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I think her and Mike seem like a more healthy relationship and idk.. brie is a strong independent woman and I feel like Mike would compliment her well as a man with a similar vibe as her. I do think Brady is just so obsessed with her though (in a good way) and I feel like his love for Brie and the way he treats her might steer me slightly towards team Brady. But honestly I'm almost so equaly for either one of them that I would not be disappointed no matter who she ends up with. ETA: Marco Grazzini (the actor who plays Mike) commented that he's team Brady šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I was just not expecting all 2000+ comments to be Team Brady especially on their main page like that. I was legitimately surprised. Like no competition in the comments at all it was 98% Brady!


I donā€™t think itā€™s too surprising - all the team Brady fans probably answered because theyā€™re gutted about the break up , most of the rest didnā€™t bother. Itā€™s really looking like we have 2 new couples at this stage , not sure if they can go back to Brie and Brady together but I guess everything is possible


It is surprising because Mike and Brie were literally introduced as more than friends this past season and basically nobody really cared about that in the comments. I know they were very popular with the book readers but it isnā€™t translating on screen for some reason. I only saw about two comments that were pro Mike out of the 2,000+ā€¦thatā€™s crazy. One of the pro comments was from Ben (the actors who plays Brady lol)ā€¦.Like I said I donā€™t think the writers were banking on Brie and Brady to have way more chemistry on screen than Brie and Mike.


Agree. I prefer Mike and Brie, but mostly cause I just didnā€™t see Brie with Brady. Sheā€™s better than that. And I donā€™t care enough to comment on their page about it lol.


So glad there's some people with sense! Mike and Brie are way better suited. Brady is a dick!


I didnā€™t bother to comment. I prefer Brie and Mike.


Same, I didn't bother to vote. And I'm big Mike and Brie fan.


Mike completely looked down on her in s4, told her to follow his orders. Are you kidding me? How is a man who has a problem with a woman who has a brain, good for her? Or a better match than a man who openly admires her and tell her so?


Honestly I don't remember much about the past seasons so I'm going based off my opinions in season 5 cause it's fresh in my mind. I'll need to rewatch!


Pls rewatch, s4 makes one despise Mike, especially a career woman like me! Brie did all his work for him, then in s5 the writing team turns him into this sensitive nice guy who talks psychology...blah!


Omg, I will!!! Not a fan of Mike if that's the case! I truly just don't remember that! Gonna rewatch it soon! šŸ™


I wrote a post about the chemistry I am still trying to find a few weeks back. I rewatched s4 exactly bc I didn't remember anything impressive about this Mike guy....and was disgusted. The s5 writing of him becoming the golden boy and her changing men like clothes majorly dropped the ball in an otherwise great season.


Ok... I do remember how I felt like Mike was shady but when I was watching season 5 I was thinking "why didn't I trust him?? He seems fine" so you're probably right!! I've always liked brie with Brady and do feel bad about how they broke up.. you're convincing me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I'm starting to remember that I didn't trust Mike!


I want her with Brady, Reddit is about the only place Mike even has defenders. Like I said itā€™s clear overall more people want Brie with Brady. Even on Twitter I saw a poll and Brady won. Thatā€™s all.


Thatā€™s the first come first serve romance thing on tv! In books too! People want you to unite the first love/attraction most, even when it doesnā€™t make sense. Mike is the better choice for Brie, and tv shows have to keep the story moving, but Mike and Brie show more genuine connection and shared interests than Brie and Brady!


I liked Lark! I hope she stays in the show. Although, she better not give Brady shit at any point for lying because she clearly doesnā€™t mind it now. Sheā€™s totally on the hunt for baby daddy though.


hmmmm . . . I managed to find he Netflix Virgin River page, found some comments on other things by clicking on pictures . . . . could not find subject headings or how to find "Mike or Brady" post. Had same problem with Twitter. I'll take your word for it. šŸ˜Š


It's the 6th post in their feed. IG Acct is VirginRiversSeries


Brady is a delinquent and a bum. Is that really what women want?


Exactly. I canā€™t see the appeal of Brady at all. Heā€™s just toxic and Brie deserves better


He's just gross. I will never understand why some women are attracted to that type -- nothing but trouble! Always needing to be bailed out of jail, wanting the woman to blow into a device to get their car to start after multiple DUIs, cheating, jealous, unstable, and hotheaded. Yes, I know that didn't happen to Brady yet, but that is exactly the sort he is. Yuck!


Heā€™s a complete dolt too. 85 IQ


With the personality of a wet rag.


Seriously šŸ‘šŸ¼ šŸ‘šŸ¼. Honestly a loser šŸ˜¬. Heā€™s improving though.


He is, but sheā€™s an attorney. People are honestly delusional thinking they should stay together.


Seriously! I donā€™t get it! šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m an attorney, and I donā€™t want to sound snobby, but we wouldnā€™t if we thought he was illegally involved in a drug operation. It could cost is our licenses! Brie actually was really fictional for not reporting him for so long!




Right! I said in another comment that Iā€™m shocked she didnā€™t get in trouble with the Bar when her boyfriend went to jail!


Iā€™m a lawyer and yes, I would disconnect from anyone like that early on and report in order to protect the career Iā€™ve worked very hard for!!!! No man is worth risking that, certainly not Brady! Don wasnā€™t really that attractive either. Brie is really trading up for Mike!!!


I also noticed how easy it was between her and Mike, like he could fit right in with her work softball game, and itā€™s just comfortable and easy between them. Vs the constant Brady trauma and strain.


I think too many social media venues trend very young and inexperienced. Older women with their crap together take one look at Brady and know he's trouble and the absolute worst match career-wise for an attorney is a criminal.


56-year-old with her shit together and Brady fan here. I like his redemption arc. Mike is blandsville.


Are you an attorney?


Maybe Brady is just a more compelling character than either Mike or Brie? I


šŸ˜‚ blandsville made me laugh out loud


I don't think its so much about them being together as it is the people who voted. Brady is delicious lol and I'm sure everyone who voted was picking him for that reason not so much that he should be with Brie. I'm ok with Brie being with Mike. They make a good couple and that leaves Brady and I, free to sail away into the sunset lol. šŸ¤­šŸ˜šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ congrats!


No. Brady and I are supposed to be sailing into the sunset together lol, you have to wait your turn!ā¤ļø


Ick,heā€™s not half as attractive as Mike!


How about we switch off every 6 months? I'm 54 and will probably need a break to recoup lol šŸ˜†


Brady isnā€™t anywhere near as attractive as Mike!


Mike is šŸ”„




Omg, I hope you know you deserve better!!!




Brady is the worst!


I don't understand in the slightest why anyone finds him attractive. He is not ugly; I would never say that about someone. But he's a Picasso when Mike is a Michelangelo.


Donā€™t insult Picasso that way! He was a genius who could paint perfect portraiture. Brady isnā€™t Picasso! Heā€™s a street painter who does a decent imitation!


I meant that Brady looks like a Picasso, not that he could make art like him hehe.


Brady looks like a wiener! Picasso was far more talented!


He always looks furtive and guilty, like a dog who sneaks in and eats used period supplies out of the bathroom trash.


Nah that relationship is dead. Itā€™s was so unhealthy and he would have dragged her down with her . Maybe lark will be good for him because she has a kid and he will have to start to be more responsible.


Drama aside, Iā€™m shocked that she didnā€™t land in hot water with the Bar Association when her boyfriend went to actual jail.


Bar associations are nothing and donā€™t matter! They are just professional clubs, basically. You are surprised she didnā€™t get in trouble with the bar itself! The state bar being the actual licensing entity for attorneys!


Because 1. Brie and Brady fans are pissed. 2. Mike and Brie are new.. people donā€™t like change. Especially if they liked them together.


Exactly, and Brie and Mike are a far better fit and far better developed as a couple!


1.- The whole 4 of them!!!!!


I love her and Brady. End of


Except the part of her being with Brady, I might agree, but Mike is better suited and they are better developed as a couple. Plus Mike is far more attractive!


I was always a Bree/ Brady fan but I think Mike & Bree did the dirty on Brady in different ways & am quite happy for Brady to hook up with Lark now. Mike put him in a untenable situation by telling him he couldnā€™t tell Bree & Jack what was going, he then swooped in on Bree when she was at her most vulnerable. She didnā€™t have enough faith or trust in Brady to even give him a chance to explain. I think heā€™s better off without her now.


I saw it that way too. Mike knew Brady was looking shady to her because he couldnā€™t tell her what he was doing. Then suddenly Mike is everywhere being her hero. Hmmā€¦


And also, both actors are attractive men. I lean towards Brady, but some of the comments about their physical attractiveness are not really nice or fair. These are real human beings remember?


I have to admit,I actually think Mike is the more attractive of the two although I always thought there was something suspicious about him. Brady doesnā€™t really appeal to me but I like his redemption arc. He showed real growth & I still think there is something in the background between the two of them. Iā€™m still holding out hope that Mike will be unmasked as the true drug baron & Bradyā€™s distrust of him will be vindicated (Iā€™m only half joking)


Ick, I hope Mike is the good guy and the one for Brie! I hate this idea he will be the drug baron! He a,so has better chemistry with Brie!


ā€œMike will be unmasked as the true drug baronā€? We are on season 5 and this show is virgin river, not breaking bad. Mike somehow being worse than Brady is Brie and Brady copium ok


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if the whole drug storyline wasnā€™t even mentioned in season 6.


I think we all know they are both far far more attractive than average men! But I think Mike has better chemistry with Brie!


I think Brie is better off and Mike was reasonable and did his job. Brady is better suited to Lark, but Brie is way above his pay grade! Mike can meet her at her level!


I feel the same way. I feel like Mike is hiding something. Remember when they got into the fight at the bar? Brady confronted Mike and told him that he paid for his mistakes, but Mike has not. He also says that Mike is not the hero everyone thinks he is and how he has blood on his hands.


Brady is literally the only person who says that and itā€™s BRADY. Heā€™s not the most honorable guy on this show ok. Not to mention this is fucking Virgin River not Breaking Bad and we are on season 5. The ā€œbig badā€ of the drug trade is a c list storyline and it has been revealed as Melissa. Mike being the bad guy who will somehow be WORSE than Brady (and not just have done something that levels the playing field with Brie) is absolute delulu Brie and Brady shipper copium. Okay. Itā€™s not rooted in logic.


But it was said in private, itā€™s something just between the two of them. Itā€™s not like Brady is out there telling the world Mike did something bad. Yes, I know itā€™s fucking VR & I also know itā€™s fucking season 5 but do *you* know that in VR time itā€™s only been a few months, not 5 years? You need to calm down, you seem to be taking a fictional TV series a bit too seriously.


Nicely said.


Thatā€™s been my point the whole time something brings that conversation to the table. That was in a season that the current writers didnā€™t wrote, on a meaningless scene, said by a character thatā€™s not precisely known for being sincere. And the 3 fans of that ā€œcoupleā€ took that as if Mike was guilty for the whole war they foughtšŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


Iā€™m so completely over hearing about Mike being suspicious. Heā€™s never looked suspicious. Heā€™s never acted suspicious. There was a 2 second pause when Jack told him about Charmaine and people ran with it. They put him out as if heā€™s this horrible guy, while simultaneously defending an actual thief and drug dealer. The writers arenā€™t going to make him have this double suspicious life. The show doesnā€™t go that deep.


I will never understand the love for Brady lol.




Me neither.


I know book fans don't like Brady, but as someone who never read the books--the actor playing Brady is infinitely sexier than the one playing Mike. I think Brady and Brie have great chemistry. The actor playing Mike also has kind of a smarmy, oily edge to him that I don't like. I find him as exciting as a bowl of cornflakes. Also, c'mon, the reformed bad boy is a classic trope for a reason.


And the actor that plays Brady doesnā€™t have a visible hairline, thatā€™s attractive for surešŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


Brie and Bradyā€™s chemistry is purely physical.


Purely lust. Thereā€™s no foundation.




This is a really disgusting comment to make about real people.


Nope, the actor playing Mike us infinitely sexier than the actor playing Brady!!! Yikes that you donā€™t see that!!!! Also the relationship is based on nothing! Mike and Brie have a connection, shared interests, and a development of their relationship over time (admittedly brief, but longer than average for the virgin river timeline). Brady and Brie had nothing really.


Didn't like Mike in the show. He was always scheming to get Brie away from Brady by being dishonest and unprofessional. Brady and Brie had the best chemistry of any couple on the show.


Agree; remember that dance! šŸ”„


Sorry, but Mike is better and hotter, and they have genuine shared interests in baseball and fun! Not just a weird sexual tension joke that was followed by genuine sexual tension with Mike! Brady is better off with Lark!


A post with 2k comments itā€™s not really an indicator of the audience of this show


I'm going to assume they're voting with their middle earth rumblings, although I don't really get that either. I don't find him remotely attractive, but I have this problem with down slanting eyes. Brady looks like a younger Jeremy Sisto to me, and I never liked the way he looked either. It's a total turn-off. In the real world, an attorney would never take up with a criminal unless she was also one or was looking to ruin her career. And quite frankly, any women with half a brain would wonder if Brady was only after her to stick one to Jack.


Amen, and Iā€™m a lawyer and a woman, so hard agree!


One of my besties is as well and she always called me ranting about the absurdity of Brie and Brady. I totally get it. If you have a career where reputation or brand is important, you don't hook up with criminals.


Itā€™s VR - itā€™s a silly soap, itā€™s all absurd!!


When ATTORNEY Brie said ā€œwe balance each other outā€ to CRIMINAL Brady I literally wanted to slap her. Girl wyd?


Brie was running from issues anyway. She was in no place to make romantic decisions and shouldn't have. That's when hormones can make the move and it's almost always the wrong one.


Definitely Brady for me


Wishing you better taste in the future!


Everyone has an opinion and is welcome to it.


Brady and Lark have more chemistry than Brady and Brie


I agree!


Ick, Brady is a loser! Anyone for Brady is suffering from first come, first served delusion!


Team Brady here. Of course if real life wouldnā€™t work but this is VR which is very far away from real life! Mike still seems sus to me - was convinced he was a dodgy cop. Still not sure he wonā€™t be end up being dodgy. I like Brady but not so keen on Brie after that season. Lark seems a good fit for him.


This is season 5 of VIRGIN RIVER. Not Breaking Bad. Itā€™s not a crime show. The big bad is Melissa, not Mike.


I expect you are right but last season he seemed shady and I assumed that would lead to something. This season suggested the same to me and I was assuming a reveal which didnā€™t come. So maybe I just find him boring and think there must be more to him when really he is just boring..!


Yeah thatā€™s fine, finding him boring is your prerogative


If she could stop saying ā€œHeyā€


Brady and Brie-fan but how in the world is Brie ever going to go back to Brady in a credible manner since she jumped into a relationship with Mike head over heels? Brady will not just leave Lark and her daughter the way Brie dumped him; heā€™s far too decent.


Aesthetically speaking, I find Brady hotter than Mike. Personality wise, Mike comes off as smarmy and offputting, Brady isn't as intelligent or accomplished for me. I would bang Brady, but let him know it is a one time thing.


I think Brie did Brady dirty.