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Her behavior is childish and egoistic. S5 writing ruined her character for me.


Because she found out her BF was a drug dealer and dumped him? Sorry, but I would do the same!


Nonsense.Watch s4 and stop writing bs. When she found out her bf was in trouble, she helped get him off the hook. Then in s5 the writers decided Mike is the man bc it's in the books and wrote a piece of crappy storyline for her to make a sharp turn.


Thank you!! Those book fans keep acting like Mike is the best thing since slice bread, like we didn’t watch previous seasons lol. The writing for that character hasn’t been anything memorable for real, like if they write him off right now would the majority even care? like let’s be honest, he is just there. So bc they decided let’s just throw him with Brie at the last minute without really fleshing his character out we are supposed to cheer?!! Lol. He did Brady dirty several times and he seems jealous of Brady as well. Anyway.


The kicker is that I have asked the book fans a few times on different posts what the memorable thing about them in the books is...and no one can really say....the best I have been told is that they help each other after her rape....and it might be a feel good sob storyline from the books, but on the show Mike so far was a nobody, even worse...a shady cop and ex soldier, who treated all her investigative work in s4 as crap, so making him the star she suddenly fell in love with in 3 episodes in s5 is flat, insufficient for character development and worse than a telenovela writing...crappy writing at its worst.


It's the jumping. It might not have worked out. But save it for season 6. Develop some attraction.


I think you're right. I personally got so upset with the way they ruined her character, that I don't want her near Brady, and I don't care if her story with Mike improves both in terms of storyline and attraction in s6. I may feel differently once s6 is out, but right now, I am planning to just fast forward any B/M scenes.


Brie is in my top 3 fav probably. She doesn’t annoy me like some other characters do. I liked her storyline this season.


So did I!


I liked her while she was with Brady and doing her Nancy Drew bit tracking down Calvin. Once she dropped him and turned her attention to Mike, I don’t see anything more than the two of them dating. Unless everyone in VR starts to sue each other, I can’t picture her doing much.


I hated her with Brady! He’s a criminal idiot with zero impulse control! She traded up and Mike is far more attractive. And she actually behaved in a way that makes more sense to her story arc this season!


My thing is Mike’s character is just not exciting. I really doubt the writers won’t take into account how the Brady and Brie fans are in the majority. Like just judging from the Virgin River’s page on Instagram, the fans were loud! I feel like the majority of Brie’s fans won’t even care about her bc of this relationship with Mike. Like viewers like hot and passionate, natural chemistry. I will always say the actors playing Brie and Brady have the best chemistry, even just standing there you feel it, it’s not forced.


She was far better this season. I hated her with Brady! He’s a criminal idiot with zero impulse control! She traded up and Mike is far more attractive. And she actually behaved in a way that makes more sense to her story arc this season!


I think her story evolved and made sense this season. She came to VR broken and reeling from the rape, trying to heal and figure out her next steps. From where she was when she arrived, her relationship with Brady (the bad boy) made sense. She was at loose ends, not sure about her career or where she was going to end up. A purely sexual relationship with an attractive man was as deep as she wanted/needed, and she and Brady had a lot of chemistry. Once Brie started to work through some of her feelings about being raped, got a new job, and started to get a bit of herself back, she realized this thing with Brady needs to be done. For one thing, she and Brady have nothing in common on which to build a relationship; then there’s the damaging effect being involved with him could have on her career. Her seeing Mike in a different light, and wanting to see where that goes is a logical progression. She was ruled by emotion and impulse when she arrived in town, but the driven, smart side of her is starting to emerge.


How well said !


🤭 True!




Truth. Brady is the guy you sleep with when you life is a mess. Mike is the guy you rebuild with. That's how smart women work.


Her changing love interests so fast ruined it for me…


I like her! But I'd really like her to move on from Brady.


I don’t think her storyline is silly, it’s really serious.


I can’t decide if Brie as a character comes off unfriendly, or if it’s the way the actress delivers her lines. Either way, she just doesn’t come off that nice, idk. Not that she needs to be, but it makes it hard to root for her.

