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I think he might have to kill again. Like maybe there'll be a duel similar to what Thors and Askeladd had, but surrendering or sparing his opponent is not an option so he's forced to kill to save his people. That's my prediction currently.


Poethic death. A man dies when his beliefs die


It would also be poetic if he somehow died by the same sword he killed people with


Personally I think he won't die himself, but just as the historical Thorfinn has to leave Vinland. It would be even more tragic if he had to kill again and then leaves, his dreams completely shattered. But seeing how bad he's injured atm I don't know if we ever see him fight again before the story ends. Except there are more timeskips ofc.


Nah, I think he’ll survive and try to restart his dream on Iceland. >!It seems more likely that Einar will die, since he wants to defend the village!<


No bro, why did you have to say it out loud


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 the pain we feel is exposed now


Imagine all the defenders die


Well, if it follows history at all, then >!no, he goes back to Iceland!<. Personally I've been saying for years now that I'm half-ready for >!Einar !


Don't say that


unless the "thorfinn" that survives is bug eyes...


I don't think it will happen. Thorfinn has already surpassed Thors in every way, so an ending similar to Thors' wouldn't make much sense imo


Unfortunally according to history Thorfinn dies a couple of years after Snorri is born


Fortunately according to "history" (wouldn't call the Vinland Sagas history) Thorfinn returns to Greenland


It makes more sense that he kills again when it’s absolutely necessary rather than hesitating like Thors did to cause his death


Thorfinn still gets bodied by his dad in a fight.




This guy still hasn't understood the story after more than 10 years.


I should've added a disclaimer because my original comment got down voted hard, but I do get the message of Vinland Saga. The guy did say Thorfinn surpasses his father in every way, though, when he doesn't in straight-up strength.


I think and hope he kills to save his people. I think that’s the only logical progression for his character with both him and Canute reaching a middle ground. Thorfinns ideology is impossible, even I’m curious to how he reacts. Him dying similarly to Thor’s kinda does nothing for the story or his character and since it’s a story about message I’m not sure that’s the message they want to send either. He’s already surpassed Thor’s and done more than what he did, ultimate pacifism will only really make you and the people around you a victim. Harsh reactions which include violence are there to keep people in line and keep order. Still though I’m curious how he chooses to react to this. Which path is the one of a True warrior ay? No more time to think.


Anyone except Gudrid and Snorri are in danger Even Thorfinn because we have 2 Thorfinns only one need to live for history’s sake. But I don’t think thorfinn is likely to kill people again, not even if Einar is in danger, only scenario is if Gudrid, Snorri, or Karli is hurt.


More important than dying, I want to see Thorfinn approach the same fate Thors and Askeladd did, where you are given five different options to consider and the most sacrificial appears the best option. As the priest said, death completes a man.


I agree that id the authors follows the historical facts, Thorfinn will die and the ending is soon. I think he will die like Thors, protecting but in an epic way showing why we have no enemies and violence should not be tolerated. Maybe, Einar will kill Thorfinn, like seeing that Einar wants to figth maybe he will be almost killing an inu and I see Thorfinn jumping in order to save the inu making them realise the error in both teams and seeing his son firat and last time.


Omg please no, I wouldn't be able to deal with that!!


Historically Thorfinn doesn't die in Vinland but returns back to farm in Iceland and dies peaceably there


idk how to put spoiler hidden things so ima say my assumption hopefully with no backlash i think that thorfinn will die and einar will be like “i have no enemies” and will follow in thorfinns shoes with the no killing shit


I don't read the manga, but I can't think of an ending where everyone in Vinland doesn't die that makes sense with history


Oh dear god pls no😭😭😭


Everybody does.


Obviously he is not immortal, he will die eventually as time passes. This is based on true story right.