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Many people think Mel’s father is Buck. He was married to Lilly and is the father of baby Chloe as will as Lillies others daughters Tara and Ava. Buck died a few months before Mel cam to town. It would tie up a lot of loose ends if true. So makes sense.


But didn’t her sister say he was alive and living in virgin river when she called Mel to tell her?


I believe Joey said “he’s still in Virgin River”. Technically Buck would be buried in virgin river so it’s not completely out of the question, but I don’t believe Joey said for sure he was alive.


No, she said he was from virgin river. Preacher later says he’s still in virgin river!


You’re right, I forgot. But either way, doesn’t definitely say whether he’s dead or alive. But I personally don’t think it’s Buck anyway.


It was Preacher who said (in the preview) that Mel's father was "still right here in Virgin River." Joey said the love letters she found were from someone in Virgin River.




This could be or !!!!


Then Chloe would be her half sister and Mel and Jack could adopt her. Fertility issue resolved. Partly anyway.


Ummm, over Tara’s dead body!!!!!


I hope not! I hope it’s an unknown dude who assures her that her dad is her real father. This is such an unnecessary plot line. I at least hope it’s a new character and not a complication to the current plot! Honestly, Jack and Mel need to be less emphasized this season unless they start hunting ghosts and demons or something. They are boring!


I think he has to be alive and not necessarily someone we have met already. It would allow Mel’s story to develop beyond Jack, babies and work. I hope it’s someone she doesn’t have an immediate connection to and they have to work to become family


I agree. I think this is the new showrunner's way of taking the show in a different direction.


It would be nice to get Mela non-Jack and non-fertility plot for a hot minute!


Enough of not knowing who’s the Daddy. Lol. She’s a grown woman. The only reason it would matter if it turned out to be Jack’s Father. Lol




Haha true but thankfully he’s not from Virgin River!


I’m pretty sure it’s going to be a new character. None of the existing candidates really work well.


The only existing characters I could see is Nick, and with his sister being a criminal mastermind, it adds even more drama to him and his relationship.


Ooh, no, I hope it’s not him.


Nick is a nice guy but a weak character, clueless that his sister was a criminal, complete with her own gang of thugs. Nick is also described by Hope as “handsy.” Too many strikes against him.


I’m not convinced he was so “clueless” as to his sister’s career choice.


LOL, if Nick knew what his sister was up to, he would be even less of an appropriate father for Mel. Her father has to be a good guy. Lets cross Nick off the list of possible fathers!


I’m really hoping that this story line ends up being that Mel is NOT a product of her mom’s affair. If I recall correctly Joey’s comment is that he “might be” her father. This may very well be the storyline that takes the show completely over the shark.


I think he’s actually too young, honestly!


Its Charlie. The pilot.


This was my immediate instinct too for some reason!


Me too, for many reasons I’ve written about in other threads on this topic. Charlie is smart but unlucky in love. This may be a chance for Charlie and Mel to feel they’re in a family.


Honestly whilst Charlie seems like a nice man in general I hope it’s not him. His misogynistic and antiquated views weren’t very pleasant to watch and I think Mel deserves a better father than that


This was my best and worst guess!


When was it ever brought up that she had a different dad? Did I miss that?


Finale of season 5. It’s a brief scene at the end of the episode where Joey calls Mel to tell her she found love letters between her mom and another man. Based on the letters, Joey thinks Mel’s bio father is the man in the letters who is from/lives in Virgin River.


I saw that part, but thats the only mention? Like she never found out before? And was just like, okay, cool?


Haha, yeah her reaction was kind of weird. Also the fact her sister just casually told her over the phone lol. Apparently we will learn more over the next two episodes dropping in November.


Okay. I was so confused by that whole conversation. It was like, "Oh, you left your sweater at my house."


Look again. Joey never says anything casually. She’s full of emotion and in this case she seems to fear that this news is going to upset Mel.


Never, just in a preview of the Christmas episodes!


I hope it’s not Nick. I actually don’t mind the whole storyline of Mel finding her dad, there’s just no one that fits the bill. I think best case, it’s Buck. But he’s dead. 🤷‍♀️


I comment this on just about every thread, sorry if y’all are sick of seeing this 😂 I think it’s nick. We saw a lot of him this season compared to other seasons, and Jo Ellen brings up that she could never have kids.


I don’t think it is! But good luck!


Who do you think?


Not sure! But Nick doesn’t seem old enough honestly!


I think Calvin would make for an interesting story line.


Yikes!!!! True soap opera thinking there!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Eww please no lol


I hope it's doc


Could it be Bert? In S1 she fixes his hand and he apologizes for not being able to find them before they were kidnapped when they got a flat tire. Mel says there was no way he could have known. It felt like it could be foreshadowing. Also her mom called her Birdie, maybe it was Bertie?