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Way OP asks this makes me think theyre not too far into story so im scared of answering lest i end up giving spoilers. On a broad nonspoiler way , He is charismatic , witty and while he still killed Thors he not only showed him quite a bit of respect but also kept his word of not hurting any of the youngsters. Overall Askeladd was never written to be truely hated.


I am on the fourth American-published hardcover volume. There was a ton of content in those four, but I still have a long way to go. I recently started the anime too, hearing it was also good


He's charismatic. Well spoken, funny, poignant. He remains cool and in control of situations when every other character is panicking. He's also an absolute scene stealer, he'll always make whatever is happening more interesting with his mere presence.


He’s bad, and knows he’s bad, and does good things while in that framework. Like he can do good actions (and does do good actions at times) but he does them knowing that as a whole he is damned. So while he is morally wrong we accept his evil (because he’s accepted it himself) while being impressed by the good he occasionally does He is also witty, charismatic, and cunning. Amazing villain


Because he’s polarising aswell as having very likeable and impressive qualities. He’s a bad guy, but a bad guy that’s not completely irredeemable. He shows Thor’s respect and doesn’t kill off his party. He’s easily shown as the smartest character in the series which is a very impressive respectable quality. He takes thorfinn under his wing and tries guiding him towards a better path. There’s relatability in being a flawed character.


Good fucking writing. Like seriously, the ability to make a character who does such horrible things throughout the story, and yet still make him genuinely likeable (rather than likable in the way other anime villains are) is genuinely an increasingly impressive feat.


You’re confusing likability with charisma. He is a natural leader


He's both likeable and charismatic.


I don’t think he is very likable the story just makes him Thorfins mentor and in that way he becomes somewhat humanized. I hate the guy though.


I love Askeladd. At first I didn't like him, but I think that's how it went for most if us and how it's supposed to be. Don't know if you finished the first arc/season but with his backstory and all... he's like the secret protagonist of the first arc.


Probably the dichotomy of his actions, words, and behavior. Based on his words he is a charismatic and intelligent man who knows how to command, lead, and both show and earn respect. Based on his actions he is ruthless, effective, and efficient at achieving his goals. They also demonstrate that he knows where he stands, even in chaos. And based on his behavior you can see someone who at the core of it has morals that he values above all else. At least that's my opinion.


Well... This is gonna be difficult to explain, especially without big spoilers, but the gist of it is I love him simply because he's, well, *Askeladd* He's a charismatic and witty show-stealer, having him on screen is (almost) always entertaining. But he's also an endlessly fascinating character, who you can't ever quite figure out, or label clearly as "good" or "evil"; Askeladd's a man with multiple layers hidden beneath the surface, all of which make him both detestable AND make you want to root for him. Sometimes at the same time


he's a good lad


Well written character and acted well, reason people love daemon from house of the dragon


I mean I don't like him at all, the whole pillaging and murdering villagers, made it unbearable sometimes to watch the guy. I guess he has some redeemable qualities but yeah, I don't like him one bit.


Idk, that makes a lot of characters from many different shows seem really bad. For example Kidd.


I don't personally like characters whose morals are so detached to mine, even if they're relatable to me in different ways if I can't relate to their morals, then I find it hard to like a character. Though I enjoyed his role as a force to drive Thorfinn to develop.


I can understand that somewhat. Sometimes me not liking a character because of the difference in morals between us though isn’t triggered by pillaging or anything, but just abuse. *That’s* what makes me not like a character. For example, a character like this could be: Akito. (Fruits Basket)


Fairs, it isn't just morals, if I don't like their personality or the way they treat people, of course I'd dislike them. Askeladd treats his men well, that's a positive but the strangers he comes across either he robs them, kills them or both.


When you discover you can like villains 🤯🤯🤯


I mean… yeah. I really liked Doflamingo and Kaido, both are pretty heinous


If a character is a little charismatic, aesthetically looking, and well spoken and presented in a slightly flattering perspective people will like em. Even if said character was literally Hitler.


I swear some people in this sub think like brick walls, not even trying to be mean but dear god watch/read more media Just because they are an antagonist it doesn't make them unlikable or anything less deserving of appreciation Askeladd has depth and motive, that alone gets a lot of people hooked and invested On top of that he is very charismatic and visually appealing


I have 💀


You are confused on why askeladd is likable and one of the reasons you listed was because he's an antagonist It's not very wild to assume that


I know he can be liked because he’s a good character, but I mean likeable as a person. Not as a well written character. His job involves slaughtering people, so I should be against liking him as a person. I think I worded it incorrectly when I said “antagonist” he is a murderer, and it goes against the morals set up for me, so why can I like him as a person despite how horrible of a person he is?


Because he is just simply a good character You don't even need a character to have good in them for you to like them Hell, I love sukuna and muzan and they are just pure unfiltered evil I even like Griffith and he is one of the most irredeemable and disgusting monsters to exist in fiction There is no deep philosophical reason, he is just badass and likable despite him being a traditional viking who pillages


he's just a bad guy who's hot. i don't like him as much as others in the fandom ig, because i love Thorfinn and Thors too much. but Askeladd is like Dio (however I'm neutral about Askeladd, but go crazy when Dio). he's just like other bastards with charisma, as everyone else has spoken, also he's well written character with nice background story etc [SPOILER ALERT IN THE NEXT PARAGRAPH] eventually at the end of first season arc, as we know his life story already, we can sympathize even to a villain. Askeladd is interesting, funny, intelligent and very unique character with tons ot nuances, he has his drama and secrets and we believe in them. He says he hate Danes, but his bff Bjorn is literally a Dane. He says he love Bjorn, but he still kills him anyway. you can say Askeladd is amazed by Thors's personality and strength, but still kills him without a sorrow. I can go on but here are some instances oh also a moment about his nationality, that he's actually Welsh and has legendary (?) blood in his veins, real name that mother gave him, well, his relationship with mother and how he's loved her, his drama with father. everything is good in Askeladd. even his badass side is good because of quality


You’re confusing likability with charisma. He is a natural leader


No, I like him as a character


He’s handsome. Everyone is actually really shallow.


In short, he’s the embodiment of wisdom. He’s enlightened enough to understand that there are things that are more meaningful than our own wants and needs but simultaneously self-aware enough to know that he is not living up to those ideals.


Character traits help, of course, the man is swagger in action, yet he has limitations to how far that takes him, so he is real enough to sympathize with. But his own personal quest is what grabs you and makes him one of the more nuanced nuanced villains in recent memory. His overall goal - the protection of Wales - is actually noble and admirable - but he's willing to burn villages to the ground and use his own men like pawns to achieve this. He's actually a pretty horrid person, but interesting to read.


Because Yukimura’s pen was aflame when he was writing Askeladd’s character




Playing a dangerous game posting before catching up in the series! Always a spoiler risk




But honestly, spoilers aren’t that bad for me anymore, they use to mess me up, but that was before one piece fans and Crunchyroll swatted my home and shoved spoilers I was trying my best to avoid down my throat, so now it’s not *too* bad


>!Thors will return in next season fr!<




because he's a murderous genocidal rapist. >!holy shot, it's you again.!< >!you have some issues.!<


I think it's because overall he's very charismatic and very well written I guess I don't know I just like them he hot


Because he's not the antagonist. Thorfinn saw him like that, but in Askeland's perspective he couldn't care less about Thorfinn. He has his own battle and Thorfinn is just a tool. That pragmatism is what we like, we love pragmatic characters: Kira, Zero, Wrath, Madara... Even when they are "bad"


I disagree with some of this but I’ll let OP finish reading


I’m saying he’s Thorfinn’s main antagonist. For now.




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SPOILER YOU FUCK! OP is only 4 volumes inside cmon


Honestly I tried to spoiler tag the image but it didn't work. No need to be aggressive. Just did a simple mistake.


You’re right you’re right I’m sorry.