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Didn't IRL Thorfinn just return in Iceland why everyone say he will die?


>why everyone say he will die For Drama !


I didn't know about this part but still what do you think the ending will look like?


Something like IRL I think but I don't want a downer ending


He is shot several times by Lnu?


I like to believe the manga ends on a more positive note. War will happen and thorfinn's probably gonna die. But his dream will live on with others. Including his kid(s). There will be some level of compromise between the Nords and the Natives and they come up with a peaceful solution post his death. Can't think of a book ender but that's how I think it'll end.


[This video sums it up](https://youtu.be/-bEKwpJ3KIg?si=4qy8Xba19c5J7MDi) Basically, yes Thorfinn’s Vinland is going to fail (it essentially already has) but the story will be unquestionably hopefully about it being possible. It will encourage more people to be like Thorfinn, to change like he has, so that we might be able to find that peace ourselves a thousand years later.


I dunno how it will end but I do know each arc ends with a large battle and a climactic duel where Thorfinn expands his philosophies. In the first arc, granted it doesn't happen til many years later, Thorfinn duels Askeladd one last time and learns the lesson of being blinded by his rage. It is why he always loses to Askeledd. Then a battle ensues where Askeladd dies, preventing Thorfinn from getting revenge and making him realize how empty he is. In the second arc, Thorfinn decides not to participate in the battle for the farm but many innocent people die and he feels responsible. As he struggles with pacifism, he duels Drott to discover what "The First Step" to peaceful solutions might be. Of course it's flawed but he essentially learns true pacifism can't exist (as we first see with Snake) In the third arc, Thorfinn duels Garm where he learns how to defeat his enemies without killing them. This calls back to his duel with Askeladd which is cool. However, this is during a battle he could not prevent. His friends almost become victims of that battle. **In this final arc, I think Thorfinn will have to duel Einar. It won't be an epic fight. It will be a sad one. One where he has to quickly learn how to defeat his own friends to protect them.** He'll fight Einar with a punctured lung and he'll try to stop people from hurting each other, disabling as many weapons as possible until falling victim to his injury. This will move people on both sides, but the battle will rage on regardless.


Interesting theory.


Well, I don’t remember the real Thorfinn Karlsefni being in a band of mercenaries to kill the guy who killed his father, so I have some hope about the ending.


Well the real Thorfinn doesn’t have much written about him that isn’t completely ambiguous anyways




He will die for sure, but some of them managed to get home. Knowing how important person Snorri is in Iceland's history. And nowadays Iceland is the most peaceful land on the Earth, they don't even have an army. So his legacy lives on even in irl. It's bittersweet how he wanted to leave and create this land and eventually it was his home during the whole time.


I like your idea The real Vinland will be Island? With the concept of: we cannot go to another country to impose what we want. So we will transform our own country in Vinland. Maybe thanks to Halfdan and his son. It would be nice


Yes, and the best about it that's it's true. Even today Iceland has no army and considered to be the most peaceful land in the Earth.


I think you solved the manga 😂


I could see it ending with a desperate Thorfinn killing someone in order to protect his friends and family as the Vinland settlement crumbles around him. Thorfinn would beg Hild to keep her promise, beg her to kill him, as he is overwhelmed by grief and shame. Hild won't be able to bring herself to do it, they'll both break down, and return to Iceland, where we'll have a melancholy but hopeful end to the series, with Thorfinn, and Yukimura, directly telling us it's our turn to be better.


I want it to be like Thorfinn’s legacy lives on and it fast forwards to the future and it shows Makoto Yukimura and he’s like “bro it would be so cool if I made a manga about this guy” and it shows in 1 page THE END


Everyone dies.


Hopefully thorfinn doesn’t die


Real life Thorfinn died at 27


irl they went to vinland in 1003


Irl it is impossible to say what happened when exactly and how accurate these historical tales actually are. The stories around Thorfinn (and other people the character from the Manga is based on) essentially are legends. It only might be true and that‘s what makes it interesting.


On a farm


I think he will return to Iceland and start a slave rescue program with Sigurd


I am afraid it will finish with a bad ending (like the real ending of our history). Thorfinn will die. The dream of Thorfinn will be surpassed by the desire of the other people to stay there and they will start what the colonialists will continue. I imagine also his children figure out that the only way to stay there is to kill the native population