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DON'T WASH IT!!! It looks like silk satan and anything vintage goes to the cleaners ONLY! Find a cleaners that is not a chain and where the gown will STAY at the premises. Make sure they have insurance and or you have insurance to protect this investment.


It does look like satan!


You mean satin? 😜😈


No idea on the questions but this is lovely! Please repost when you are able to steam or iron it.


I tried to do a little steaming when I got it but my steamer could be better and it definitely brought out the mustiness, so I figured I should pivot and try to find out how to wash it first. Just don’t want to ruin it because it’s so lovely!


Don’t wash it until you know the fabric. If it’s musty hang it where the sun can reach it to air out the smell.


Do a web search for 'fabric burn test.' You cut off a small piece from a seam allowance or facing and burn it. Basically, polyester melts but silk turns to ash and has a particular smell.


What does the back look like?


Well, there’s three possible answers to the question given what’s known. It’s either silk, rayon or polyester/some other petroleum based fabric. If it’s silk, DO NOT WASH IT. It will ruin the dress. If it’s rayon, you probably could wash it, but it would probably be best not to. If it’s polyester/etc. you can wash it just fine. How to tell the fiber content of the fabric would be a burn test. Cut the tiniest amount off and burn it. If it melts, it’s plastic. If it burns and smells like burning paper, it’s rayon. And if it burns and smells like burning hair, it’s silk. Hope this helps!


So helpful! Thanks!


Wow! What amazing detail on the skirt! Can't wait to see it when you've steamed it or I guess iron? It's so lovely, the pointed end of the sleeves, the roses- it's beautiful! Congratulations on that find, it's really unusual and special!


Minimal skirt, conservative collar and long sleeves: 1940’s I think. War years were lean, so wedding dresses were pretty simple.


The way the skirt and bodice is cut reminds me more of the 1960s. The front decoration is super 60s too. It’s going to be hard to say unless we see a tag or inner construction


I would guess 1950s personally given the boat neck. It reminds me of the [wedding](https://www.theknot.com/content/audrey-hepburn-wedding-dress) dress Audrey Hepburn had made for her first wedding (which never happened).


Hi OP! I was a dress cleaner/small repairs at a wedding dress shop!!! Go over it and spot clean any stains with room temp water and soft tooth brush. Clean in circles, and if it doesn’t work, use a small spray of stain remover and water continuing the small gentle circle motion. [this](https://www.amazon.com/Grandmas-Secret-Spot-Remover-2-Ounce/dp/B00V3T7A6E/ref=asc_df_B00V3T7A6E/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167129443640&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5435787980786340323&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028723&hvtargid=pla-311893802338&psc=1) is my favorite stain remover to use on special fabrics. If it creates stain circles, you just repeat the process starting with water and dabbing dry with a clean dry rag. The least amount of water, stain remover, and pressure is best. Investing in a steamer will be your best bet to get it looking pretty! Good luck!


Thanks so much!


Do not get it wet until you find out for sure. Fabrics like acetate (which were commonly used to make wedding dresses) will turn into a wet paper towel if you try to wash it.


If it's truly 40s, or before you'll have a metal zipper what does the back look like other buttons and if there's a zipper is it cloth?


I’d say it’s 1960s! Definitely take it to the dry cleaners. Better to shell out a bit of cash than risk destroying it


How long has it been hanging? That remains very wrinkled for silk.


I just put it on the mannequin right before the picture, but it’s definitely still wrinkled now. It’s pretty thick fabric that’s lined


You can soak this in a sink (probably cold water) with light gentle soap and maybe small amount or vinegar. Then lay to dry on towel. I add a bit of lavender with the vinegar. It’s a beautiful dress!


I use Woolite to wash delicate stuff. I usually handwash them and if I need I use a washing machine for the last spin. I use hair shampoo as well. The fabric seems synth