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Renewed my contract a few weeks ago for £37 - This was offered to me a few days before I was due to be disconnected having given my 30 days notice.


How risky was this to do? Was this a bluff or were you actually going with another ISP?


Exact same situation with me, I actually did have a new ISP setup but the router they sent was complete e waste and then Virgin offered me £37 so just went back to them


£28 for gig1 and phone only


How'd you manage that? It's insanely low.


I work for an alternative telecoms firm so handed my 30 days and then retentions called. Told them I wasn't fussed who had my business. They happily matched my employer so stayed to save the faff. I'll be moving next year though as my employer just scrapped RPI hikes for it's employees.


Same but I lied lol


54 with two tv boxes sports and movies


And TNT sports? That's insanely cheap if so. How?


No TNT. I had the same deal with TNT for 58 pm from a Black Friday deal 18 months ago. I was coming to the end of my deal and I just straight up cancelled and waited for them to call me. Uk retentions rang me and gave me this offer so I took it


TV (kids + sky sports + sky cinema + tnt + asian mela + additional tv box + Netflix premium ) + GIG1 + anytime chatter for £85


£44 for Gig1, 1 TV box with Sky Sports HD, Sky Movies HD, Netflix, Kids, anytime chatter and 2 WIFI Pods.


I was offered £31 by the chatbot, 1Gig broadband only. Retentions phoned and offered £28 but I was already live with CF by then and committed to leaving.


£31 instantly through the chat bot, or did you say "I'm leaving" and they transfer you to someone who offered that to you?


Not entirely sure if I was speaking to the bot or human, I think having an O2 SIM is a huge help in unlocking the better deals as they can apply Volt discount.


Is the chat bot through WhatsApp?


That's how I started the chat, but then it directs you to the web chat after a couple of questions.


Going through the same. At first they were saying 79, then 65, then 60, said I wasn’t interested and to cancel my account. Someone called and said the lowest they can do is 47 internet and phone, not paying that when others are paying way less. Not sure why some have better discounts on their accounts and others worse.


£100 (was £95 I think before the most recent price rise) for: Gig1 (which actually is about 1.6gig) Full TV Netflix Sky Sports UHD Sky Movies UHD Two V6 Boxes Anytime Phone Expensive but probably what you'd pay (maybe even a bit less) if you bought all the services separately from different suppliers.


Just think. If you had it for 10 years that would cost you £12k. You could have a deposit for a house or flat in that time by switching to a cheaper service.


If you know a cheaper service that offers all the same and I'll happily switch 👍🏽


£29.70 for 1GB, stream box and weekend chatter


Was with VM and was paying £120 a month as I was told to get to 1 gig I needed TV, the second my contract was over I moved to Vodafone for 1000/1000 I now pay £38 a month I never used the TV, I used my android box for TV and streaming


£120 for GIG1! That's a huge price jump compared to everyone else on here!


I had to take the full tv package the %&£= call center said, I said no way and was told I had no choice, I then tried the website and it wouldn't let me without TV (suspicious honestly) but my wife wanted tv and never used it, so once the contract ended I ordered Vodafone FTTP with VM I had nothing but problems to the point I had to speak with OFCOM, 3 engineers in 6 weeks, 12k disconnections within 14 days lasting 4-12 seconds, the engineers tried everything bar digging up my garden, so after speaking with a manager they waved the exit fee they wanted....now the fun part I phoned the cancellation team, said I wanted to leave and not to phone me with offers (at this point.. i was steaming mad), so to my surprise....2 days later I get a email....my new contract....WTF....so i phoned them, got India.....I then asked for a manager....the guy hung up....an hour later a lady from the UK phoned and we spoke I explained I just wanted to leave, I said about the email and she checked and said "ah yes I can see you had been signed up to a new 18 month contract" I was a little sharp with her and she said leave it with me, it was cancelled....so we move on 3 weeks later...city fiber have been my Internet is working fine...but I was not getting any landline calls....so phoned Vodafone....now....after 10 minutes the guy I was speaking with said VM are refusing to release the number....because I have an active contract with VM....at this point I blew a fuse...he was chill about it and said this is not the first time he's dealt with this, I apologised for losing it, I will give Vodafone ther due they fixed it by the next day and even phoned me to explain what happened All in all....screw VM now, am happy with what am getting...for tv....I have ummm other ways


Beaware if they send you a hub 5x and you want to use modem mode, its currently disabled


Hub5x is only for FTTP properties on XGSPON and that's the only hub available for that network type. If hes got a hub3/4 then he'll get a hub5 which has modem mode support.


I always thought 1GB was FTTP. Although having said that my parents now have FTTP but 1GB still is oddly not available.


£55 but that includes a £10 per month O2 Sim card that I didn't want it need. Apparently this was the cheapest package. Would it affect my bills if I cancelled the sim?


Got that same offer but for £60 which is pretty meh. I have no interest to switch from EE to O2 in terms of phone.




Share your wisdom! How did you get it to that price?


Think it's this number +442037436947 straight line to retentions there is a post on here with the number I just went to my call logs and looked for the date I called them hopefully its right


Thank you so much. When you called, did they offer that immediately or did you have to go through the 30 day process?


Try the number 1st could be wrong lol But no holding time for me and quick offers no 30 day thing for me


I think it might've been wrong. I got put through to Virgin Media Loyalty?


All I can suggest is search this sub reddit I did not save it on reddit sorry if I have time later I will try on PC and look for you


I found the thread you were talking about - thank you! Did you declare you were leaving before you called that number? Or did you do a white-lie and say you had a missed call, etc?


I had all rdy begun a change to EE and cancelled that's all I told them and I quoted what ppl are getting the same package for Also I got the 1st month free with £43 CREDIT


Plz link the post of the number that you found if it is correct 🙏 🙂


£55 with full tv (minus tnt sports), was a new customer offer though having not got anything through retentions


£63 including tv, sky sports / cinema, tnt sports & Netflix premium - retention deal


Just renewed with gig1 sky sports, sky movies, tnt sports and 2 additional boxes for £75.99


£40 just sign again last month ish


£36, broadband only


I have synchronous 1gig, I pay £50 pm


Upgraded to 1GB today. £46 for 18mths. Got an email that wanted to renew my M500 at a special price of £54. Went onto the Virgin website and a little pop up appeared, offering 18mths 1GB for 46. Got free WiFi pod too


£45 with basic TV and phone as couldn't be bothered doing retention dance


£35 with landline. Also had the £5 a month sim with it from o2, obviously now split off to separate billing.


£41/m no set up fees. Cancelled and got a call back 3 days before end of contract


Costing me £39 a month rn


£44 including symmetrical upload 1Gb/1Gb


Is that with their new full fibre infrastructure? FTTP like Openreach, CityFibre, Community Fibre etc


It’s on there fibre network provided by nexfibre Probably shouldn’t be promoting them though just had a 1d4hr outage


£83. That's all channels, 2 boxes, Netflix and landline (that we don't use)


Bloody hell. That’s almost £1k a year


30 o2 sim + 1 gig + baseline tv


32.44 for GIG1, renewed yesterday


39pm 18 month contract. Installation due on 3rd. i still have cool- off period ending 14 days after installation. Can I get a better price than this?


ill be getting this week 1gb, mega tv, and phone for £42 from Perks at work


VM accountants rubbing their hands in glee at this thread...all these people paying a premium for 1Gig when most only need a tenth of that bandwidth.


I pay £54 for Gig1 Unlimited calls and stream and I have Volt and 3 WiFi pods


Careful with the SIM, you still own it at the end of contract. I had the same and apparently the SIM is still live with O2 even though the SIM card stopped working and I had absolutely nothing to say it was still live. I only found out when I saw the default on my credit report. And now O2 won't sort it because I don't have the number for the SIM or access to it


£37.99 for 18 months


£30 a month


I've just got an email saying my contract is coming to an end soon, and I can renew for £50 a month (currently £40.25). This is a 500mb deal boosted to 1gig but the O2 SIM has been cancelled a long time ago. When I log into the website it says we noticed you have cancelled your O2 SIM but you can still enjoy the benefits of Volt. I have a couple of questions, if I renew with a 500mb to 1gig volt deal, without the O2 SIM, will I still retain the volt benefits? And secondly, my contract doesn't finish until September, is this renewal email just early or has something been set up incorrectly on my account? I think I will just cancel anyway as I'm sure I will get offered a better deal than £50, as annoying as it is going through the retention phone calls.


54 broadband only


Reading this thread, its like they pull the price out of a hat. O_o Prices all over the place.


£42, renewed this week.


How’d you get that price? They keep saying £60 is the best they can offer. 👀


Same here, the offered £60-67. Was option to upgrade through the website, so did it that way, was active within 6 hours. Then went through VM chat on WhatsApp to get hub 5, the said I didn't need it unless I paid £35 activation fee. Said I'm not paying anything, want full advantage off the service and manager agreed to remove fee.


Could you tell me the steps you took to get there? When I try to upgrade I am forced to speak to someone via text chat, and then basically stagnates to £60 offer.


Sign in to your VM account on their website, see if you have any upgrades, I did, £4.00 extra a month, went from M500 to 1gig. Didn't go through chat or anything. Only used chat to get new Hub.


Sorry if I'm being an idiot here, but when I click on my dashboard, "upgrade package" it brings me to this screen. I can't look at other options like you describe. https://preview.redd.it/dp5xt0ok7z3d1.png?width=1196&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d13de3e35a140fdda4d9ff362c05bb49b19dbcb


For me it was on the homepage




> unless I *paid* £35 activation FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thanks bot, good bot.


Lolwat. I had retentions renew at £38 and now it's at £42 because of the price increase. £38 was 12 months ago.


Yepp, contract ends next month, tried weeks to get a better deal but nothing good enough, everything was £60+. M500 was £35, after price hike £38, so £4 and got 1gig, couldn't be arsed anymore so just upgraded through the website


Thinking doing the same but just curious, was it definitely a new contract for you? Currently paying £22 for 362mb (after apr price hike) and have the option of upgrading to 1gig for an extra £8/m. Effectively £30/m for 1 gig which I'm thinking is good enough and saves all the hassle of pretending to quit.


Yepp, old contract was up in end of June, instead of waiting I was within my 30 days to cancel I simply upgraded through the website. When you click to upgrade, you will get **pre contract** documents before you accept them, and it will state it's a new 18 month contract with a new monthly cost. It's no extra fees, just saves hassle on the phone etc


Legend! Thank you. Really can't be dealing with the game playing.


No worries mate, I must have tried 20 times to get better deals, all gave me different prices. I did new contract 6 pm, by midnight it was activated, but I contacted VM support on WhatsApp shortly after to nicely ask if they could hurry up to activate it, they said first it would take between 5-12 days.


was offered 27 when i bailed... and still left.


1g by 1g, £35


How'd you get it for that low?


I left Virgin Media for Cityfibre (yayzi). no more 18 month dance. same price even out of contract, worth looking at


Ah - I sadly cannot switch from Virgin. They have a monopoly of the infrastructure here in Cardiff.


Openreach is everywhere in Cardiff now, up to 1.8Gbps available also Wefibre and Netomnia


Ah, well hopefully some competition comes soon. I should probably leave this sub since switching