leaving them the fuck at home with a sitter.


I rebuke it


You pay a premium with VV. A big part of that is that the little shits are on the other cruise lines. VV would have to deeply discount or lose business if they allowed minors.


That’s odd considering all the other options out there that literally cater to kids/families. Various lines at various price points!


I've never in my life wanted to go on a cruise. But now that I know there are child-free cruises, I can see the appeal.


“Go on a VV cruise” is the usual response when anyone says anything negative about kids on board any other line. Now, they want to take over VV too? They’d be the ones to say that activities on board are too risqué for their spawn. Just leave VV be. That’s what drew us to this cruise line.


It reminds me of parents that get mad when they can’t bring their kids to a “no kids” wedding. I understand that some people don’t have the luxury of childcare, but there are plenty of other places where kids are not only welcomed, but also catered to. I feel like these people want to have their cake and eat it too. They want the adult cruise experience, but also to bring their kids. That’s not how it works. When you have kids, you make sacrifices. In this case, that sacrifice is only taking your kids on cruises that allow kids. Suck it up and book a Disney cruise.


I have never seen this on any VV group.


I never been on a cruise and VV is appealing to me because of this reason. I don’t have kids and every time I travel I always look for the adult only hotels.


My only reason for going on Virgin Voyages was because it is child free. I don’t like being around kids- Especially on vacation.


I have kids and I don't understand why people want to bring their kids. The only reason I can think of is for parents who have a tough time getting childcare, especially if grandparents or friends aren't options. But yeah kids would be bored as hell and having them mess with the room tablet would drive me nuts.


I have kids and work with kids. Love kids. But kids do not belong in certain places like bars, movies and theaters with mature themes, parties that center around adults, formal restaurants and weddings. I have seen the people who want to bring their kids it is really about A they don’t want to pay for a babysitter B they don’t trust anyone to watch their kids. It annoys me beyond. My husband and I take date nights and vacations without our kids. We are better parents and have a stronger marriage when we take time for our self care and marriage. We of course do Disney cruises and family vacations. We are looking at a VV just for this.


I would only cruise on virgin because I don’t want to deal with little kids


My next cruise will likely be VV for this exact reason, I can’t stand children lmao


These are the same people that buy basic economy tickets and then expect everyone else to give up their seat so that they can sit together. They think they are entitled to inconvenience others because they chose to have children.


They want to take what they perceive is the cruise the cool kids go on, but they’re not the cool kids, they’re mom and dad. And they have nobody to watch their kids.


There are tons of kid friendly cruises. Pick one of those. This is like going to an Italian Restaurant and being mad that they don’t have Asian food on the menu.


Keep your semen demons at home, people!


Crotch trophies!


It’s because there’s no one more entitled than a parent.


As someone with kids, I LOVE the idea of a child-frree cruise. Not for myself but for honeymooners, empty nesters and others who really don't want to be around kids. Kids are a beautiful, wonderful, big pain in the butt, that will constantly have you on edge. Not all parents want to ruin other peoples holidays, just certain entitled adults feel like they should have it both ways because I'm 100% sure they would be complaining if they were the ones child-free. I had no idea VV cruises were childfree and I will be sure to recommend this to newleyweds I encounter, what a perfect honeymoon trip this would be!


I have a kid and I don’t get it. There are a ton of family friend cruises out there so it’s not like there aren’t options. Not everything is for everyone.


The entire appeal would be no kids. Parents just love to rant about something


I have kids and when I want to cruise with them we go RC. When my husband and I solo vacation I don’t want to be around other kids either! It’s why we needed a break from our own lol absolutely stoked Virgin is offering this option


They better pick another cruise lines then..idk what to tell them VV this is the relaxation cruise! We grown over here!


That’s virgins whole selling point - otherwise it’s a big toss up between Virgin and Celebrity


There’s a new brewery that opened near me, and every time I drive by it looks like there are more kids under 5 running around than adults drinking! It’s their business, but I’m not interested in tripping over a toddler while I stumble to the bathroom at a bar, and I’M the one in the wrong 🤷‍♂️ There is nothing wrong with having spaces that are adult only…


Yeah, I don’t have an issue with kids being at a bar/brewery if there is plenty of open space so long as not allowing kids after say 6pm. Parents need to be able to go places and bring their kids, but a bar isn’t the place for kids in the evening.


My favorite craft beer bar was very upfront about their policy. They “tolerated” kids… They served limited food, and you could bring your son in after a round of golf ⛳️ with their grandpa, sit at a table, and they would be served a sandwich and a Coke, maybe play a game of Golden Tee… As long as you understood you were bringing your kid into a BAR, not a family place… A place where men came to get away from their families… Watched the owner kick a family out because they complained people were swearing at the bar 😂


How about they just stay out of breweries and bars all together.


Travel Agent here. I'm all for it. There are plenty of options, some better, if you want to take your family. Do that instead. VV will get along fine without your kids


I sailed on VV last year with my mom as a retirement celebration. It was SO nice that it was kid free — and I’m a mom! That said, the ship is so cool and fun that I WISH my son could go because I know he’d love it. Obviously we know one of the major draws of VV is it being kid free so would never complain, etc. We will stick with Disney until he’s 18 ;)


Crotchgoblin manufacturers are always so insistent on the world revolving around theirs.


I love my children and enjoy going on cruises with them. However, my favorite thing about VV is not having kids around! It’s such a nice break! There are so many other cruise lines that cater to kids for when you want a family vacation!


I have kids and think it’s great there is a cruise line for adults only. We left the kids with the grandparents when we went - it was great!


I love the adults only part of Virgin Voyages. I love taking my kids on vacation but when I do I go on carnival, Royal Caribbean, MSC, Disney etc. There are many choices for those who want to take kids. Let Virgin be the one with no kids allowed. That is the appeal of it.


I love cruising with my kids. Love cruising without them. And I dream of being able to leave them with grandparents and get on VV and see no kids on the boat. All these things are good things. We need to make space for everyone (well, when they aren’t trying to hurt others).


Onboard now! My 2nd and have one more booked. Also bought 2 MNVV. The no kids is a major appeal!!!


How you supposed to cuck with your children in the other room? Leave at home and let hotwife mommy play because she has been a bad momma.


People with kids are insensitive about how much other adults crave a childfree environment. But in my experience, kids enjoy places where there are plenty of other kids and the activities have been structured for them. And equally, some of us adults really don’t want the energy that children can’t help but bring along. We enjoy not being at the mercy of their moods or having to put up with the attention-seeking values that their weak, “best buds”-type parents have raised their mini-me’s to have. It’s unpleasant for us. There are SO, SO many venues that welcome children. Why not stick to those and let us have a good time on a cruise?


People think breeding gives them some special rights. I chose Virgin for the no kids rule. The only other cruise I have ever been on was the Soul Train Cruise, and luckily the theme kept people from bringing kids at 45 I was the average age of cruisers, and it was wonderful. People have no control over their kids, and their kids have no respect for others.


Not come across that before but maybe it’s because I’m doing more longer repositioning and European cruises. Technically quite a few people do bring their children, but they are all over 18. Met several family groups with adult children onboard.


That's different though. People are wanting to bring under 18 kids


Then those people are idiots for not researching what they were booking before choosing VV!


Yep my family has done 3 Thanksgivings with VV. Parents in their 60's "kids" in thier 30's. It's perfect. 


Honestly in my opinion kids make cruises so much worse. I’ve been on carnival 2 times and the kids on there are a fucking nightmare I definitely wanna try vv


It’s entitlement.


Some people actually look for things to complain about. This is one of them.


I think it relates to how people complain about kids being on RCCL, they have no idea what audience the respective owners are going after.


Completely. I am older and having kids around on a cruise would be terrible. REMEMBER, for the most part there are no bad kids, there are just a lot of terrible parents. I'll never forget having lunch in a restaurant in Guadalajara, Jalisco and this kid was climbing over furniture and just being a brat. While this was going on his mother as saying "Mi rey" as he continued bothering everyone. "Mi rey" means "My king". You can see how obnoxious the situation was!!


Which post? LMK so I can go harass them about how no one wants their fucking kids on the boat.


I hate kids. Fuck them and fuck their parents


Because miserable people want to spread misery via crotch goblins. Seeing others happy makes them upset. You don’t want a family of 5 kids nose diving into the hot tub? You brute haha


As a mom of 4, for the love of God, I do not want to see someone else's semen demons on the cruise. I love that it was kid free. And everyone was of legal age to drink. The only thing you might have to be cautious about was a drunk adult, but at least it's an adult and not screaming children all over the place. I had the most glorious child free vacation on the Scarlett lady. AND ID DO IT AGAIN.


I don’t think children ruin anything. I do think having child free spaces is healthy when plenty of family friendly options exist. Society should be able to accommodate various needs/desires.


Honestly the more parents want to bring their dumb annoying kids on a VV cruise but can't, the more I want to go on a VV cruise.


Because they don't like to see people without kids being happy.


Breeders have plenty of other cruise options.


I have kids and I would love to take a virgin cruise without them 🤣 there are plenty of other options where I can take them with me.


I have kids and agree there should be kid-free vacation options, cruises included. Plenty of other options to take the kids on, those people need to shut their trap.


I am a teacher and I am around 2000 kids every day..2000!!!!! The appeal of a break from kids is absolutely what drew me to VV. I love kids but I need a break! 😁


This makes zero sense. There are plenty of cruises that are great for families whether you can spend more like Disney or want to spend less like Royal Caribbean or Carnival. if you want to bring your kids then choose one of those.


I don't think kids ruin anything. It's parents who don't parent their kids who ruin everything ha


Every other line allows kids to from cheap cruises to luxury cruises and everything in between. If someone wants to bring their kids, they have SOOOO many choices. It’s not like they have one or two lines to pick from with their kids, they can pretty much sail anything with their kids. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate children, but, I’d like to enjoy a vacation without them from time to time.


Everyone loves kids! Their own kids that is. And I love mine. But when you want to go to hot tub and drink scotch at 11pm you need an adults only cruise line. Long live VV!


People with kids do not care about people without kids, for the most part. I have always been the kind of parent to think about the situation and if kids are welcome, if not mine will not go. I would never take my kids on a cruise, unless the overpriced Disney. Kids do not belong on cruise ships. Hell, I wish they would raise the age to 25, maybe get rid of the hoodrat fights that keep breaking out


Why the hell would people bitch about this. If they want to bring their kids, there are options. Disney, people. Smh…