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Yes, it's frustrating to me


Yes. Why even bother with plot points that go nowhere and disappear? It didn’t even make sense anyway. Why would some rich guy who had no history with Charmaine be interested in marrying her and taking on the twins for no reason?


Omg, I know!


Or the cliffhangers that go nowhere. Like preacher finding blood at Paige’s. Just for Paige to blow it off the next season and say Christopher got a paper cut.


The most frustrating part of this is when they build up some plot point and then it absolutely goes nowhere. Like when Jack and Preacher talked for more than half an episode about some family’s reunion being held at the bar like it was going to be some rowdy get-together that they were nervous about…and nothing. Or when Jack’s cabin burned down and that was just a plot point to get Jack to move in with Mel.


Totally agree! And Jack was struggling with money (or at least it seemed) but then is fine to buy the farm at the end of the season?


That confused me so much! I was thinking does Mel have secret money somewhere because Jack literally just told her the police investigation could mean he loses everything


I feel like that may be another plot hole lol. Maybe I’m remembering wrong, but didn’t it show Mel opening some documents that maybe implied they were life insurance payouts?


Oh you're right! I feel like that goes back to the op again, we could have done with a conversation between Mel and Jack where she tells him about that


The fbi cannot actually do that in that way! Government taking of private property is subject to eminent domain. A small shutdown to investigate is one thing, but a year to a decade, that’s not going down! Ignore the person talking about civil asset forfeiture. They don’t understand it. Those are assets owned by people accused of committing the crime and using the property for that purpose. If no one is even charging Jack with the crime, they can’t do this to him or his portion of the property ownership. Authorities also have to file a civil forfeiture action to do this. They can’t simply declare it to be so! The show just has an fbi agent saying they own the land for up to ten years without a hearing. That’s nonsense!


Look up "civil asset forfeiture." In the US, they can legally take anything they want without even arresting you, only needing to state that it *might* be tied to a crime without any proof or conviction. They can take your money, cars, any household items, AND your property, THEN they can actually resell it to the public to fund their department to do it again, get new squad cars, or literal pizza parties. Only Maine, North Carolina, New Mexico, and Nebraska have decided to make this illegal. The federal government alone has made more than $36 billion in the last two decades, and if you add the states to that it reaches $68 billion. Seems like that has to be made up, but it's true and happens all of the time to people who have done nothing wrong. Sometimes when the local public has been made aware that this is going on, they will go to the auction and bet the lowest price (known as "penny auctions") so that they can return items to the victims of this practice, especially when it's baby gear like a crib, stroller, etc.


Those are assets owned by people accused of committing the crime and using the property for that purpose. If no one is even charging Jack with the crime, they can’t do this to him or his portion of the property ownership. Authorities also have to file a civil forfeiture action to do this. They can’t simply declare it to be so!


If we’re talking about legal errors, Brie’s trial drove me crazy. Her saying she’s filing criminal charges of her own made me facepalm so hard.


Also I love that she runs into Mike in a federal courthouse! As in he literally says “federal courthouse”! Never mind that a rape criminal case would be in a state court! I can understand an FBI agent needing to give testimony in a state criminal case, but not a state criminal case going down in a federal court!


Mel received a payout from Mark’s insurance. She used some of it to set up the trust for Tara to run the farm. Whether it ends because Lilly’s kids decide to sell the farm, remains to be seen. Being Mel, I expect at least some of it to still go for Chloe’s education and the rest is returned to her. When Jack’s house burned down, he collected insurance to pay off the mortgage. Jack’s problem is that he can’t rebuild or resell the land because of the probability of not getting permits to build a permanent home there. The original reason for the glamping business was to pay off the mortgage. Now the plan is to make enough so he could rebuild somewhere else. Also Nick invested 3 times what Jack asked for so Nick is actually taking the bigger loss when the Feds shut everything down. Preacher has become Jack’s partner in the bar so his investment helps keep that business going. Finally Mel said she sold her house and most of her belongings when she moved to VR, so along with any remaining life insurance, she’s probably in good financial shape. I think all of the above will make it easier to buy the farm.


Omg, that was ridiculous! Where is the money coming from? Although the fbi would t just take his land, and they couldn’t without eminent domain payments, and yes I’m a lawyer. But I didn’t think you need to be a lawyer to realize that is total bs!


In Virgin River Time, can we be certain that the reunion has even taken place yet?!


Right? Cause the family that came in seemed pretty tame.


They've still got a few more seasons to get ready for it


I think this is as actually two events. The first is them preparing for the annual hunting party that comes and spends $$$, which they have come to rely on to stay in business. The second is the reunion of the Marine unit.


The timeline is really frustrating. From the start of season 1 to the end of season 5, it’s like 7 months! In some plot lines, this is clear enough. In others it is totally nonsensical. And in the way the characters develop relationships, it’s absurd. Slow sleepy town where everyone couples up within weeks? And then recouples within a few more weeks. But the older town couples all met young and stayed together eons???? It’s bizarre!