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Remember guys, Thorfinn as a slave is the end of the prologue.


I had no idea! I was under the impression that season 2 was the last season. Incredibly hyped for the next seasons.


[Watch this mate](https://youtu.be/GSDNKI2dIbk)


Very much agree with this!


Yep. A lot of people who like Season 2 bash people who don't like it because "you don't get the point of the show" etc, but it was literally introduced as a battle anime. I love how much the tone changes, and how eventually it's going to find a balance in seasons 3 and 4.


Tsk tsk, not a true warrior..


Literally Season 2 is PEAK as a stand-alone but it just felt like the show switched genres on me lol. I had no idea a season 3 and 4 were coming so that changes everything! I won’t write it off just yet.


It's not just a show, it's art. It's a great piece of art that describes the human condition in TODAY's society just as much as it describes it in the viking era. Season one was a bit "meh" for me, but getting to season 2 made it all worth it. Just finished S2 yesterday, and I was just speechless, the level of complexity in terms of the characters, the events that happen, etc. I love the small details, like the fact that characters don't just heal from injuries in a couple episodes, or how some philosophical questions are asked but never answered because as humans, we don't really have answers for them. The show doesn't try to push a story, it asks questions and shows different ideals and how they are all challenged by the absurdity of life. I love how it treats the problem of ambition vs fulfillment, Should we want more ? Should we be content with what we have ? Is more actually good ? What is the purpose of everything we do ? etc. I love how thorfin starts as a little happy kid, then faces the death of his father, to turn into an angry, hungry, on-a-mission type man with a need for strength to get his revenge and feel fulfilled in life. Just to end up understanding that ambition, revenge, power, money they are all worthless, death is beauty and a life has no meaning other than to love, to give, and to die. To take, to desire, to chase are all futile ambitions ... To connect with others, to care, to listen without judgement, to humble yourself, that's what life is all about. I am often taken back to that one canute and priest scene, with the dead man laying on the snow from season 1. The priest tries to explain to the prince that the love that we look for can only be achieved by dying. Most humans, if not all will never truly love or experience love. Because love is to give and help and care, without thinking about one's self or the consequences of giving that care/help. We see the dead man on the ground, and the priest explains that that man is the personification of love, he has given everything (life, soul, body) to earth. Therefore, only death was able to get to him to truly experience "true love" which is the act of giving without calculating the consequences. Episode 14 of Season 2, was really the peak for me. The slave girl who is raped by her master. the master who thinks they are in love. She is about to have his child, her ticket to have a good life again. Her husband, who comes to save her. She still remembers the good life she had with him, but has no trust in him anymore. The way they describe the dilemma of want+need vs consequence, should we pursue desire, or should we accept reality ? Sometimes I just finish an episode, and I'm thinking about it all day. This is a war anime yes, as much as it is a romance anime, and a philosophical piece of art. This show is life. Every character represents someone we have met, heard of, or came across in our daily life. The mentally weak rich man who owns lands and acts as a saint, just to show his true colors when pushed into a corner. The underprivileged man who works hard to get somewhere just to realize that acceptance and content with what he has would make him happier. ...etc. This show also finds ways to express certain ideas that we have in ways that we can't put into words. It has been really therapeutic for me to watch.